
#' Hyperoverlap visualisation using linear discriminant analysis (LDA)
#' @param x An \code{\link{hyperoverlap-class}} object.
#' @param return.plot Logical. If TRUE, data are plotted using \code{plot()}.
#' @param visualise3d Logical. If FALSE, data are projected onto two axes (LDA1, residualPCA1). If TRUE, data are projected onto three axes (LDA1, residualPCA1, residualPCA2)
#' @param showlegend Logical. Used for 3D plots.
#' @param showlegend Logical. Used for 3D plots.
#' @usage hyperoverlap_lda(x, return.plot=TRUE, visualise3d=FALSE, showlegend=TRUE)
#' @return Returns a dataframe with columns "Entity", "LDA1", "residualPCA1",
#' "residualPCA2" (if \code{visualise3d = TRUE})
#' @seealso \code{\link{hyperoverlap_detect}}
#' @examples
#' #using iris dataset reduced to two species
#' data = iris[which(iris$Species!=("versicolor")),]
#' x = hyperoverlap_detect(data[1:4], data$Species)
#' hyperoverlap_lda(x)
#' @details This function provides a way to visualise overlap (or non-overlap)
#' between classes of high dimensional data. For inspection, it is useful to
#' use the base graphics package (implemented by return.plot=TRUE). The
#' transformed coordinates of each point are also returned as a dataframe,
#' which can be plotted with user-defined parameters.
#' @export

hyperoverlap_lda <- function (x, return.plot = TRUE, visualise3d = FALSE, showlegend = TRUE) {
  occ <- x@occurrences
  n <- length(x@dimensions)
  ref <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = n, data = 0)
  diag(ref) <- 1

  oldpar <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)

  if (is.data.frame(occ) == FALSE)

  if (is.data.frame(occ) == FALSE)

    occ <- as.data.frame(occ)
  n <- ncol(occ) - 1
  colnames(occ)[1] <- "Entity"
  occ$Entity <- factor(occ$Entity)
  for (i in 2:ncol(occ)) {
    occ[, i] <- as.numeric(occ[, i])
  lda1 <- MASS::lda(formula = Entity ~ ., data = occ)
  ord <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = n)
  ord[, 1] <- lda1$scaling
  for (i in 2:n) {
    ord[, i] <- stats::runif(n, -1, 1)
  orth <- matlib::GramSchmidt(ord, normalize = TRUE)
  while (length(which(orth == 0)) > 0) {
    for (i in 2:n) {
      ord[, i] <- stats::runif(n, -1, 1)
    orth <- matlib::GramSchmidt(ord, normalize = TRUE)
  tran <- occ
  cols <- c(colnames(occ)[1], "LDA1")
  for (i in 2:n) {
    cols <- c(cols, paste0("O", i - 1))
  tran[, 2:ncol(tran)] <- NA
  colnames(tran) <- cols
  tran[, 2:ncol(tran)] <- as.matrix(occ[, -1]) %*% orth
  ref1 <- ref %*% orth
  if (visualise3d == FALSE) {
    pca <- stats::princomp(tran[, 3:(n + 1)])
    ref2 <- ref1[, -1] %*% pca$loadings
    ref2 <- cbind(ref1[, 1], ref2)
    seg <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = 4)
    colnames(seg) <- c("x1", "y1", "x2", "y2")
    tran2 <- tran[1:3]
    colnames(tran2)[3] <- "residualPCA"
    tran2[, 3] <- pca$scores[, 1]

    midx <- min(tran2[, 2]) + (max(tran2[, 2] - min(tran2[,
    rangex <- max(tran2[, 2]) - min(tran2[, 2])
    midy <- min(tran2[, 3]) + (max(tran2[, 3] - min(tran2[,
    rangey <- max(tran2[, 3]) - min(tran2[, 3])

    seg[, 1] <- rep(max(tran2[, 2]), n)
    seg[, 2] <- rep(midy+rangey, n)

    plot_factor <- min(c(rangex, rangey))*0.7

    midx <- min(tran2[, 2]) + (max(tran2[, 2] - min(tran2[,
    rangex <- max(tran2[, 2]) - min(tran2[, 2])
    midy <- min(tran2[, 3]) + (max(tran2[, 3] - min(tran2[,
    rangey <- max(tran2[, 3]) - min(tran2[, 3])

    seg[, 1] <- rep(max(tran2[, 2]), n)
    seg[, 2] <- rep(midy+rangey, n)

    plot_factor <- min(c(rangex, rangey))*0.7

    for (i in 1:n) {
      seg[i, 3] <- max(tran2[, 2]) + plot_factor*ref2[i, 1]
      seg[i, 4] <- midy+rangey + plot_factor*ref2[i, 2]
    if (return.plot == TRUE) {
      graphics::par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
      graphics::plot(tran2[, 2:3], col = c("red", "blue")[as.factor(tran2$Entity)])

      graphics::plot(tran2[, 2:3], col = "grey",
                     xlim = c(min(tran2$LDA1), min(tran2$LDA1)+2*rangex),
                     ylim = c(min(tran2$residualPCA), min(tran2$residualPCA)+2*rangey))

      #plot the 'circle'
      asp <- (graphics::par("pin")[1]/diff(graphics::par("usr")[1:2]))/(graphics::par("pin")[2]/diff(graphics::par("usr")[3:4]))
      plotrix::draw.ellipse(seg[2, 1], seg[1, 2], plot_factor/2,plot_factor/2, border="gray", lwd=1.5)

      graphics::segments(seg[, 1], seg[, 2], seg[, 3], seg[, 4], lwd=2, col="gray40")
      graphics::points(seg[, 3], seg[, 4], col='white', cex=2.7, pch=20)
      graphics::text(seg[, 3], seg[, 4], 1:n, cex=1.2)

      graphics::legend("bottomright", legend=colnames(occ)[2:(n+1)],
            pch = paste(seq(1:n)), cex=0.8)

      graphics::mtext(paste0("Hyperoverlap: ", x@entity1, " and ",
                   x@entity2), side = 3, line = -2, outer = TRUE, cex=1, font=2)
  if (visualise3d == TRUE) {
    pca <- stats::princomp(tran[, 3:(n + 1)])
    ref2 <- ref1[, -1] %*% pca$loadings
    ref2 <- cbind(ref1[, 1], ref2)
    tran2 <- tran[1:4]
    colnames(tran2)[3:4] <- c("residualPCA1", "residualPCA2")
    tran2[, 3:4] <- pca$scores[, 1:2]
    seg <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = 6)
    colnames(seg) <- c("x1", "y1", "z1", "x2", "y2", "z2")

    midx <- min(tran2[, 2]) + (max(tran2[, 2] - min(tran2[,
    midy <- min(tran2[, 3]) + (max(tran2[, 3] - min(tran2[,
    midz <- min(tran2[, 4]) + (max(tran2[, 4] - min(tran2[,
    seg[, 1] <- rep(midx, n)
    seg[, 2] <- rep(midy, n)
    seg[, 3] <- rep(midz, n)
    for (i in 1:n) {
      seg[i, 4] <- midx + ref2[i, 1]
      seg[i, 5] <- midy + ref2[i, 2]
      seg[i, 6] <- midz + ref2[i, 3]
    if (return.plot == TRUE) {

      rgl::par3d(windowRect = c(20, 30, 1200, 600))
      rgl::mfrow3d(1, 2, sharedMouse = TRUE)
      rgl::plot3d(tran2[, 2:4], col = c("red", "blue")[as.factor(tran2$Entity)],
                  alpha = 0.3, size = 7)
      rgl::plot3d(tran2[, 2:4], col = "grey", alpha = 0.4,
                  asp = 1, size = 7, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, zlab=NULL)
      rgl::segments3d(x = as.vector(t(seg[, c(1, 4)])), y = as.vector(t(seg[,
                        c(2, 5)])), z = as.vector(t(seg[, c(3, 6)])), lwd=2, col="gray40")

      rgl::text3d(x = seg[, 4], y = seg[, 5], z = seg[, 6],
             1:n, font=2, cex=1.5)

        rgl::legend3d("left", legend=colnames(occ)[2:(n+1)],
             pch = paste(seq(1:n)), cex=1)

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hyperoverlap documentation built on Aug. 10, 2021, 9:07 a.m.