
Defines functions test_prop person_estimates

Documented in person_estimates test_prop

persons_mle <- function (respm, thresh, model=c("RM","PCM"), theta = rep(0, dim(respm)[1]),
                         type = c("MLE","WLE"), extreme=TRUE, maxit = 20, maxdelta = 3, tol = 1e-04, maxval = 9) {
  # thresh Matrix mit  Schwellenwerten  oder betas
  n <- dim(respm)[1]
  k <- dim(respm)[2]
  rv <- rowSums(respm, na.rm = TRUE)
  mode <- match.arg(model)
  typ <- match.arg(type)
  cll.rasch <- function(theta){
    ksi   <- exp(theta)
    mm <- outer(ksi,1/exp(thresh))
    mm[is.na(respm)] <- 0
    dll <- rv - rowSums(mm/(1+mm))
    d2ll <- - rowSums(mm/(1+mm)^2)
    d3ll <- 0
    if (typ=="WLE") {
      d3ll <- - rowSums((mm*(1-mm))/(1+mm)^3)
      if (extreme==FALSE){
        d3ll[rv==0] <- 0
        d3ll[rv==maxr] <- 0
  cll.pcm <- function(theta){
    dlogki <-function(i) {
      mmn <- exp(outer(theta,1:mi[i]) + matrix(psi.l[[i]],ncol=mi[i],nrow=n,byrow=T))
      kd <- 1 + rowSums(mmn)
      kd1 <- rowSums(matrix(1:mi[i],ncol=mi[i],nrow=n,byrow=T)*mmn)
      kd2 <- rowSums(matrix((1:mi[i])^2,ncol=mi[i],nrow=n,byrow=T)*mmn)
      kd3 <- rowSums(matrix((1:mi[i])^3,ncol=mi[i],nrow=n,byrow=T)*mmn)
      cbind(dlli=kd1/kd, d2lli=kd2/kd -(kd1/kd)^2, d3lli=-kd3/kd + 3*kd2*kd1/(kd^2) -2*(kd1/kd)^3)
    mm <- sapply(1:k,dlogki)
    mm[is.na(rbind(respm,respm,respm))] <- 0
    dll <- rv -rowSums(mm[1:n,])
    d2ll <- -rowSums(mm[(n+1):(2*n),])
    d3ll <- 0
    if (typ=="WLE") {
      d3ll <- rowSums(mm[(2*n+1):(3*n),])
      if (extreme==FALSE){
        d3ll[rv==0] <- 0
        d3ll[rv==maxr] <- 0
  iter <- 1
  conv <- 1
  if (mode=="RM") {
    maxr <- apply(respm,1,function(x) sum(!is.na(x)))
    clog <- cll.rasch
  if (mode=="PCM") {
    thresh.l <- apply(thresh,1,function(x) as.vector(na.omit(x)), simplify=F)
    psi.l <- lapply(thresh.l, function(x){(-1)*cumsum(x)})
    mi <- sapply(psi.l, length)
    m <- sum(mi)
    maxr <- apply(respm,1,function(x) sum(mi[!is.na(x)]))
    clog <- cll.pcm

  while ((conv > tol) & (iter <= maxit)) {
    theta0 <- theta
    fn <- clog(theta)
    delta <- -fn[[1]]/fn[[2]]
    if (typ=="WLE") {
      delta <- -fn[[1]]/fn[[2]] - fn[[3]]/(2 * fn[[2]]^2)
    maxdelta <- maxdelta/1.05
    delta <- ifelse(abs(delta) > maxdelta, sign(delta) * maxdelta, delta)
    theta <- theta + delta
    theta <- ifelse(abs(theta) > maxval, sign(theta) * maxval, theta)
    conv <- max(abs(theta - theta0))
    iter <- iter + 1
  se <- sqrt(abs(-1/fn[[2]]))
  se <- ifelse(abs(theta) == maxval, NA, se)
  theta <- ifelse(theta == maxval, Inf, ifelse(theta == -maxval, -Inf, theta))
  res <- structure(data.frame(est = theta, se = se), model = mode, type = typ)

#' Person Estimates with MLE and WLE
#' Computes Person estimates with maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and  weighted likelihood estimation (WLE) for raw scores 0 to m.
#' @param  object An object of class "Rm", a fitted Rasch model or partial
#' credit model using  the functions RM or PCM in package eRm, or an object of class "raschmodel" or "pcmodel",
#'  a fitted Rasch model or partial credit model using the functions raschmodel or pcmodel in package psychotools.
#' @param  properties If TRUE additional properties of the estimates are given (see below).
#' @param allperson If TRUE person estimates (MLE and WLE) for all persons in the data set are delivered.
#' @import eRm
#' @importFrom psychotools personpar itempar
#' @importFrom stats coef uniroot na.omit
#' @export
#' @return If properties = False a matrix containing:
#' \item{Raw score}{raw score}
#' \item{MLE}{MLE of person parameters}
#' \item{WLE}{WLE of person parameters}
#' If properties = TRUE a list with two components, one for MLE and the other for WLE. Each component
#' contains:
#' \item{Raw score}{raw score}
#' \item{MLE or WLE}{person estimates}
#' \item{SEM}{standard error of measurement}
#' \item{Bias}{bias}
#' \item{RMSE}{root mean square error}
#' \item{Score.SEM}{score sem}
#' @references Christensen, K. B. , Kreiner, S. & Mesbah, M. (Eds.)
#' \emph{Rasch Models in Health}. Iste and Wiley (2013), pp. 63 - 70.
#' @author Marianne Mueller
#' @examples
#' rm.mod <- RM(amts[,4:13])
#' person_estimates(rm.mod)
person_estimates <- function(object, properties = F, allperson = F){
    if (!any("Rm"%in%class(object),class(object)%in%c("raschmodel","pcmodel"))) stop("object must be of class Rm, raschmodel or pcmodel!")
    if(class(object)[1]=="pcmodel") object$model <- "pcmodel"
    if(class(object)[1]=="raschmodel") object$model <- "raschmodel"
    if (object$model%in%c("raschmodel","pcmodel")) {X <- object$data
    } else {X <- object$X
    if (object$model%in%c("RM","raschmodel")) {
      k <- dim(X)[2]
      if (object$model == "RM") coeff <- (-1)*coef(object)
        else coeff <- itempar(object)
      m <- k
      respm <- rbind(rep(0, k), lower.tri(matrix(1, k, k)) + diag(k))
    } else {
      if (object$model == "PCM"){
        coeff <- thresholds(object)[[3]][[1]][, -1]- mean(thresholds(object)[[3]][[1]][, -1], na.rm=T)
      } else {
        coeff <- coef(threshpar(object),type="matrix")
      k <- dim(X)[2]
      mi <- apply(X, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
      m <- sum(mi)
      respm <- matrix(0, ncol = k, nrow = m + 1)
      respm[, 1] <- c(0:mi[1], rep(mi[1], nrow(respm) - mi[1] - 1))
      for (i in 2:k) respm[, i] <- c(rep(0, cumsum(mi)[i - 1] + 1), 1:mi[i], rep(mi[i], nrow(respm) - cumsum(mi)[i]  -1))
    if (object$model=="pcmodel"){
      mode <- "PCM"
    } else {
      if (object$model=="raschmodel"){
        mode  <- "RM"
      } else {
        mode <- object$model
    mm <- cbind(0:m, persons_mle(respm, coeff, model=mode, type = "MLE" )[, 1],
                persons_mle(respm, coeff, model=mode, type="WLE")[,1])
    rownames(mm) <- rep(" ", m + 1)
    colnames(mm) <- c("Raw Score", "MLE", "WLE")
    if (allperson){
      properties <- F
      rv <- rowSums(X, na.rm = TRUE)
      mm <- mm[rv+1,]
    } else {
      if (properties == F) {
      } else {
        if (object$model%in%c("RM","raschmodel")){
          koeff <- as.list(coeff)
        } else {
          koeff <- lapply(as.list(as.data.frame(t(coeff))), function(x) cumsum(na.omit(x)))
        gr <- elementary_symmetric_functions(koeff)[[1]]
        s.theta <- function(r){
            ((exp(x*(0:m))*gr)/as.vector(exp(x*(0:m))%*%gr))%*%(0:m) - r
        if (object$model%in%c("pcmodel","raschmodel")) mm[1, 2] <- NA else  mm[1, 2] <- person.parameter(object)$pred.list[[1]]$y[1]
        try(mm[1, 2] <- uniroot(s.theta(0.25), c(-10, 10))$root)
        mm[m + 1, 2] <- uniroot(s.theta(m - 0.25), c(-6, 6))$root
        rvec = 0:m
        pers_prop <- function(x, persons){
          pr <- (exp(x[2]*rvec)*gr)/as.vector(exp(x[2]*rvec)%*%gr)
          bias <- pr%*%persons - x[2]
          sem <- sqrt((persons - as.vector(pr%*%persons))^2%*%pr)
          rsem <- sqrt((persons - x[2])^2%*%pr)
          scoresem <- sqrt((rvec- x[1])^2%*%pr)
          c(SEM = sem, Bias = bias, RMSE = rsem, Score.SEM = scoresem)
        result <- list(cbind(mm[, 1:2],t(apply(mm[, c(1, 2)], 1, pers_prop, persons = mm[, 2]))),
                     cbind(mm[, c(1,3)], t(apply(mm[, c(1, 3)], 1, pers_prop, persons = mm[, 3]))))

#' Properties of the Test
#' Information summarizing measurement quality of the test and test targeting.
#' @param  object An object of class "Rm", a fitted Rasch model or partial
#' credit model using  the functions RM or PCM in package eRm, or an object of class "pcmodel",
#'  a fitted partial credit model using the function pcmodel in package psychotools.
#' @import eRm
#' @importFrom psychotools elementary_symmetric_functions personpar
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @export
#' @return a list containing:
#' \item{Separation reliability}{the person separation reliability as calculated in package eRm for objects of class "Rm".}
#' \item{Test difficulty}{person value with an expected score equal to half of the maximum score.}
#' \item{Test target}{person value where test information is maximized.}
#' \item{Test information}{maximal value of the test information}
#' @references Christensen, K. B. , Kreiner, S. & Mesbah, M. (Eds.)
#' \emph{Rasch Models in Health}. Iste and Wiley (2013), pp. 63 - 70.
#' @author Marianne Mueller
#' @examples
#' rm.mod <- RM(amts[,4:13])
#' test_prop(rm.mod)
test_prop <- function(object){
  if (!any("Rm"%in%class(object),class(object) =="pcmodel")) stop("object must be of class Rm or pcmodel!")
  if(class(object)[1]=="pcmodel") object$model <- "pcmodel"
  if (object$model == "RM") {
    k <- dim(object$X)[2]
    koeff <- (-1)*coef(object)
    mi <- rep(1, k)
  } else {
    if (object$model == "PCM"){
      k <- dim(object$X)[2]
      mi <- apply(object$X, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
      thresh1 <- thresholds(object)[[3]][[1]][, -1] - mean(thresholds(object)[[3]][[1]][, -1], na.rm=T)
      koeff <- lapply(as.list(as.data.frame(t(thresh1))), function(x) cumsum(na.omit(x)))
    } else {
      k <- dim(object$data)[2]
      mi <- apply(object$data, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
      koeff <- lapply(threshpar(object), cumsum)
  m <- sum(mi)
  gr <- elementary_symmetric_functions(koeff)[[1]]
  var.R <- function(x) {
    rvec <- 0:m
    pr <- (exp(x*rvec)*gr)/as.vector(exp(x*rvec)%*%gr)
    (rvec - as.vector(pr%*%rvec))^2%*%pr
  s.theta <- function(r){
      ((exp(x*(0:m))*gr)/as.vector(exp(x*(0:m))%*%gr))%*%(0:m) - r
  diffic <- round(uniroot(s.theta(m/2),c(-5,5))$root, digits = 3)
  target <- round(optimize(var.R,c(-4,4),maximum=T)$maximum, digits = 3)
  info <- max(person_estimates(object, properties=TRUE)[[2]][,6]^2)
  if (object$model == "pcmodel") {
    result <- list(diffic, target, info)
    names(result) = c("Test difficulty", "Test target", "Test information")
  } else {
    result <- list(SepRel(person.parameter(object))[[1]], diffic, target, info)
    names(result) = c("Separation Reliability", "Test difficulty", "Test target", "Test information")

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