
Defines functions icd9Charlson icd9Charlson.data.frame icd9CharlsonComorbid icd9Count icd9CountComorbidBin icd9CountWide icd9VanWalraven icd9VanWalraven.data.frame icd9VanWalravenComorbid

Documented in icd9Charlson icd9CharlsonComorbid icd9Charlson.data.frame icd9Count icd9CountComorbidBin icd9CountWide icd9VanWalraven icd9VanWalravenComorbid icd9VanWalraven.data.frame

# Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015  Jack O. Wasey
# This file is part of icd9.
# icd9 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# icd9 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with icd9. If not, see <http:#www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' @title Calculate Charlson Comorbidity Index (Charlson Score)
#' @rdname icd9Charlson
#' @description Charlson score is calculated in the basis of the Quan revision
#'   of Deyo's ICD-9 mapping. (Peptic Ulcer disease no longer warrants a point.)
#'   Quan published an updated set of scores, but it seems most people use the
#'   original scores for easier comaprison between studies, even though Quan's
#'   were more predictive.
#' @details When used, hierarchy is applied per Quan, "The following comorbid
#'   conditions were mutually exclusive: diabetes with chronic complications and
#'   diabetes without chronic complications; mild liver disease and moderate or
#'   severe liver disease; and any malignancy and metastatic solid tumor." The
#'   "quan" scoring weights come from the 2011 paper
#'   (dx.doi.org/10.1093/aje/kwq433). The comorbidity weights were recalculated
#'   using updated discharge data, and some changes, such as Myocardial
#'   Infarcation decreasing from 1 to 0, may reflect improved outcomes due to
#'   advances in treatment since the original weights were determined in 1984.
#' @param x data frame containing a column of visit or patient identifiers, and
#'   a column of ICD-9 codes. It may have other columns which will be ignored.
#'   By default, the first column is the patient identifier and is not counted.
#'   If \code{visitId} is not specified, the first column is used.
#' @template visitid
#' @param scoringSystem One of \code{original}, \code{charlson}, or \code{quan}.
#'   The first two will give the original Charlson weights for each comorbidity,
#'   whereas \code{quan} uses the updated weights from Quan 2001.
#' @param return.df single logical value, if true, a two column data frame will
#'   be returned, with the first column named as in input data frame (i.e.
#'   \code{visitId}), containing all the visits, and the second column
#'   containing the Charlson Comorbidity Index.
#' @param stringsAsFactors single logical, passed on when constructing
#'   data.frame if \code{return.df} is \code{TRUE}. If the input data frame
#'   \code{x} has a factor for the visitId, this is not changed, but a
#'   non-factor visitId may be converted or not converted according to your
#'   system default or this setting.
#' @param ... further arguments to pass on to \code{icd9ComorbidQuanDeyo}, e.g.
#'   \code{icd9Field}
#' @examples
#' mydf <- data.frame(visitId = c("a", "b", "c"),
#'                    icd9 = c("441", "412.93", "044.9"))
#' cmb <- icd9ComorbidQuanDeyo(mydf, isShort = FALSE, applyHierarchy = TRUE)
#' cmb
#' icd9Charlson(mydf, isShort = FALSE)
#' icd9Charlson(mydf, isShort = FALSE, return.df = TRUE)
#' icd9CharlsonComorbid(cmb)
#' @export
icd9Charlson <- function(x, visitId = NULL,
                         scoringSystem = c("original", "charlson", "quan"),
                         return.df = FALSE,
                         stringsAsFactors = getOption("stringsAsFactors"),

#' @describeIn icd9Charlson Charlson scores from data frame of visits and ICD-9 codes
#' @export
icd9Charlson.data.frame <- function(x, visitId = NULL,
                                    scoringSystem = c("original", "charlson", "quan"),
                                    return.df = FALSE,
                                    stringsAsFactors = getOption("stringsAsFactors"),
                                    ...) {
  assertDataFrame(x, min.rows = 0, min.cols = 2, col.names = "named")
  visitId <- getVisitId(x, visitId)
  tmp <- icd9ComorbidQuanDeyo(x, visitId, applyHierarchy = TRUE,
                              return.df = TRUE, ...)
  res <- icd9CharlsonComorbid(tmp, visitId = visitId, applyHierarchy = FALSE,
                              scoringSystem = scoringSystem)

  if (!return.df) return(res)
  out <- cbind(names(res),
               data.frame("Charlson" = unname(res)),
               stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors)
  names(out)[1] <- visitId

#' @rdname icd9Charlson
#' @param applyHierarchy single logical value, default is FALSE. If TRUE, will
#'   drop DM if DMcx is present, etc.
#' @export
icd9CharlsonComorbid <- function(x, visitId = NULL, applyHierarchy = FALSE,
                                 scoringSystem = c("original", "charlson", "quan")) {
  stopifnot(is.data.frame(x) || is.matrix(x))
  stopifnot(ncol(x) - is.data.frame(x) == 17)
  if (match.arg(scoringSystem) == "quan") {
    weights <- c(0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0,
                 1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 6, 4)
  } else {
    weights <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
                 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 6, 6)
  if (applyHierarchy) {
    x[, "DM"] <- x[, "DM"] & !x[, "DMcx"]
    x[, "LiverMild"] <- x[, "LiverMild"] & !x[, "LiverSevere"]
    x[, "Cancer"] <- x[, "Cancer"] & !x[, "Mets"]
  } else {
    stopifnot(!any(x[, "DM"] & x[, "DMcx"]))
    stopifnot(!any(x[, "LiverMild"] & x[, "LiverSevere"]))
    stopifnot(!any(x[, "Cancer"] & x[, "Mets"]))
  if (is.data.frame(x)) {
    visitId <- getVisitId(x, visitId)
    visitIdNames <- x[[visitId]]
    x <- as.matrix(x[, names(x) %nin% visitId])
    rownames(x) <- visitIdNames
  rowSums(t(t(x) * weights))

#' @title count ICD codes or comorbidities for each patient
#' @rdname icd9Count
#' @description \code{icd9Count} takes a data frame with a column for
#'   \code{visitId} and another for ICD-9 code, and returns the number of
#'   distinct codes for each patient.
#'   The visitId field is typically the first column. If there is no column
#'   called \code{visitId} and \code{visitId} is not specified, the first column
#'   is used.
#' @param x data frame with one row per patient, and a true/false or 1/0 flag
#'   for each column. By default, the first column is the patient identifier and
#'   is not counted. If \code{visitId} is not specified, the first column is
#'   used.
#' @template visitid
#' @param return.df single logical, if \code{TRUE}, return the result as a data
#'   frame with the first column being the \code{visitId}, and the second being
#'   the count. If \code{visitId} was a factor or named differently in the
#'   input, this is preserved.
#' @return vector of the count of comorbidities for each patient. This is
#'   sometimes used as a metric of comorbidity load, instead of, or inaddition
#'   to metrics like the Charlson Comorbidity Index (aka Charlson Score)
#' @examples
#'   mydf <- data.frame(visitId = c("r", "r", "s"),
#'                    icd9 = c("441", "412.93", "044.9"))
#'   icd9Count(mydf, return.df = TRUE)
#'   icd9Count(mydf)
#'   cmb <- icd9ComorbidQuanDeyo(mydf, isShort = FALSE, return.df = TRUE)
#'   icd9CountComorbidBin(cmb)
#'   wide <- data.frame(visitId = c("r", "s", "t"),
#'                    icd9_1 = c("0011", "441", "456"),
#'                    icd9_2 = c(NA, "442", NA),
#'                    icd9_3 = c(NA, NA, "510"))
#'   icd9CountWide(wide)
#'   # or:
#'   library(magrittr)
#'   wide %>% icd9WideToLong %>% icd9Count
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
icd9Count <- function(x, visitId = NULL, return.df = FALSE) {
  visitId <- getVisitId(x, visitId)
  stopifnot(length(visitId) == 1)

  res <- aggregate(x[names(x) %nin% visitId],
                   by = x[visitId],
                   FUN = length)
  names(res)[names(res) %nin% visitId] <- "icd9Count"
  if (return.df) return(res)

#' @rdname icd9Count
#' @description \code{icd9CountComorbidBin} differs from the other counting
#'   functions in that it counts _comorbidities_, not individual diagnoses. It
#'   accepts any data frame with either logicals or zero/non-zero contents, with
#'   a single column for visitId. No checks are made to see whether visitId is
#'   duplicated.
#' @export
icd9CountComorbidBin <- function(x, visitId = NULL, return.df = FALSE) {
  visitId <- getVisitId(x, visitId)
  visitId <- getVisitId(x, visitId)
  res <- apply(x[, names(x) %nin% visitId],
               MARGIN = 1,
               FUN = sum)
  names(res) <- x[[visitId]]
  if (return.df) return(cbind(x[visitId], "icd9Count" = res))


#' @rdname icd9Count
#' @description For \code{icd9Count}, it is assumed that all the columns apart
#'   from \code{visitId} represent actual or possible ICD-9 codes. Duplicate
#'   \code{visitId}s are repeated as given and aggregated.
#' @param aggregate, single logical, default is FALSE. If TRUE, the length (or
#'   rows) of the output will no longer match the input, but duplicate visitIds
#'   will be counted together.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
icd9CountWide <- function(x,
                          visitId = NULL,
                          return.df = FALSE,
                          aggregate = FALSE) {
  visitId <- getVisitId(x, visitId)

  res <- apply(x[names(x) %nin% visitId], 1, function(x) sum(!is.na(x)))
  names(res) <- x[[visitId]]
  if (!aggregate) {
    if (return.df)
      return(cbind(x[visitId], "count" = res))
  rdf <- cbind(x[visitId], "count" = res)
  rdfagg <- aggregate(rdf["count"], by = rdf[visitId], FUN = sum)
  if (return.df) return(rdfagg)
  vec <- rdfagg[["count"]]
  names(vec) <- rdfagg[[visitId]]

#' @title Calculate van Walraven Elixhauser Score
#' @rdname icd9VanWalraven
#' @description van Walraven Elixhauser score is calculated from the Quan
#'   revision of Elixhauser's ICD-9 mapping. This function allows for the
#'   hierarchical exlusion of less severe versions of comorbidities when their
#'   more severe version is also present via the applyHeirarchy argument. For
#'   the Elixhauser comorbidities, this is diabetes v. complex diabetes and
#'   solid tumor v. metastatic tumor
#' @param x data frame containing a column of visit or patient identifiers, and
#'   a column of ICD-9 codes. It may have other columns which will be ignored.
#'   By default, the first column is the patient identifier and is not counted.
#'   If \code{visitId} is not specified, the first column is used.
#' @template visitid
#' @param return.df single logical value, if true, a two column data frame will
#'   be returned, with the first column named as in input data frame (i.e.
#'   \code{visitId}), containing all the visits, and the second column
#'   containing the Charlson Comorbidity Index.
#' @param stringsAsFactors single logical, passed on when constructing
#'   data.frame if \code{return.df} is \code{TRUE}. If the input data frame
#'   \code{x} has a factor for the visitId, this is not changed, but a
#'   non-factor visitId may be converted or not converted according to your
#'   system default or this setting.
#' @param ... further arguments to pass on to \code{icd9ComorbidQuanElix}, e.g.
#'   \code{icd9Field}, \code{applyHeirarchy}
#' @examples
#' mydf <- data.frame(visitId = c("a", "b", "c"),
#'                    icd9 = c("412.93", "441", "044.9"))
#' print(
#'   cmb <- icd9ComorbidQuanElix(mydf, isShort = FALSE, applyHierarchy = TRUE, return.df=TRUE)
#' )
#' icd9VanWalravenComorbid(cmb)
#' icd9VanWalraven(mydf)
#' icd9VanWalraven(mydf, return.df = TRUE)
#' @author wmurphyrd
#' @references van Walraven C, Austin PC, Jennings A, Quan H, Forster AJ. A
#'   Modification to the Elixhauser Comorbidity Measures Into a Point System for
#'   Hospital Death Using Administrative Data. Med Care. 2009; 47(6):626-633.
#'   \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19433995}
#' @export
icd9VanWalraven <- function(x, visitId = NULL,
                            return.df = FALSE,
                            stringsAsFactors = getOption("stringsAsFactors"),

#' @describeIn icd9VanWalraven van Walraven scores from data frame of visits and ICD-9 codes
#' @export
icd9VanWalraven.data.frame <- function(x, visitId = NULL,
                                       return.df = FALSE,
                                       stringsAsFactors = getOption("stringsAsFactors"),
                                       ...) {
  assertDataFrame(x, min.rows = 0, min.cols = 2, col.names = "named")
  visitId <- getVisitId(x, visitId)
  tmp <- icd9ComorbidQuanElix(x, visitId, applyHierarchy = TRUE,
                              return.df = TRUE, ...)
  res <- icd9VanWalravenComorbid(tmp, visitId = visitId, applyHierarchy = FALSE)

  if (!return.df) return(res)
  out <- cbind(names(res),
               data.frame("vanWalraven" = unname(res)),
               stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors)
  names(out)[1] <- visitId

#' @rdname icd9VanWalraven
#' @param applyHierarchy single logical value, default is \code{FALSE}. If
#'   \code{TRUE}, will drop DM if DMcx is present, etc.
#' @export
icd9VanWalravenComorbid <- function(x, visitId = NULL, applyHierarchy = FALSE) {
  stopifnot(is.data.frame(x) || is.matrix(x))
  stopifnot(ncol(x) - is.data.frame(x) == 30)
  weights <- c(7, 5, -1, 4, 2, 0, 7, 6, 3, 0, 0, 0, 5, 11, 0, 0,
               9, 12, 4, 0, 3, -4, 6, 5, -2, -2, 0, -7, 0, -3)

  if (applyHierarchy) {
    x[, "DM"] <- x[, "DM"] & !x[, "DMcx"]
    x[, "Tumor"] <- x[, "Tumor"] & !x[, "Mets"]
  } else {
    stopifnot(!any(x[, "DM"] & x[, "DMcx"]))
    stopifnot(!any(x[, "Tumor"] & x[, "Mets"]))
  if (is.data.frame(x)) {
    visitId <- getVisitId(x, visitId)
    visitIdNames <- x[[visitId]]
    x <- as.matrix(x[, names(x) %nin% visitId])
    rownames(x) <- visitIdNames
  rowSums(t(t(x) * weights))

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