
# Converting between different ways of representing image data

##' Convert a pixel image to a data.frame
##' This function combines the output of pixel.grid with the actual values (stored in $value)
##' @param x an image of class cimg
##' @param ... arguments passed to pixel.grid
##' @param wide if "c" or "d" return a data.frame that is wide along colour or depth (for example with rgb values along columns). The default is FALSE, with each pixel forming a separate entry. 
##' @return a data.frame
##' @author Simon Barthelme
##' @examples
##' \dontshow{cimg.limit.openmp()}
##' #First five pixels
##' as.data.frame(boats) %>% head(5)
##' #Wide format along colour axis
##' as.data.frame(boats,wide="c") %>% head(5)
##' @export
as.data.frame.cimg <- function (x, ...,wide=c(FALSE,"c","d"))
    wide <- match.arg(wide)
    if (wide=="c")
        gr <- pixel.grid(R(x),...)
        cc <- channels(x) %>% do.call('cbind',.)
    else if (wide=="d")
        gr <- pixel.grid(frame(x,1),...)
        ff <- frames(x) %>% do.call('cbind',.)
        gr <- pixel.grid(x, ...)
        gr$value <- c(x)

##' Convert a cimg object to a raster object for plotting
##' raster objects are used by R's base graphics for plotting. R wants hexadecimal RGB values for plotting, e.g. gray(0) yields #000000, meaning black. If you want to control precisely how numerical values are turned into colours for plotting, you need to specify a colour scale using the colourscale argument (see examples). Otherwise the default is "gray" for grayscale images, "rgb" for colour. These expect values in [0..1], so the default is to rescale the data to [0..1]. If you wish to over-ride that behaviour, set rescale=FALSE.  
##' @param x an image (of class cimg)
##' @param frames which frames to extract (in case depth > 1)
##' @param rescale rescale so that pixel values are in [0,1]? (subtract min and divide by range). default TRUE
##' @param colourscale a function that returns RGB values in hexadecimal
##' @param colorscale same as above in American spelling
##' @param col.na which colour to use for NA values, as R rgb code. The default is "rgb(0,0,0,0)", which corresponds to a fully transparent colour. 
##' @param ... ignored
##' @return a raster object
##' @seealso plot.cimg, rasterImage
##' @author Simon Barthelme
##' @examples
##' \dontshow{cimg.limit.openmp()}
##' #A raster is a simple array of RGB values
##' as.raster(boats) %>% str
##' #By default as.raster rescales input values, so that:
##' all.equal(as.raster(boats),as.raster(boats/2)) #TRUE
##' #Setting rescale to FALSE changes that
##' as.raster(boats,rescale=FALSE) %>% plot
##' as.raster(boats/2,rescale=FALSE) %>% plot
##' #For grayscale images, a colourmap should take a single value and
##' #return  an RGB code
##' #Example: mapping grayscale value to saturation
##' cscale <- function(v) hsv(.5,v,1)
##' grayscale(boats) %>% as.raster(colourscale=cscale) %>% plot
##' @export
as.raster.cimg <- function(x,frames,rescale=TRUE,colourscale=NULL,
    if (is.null(colorscale) && is.null(colourscale))
        colourscale <- if (spectrum(x) == 1) gray else rgb
        if (is.null(colourscale))
            colourscale <- colorscale
        if (rescale)
            warning("You've specified a colour scale, but rescale is set to TRUE. You may get unexpected results")
    im <- x
    w <- width(im)
    h <- height(im)
    if (depth(im) == 1)
        if (rescale) im <- renorm(im,0,1)
        nas <- is.na(im)
        has.na <- any(nas)
        if (has.na)
            im[nas] <- 0
        if (spectrum(im) == 1) #BW
            dim(im) <- dim(im)[1:2]
            r <- im %>%  colourscale
            dim(r) <- dim(im)[2:1]
            class(r) <- "raster"
            v <- channels(im) %>% lapply(as.matrix)
            r <- colourscale(v[[1]],v[[2]],v[[3]])
            dim(r) <- dim(im)[2:1]
            class(r) <- "raster"
        if (has.na)
            #Insert col.na where appropriate
            ii <- where(nas)
            r[cbind(ii$y,ii$x)] <- col.na
        if (missing(frames)) frames <- 1:depth(im)
        imager::frames(im,frames) %>% purrr::map(as.raster.cimg)

##' Convert a raster object to a cimg object
##' R's native object for representing images is a "raster". This function converts raster objects to cimg objects. 
##' @param obj a raster object
##' @param ... ignored
##' @return a cimg object
##' @author Simon Barthelme
##' @examples
##' \dontshow{cimg.limit.openmp()}
##' rst <- as.raster(matrix((1:4)/4,2,2))
##' as.cimg(rst) %>% plot(int=FALSE)
##' all.equal(rst,as.raster(as.cimg(rst)))
##' @export
as.cimg.raster <- function(obj,...)
        map_il(1:3,~ col2rgb(obj)[.,] %>% matrix(dim(obj),byrow=TRUE) %>% as.cimg) %>% imappend("c") %>% imrotate(90) %>% mirror("x") 

##' Convert cimg to spatstat im object
##' The spatstat library uses a different format for images, which have class "im". This utility converts a cimg object to an im object. spatstat im objects are limited to 2D grayscale images, so if the image has depth or spectrum > 1 a list is returned for the separate frames or channels (or both, in which case a list of lists is returned, with frames at the higher level and channels at the lower one).
##' @param img an image of class cimg
##' @param W a spatial window (see spatstat doc). Default NULL
##' @return an object of class im, or a list of objects of class im, or a list of lists of objects of class im
##' @author Simon Barthelme
##' @seealso im, as.im
##' @export
cimg2im <- function(img,W=NULL)
        if (requireNamespace("spatstat.geom",quietly=TRUE))
                if (depth(img) > 1)
                        l <- ilply(img,axis="z",cimg2im,W=W)
                else if (spectrum(img) > 1)
                        l <- ilply(img,axis="c",cimg2im,W=W)
                        imrotate(img,90) %>% as.array %>% squeeze %>% spatstat.geom::as.im(W=W)
                stop("The spatstat.geom package is required")

##' Convert an image in spatstat format to an image in cimg format
##' @param obj a spatstat image
##' @param ... optional arguments
##' @return a cimg image
##' @author Simon Barthelme
##' @export
as.cimg.im <- function(obj, ...)
        if (requireNamespace("spatstat.geom",quietly=TRUE))
                spatstat.geom::as.matrix.im(obj) %>% as.cimg %>% imrotate(-90)
                stop("The spatstat.geom package is required")

##' Convert to cimg object
##' Imager implements various converters that turn your data into cimg objects. If you convert from a vector (which only has a length, and no dimension), either specify dimensions explicitly or some guesswork will be involved. See examples for clarifications. 
##' @param obj an object
##' @param x width
##' @param y height
##' @param z depth
##' @param cc spectrum
##' @param dim a vector of dimensions (optional, use instead of xyzcc)
##' @param ... optional arguments
##' @seealso as.cimg.array, as.cimg.function, as.cimg.data.frame
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontshow{cimg.limit.openmp()}
##' as.cimg(1:100,x=10,y=10) #10x10, grayscale image
##' as.cimg(rep(1:100,3),x=10,y=10,cc=3) #10x10 RGB
##' as.cimg(1:100,dim=c(10,10,1,1))
##' as.cimg(1:100) #Guesses dimensions, warning is issued
##' as.cimg(rep(1:100,3)) #Guesses dimensions, warning is issued
##' @author Simon Barthelme
as.cimg <- function(obj,...) UseMethod("as.cimg")

##' @describeIn as.cimg convert numeric
##' @export
as.cimg.numeric <- function(obj,...) as.cimg.vector(obj,...)

##' @describeIn as.cimg convert logical
##' @export
as.cimg.logical <- function(obj,...) as.cimg.vector(as.numeric(obj),...)

##' @describeIn as.cimg convert double
##' @export
as.cimg.double <- function(obj,...) as.cimg.vector(obj,...)

##' @describeIn as.cimg return object
##' @export
as.cimg.cimg <- function(obj,...) obj

##' @describeIn as.cimg convert vector
##' @export
as.cimg.vector <- function(obj,x=NA,y=NA,z=NA,cc=NA,dim=NULL,...)
        if (!is.null(dim))
            x <- dim[1];y <- dim[2];z <- dim[3];cc <- dim[4]
        args <- list(x=x,y=y,z=z,cc=cc)
        if (any(!is.na(args)))
                args[is.na(args)] <- 1
                d <- do.call("c",args)
                if (prod(d)==length(obj))
                        array(obj,d)%>% cimg
                        stop("Dimensions are incompatible with input length")
                l <- length(obj)
                is.whole <- function(v) isTRUE(all.equal(round(v), v))
                if (is.whole(sqrt(l)))
                        warning("Guessing input is a square 2D image")
                        d <- sqrt(l) %>% round
                        array(obj,c(d,d,1,1)) %>% cimg
                else if (is.whole(sqrt(l/3)))
                        warning("Guessing input is a square 2D RGB image")
                        d <- sqrt(l/3) %>% round
                        array(obj,c(d,d,1,3))%>% cimg
                else if (is.whole((l)^(1/3))) 
                        warning("Guessing input is a cubic 3D image")
                        d <- l^(1/3) %>% round
                        array(obj,c(d,d,d,1))%>% cimg
                else if (is.whole((l/3)^(1/3))) 
                        warning("Guessing input is a cubic 3D RGB image")
                        d <- (l/3)^(1/3) %>% round
                        array(obj,c(d,d,d,3))%>% cimg
                        stop("Please provide image dimensions")

##' Turn an numeric array into a cimg object
##' If the array has two dimensions, we assume it's a grayscale image. If it has three dimensions we assume it's a video, unless the third dimension has a depth of 3, in which case we assume it's a colour image,
##' @export
##' @param obj an array
##' @param ... ignored
##' @examples
##' \dontshow{cimg.limit.openmp()}
##' as.cimg(array(1:9,c(3,3)))
##' as.cimg(array(1,c(10,10,3))) #Guesses colour image
##' as.cimg(array(1:9,c(10,10,4))) #Guesses video
as.cimg.array <- function(obj,...)
        d <- dim(obj)
        if (is.logical(obj) | is.integer(obj))
                obj <- obj+0.0
        if (length(d)==4)
        else if (length(d) == 2)
        else if (length(d) == 3)
            if (d[3] == 3)
                        warning('Assuming third dimension corresponds to colour')
                        dim(obj) <- c(d[1:2],1,d[3])
            else {
                warning('Assuming third dimension corresponds to time/depth')
                dim(obj) <- c(d,1)
                stop("Array must have at most 4 dimensions ")

##' @export
as.array.cimg <- function(x,...) {
    class(x) <- "array"
##' @describeIn as.cimg Convert to matrix
##' @export
as.cimg.matrix <- function(obj,...)
        dim(obj) <- c(dim(obj),1,1)

##' Create an image from a data.frame
##' This function is meant to be just like as.cimg.data.frame, but in reverse. Each line in the data frame must correspond to a pixel. For example, the data fame can be of the form (x,y,value) or (x,y,z,value), or (x,y,z,cc,value). The coordinates must be valid image coordinates (i.e., positive integers). 
##' @param obj a data.frame
##' @param v.name name of the variable to extract pixel values from (default "value")
##' @param dims a vector of length 4 corresponding to image dimensions. If missing, a guess will be made.
##' @param ... ignored
##' @return an object of class cimg
##' @examples
##' \dontshow{cimg.limit.openmp()}
##' #Create a data.frame with columns x,y and value
##' df <- expand.grid(x=1:10,y=1:10) %>% dplyr::mutate(value=x*y)
##' #Convert to cimg object (2D, grayscale image of size 10*10
##' as.cimg(df,dims=c(10,10,1,1)) %>% plot
##' @author Simon Barthelme
##' @export
as.cimg.data.frame <- function(obj,v.name="value",dims,...)
    nm <- names(obj) %>% tolower
    names(obj) <- nm
    if (!any(c("x","y","z","c","cc") %in% nm))
        stop('input must have (x,y,value) format or similar, see help')
    which.v <- (names(obj) == v.name) %>% which
    col.coord <- (names(obj) %in% names.coords) %>% which
    coords <- names(obj)[col.coord]
    if (length(which.v) == 0)
        sprintf("Variable %s is missing",v.name) %>% stop
    if (any(sapply(obj[,-which.v],min) <= 0))
        stop('Indices must be positive')
    if (missing(dims))
        warning('Guessing image dimensions from maximum coordinate values')
        dims <- rep(1,4)
        for (n in coords)
            dims[index.coords[[n]]] <- max(obj[[n]])
    im <- as.cimg(array(0,dims))
    ind <- index.coord(im,obj[,col.coord,drop=FALSE])
    im[ind] <- obj[[v.name]]

##' @export
as.matrix.cimg <- function(x,...) {
    d <- dim(x)
    if (sum(d==1) == 2)
            x <- squeeze(x)
            class(x) <- "matrix"
    else if (sum(d > 1) == 1)
        warning("Image is one-dimensional")
        as.vector(x) %>% as.matrix
            stop("Too many non-empty dimensions")

##' Convert an RGB image to grayscale 
##' This function converts from RGB images to grayscale 
##' @param im an RGB image
##' @param method either "Luma", in which case a linear approximation to luminance is used, or "XYZ", in which case the image is assumed to be in sRGB color space and CIE luminance is used.
##' @param drop if TRUE returns an image with a single channel, otherwise keep the three channels (default TRUE)
##' @return a grayscale image (spectrum == 1)
##' @examples
##' \dontshow{cimg.limit.openmp()}
##' grayscale(boats) %>% plot
##' #In many pictures, the difference between Luma and XYZ conversion is subtle 
##' grayscale(boats,method="XYZ") %>% plot
##' grayscale(boats,method="XYZ",drop=FALSE) %>% dim
##' @export
grayscale <- function(im,method="Luma",drop=TRUE)
    if (spectrum(im)==1)
        warning("Image appears to already be in grayscale mode")
    else  if (spectrum(im) != 3)
        stop("Image should have three colour channels")
    if (method=="XYZ")
        xyz <- sRGBtoRGB(im) %>% RGBtoXYZ 
        im <- add.colour(G(xyz)) %>% XYZtoRGB %>% RGBtosRGB
        if (drop)
    else if (method=="Luma")
        bw <- .3*R(im)+.59*G(im)+.11*B(im)
        if (drop)

#Converts a single frame from a magick image
cvt.frame <- function(f){
  f <- as.double(f)
  d <- dim(f)
  dim(f) <- c(d[1:2],1,d[3])
  cimg(f) %>% imrotate(90) %>% mirror("x")

#' Convert a magick image to a cimg image or image list and vice versa
#' The magick library package stores its data as "magick-image" object, which may in fact contain several images or an animation. These functions convert magick objects into imager objects or imager objects into magick objects. Note that cimg2magick function requires magick package.
#' @param obj an object of class "magick-image"
#' @name magick
#' @param ... ignored
#' @return an object of class cimg or imlist
#' @param alpha what do to with the alpha channel ("rm": remove and store as attribute, "flatten": flatten, "keep": keep). Default: "rm"
#' @export
#' @seealso flatten.alpha, rm.alpha
#' @author Jan Wijffels, Simon Barthelme
magick2imlist <- function(obj,alpha="rm",...)
    out <- map_il(seq_len(length(obj)), ~ cvt.frame(obj[[.]]))
    if (alpha=="rm")
        out <- map_il(out,rm.alpha)
    else if (alpha=="flatten")
        out <- map_il(out,flatten.alpha)
    else if (alpha=="keep")
        stop("alpha argument must be one of 'keep','rm','flatten'")

#' @rdname magick
#' @export
magick2cimg <- function(obj,alpha="rm",...)
    magick2imlist(obj,alpha=alpha) %>% imappend("z")

#' @rdname magick
#' @param im an image of class cimg
#' @param rotate determine if rotate image to adjust orientation of image
#' @return an object of class "magick-image"
#' @export
#' @author Shota Ochi
cimg2magick <- function(im, rotate = TRUE)
    out <- as.array(frames(im, drop = TRUE)[[1]])
    if (spectrum(im) == 1)
        out <- array(out, c(dim(im)[1], dim(im)[2], 1))
    out <- magick::image_read(out)
    if (rotate)
        out <- magick::image_rotate(out, 90)

#' Convert a RasterLayer/RasterBrick to a cimg image/image list
#' The raster library stores its data as "RasterLayer" and "RasterBrick" objects. The raster package can store its data  out-of-RAM, so in order not to load too much data the "maxpixels" argument sets a limit on how many pixels are loaded. 
#' @param obj an object of class "RasterLayer"
#' @param maxpixels max. number of pixels to load  (default 1e7)
#' @name RasterPackage
#' @param ... ignored
#' @author  Simon Barthelme, adapted from the image method for RasterLayer by Robert J Hijmans
#' @export
'as.cimg.RasterLayer' <- function(obj, maxpixels=1e7, ...)  {
    if (!requireNamespace("raster", quietly = TRUE)) {
             stop("Package raster is needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
      call. = FALSE)
    x <- raster::sampleRegular(obj, maxpixels, asRaster=TRUE, useGDAL=TRUE)
    y <- raster::yFromRow(x, nrow(x):1)
    #for some reason as.vector(x) doesn't work anymore
    value <- as.vector(raster::getValues(x)) %>% t
    x <- raster::xFromCol(x,1:ncol(x))
    array(value,c(length(x),length(y),1,1)) %>% as.cimg 

#' @rdname RasterPackage
#' @export
'as.imlist.RasterStackBrick' <- function(obj, maxpixels=1e7, ...)  {
    map(seq_len(raster::nlayers(obj)), ~ raster::raster(obj,.)) %>% map_il(~ as.cimg(.,maxpixels=maxpixels))

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imager documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:38 a.m.