
Defines functions .fixunitname freq2raman freq2ev freq2invcm freq2nm ev2freq ev2nm ev2invcm ev2raman raman2freq raman2ev raman2nm raman2invcm invcm2freq invcm2ev invcm2nm invcm2raman nm2freq nm2ev nm2invcm nm2raman wlconv

Documented in ev2freq ev2invcm ev2nm ev2raman freq2ev freq2invcm freq2nm freq2raman invcm2ev invcm2freq invcm2nm invcm2raman nm2ev nm2freq nm2invcm nm2raman raman2ev raman2freq raman2invcm raman2nm wlconv

##' Getting and Setting the Wavelength Axis
##' \code{wl} returns the wavelength axis, \code{wl<-} sets it.
##' The wavelength axis of a \code{hyperSpec} object can be retrieved and
##' replaced with \code{wl} and \code{wl<-}, respectively.
##' When the wavelength axis is replaced, the colnames of \code{x@@data$spc} are
##' replaced by the rounded new wavelengths.  \code{digits} specifies the how
##' many significant digits should be used.
##' There are two ways to set the label of the new wavelength axis, see the
##' examples.  If no label is given, a warning will be issued.
##' @aliases wl
##' @param x a \code{hyperSpec} object
##' @return a numeric vector
##' @note \code{wl<-} always sets the complete wavelength axis, without
##'   changing the columns of the spectra matrix. If you rather want to cut the
##'   spectral range, use \code{\link[hyperSpec:extractreplace]{[}}, for
##'   interpolation along the spectral axis see
##'   \code{\link[hyperSpec]{spc.loess}} and for spectral binning
##'   \code{\link[hyperSpec]{spc.bin}}.
##' @author C. Beleites
##' @export
##' @seealso \code{\link[base]{signif}}
##' cutting the spectral range: \code{\link[hyperSpec:extractreplace]{[}}
##' interpolation along the spectral axis: \code{\link[hyperSpec]{spc.loess}}
##' spectral binning: \code{\link[hyperSpec]{spc.bin}}
##' @examples
##' 	wl (laser)
wl <- function (x){
  chk.hy (x)
  validObject (x)


###  .wl
".wl<-" <- function (x, value){
  x@wavelength <- value
  spc <- .fix_spc_colnames (x)


##' @rdname wl
##' @export "wl<-"
##' @aliases wl<-
##' @usage
##' wl (x, label=NULL, digits=6) <- value
##' @param value either a numeric containing the new wavelength vector, or a
##'   list with \code{value$wl} containing the new wavelength vector and
##'   \code{value$label} holding the corresponding \code{label}.
##' @param label The label for the new wavelength axis. See \link{initialize}
##'   for details.
##' @param digits handed to \code{\link[base]{signif}}. See details.
##' @return \code{hyperSpec} object
##' @examples
##' 	# convert from wavelength to frequency
##' 	plot (laser)
##' 	wl (laser, "f / Hz") <- 2.998e8 * wl (laser) * 1e9
##' 	plot (laser)
##' 	# convert from Raman shift to wavelength
##' 	# excitation was at 785 nm
##' 	plot (chondro [1])
##' 	wl (chondro) <- list (wl = 1e7 / (1e7/785 - wl (chondro)), label = expression (lambda / nm))
##' 	plot (chondro [1])
"wl<-" <- function (x, label = NULL, digits = 6, value){

  chk.hy (x)
  validObject (x)

  if (is.list (value)){
    label <- value$label
    value <- value$wl

  .wl (x) <- value

  x@label$.wavelength <- label

  validObject (x)


##' Convert different wavelength units
##' The following units can be converted into each other: 
##' \emph{nm}, \emph{\eqn{cm^{-1}}{inverse cm}}, \emph{eV}, \emph{THz} and 
##' \emph{Raman shift} 
##' @param points data for conversion
##' @param src source unit
##' @param dst destination unit
##' @param laser laser wavelength (required for work with Raman shift)
##' @author R. Kiselev
##' @export
##' @examples 
##' wlconv (3200, "Raman shift", "nm", laser = 785.04)
##' wlconv( 785, "nm", "invcm")
wlconv <- function(points, src, dst, laser=NULL){
  SRC <- .fixunitname(src)
  DST <- .fixunitname(dst)

  if (SRC == DST)

  if ((SRC == "raman" | DST == "raman") & is.null(laser))
    stop("Working with Raman shift requires knowledge of laser wavelength")

  f <- paste0(SRC, "2", DST)
  f <- get(f)
  return(f(points, laser))

##' @param x wavelength points for conversion
##' @param ... ignored
##' @describeIn wlconv conversion \strong{nanometers} -> \strong{Raman shift (relative wavenumber)}
##' @export
nm2raman    <- function(x, laser)  1e7*(1/laser - 1/x)

##' @describeIn wlconv conversion \strong{nanometers} -> \strong{inverse cm (absolute wavenumber)}
##' @export
nm2invcm    <- function(x, ...) 1e7/x

##' @describeIn wlconv conversion \strong{nanometers} -> \strong{electronvolt}
##' @export
nm2ev       <- function(x, ...) 1e9*h*c/(q*x)

##' @describeIn wlconv conversion \strong{nm} -> \strong{frequency in THz}
##' @export
nm2freq     <- function(x, ...) 1e-3*c/x

##' @describeIn wlconv conversion \strong{inverse cm (absolute wavenumber)} -> \strong{Raman shift (relative wavenumber)}
##' @export
invcm2raman <- function(x, laser)  1e7/laser - x

##' @describeIn wlconv conversion \strong{inverse cm (absolute wavenumber)} -> \strong{nanometers}
##' @export
invcm2nm    <- function(x, ...) 1e7/x

##' @describeIn wlconv conversion \strong{inverse cm (absolute wavenumber)} -> \strong{electronvolt}
##' @export
invcm2ev    <- function(x, ...) 100*x*c*h/q

##' @describeIn wlconv conversion \strong{inverse cm (absolute wavenumber)} -> \strong{frequency in THz}
##' @export
invcm2freq  <- function(x, ...) nm2freq(invcm2nm(x))

##' @describeIn wlconv conversion \strong{Raman shift (relative wavenumber)} -> \strong{inverse cm (absolute wavenumber)}
##' @export
raman2invcm <- function(x, laser)  1e7/laser - x

##' @describeIn wlconv conversion \strong{Raman shift (relative wavenumber)} -> \strong{nanometers}
##' @export
raman2nm    <- function(x, laser)  1e7/(1e7/laser - x)

##' @describeIn wlconv conversion \strong{Raman shift (relative wavenumber)} -> \strong{electronvolt}
##' @export
raman2ev    <- function(x, laser)  100*h*c*(1e7/laser - x)/q

##' @describeIn wlconv conversion \strong{Raman shift (relative wavenumber)} -> \strong{frequency in THz}
##' @export
raman2freq  <- function(x, laser)  nm2freq(raman2nm(x, laser))

##' @describeIn wlconv conversion \strong{electronvolt} -> \strong{Raman shift (relative wavenumber)}
##' @export
ev2raman    <- function(x, laser)  1e7/laser - x*q/(100*h*c)

##' @describeIn wlconv conversion \strong{electronvolt} -> \strong{inverse cm (absolute wavenumber)}
##' @export
ev2invcm    <- function(x, ...) q*x/(100*h*c)

##' @describeIn wlconv conversion \strong{electronvolt} -> \strong{nanometers}
##' @export
ev2nm       <- function(x, ...) 1e9*h*c/(q*x)

##' @describeIn wlconv conversion \strong{electronvolt} -> \strong{frequency in THz}
##' @export
ev2freq     <- function(x, ...) nm2freq(ev2nm(x))

##' @describeIn wlconv conversion \strong{frequency in THz} -> \strong{nanometers}
##' @export
freq2nm     <- function(x, ...) 1e-3*c/x

##' @describeIn wlconv conversion \strong{frequency in THz} -> \strong{inverse cm (absolute wavenumber)}
##' @export
freq2invcm  <- function(x, ...) nm2invcm(freq2nm(x))

##' @describeIn wlconv conversion \strong{frequency in THz} -> \strong{electronvolt}
##' @export
freq2ev     <- function(x, ...) nm2ev(freq2nm(x))

##' @describeIn wlconv conversion \strong{frequency in THz} -> \strong{Raman shift (relative wavenumber)}
##' @export
freq2raman  <- function(x, laser)  nm2raman(freq2nm(x), laser)

# Bring the argument to a conventional name
.fixunitname <- function(unit){
  unit <- gsub(" .*$", "", tolower(unit))
  if (unit %in% c("raman", "stokes", "rel", "rel.", "relative", "rel.cm-1", "rel.cm"))
  if (unit %in% c("invcm", "energy", "wavenumber", "cm-1", "inverted", "cm"))
  if (unit %in% c("nm", "nanometer", "wavelength"))
  if (unit %in% c("ev", "electronvolt"))
  if (unit %in% c("freq", "frequency", "thz", "terahertz"))
  if (unit %in% c("pixel", "px", "sensor"))
  if (unit == "file")
  stop(paste0("'", unit, "': Unknown unit type"))

# Some physical constants
q <- 1.60217656535e-19  # elementary charge
h <- 6.6260695729e-34   # Planck's constant
c <- 299792458          # speed of light

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