IARloglik | R Documentation |
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the IAR Model.
IARloglik(y, st, delta = 0, zero.mean = TRUE, standardized = TRUE)
y |
Array with the time series observations. |
st |
Array with the irregular observational times. |
delta |
Array with the measurements error standard deviations. |
zero.mean |
logical; if TRUE, the array y has zero mean; if FALSE, y has a mean different from zero. |
standardized |
logical; if TRUE, the array y is standardized; if FALSE, y contains the raw time series. |
A list with the following components:
phi MLE of the phi parameter of the IAR model.
ll Value of the negative log likelihood evaluated in phi.
, IARsample
, arima
, IARphiloglik
#Generating IAR sample set.seed(6714) st<-gentime(n=100) y<-IARsample(phi=0.99,st=st,n=100) y<-y$series #Compute Phi phi=IARloglik(y=y,st=st)$phi print(phi) #Compute the standard deviation of innovations n=length(y) d=c(0,diff(st)) phi1=phi**d yhat=phi1*as.vector(c(0,y[1:(n-1)])) plot(st,y,type='l') lines(st,yhat,col='red') sigma=var(y) nu=c(sigma,sigma*(1-phi1**(2))[-1]) tau<-nu/sigma sigmahat<-mean(c((y-yhat)**2/tau)) nuhat<-sigmahat*(1-phi1**(2)) nuhat2<-sqrt(nuhat) #Equally spaced models require(arfima) fit2<-arfima(y,order=c(1,0,0)) fit<-arima(y,order=c(1,0,0),include.mean=FALSE) syarf<-tacvfARFIMA(phi=fit2$modes[[1]]$phi,dfrac=fit2$modes[[1]]$dfrac, sigma2=fit2$modes[[1]]$sigma,maxlag=20)[1] syar<-fit$sigma/(1-fit$coef[1]**2) print(sigmahat) print(syar) print(syarf) carf<-fit2$modes[[1]]$sigma/syarf car<-(1-fit$coef[1]**2) ciar<-(1-phi1**(2)) #Compute the standard deviation of innovations (regular case) sigma=var(y) nuhat3=sqrt(sigma*ciar) searf<-sqrt(sigma*carf) sear<-sqrt(sigma*car) #Plot the standard deviation of innovations plot(st[-1], nuhat3[-1], t="n", axes=FALSE,xlab='Time',ylab='Standard Deviation of Innovations') axis(1) axis(2) segments(x0=st[-1], y0=nuhat3[-1], y1=0, col=8) points(st, nuhat3, pch=20, col=1, bg=1) abline(h=sd(y),col='red',lwd=2) abline(h=sear,col='blue',lwd=2) abline(h=searf,col='green',lwd=2) abline(h=mean(nuhat3[-1]),col='black',lwd=2)
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