
Defines functions as_EBImage ijtiff_img

Documented in as_EBImage ijtiff_img

#' `ijtiff_img` class.
#' A class for images which are read or to be written by the `ijtiff` package.
#' @param img An array representing the image. \itemize{\item For a
#'   single-plane, grayscale image, use a matrix `img[y, x]`. \item For a
#'   multi-plane, grayscale image, use a 3-dimensional array `img[y, x, plane]`.
#'   \item For a multi-channel, single-plane image, use a 4-dimensional array
#'   with a redundant 4th slot `img[y, x, channel, ]` (see [ijtiff_img]
#'   'Examples' for an example). \item For a multi-channel, multi-plane image,
#'   use a 4-dimensional array `img[y, x, channel, plane]`.}
#' @param ... Named arguments which are set as attributes.
#' @return A 4 dimensional array representing an image, indexed by `img[y, x,
#'   channel, frame]`, with selected attributes.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' img <- matrix(1:4, nrow = 2) # to be a single-channel, grayscale image
#' ijtiff_img(img, description = "single-channel, grayscale")
#' img <- array(seq_len(2^3), dim = rep(2, 3)) # 1 channel, 2 frame
#' ijtiff_img(img, description = "blah blah blah")
#' img <- array(seq_len(2^3), dim = c(2, 2, 2, 1)) #  2 channel, 1 frame
#' ijtiff_img(img, description = "blah blah")
#' img <- array(seq_len(2^4), dim = rep(2, 4)) # 2 channel, 2 frame
#' ijtiff_img(img, software = "R")
ijtiff_img <- function(img, ...) {
  checkmate::assert_array(img, min.d = 2, max.d = 4)
  if (is.logical(img)) {
    atts <- attributes(img)
    img <- as.numeric(img)
    attributes(img) <- atts
  if (length(dim(img)) == 2) dim(img) <- c(dim(img), 1, 1)
  if (length(dim(img)) == 3) {
    dim(img) <- c(dim(img)[1:2], 1, dim(img)[3])
  dots <- list(...)
  if (length(dots)) {
    namez <- names(dots)
    if (is.null(namez) || any(namez == "")) {
          "All arguments in ... must be named.",
          stringr::str_glue("Your argument {dots[[1]]} is not named.")
    do_call_args <- c(list(img), dots)
    img <- do.call(structure, do_call_args)
  cls <- class(img)
  if (is_EBImage(img)) img <- aperm(img, c(2, 1, 3, 4))
    class(img) <- unique(c("ijtiff_img", dplyr::setdiff(cls, "Image")))

#' @rdname ijtiff_img
#' @export
as_ijtiff_img <- ijtiff_img

#' Convert an [ijtiff_img] to an [EBImage::Image].
#' This is for interoperability with the the `EBImage` package.
#' The guess for the `colormode` is made as follows: * If `img` has an attribute
#' `color_space` with value `"RGB"`, then `colormode` is set to `"Color"`. *
#' Else if `img` has 3 or 4 channels, then `colormode` is set to `"Color"`. *
#' Else `colormode` is set to "Grayscale".
#' @param img An [ijtiff_img] object (or something coercible to one).
#' @param colormode A numeric or a character string containing the color mode
#'   which can be either `"Grayscale"` or `"Color"`. If not specified, a guess
#'   is made. See 'Details'.
#' @param scale Scale values in an integer image to the range `[0, 1]`? Has no
#'   effect on floating-point images.
#' @param force This function is designed to take [ijtiff_img]s as input. To
#'   force any old array through this function, use `force = TRUE`, but take
#'   care to check that the result is what you'd like it to be.
#' @return An [EBImage::Image].
#' @examples
#' if (rlang::is_installed("EBImage")) {
#'   img <- read_tif(system.file("img", "Rlogo.tif", package = "ijtiff"))
#'   str(img)
#'   str(as_EBImage(img))
#' }
#' @export
as_EBImage <- function(img, colormode = NULL, scale = TRUE, force = TRUE) {
  if (!methods::is(img, "ijtiff_img")) {
    if (methods::is(img, "Image")) {
    } else {
      if (force) {
        img <- ijtiff_img(img)
      } else {
              " This function expects the input `img` to be of class",
              "'ijtiff_img', however the `img` you have supplied is not."
            i = paste(
              "To force your array through this function, use",
              "`force = TRUE`, but take care to",
              "check that the result is what you'd like it to be."
  if (is.null(colormode)) {
    if (isTRUE(attr(img, "color_space") == "RGB")) {
      colormode <- "color"
    } else {
      colormode <- dplyr::if_else(dim(img)[3] %in% 3:4, "color", "gray")
  colormode <- dplyr::if_else(
    startsWith("colo", tolower(colormode)),
    "Color", colormode
  colormode <- dplyr::if_else(
    startsWith("gr", tolower(colormode)),
    "Gray", colormode
  colormode <- strex::match_arg(colormode,
    c("Color", "Colour", "Grayscale", "Greyscale"),
    ignore_case = TRUE
  colormode <- dplyr::if_else(colormode == "Colour", "Color", colormode)
  colormode <- dplyr::if_else(colormode == "Greyscale", "Grayscale", colormode)
  if (scale && can_be_intish(img)) {
    lub <- max(lowest_upper_bound(img, c(2^c(8, 16, 32) - 1)), max(img),
      na.rm = TRUE
    if (!is.na(lub)) img <- img / lub
  img <- aperm(img, c(2, 1, 3, 4))
  if (length(dim(img)) == 4 && dim(img)[3] == 1) dim(img) <- dim(img)[-3]
  EBImage::Image(img, colormode = colormode)

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ijtiff documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:54 a.m.