
Defines functions categorical.freqplot

Documented in categorical.freqplot

# Frequency plot for categorical variables

#'Produces frequency plots (normed to density plots to account for
#'different category sizes) for sanity check in categorical iGATE.
#'This function takes a data frame, a categorical target variable and a list of ssv and
#'produces a density plot of each ssv and each category of the target variable. The output is written as
#'.png file into the current working directory. Also, summary statistics are provided.
#'The files can be saved into the current working directory. Consider changing the
#'working directory to a new empty folder before running if you want to save a copy of the plots.
#' @param df Data frame to be analysed.
#' @param target Categorical target varaible to be analysed.
#' @param ssv A vector of suspected sources of variation. These are the variables
#' in \code{df} which we believe might have an influence on the target variable and
#' will be tested. If no list of ssv is provided, the test will be performed
#' on all numeric variables.
#' @param outlier_removal_ssv Logical. Should outlier removal be performed for each ssv (default: \code{TRUE})?
#' @param savePlots Logical. If \code{FALSE} (the default) frequency plots will be output to the standard plotting
#' device. If \code{TRUE}, frequency plots will be saved to \code{image_directory} as png files.
#' @param image_directory Directory to which plots should be saved. This is only used if \code{savePlots = TRUE} and
#' defaults to the temporary directory of the current R session, i.e. \code{tempdir()}. To save plots to the current
#' working directory set \code{savePlots = TRUE} and \code{image_directory = getwd()}.
#' @return The density plots of each category of \code{target} against each \code{ssv} are written as
#' .png file into the current working directory. Also, a data frame with the following
#' columns is output
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{Causes} \tab The \code{ssv} that were analysed.\cr
#' \code{outliers_removed} \tab How many outliers (with respect to this \code{ssv})
#' have been removed before drawing the plot?\cr
#' \code{observations_retained} \tab After outlier removal was performed, how many observations
#' were left and used to fit the model?\cr
#' \code{frequency_plot} \tab Logical. Was plotting successful? No plot will be
#' produced if a ssv is constant.
#' }
#'@details Frequency plots for each \code{ssv} against  each category of the \code{target} are produced and
#'svaed to current working directory. Also a data frame with summary statistics is produced,
#'see \bold{Value} for details.
#'@examples categorical.freqplot(mtcars, target = "cyl")
#' @export
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all
#' @importFrom grDevices boxplot.stats
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot ggsave geom_freqpoly aes_string

categorical.freqplot <- function(df,
                                 ssv =NULL,
                                 outlier_removal_ssv = TRUE,
                                 savePlots = FALSE,
                                 image_directory = tempdir()){

  if(sum(names(df) == target) != 1){
                " is not a valid column name for ",
                ".\nGot sum(names(df) == target) = ", sum(names(df) == target),
                ", but need 1."))
  if((image_directory != tempdir()) && !savePlots){
    stop(paste0("You specified a directory to save the images in (",
                image_directory, ") but used savePlots = ", savePlots, ". If you want to save the images, please use savePlots = TRUE."))

  # If numeric, convert it first!
    df[[target]] <- as.character(df[[target]])


  # If no ssv are provided, we take all the numeric columns as ssv
    nums <- sapply(df, is.numeric)
    df_num <- df[,nums]
    ssv <- names(df_num)
  #only keep data corresponding to ssv
  df_ssv <- df[,which(names(df) %in% ssv)]
  # this is for windows version in case there is only one ssv
    df_ssv <- as.data.frame(df_ssv)
    names(df_ssv) <- ssv

  #collect summary statistics about outliers
  outlier.df <- data.frame(Causes = names(df_ssv),
                           outliers_removed = rep(-1, ncol(df_ssv)),
                           observations_retained = rep(-1, ncol(df_ssv)),
                           frequency_plot = rep(FALSE, ncol(df_ssv)))

  for(i in 1:length(ssv)){
    #Outlier removal per ssv?
      box_stats_i <- boxplot.stats(unlist(df_ssv[,i]))
      df_clean <- data.frame(df_ssv, df[[target]])
      df_clean <- filter(df_clean, df_clean[,i] >= box_stats_i$stats[1],df_clean[,i] <= box_stats_i$stats[5])
      colnames(df_clean) <- c(names(df_ssv),target)
      outlier.df[i,2] <- length(box_stats_i$out)
      outlier.df[i,3] <- nrow(df_clean)
      df_clean <-  data.frame(df[[target]], df_ssv)
      colnames(df_clean) <- c(target, names(df_ssv))

    if(var(df_clean[,i]) == 0){
      outlier.df[i,4] <- FALSE
      #Compute binwidth for freqploy using struges formula

      binwidth <- (max(df_clean[,i]) - min(df_clean[,i]))/(ceiling(log2(nrow(df_clean)))+1)

        print(ggplot(data = df_clean, mapping = aes_string(x = names(df_clean)[i], "..density.." ,color = target))+
          geom_freqpoly(binwidth = binwidth))

        ggsave(filename = paste0(str_replace_all(names(df_clean)[i], "[^[:alnum:]]", ""),
                                 "_against_", target,".png"),
               path = image_directory)
        print(ggplot(data = df_clean, mapping = aes_string(x = names(df_clean)[i], "..density.." ,color = target))+
                geom_freqpoly(binwidth = binwidth))

      outlier.df[i,4] <- TRUE



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igate documentation built on Sept. 11, 2019, 1:04 a.m.