
Defines functions all_metrics

Documented in all_metrics

#' Calculate all metrics in iglu
#' @description
#' The function all_metrics runs all of the iglu metrics, and returns the results with
#' one column per metric.
#' @param data DataFrame object with column names "id", "time", and "gl".
#' @param metrics_to_include Returns all metrics computed by iglu or all on the consensus list (Battelino 2023)
#' @inheritParams optimized_iglu_functions
#' @return
#' A tibble object with 1 row per subject and one column per metric is returned.
#' @export
#' @details
#' All iglu functions are calculated within the all_metrics function, and the resulting tibble
#' is returned with one row per subject and a column for each metric. Time dependent functions are
#' calculated together using the function optimized_iglu_functions with two exceptions:
#' PGS and episodes are calculated within all_metrics because their structure does not
#' align with optimized_iglu_functions. Note that episodes related outputs included in all_metrics are only
#' average episodes per day. To get the average duration and glucose, please use the standalone
#' episodes function
#' For metric specific information, please see the corresponding function documentation.
#' @examples
#' data(example_data_1_subject)
#' all_metrics(example_data_1_subject)
#' @references
#' Battelino T, Alexander CM, Amiel SA, et al. Continuous glucose monitoring and metrics for clinical trials: an international consensus statement.
#' \emph{Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol.}  \strong{2023;11(1):}42-57.
#' \doi{10.1016/S2213-8587(22)00319-9}.
#' # Specify the meter frequency and change the interpolation gap to 30 min
#' all_metrics(example_data_1_subject, dt0 = 5, inter_gap = 30)

# function calls all metrics on a dataset.
# returns a list
all_metrics <- function(data, dt0 = NULL, inter_gap = 45, tz = "", timelag = 15, lag = 1, metrics_to_include=c('all', 'consensus_only')){
  . = id = type = level = avg_ep_per_day = lvl = total_episodes = NULL
  rm(list = c(".", 'id', 'type', 'level', 'avg_ep_per_day', 'lvl'))

  metrics_to_include = match.arg(metrics_to_include, c('all', 'consensus_only'))

  # reformat episodes to give one row per subject and one column per category for avg_ep_per_day
  episodes = episode_calculation(data)
  ep_out = episodes %>%
    dplyr::select(id, type, level, avg_ep_per_day) %>%
      lvl = paste0(type, "_", level)
    ) %>%
    dplyr::select(id, lvl, avg_ep_per_day) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(id) %>%
      names_from = 'lvl',
      values_from = 'avg_ep_per_day'

  # Mean, Median, and Quantile Metrics not included. Summary covers all
  if (metrics_to_include == "consensus_only") {
    extended_hypo <- episode_calculation(data) %>% dplyr::filter(type == 'hypo' & level == 'extended') %>% dplyr::select(id = id, total_extended_hypo_episodes = total_episodes)

    # Episode calculation warns that dur_length = 120 > inter_gap = 45, thus some true extended hyperglycemic episodes may be lost when the trace is split by gaps longer than 45 minutes
    extended_hyper <- suppressWarnings({
      episode_calculation(data, dur_length = 120) %>% dplyr::filter(type == 'hyper' & level == 'lv2') %>% dplyr::select(id = id, total_extended_hyper_episodes = total_episodes)

    out = list(
      "Percent_Below" = below_percent(data, targets_below = c(54,70)),
      "Percent_In_Range" = in_range_percent(data, target_ranges = list(c(70,180))),
      "Percent_Above" = above_percent(data, targets_above = c(180, 250)),
      "SD_GLU" = sd_glu(data),
      "Mean_GLU" = mean_glu(data),
      "CV_GLU" = cv_glu(data),
      "Active_Percent" = active_percent(data), # TODO: potentially only keep the 'active_percent' column
      "Percent_In_Tight_Range" = in_range_percent(data, target_ranges = list(c(70,140))),
      "GMI" = gmi(data),
      "GRI" = gri(data),
      "Extended_Hypo" = extended_hypo,
      "Extended_Hyper" = extended_hyper

  else {
    out = list("ADRR" = adrr(data),
               "COGI" = cogi(data),
               "CV_GLU" = cv_glu(data),
               "eA1C" = ea1c(data),
               "episodes" = ep_out,
               "GMI" = gmi(data),
               "GRI" = gri(data),
               "GRADE" = grade(data),
               "GRADE_Euglycemia" = grade_eugly(data),
               "GRADE_Hyperglycemia" = grade_hyper(data),
               "GRADE_Hypoglycemia" = grade_hypo(data),
               "HBGI" = hbgi(data),
               "LBGI" = lbgi(data),
               "Hyper_Index" = hyper_index(data),
               "Hypo_Index" = hypo_index(data),
               "IGC" = igc(data),
               "IQR_GLU" = iqr_glu(data),
               "J_Index" = j_index(data),
               "M_Value" = m_value(data),
               "Mad_GLU" = mad_glu(data),
               "MAGE" = mage(data),
               "Percent_Active" = active_percent(data),
               "Percent_Above" = above_percent(data),
               "Percent_Below" = below_percent(data),
               "Percent_In_Range" = in_range_percent(data),
               "PGS" = pgs(data),
               "Range" = range_glu(data),
               "SD_GLU" = sd_glu(data),
               "Summary" = summary_glu(data),
               optimized_iglu_functions(data, dt0, inter_gap, tz, timelag, lag))

  outTable <- out %>%
    Reduce(function(dtf1,dtf2) dplyr::left_join(dtf1, dtf2, by = "id"), .)

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iglu documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:28 a.m.