
##' collapse/bind several hyperSpec objects into one object
##' The spectra from all objects will be put into one object.
##' The resulting object has all wavelengths that occur in any of the input objects,
##' `wl.tolerance` is used to determine which difference in the wavelengths is
##' tolerated as equal: clusters of approximately equal wavelengths will span at most `2 * wl.tolerance`.
##' Differences up to +/- `wl.tolerance` are considered equal.
##' The returned object has wavelengths that are the weighted average
##' (by number of spectra) of the wavelengths within any such cluster of approximately
##' equal wavelengths.
##' Labels will be taken from the first object where they are encountered. However,
##' the order of processing objects is not necessarily the same as the order of objects
##' in the input: `collapse` first processes groups of input objects that share all
##' wavelengths (within `wl.tolerance`).
##' Data points corresponding to wavelengths not in the original spectrum will be set to NA.
##' Extra data is combined in the same manner.
##' If the objects are named, the names will be preserved in extra data column `$.name`.
##' If the wavelengths are names, names are preserved and taken from the first object where they were encountered,
##' the same applies to possible column names of the spectra matrix.
##' @author C. Beleites
##' @md
##' @title Collapse hyperSpec objects
##' @export
##' @param ... hyperSpec objects to be collapsed into one object. Instead of giving several
##' arguments, a list with all objects to be collapsed may be given.
##' @param wl.tolerance tolerance to decide which wavelengths are considered equal.
##' @param collapse.equal logical indicating whether to try first finding groups of spectra
##' with (approximately) equal wavelength axes. If the data is known to contain few or no
##' such groups, `collapse()` will be faster with this first pass being turned off.
##' @aliases collapse collapse.hyperSpec
##' @seealso [merge()],  [rbind()], and `plyr::rbind.fill()`
##' @return a hyperSpec object
##' @importFrom dplyr group_by
##' @importFrom dplyr summarise
##' @keywords manip
##' @examples
##' barbiturates [1:3]
##' collapse (barbiturates [1:3])
##' a <- barbiturates [[1]]
##' b <- barbiturates [[2]]
##' c <- barbiturates [[3]]
##' a
##' b
##' c
##' collapse (a, b, c)
##' collapse (barbiturates [1:3], collapse.equal = FALSE)

collapse <- function (..., wl.tolerance = hy.getOption ("wl.tolerance"), collapse.equal = TRUE){
	wl.tolerance <- .checkpos (wl.tolerance, "wl.tolerance")
  dots <- list (...)

  ## accept also a list of hyperSpec objects
  if (length (dots) == 1 && is.list (dots [[1]]))
    dots <- dots [[1]]

  ## check the arguments
  lapply (dots, chk.hy)
  lapply (dots, validObject)

  dots <- lapply (dots, orderwl)

  ## check: wl.tolerance should be smaller than *half* of the smallest wavelength difference within each object
  ## half because we later check for distance <= wl.tolerance, so ± => window size is 2 wl.tolerance
  .assert.suitable.tolerance (dots, wl.tolerance)

  ## make sure there aren't any NAs in wavelength
  dots <- .assert.noNA.wl (dots)

  ## names cause problems with unlisting labels.
  ## preserve them in column .name
  if (! is.null (names (dots))){
    dots <- mapply (function (object, name) {object$.name <- name; object}, dots, names (dots))
    names (dots) <- NULL

  ## shall we do a first round collapsing objects that have their whole wavelength axes approximately equal?
  if (collapse.equal){
    dots <- .collapse.equal(dots, wl.tolerance)

    if (length (dots) == 1L)
      return (dots [[1]])

  ## Now cluster approximately equal wavelengths together

  ## prepare new labels
  labels <- unlist (lapply (dots, slot, "label"))
  labels <- labels [unique (names (labels))]
  labels <- lapply (labels, function (l) if (is.language(l)) l <- as.expression (l) else l)

  ## cluster wavelengths into groups of ± wl.tolerance from center
  wl.df <- .cluster.wavelengths (dots, wl.tolerance)

  ## assign cluster number to columns
  # wl.df is ordered by wavelength, each object in dots is ordered by wavelength, so
  for (i in seq_along (dots))
    colnames (dots [[i]]@data$spc) <- wl.df$wlcluster [wl.df$iobj == i]

  ## now we're ready for the  actual work of collapsing the objects
  dots <- rbind.fill (lapply (dots, slot, "data"))

  ## careful with constructing the wavelength vector: the columns in $spc are in no particular order,
  ## but the colnames indicate wavelength rank.
  ## so reorder $spc accor
  dots$spc <- dots$spc [, order (as.numeric (colnames (dots$spc)))]

  ## we now need summarized wl.df data:
  wl.df <- group_by (wl.df, .data$wlcluster)
  wl.df <- summarise (wl.df,
                      wl = sum (.data$wl*.data$nspc) / sum (.data$nspc), # weighted average
                      old.wlnames = .data$old.wlnames [1L])

  ## prepare wavelength vector & restore old names (as far as possible)
  wl <- wl.df$wl
  if (any (!is.na (wl.df$old.wlnames)))
    names(wl) <- wl.df$old.wlnames

  ## make a new hyperSpec object
  new ("hyperSpec", wavelength = wl, data = dots, labels = labels)

##' @include unittest.R
.test (collapse) <- function () {
  context ("collapse")

  test_that ("correctly assembled", {
    new <- do.call (collapse, barbiturates [1 : 3])
    wl <- unlist (lapply (barbiturates [1 : 3], slot, "wavelength"))
    expect_equal (wl (new),
                  sort (wl [! duplicated (wl)]))

    for (s in 1 : 3){
      expect_equal (as.numeric (new [[s,, wl (barbiturates [[s]])]]),
                    as.numeric (barbiturates [[s]][[]]),
                    label = paste0 ("barbiturates [[", s, "]]"))

  tmp <- collapse (a = flu, b = flu)

  test_that ("wavelength label is not lost", {
    tmp <- collapse (flu, flu)
    expect_equal(labels (tmp, ".wavelength"), labels (flu, ".wavelength"))

    tmp <- collapse (flu [,, min ~ 410], flu [,,414~ 420])
    expect_equal(labels (tmp, ".wavelength"), labels (flu, ".wavelength"))

  test_that ("labels that are expressions stay expressions", {
    tmp <- collapse (flu, flu)
    expect_true (is.expression (labels (tmp)$.wavelength))
    expect_true (is.expression (labels (tmp)$spc))

    tmp <- collapse (flu [,, min ~ 405], flu [,,414~ 420])
    expect_true (is.expression (labels (tmp)$.wavelength))
    expect_true (is.expression (labels (tmp)$spc))

  test_that ("collapse does not mess up labels if a named list is collapsed", {
    expect_equal (labels (tmp) [names (labels (flu))],
                  labels (flu))

  test_that ("named lists should return .name column", {
    expect_equal (tmp$.name, rep (c ("a", "b"), each = nrow (flu)))

  test_that ("no difference whether list or single arguments are given", {
    tmp2 <- list (a = flu, b = flu)
    tmp2 <- collapse (a = flu, b = flu)
    expect_equal (tmp, tmp2,
                 check.attributes = TRUE, check.names = TRUE, check.column.order = FALSE, check.label = TRUE)

  test_that ("wl.tolerance", {
    tmp <- flu
    wl (tmp) <- wl (tmp) + 0.01
    expect_equal (nwl (collapse (tmp, flu                    )), 2 * nwl (flu))
    expect_equal (nwl (collapse (tmp, flu, wl.tolerance = 0.1)), nwl (flu))

  test_that ("check warning occurs for too large tolerance", {
    expect_warning (collapse (flu, wl.tolerance = 0.25 + .Machine$double.eps))

  test_that ("bugfix: wl.tolerance generated warning for negative diff (wl (spc))", {
    tmp <- flu
    wl (tmp) <- rev (wl (tmp))
    expect_silent (collapse (tmp, tmp))

  test_that ("result has orded wavelengths",{
    tmp <- collapse (barbiturates [1:3])

    expect_true (all (diff (wl (tmp)) >= 0))

  test_that ("collapsing objects with equal wavelength axes",{
    expect_equivalent (collapse (barbiturates [[1]], barbiturates [[1]]),
                       barbiturates [[1]][c (1,1)],
                       check.label = TRUE

  test_that ("new wavelengths are weighted mean of wavelength bin: shortcut for equal wavelength axes", {
    tmp <- flu
    wl (tmp) <- wl (flu) + 0.03
    tmp <- collapse (flu, flu, tmp, wl.tolerance =  0.05)
    expect_equal(wl (tmp), wl (flu) + 0.01)

    tmp <- flu
    wl (tmp) <- wl (flu) + 0.03
    tmp <- collapse (flu[rep (1, 12)], tmp, wl.tolerance =  0.05)
    expect_equal(wl (tmp), wl (flu) + 0.01)

  test_that ("names of wavelength kept", {
    a <- barbiturates[[1]]
    b <- barbiturates[[2]]

    names (wl (a)) <- paste ("Mass A", seq_len (nwl (a)))
    names (wl (b)) <- paste ("Mass B", seq_len (nwl (b)))

    tmp <- collapse (a, b)

    expect_true (all (names (wl (a)) %in% names (wl (tmp))))
    expect_true (
      all (
        grep ("B", names (wl (tmp)), value = TRUE) %in% names (wl (b))
    expect_true (all (grepl ("Mass [AB]", names (wl (tmp)))))

  test_that ("factor behaviour of collapse", {
    a <- chondro [chondro$clusters == "lacuna"]
    a$clusters <- droplevels(a$clusters)
    b <- chondro [chondro$clusters != "lacuna"]
    b$clusters <- droplevels(b$clusters)

    tmp <- collapse (a, b)

    expect_equal(sort (levels (tmp$clusters)),
                 sort (levels (chondro$clusters))

  test_that ("hyperSpec objects with 1 wavelength", {
    expect_equivalent (collapse (flu [,,450], flu [,,450]),
                       flu [rep (1: nrow (flu), 2),,450],
                       check.labels = TRUE)

    tmp <- flu [rep (1: nrow (flu), 2)]
    tmp [[7:12]] <- NA
    tmp [[7:12,,450]] <- flu [[,,450]]
    expect_equivalent (collapse (flu [,,450], flu),
                       check.labels = TRUE)

  test_that ("hyperSpec objects with 0 wavelengths", {
    expect_equivalent (collapse (flu [,,FALSE], flu [,,FALSE]),
                       flu [rep (1: nrow (flu), 2),,FALSE],
                       check.labels = TRUE)

    tmp <- collapse (flu [,,FALSE], flu [,"spc", 405 ~ 406])
    expect_equal (tmp$c, c(flu$c, rep (NA, nrow (flu))))
    expect_equal (tmp$spc, rbind(flu[[,, 405 ~ 406]] + NA, flu[[,, 405 ~ 406]]))
    expect_equal (labels (tmp), lapply (labels (flu), as.expression))

  test_that ("hyperSpec objects with wavelength being/containing NA", {

    expect_warning(collapse (flu [,, 0]))

    expect_equal (suppressWarnings (collapse (flu [,, 0], flu)),
                  collapse (flu [,, FALSE], flu))

    expect_equal (suppressWarnings (collapse (flu [,, c(0, 405)], flu)),
                                    collapse (flu [,, 405], flu)



## warn if wl.tolerance is too large, i.e. it would lead to cluster multiple wavelengths of the same object together.
.assert.suitable.tolerance <- function (dots, wl.tolerance){

  wl.diff <- sapply (dots, function (x) if (nwl (x) < 2L) NA else min (diff (wl (x)))) # wavelengths are ordered => no abs needed

  i.warn <- wl.diff < 2 * wl.tolerance

  if (any (isTRUE (i.warn)))
    warning (sprintf ("object %i: wl.tolerance (%g) too large compared to smallest wavelength difference within object (%f). Columns will be lost.",
                      which (i.warn) , wl.tolerance, wl.diff [i.warn]))

.assert.noNA.wl <- function (dots){

  i.NA <- sapply (dots, function (x) any (is.na (wl (x))))

  if (any (i.NA)){
    warning (sprintf ("object %i: wavelength vector contains NAs: these columns will be dropped",
                      which (i.NA)))
    dots [i.NA] <- lapply (dots [i.NA], function (x) x [,, !is.na (wl (x))])


#' Try finding groups of hyperSpec objects with (approximately) equal wavelength axes
#' ... and directly rbind.fill them.
#' @param dots list with hyperSpec object to collapse
#' @param wl.tolerance wavelength difference tolerance
#' @return possible shorter list of dots
.collapse.equal <- function (dots, wl.tolerance){
  ## bind groups of objects that have *all* wavelengths equal
  ## within wl.tolerance from 1st object of potential group

  i <- 1

  while (i < length (dots)){
    bind_directly <- sapply (tail (dots, -i), function (x){
      (nwl (x) == nwl (dots [[i]])) && all (abs (wl (x) - wl (dots [[i]])) < wl.tolerance)
    bind_directly <- which (bind_directly)

    if (length (bind_directly) > 0L) {

      n  <- 0
      wl <- rep (0, nwl (dots [[i]]))

      for (j in c (i, i + bind_directly)){
        wl <- wl + nrow (dots [[j]]) * wl (dots [[j]])
        n <- n + nrow (dots [[j]])

        # also ensure same column names within spc.
        colnames(dots [[j]]@data$spc) <- colnames(dots [[i]]@data$spc)
      wl <- wl / n

      dots [[i]]@data <-  rbind.fill (lapply (dots [c (i, i + bind_directly)], slot, "data"))
      .wl (dots [[i]]) <- structure(wl, names = names (wl (dots [[i]])))

      labels <- unlist (lapply (dots [c (i, i + bind_directly)], labels))
      labels <- lapply (labels, function (l) if (is.language(l)) l <- as.expression (l) else l)

      labels (dots [[i]]) <- labels [! duplicated(names (labels))]

      dots <- dots [- (i + bind_directly)]

    i <- i + 1


#' Find clusters of approximately equal wavelengths
#' @param dots list of hyperSpec objects to collapse
#' @param wl.tolerance wavelength difference tolerance
#' @return data.frame with information about suitable wavelength bins
.cluster.wavelengths <- function (dots, wl.tolerance){

  # set up data.frame to hold relevant information
  wl.df <- lapply (seq_along (dots), function (i){
    if (nwl (dots [[i]]) == 0L)
      return (data.frame ())

    data.frame (wl = wl (dots [[i]]),
                iobj = i,
                nspc = nrow (dots [[i]]),
                wlcol = seq_len (nwl (dots [[i]])),
                wlcluster = NA
  wl.df <- do.call ("rbind", wl.df)

  ## save old wavelength names
  wl.df$old.wlnames <- NA

  for (i in seq_along (dots)){
    wln <- names (dots [[i]]@wavelength)
    if (! is.null (wln)) wl.df$old.wlnames [wl.df$iobj == i] <- wln

  wl.df <- wl.df [order (wl.df$wl),]

  ## computational shortcut:
  ## wavelengths that are > 2 * wl.tolerance apart must be in different clusters,
  ## so cluster analysis can be split there

  wl.diff <- diff (wl.df$wl) > 2 * wl.tolerance

  ## assign preliminary clusters
  wl.df$wlcluster <- c (1, 1 + cumsum (wl.diff))

  maxcluster <- tail (wl.df$wlcluster, 1)

  ## preliminary clusters may need to be split further
  for (i in seq_len (tail (wl.df$wlcluster, 1))){
    tmp <- wl.df [wl.df$wlcluster == i,]

    ## only 1 wavelength in cluster => nothing to do
    if (length (tmp) <= 1L)

    ## all wavelengths within 2 * wl.tolerance => nothing to do
    if (tail (tmp$wl, 1) - tmp$wl [1] <= 2 * wl.tolerance)

    ## clustering needs to be done on actually unique wavelengths only
    unique.wl <- unique (tmp$wl)

    # make clusters that span at most 2 * wl.tolerance
    dist <- dist (unique.wl)
    dend <- hclust (dist, method = "complete")

    u <- data.frame (wl = unique.wl,
                     wlcluster = cutree (dend, h = 2 * wl.tolerance) + maxcluster
    maxcluster <- tail (u$wlcluster, 1)

    ## "expand" unique wavelengths => wavelengths per object
    tmp <- merge (tmp, u, by = "wl", suffixes = c (".prelim", ""))
    tmp$wlcluster.prelim <- NULL

    wl.df$wlcluster [wl.df$wlcluster == i] <- tmp$wlcluster

  ## cluster numbers so far are in no particular order => rename them so they correspond to increasing wavelengths
  ## this saves one call to orderwl () later on.
  wl.df$wlcluster <- as.numeric (factor (wl.df$wlcluster, levels = unique (wl.df$wlcluster)))


.test (.cluster.wavelengths) <- function() {
  context (".cluster.wavelengths")

  test_that ("clustering with last window being long", {

    a <- as.hyperSpec (matrix(1:6, ncol = 3), wl = c(0, 2, 4))
    b <- as.hyperSpec (matrix(1:6, ncol = 3), wl = c(0, 2, 5))

    expect_equal (wl (collapse (a, b, wl.tolerance = 0.25)), c (0, 2, 4, 5))
    expect_equal (wl (collapse (a, b, wl.tolerance = 0.5 )), c (0, 2, 4.5))

  test_that ("new wavelengths are weighted mean of wavelength bin", {
    a <- barbiturates [[1]][,,min ~ 30]
    b <- barbiturates [[2]][,,min ~ 30]
    wl (b) <- wl (b) + 0.03/2

    expect_equal (wl (collapse (a, b, a, wl.tolerance = 0.03)),
                  sort (c(27.0499992370605, 28.1499996185303, 30.0499992370605,
                          27.1649996185303, 28.0649992370605, 30.1649996185303,
                          mean (c (29.0499992370605, 29.0499992370605, 29.0649992370605))


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