
Defines functions is.ida.data.frame idadf.defined.columns

Documented in is.ida.data.frame

# Copyright (c) 2010, 2014, IBM Corp. All rights reserved. 
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 
# (at your option) any later version. 
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
# GNU General Public License for more details. 
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. 

relop <- data.frame(op=c("<",">", "<=", ">=", "!=", "=="),
                    sql=c("","","","","<>", "="))

logop <- data.frame(op=c("&", "|"), sql=c("AND", "OR"))

################ Constructor ############################

ida.data.frame <- function (table) {
  if(!idaExistTable(table)) {
    stop("Table ", table, " does not exist");
  cols <- idaListTableColumns(table)
  for (i in 1:length(cols)) 
    if (nchar(cols[i]) > 2 && substr(cols[i], 1, 1) == '"' && substr(cols[i], nchar(cols[i]), nchar(cols[i])) == '"') {
      #remove surrounding \"
      cols[i] <- substr(cols[i],2,nchar(cols[i])-1)
  return(new(Class="ida.data.frame", table=table  , where="", cols=cols,colDefs=list()));

idadf.defined.columns <- function(idadf) {
  cols <- idadf@cols
  defCols <- c()
  for(i in 1:length(cols)) {
    if(!is.null(idadf@colDefs[[cols[i]]])) {
      defCols <- c(defCols,cols[i])

################ Query and internal utilities ############################

idadf.query <- function (idadf, max.rows=NULL, order.by=NULL,includeWhere=T) {
  if (!is.ida.data.frame(idadf))
    stop(paste("cannot query object of class: ", class(idadf)))
  cols <- idadf@cols
  colTerms <- c();
  for(i in 1:length(cols)) {
    if(is.null(idadf@colDefs[[cols[i]]])) {
      colTerms <- c(colTerms,paste('"', cols[i],'"', sep=''))
    } else {
      colTerms <- c(colTerms,paste('(',idadf@colDefs[[cols[i]]],') AS "', cols[i],'"', sep=''))
  paste("SELECT ", paste( colTerms, collapse=","), " FROM ",
        ifelse((nchar(idadf@where)>0)&&includeWhere, paste(" WHERE ", idadf@where), ""),
        ifelse(is.null(order.by), "", paste(" ORDER BY ", order.by, sep="")),
        ifelse(is.null(max.rows), "", paste(" FETCH FIRST ", max.rows, " ROWS ONLY")),

idadf.from <- function (x) {
  if (!is.ida.data.frame(x))
    stop('x has to be a ida.data.frame')
  if(length(idadf.defined.columns(x))>0) {
    x@cols <- union(x@cols, idaListTableColumns(x@table))
    return(paste("(",idadf.query(x,includeWhere = F),")",sep=''))
  } else {

is.ida.data.frame <-
  function(x) {
    return(inherits(x, "ida.data.frame"))

################ Generic methods for upload and download of data ############################

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

setMethod("as.data.frame", signature(x="ida.data.frame"), 
          function (x, max.rows=NULL, ...) {
            #TODO(opt): BIGINT automatic conversion
            ans <- idaQuery(idadf.query(x, max.rows=max.rows))	

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
as.ida.data.frame <- function (x, table = NULL, clear.existing=FALSE, case.sensitive=TRUE,  rownames=NULL, dbname=NULL, asAOT=FALSE) {
  if(!is.null(table)) {
    if(toupper(table) != table)
      warning("Mixed case table names are not supported currently.")
    tabSchema <- parseTableName(table,FALSE,TRUE);
    table <- toupper(paste(tabSchema$schema,".",tabSchema$table,sep=''));
  if(!is.null(table)&&idaExistTable(table)) {
    if(clear.existing) {
    } else {
      stop("Table already exists, choose different name or use clear.existing option.")	
  if(is.null(table)) {
    table <- idaGetValidTableName();
  if(!case.sensitive) {
    names(x) <- toupper(names(x));
  if (idaIsDb2z()) {
    rowName = ""
    if (!is.null(rownames)) {
      rowName = rownames
    if(is.null(dbname)) {
      dbname <- ""
    db2zSave(get("p_idaConnection",envir=idaRGlobal), x, tblName = table, rowName=rowName, dbname=dbname, asAOT=asAOT)
  } else {
    sqlSave(get("p_idaConnection",envir=idaRGlobal), dat=x, tablename = table, rownames=rownames,fast=ifelse(idaIsOracleMode(),F,T));
  resDf <- ida.data.frame(as.character(table))

################ Sub data frames ############################

setMethod("[", signature(x = "ida.data.frame"), 
          function (x, i=NULL, j=NULL, ..., drop=NA)
            c <- c()
            # check arguments - columns
            if (try(!is.null(j),silent=TRUE) == TRUE) {
              if (is.numeric(j)){
                colCount <- length(x@cols)
                for (n in j) {
                  pos <- which(j==n)
                  if (n > colCount) {
                    stop(paste('The ', pos, '-th column index ', n, 
                               ' in the argument is out of boundary, the maximal column index is ', 
                               colCount, sep=''))
                  if (length(pos)>1) {
                    stop(paste('The column index ', n, ' appears more than once in the argument at position ', 
                               paste(pos, collapse=', '), '.', sep=''))
                c <- c(c,as.integer(j))
              else if (is.logical(j)){
                if (length(j) > length(x@cols))
                  length(j) <- length(x@cols)
                c <- c(c,which(j))
              else if (!is.integer(j)){
                if (is.character(j)){
                  for (n in j){
                    if (is.element(n, x@cols))
                      c <- c(c, which(names(x)==n))
                    else if (is.element(tolower(n), x@cols))
                      stop(paste("No column named ", n, " in the table. Column names are case-sensitive. Did you mean ", tolower(n), "?"))
                    else if (is.element(toupper(n), x@cols))
                      stop(paste("No column named ", j, " in the table. Column names are case-sensitive. Did you mean ", toupper(n), "?"))
                      stop(paste("No column named ", n, " in the table. Column names are case-sensitive.  Candidates are: ", paste(idaListTableColumns(x@table), collapse=', '), "."))
                    pos <- which(j==n)
                    if (length(pos)>1) {
                      stop(paste("The name '", n, "' appears more than once in the column argument at position ", 
                                 paste(pos, collapse=', '), '.', sep=''))
                  stop("columns argument must be integer or character")
            # check arguments i (row)
            if(!missing(i)) {
              if (tryCatch(!is.null(i),error = function(e) {print(e);print("Sub set selection could not be created, the left-hand side of the expression must be a column reference, the right-hand side must be a value or a column reference in the same table.")}) == TRUE) {
                if (is.numeric(i))
                  stop("row numbering is not allowed")
                else if (is(i, "ida.col.def")) {
                  if((i@table@table != x@table)||(i@table@where!=x@where))
                    stop("Cannot apply condition to columns not in the base table.")
                    stop("Column expression must resolve into a boolean value for row selection.")            
                  newRowSelection <- i@term;
                else if (is(i, "ida.data.frame.rows"))
                  newRowSelection <- i@where
                  stop("row object does not specify a subset")
                if (is.null(x@where) || !nchar(x@where))
                  x@where <- newRowSelection
                  x@where <- paste("(", x@where, ") AND (", newRowSelection, ")", sep="")
            # compute the right subset of columns
            if (!is.null(x@cols) && !is.null(c))
              x@cols <- x@cols[c]
            # i variable has to be of a special class "ida.data.frame.rows"

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

setMethod("$", signature(x = "ida.data.frame"),
          function(x, name) {
            if(!(name %in% x@cols))
              stop("Column not found in ida.data.frame.")
            if(is.null(x@colDefs[[name]])) {
            } else {

setMethod("$<-", signature(x = "ida.data.frame"),
          function(x, name,value) {
            if(is.null(value)) {
              #remove col def
              if(!is.null(x@colDefs[[name]])) {
                x@colDefs[[name]] <- NULL;
              x@cols <- setdiff(x@cols,name)
            } else {
                stop("Column definition is not valid for a ida.data.frame, please refer to the documentation of ida.data.frame for details on usage.")
              if(((value@table)@table != x@table)||((value@table)@where!=x@where))
                stop("Column definitions are only allowed on the same underlying table. Please use idaMerge first to join the tables.");
              if(value@aggType!='none') {
                stop("Cannot add column that contains aggregation term to ida.data.frame.")
              if(!(name %in% x@cols)) {

idaCreateWherePart <- function (obj, value, operator) {
  cols <- obj@cols
             where = paste('"',cols, "\" ", operator, " ", value,  sep="", collapse=" AND ")))

invisible(apply(relop, 1,
                function(x) setMethod(x[1], signature(e1="ida.data.frame"),
                                      function (e1, e2) {
                                        #We allow for column references on the right hand side but only if a single column is referenced and if both data frames point
                                        #to the same table in the data base
                                        if(inherits(e2,'ida.data.frame')) {
                                          if((length(e2@cols)==1)&&(e1@table==e2@table)) {
                                            value <- paste('"',e2@cols[1],'"',sep='');
                                          } else {
                                            value <- e2;
                                        } else {
                                          value <- paste("'",e2,"'",sep='');
                                        return(idaCreateWherePart(e1, value, ifelse(nchar(x[2]), x[2], x[1])))

invisible(apply(logop, 1,
                function(x) setMethod(x[1],
                                      signature(e1="ida.data.frame.rows",	e2="ida.data.frame.rows"),
                                      function(e1, e2)
                                        return (new(Class="ida.data.frame.rows",
                                                    where=paste("(", e1@where, ") ", x[2], " (", e2@where, ")")))

################ Basic ida.data.frame functions and methods ############################

setMethod("print", signature(x="ida.data.frame"),
          function (x) {

setMethod("show", signature(object="ida.data.frame"),
          function (object) {

idaCreateView <- function (x, newColumn = NULL) {
  if (!is.ida.data.frame(x))
    stop("idaCreateView is valid only for ida.data.frame objects")
  name <- idaGetValidTableName("idar_view_")
  if(is.null(newColumn) || newColumn == '') {
    idaQuery("CREATE VIEW ", name, " AS ", idadf.query(x))
  } else {  
    idaQuery("CREATE VIEW ", name, " AS SELECT ", newColumn, ", t.* FROM( ", idadf.query(x), ") as t")

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