IARphikalman | R Documentation |
This function return the negative log likelihood of the IAR process given a specific value of phi.
IARphikalman(yest, x, y, yerr, st, zeroMean = TRUE, standardized = TRUE)
yest |
The estimate of a missing value in the time series. This function recognizes a missing value with a NA. If the time series does not have a missing value, this value does not affect the computation of the likelihood. |
x |
A given phi coefficient of the IAR model. |
y |
Array with the time series observations. |
yerr |
Array with the measurements error standard deviations. |
st |
Array with the irregular observational times. |
zeroMean |
logical; if TRUE, the array y has zero mean; if FALSE, y has a mean different from zero. |
standardized |
logical; if TRUE, the array y is standardized; if FALSE, y contains the raw time series. |
Value of the negative log likelihood evaluated in phi.
, IARsample
set.seed(6714) st<-gentime(n=100) y<-IARsample(phi=0.99,st=st,n=100) y<-y$series yerr=rep(0,100) IARphikalman(x=0.8,y=y,yerr=yerr,st=st,yest=0)
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