
Defines functions heatMapLegend

Documented in heatMapLegend

# function to create a legend for a heatmap
#' Legend for a heatmap with predefined colors.
#' This function will invoke the \code{\link[graphics]{plot}} function to draw a heatmap legend.
#' The 'percents' refer to the plotting area measured from the lower left corner.
#' @rdname heatMapLegend
#' @param cols (\code{character}) Vector, containnig the ordered colors that are used for the heatmap.
#' @param tick.text (\code{numeric}) The values on the heatmap legend. If missing, will be calculated with \code{minVal} and \code{maxVal}. 
#' @param vals (\code{numeric}) If \code{tick.text} is missing, the lowest value in the heatmap
#' @param tick.cex (\code{numeric}) Letter size of the values on the legend.
#' @param varName (\code{character}) The label of the variable name plotted to the heatmap.
#' @param barWidth (\code{numeric}) The width (percent) of the bar featuring the colors of the heatmap.
#' @param barHeight (\code{numeric}) The height (percent)of the bar featuring the colors of the heatmap.
#' @param tickLength (\code{numeric})  The length (percent) of the ticks at the bars.
#' @param xLeft (\code{numeric}) The x coordinate of the lower left hand corner of the bar.
#' @param yBot (\code{numeric}) The y coordinate of the lower left hand corner of the bar.
#' @param add (\code{logical}) Indicates wheter a new plot should be drawn or not. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param bounds (\code{logical}) Vector (length 2) indicating whether open intervals should be indicated for the legend. 
#' @param ... Arguments passed to the \code{\link[graphics]{plot}} function.
#' @return The function does not return any value.
#' @export		
heatMapLegend <- function(cols, vals, varName, tick.text=NULL,tick.cex=1.5, barWidth=3, barHeight=50,tickLength=1, xLeft=88, yBot=25, add=FALSE, bounds=c(FALSE, FALSE),...){
#	usedCols<<-cols
#	usedVals <<- vals

		plot(NULL, NULL, xlim=c(0,100), ylim=c(0,100), axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="",xaxs="i", yaxs="i",...)
	#	barWidth<-3
	#	tickLength=1
	#	xLeft<-88
		# plotting mode is dependent on the relationship of cols and vals
				inter <- TRUE
				stop("Invalid color length.")

		# calculate horizontal positions
		# y coordinates of the bar
		# plot the colour bar first (this doesn't change)
		rectTops<-seq(yBot, yTop,length.out=length(cols)+1)
		for(i in 2:length(rectTops)){
			graphics::rect(xleft=xLeft, xright=x2, ytop=rectTops[i],ybottom=rectTops[i-1], 
			col=cols[i-1], border=NA)
		graphics::rect(ytop=yBot, ybottom=yTop, xleft=xLeft, xright=x2)
		# the ticks 
		# what should be plotted?
		# intervals
			# are the values given? - plot those
				# the number of ticks is set by the tick text provided by the user
				ticks <- length(tick.text)

			# should the default be used?
				# if the number of colours is smaller than 8, plot all of them 
					ticks <- length(vals)
					tick.text <- vals
				# treat it as a continuous scale
					ticks <- 5
					maxVal <- max(vals)
					tick.text <- seq(minVal, maxVal, length.out=ticks)
			# calculate the coordinates where the ticks have to be drawn
			ts<-seq(yBot,yTop, length.out=ticks)
		# values
			# cooridnates should be at the middle of the rectangles
			rectMid <- (rectTops+rectTops[2:(length(rectTops)+1)])/2
			rectMid <- rectMid[!is.na(rectMid)]
				# the number of ticks is set by the tick text provided by the user
				ticks <- length(tick.text)

				ts <- seq(rectMid[1], rectMid[length(rectMid)], length.out=ticks)
			# should the default be used?
				# if the number of colours is smaller than 8, plot all of them 
					ticks <- length(vals)
					tick.text <- vals
					ts <- seq(rectMid[1], rectMid[length(rectMid)], length.out=ticks)
				# omit some of them 
					allIndex <- 1:length(vals)
					good<- allIndex
					counter <- 2
						good<- which(allIndex%%counter==1)

						counter<- counter+1
					ticks <- length(good)
					tick.text <- vals[good]
					ts<- rectMid[good]

		# plot the chosen number of ticks 

		for(i in 1:ticks){
			graphics::segments(x0=x2,x1=x3, y0=ts[i], y1=ts[i])
			# plus or minus signs? 
			sig <- NULL
			if(bounds[1] & i==1){
				sig <- "(-)"
			if(bounds[2] & i==ticks){
				sig <- "(+)"

			graphics::text(label=paste(format(tick.text[i], digits=5), sig), x=x4, y=ts[i], pos=4,cex=tick.cex)

		# the variable name
		if(missing(varName)) varName<-""
		graphics::text(varName, x=xLeft, y=ySubLab, pos=4, cex=tick.cex)

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