# Interaction ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Feature interactions
#' `Interaction` estimates the feature interactions in a prediction model.
#' @importFrom data.table dcast
#' @template parallel
#' @details
#' Interactions between features are measured via the decomposition of the
#' prediction function: If a feature `j` has no interaction with any other
#' feature, the prediction function can be expressed as the sum of the partial
#' function that depends only on `j` and the partial function that only depends
#' on features other than `j`. If the variance of the full function is
#' completely explained by the sum of the partial functions, there is no
#' interaction between feature `j` and the other features. Any variance that is
#' not explained can be attributed to the interaction and is used as a measure
#' of interaction strength.
#' The interaction strength between two features is the proportion of the
#' variance of the 2-dimensional partial dependence function that is not
#' explained by the sum of the two 1-dimensional partial dependence functions.
#' The interaction is measured by Friedman's H-statistic (square root of the
#' H-squared test statistic) and takes on values between 0 (no interaction) to 1
#' (100% of standard deviation of f(x) du to interaction).
#' To learn more about interaction effects, read the Interpretable Machine Learning book:
#' \url{}
#' @references Friedman, Jerome H., and Bogdan E. Popescu. "Predictive learning
#' via rule ensembles." The Annals of Applied Statistics 2.3 (2008): 916-954.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library("rpart")
#' set.seed(42)
#' # Fit a CART on the Boston housing data set
#' data("Boston", package = "MASS")
#' rf <- rpart(medv ~ ., data = Boston)
#' # Create a model object
#' mod <- Predictor$new(rf, data = Boston[-which(names(Boston) == "medv")])
#' # Measure the interaction strength
#' ia <- Interaction$new(mod)
#' # Plot the resulting leaf nodes
#' plot(ia)
#' # Extract the results
#' dat <- ia$results
#' head(dat)
#' # Interaction also works with multiclass classification
#' rf <- rpart(Species ~ ., data = iris)
#' mod <- Predictor$new(rf, data = iris, type = "prob")
#' # For some models we have to specify additional arguments for the
#' # predict function
#' ia <- Interaction$new(mod)
#' ia$plot()
#' # For multiclass classification models, you can choose to only show one class:
#' mod <- Predictor$new(rf, data = iris, type = "prob", class = "virginica")
#' plot(Interaction$new(mod))
#' }
#' @name Interaction
#' @export
Interaction <- R6Class("Interaction",
inherit = InterpretationMethod,
public = list(
#' @description Create an Interaction object
#' @template predictor
#' @template feature
#' @template grid.size
#' @return
#' [data.frame] with the interaction strength (column `.interation`) per
#' feature calculated as Friedman's H-statistic and - in the case of a
#' multi-dimensional outcome - per class.
initialize = function(predictor, feature = NULL, grid.size = 30) {
assert_vector(feature, len = 1, null.ok = TRUE)
assert_number(grid.size, lower = 2)
if (!is.null(feature) && is.numeric(feature)) {
private$feature <- predictor$data$feature.names[feature]
} else {
private$feature <- feature
self$grid.size <- min(grid.size, predictor$data$n.rows)
# The fitted tree
#' @field grid.size (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' The number of values per feature that should be used to estimate the
#' interaction strength.
grid.size = NULL
private = list(
run = function(batch.size) {
features <- setdiff(private$sampler$feature.names, private$feature)
data.sample <- private$sampler$get.x()
probe <- self$predictor$predict(data.frame(data.sample[1, ]))
private$multiClass <- ifelse(ncol(probe) > 1, TRUE, FALSE)
self$results <- rbindlist(unname(future.apply::future_lapply(features, function(x) {
dataSample = data.sample, = c(x, private$feature),
grid.size = self$grid.size,
batch.size = batch.size,
q = private$q,
predictor = self$predictor
future.seed = TRUE,
future.packages = loadedNamespaces()
)), use.names = TRUE)
private$finished <- TRUE
generatePlot = function(sort = TRUE, ...) {
requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)
res <- self$results
if (sort & !private$multiClass) {
res$.feature <- factor(res$.feature,
levels = res$.feature[order(res$.interaction)]
y.axis.label <- ifelse(is.null(private$feature), "Interaction strength",
sprintf("Interaction strength with %s", private$feature)
p <- ggplot(res, aes(y = .feature, x = .interaction)) +
geom_point() +
geom_segment(aes(yend = .feature, x = 0, xend = .interaction)) +
scale_x_continuous("Overall interaction strength") +
if (private$multiClass) {
p <- p + facet_wrap(".class")
}, = function(batch.size, dataSample,,
grid.size, predictor, q) {
min.len = 1, max.len = 2,
any.missing = FALSE
grid.dat <- dataSample[sample(1:nrow(dataSample), size = grid.size), ]
dist.dat <- dataSample
res.intermediate <- data.table()
if (length( == 1) {
mg_j <- MarginalGenerator$new(grid.dat, dist.dat,, cartesian = TRUE)
batch.size.split <- floor(batch.size) / 2
mg_noj <- MarginalGenerator$new(grid.dat, dist.dat,
cartesian = TRUE
while (!mg_j$finished) {
partial_j <- mg_j$next.batch(batch.size.split)
partial_j$.type <- "j"
partial_noj <- mg_noj$next.batch(batch.size.split)
partial_noj$.type <- "no.j"
grid.dat$.type <- "f"
grid.dat$.id <- 1:nrow(grid.dat)
res.intermediate <- rbind(res.intermediate, partial_j, partial_noj,
use.names = TRUE
} else if (length( == 2) {
batch.size.split <- floor(batch.size / 3)
mg_jk <- MarginalGenerator$new(grid.dat, dist.dat,,
cartesian = TRUE
mg_j <- MarginalGenerator$new(grid.dat, dist.dat,[1],
cartesian = TRUE
mg_k <- MarginalGenerator$new(grid.dat, dist.dat,[2],
cartesian = TRUE
while (!mg_j$finished) {
partial_jk <- mg_jk$next.batch(batch.size.split)
partial_jk$.type <- "jk"
partial_j <- mg_j$next.batch(batch.size.split)
partial_j$.type <- "j"
partial_k <- mg_k$next.batch(batch.size.split)
partial_k$.type <- "k"
res.intermediate <- rbind(res.intermediate, partial_jk, partial_j,
use.names = TRUE
predictResults <- predictor$predict(data.frame(res.intermediate))
qResults <- q(predictResults)
res.intermediate$.feature <- paste(, collapse = ":")
aggregate.interaction(res.intermediate, qResults,
feature = NULL
# plot.Interaction -------------------------------------------------------------
#' Plot Interaction
#' `plot.Interaction()` plots the results of an Interaction object.
#' @param x An Interaction R6 object
#' @param sort logical. Should the features be sorted in descending order?
#' Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return ggplot2 plot object
#' @seealso [Interaction]
#' @examples
#' # We train a tree on the Boston dataset:
#' \dontrun{
#' library("rpart")
#' data("Boston", package = "MASS")
#' rf <- rpart(medv ~ ., data = Boston)
#' mod <- Predictor$new(rf, data = Boston)
#' # Compute the interactions
#' ia <- Interaction$new(mod)
#' # Plot the results directly
#' plot(ia)
#' }
plot.Interaction <- function(x, sort = TRUE) {
x$plot(sort = sort)
# helper functions -------------------------------------------------------------
# The test statistic as defined in:
# Friedman, Jerome H., and Bogdan E. Popescu. "Predictive learning via rule
# ensembles." The Annals of Applied Statistics 2.3 (2008): 916-954.
# Measures the variance explained by the interaction
h.test <- function(f.all, f.j, {
assert_numeric(f.all, any.missing = FALSE)
assert_numeric(f.j, any.missing = FALSE)
assert_numeric(, any.missing = FALSE)
# center
f.all <- my.scale(f.all)
f.j <- my.scale(f.j) <- my.scale(
# statistics
sqrt(sum((f.all - (f.j +^2) / sum(f.all^2))
my.scale <- function(x) {
x.scaled <- scale(x, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
x.scaled[] <- 0
aggregate.interaction <- function(partial_dat, prediction, feature) {
assert_character(feature, null.ok = TRUE)
assert_true(all(feature %in% colnames(partial_dat)))
# for suppressing NOTE in R CMD check:
jk <- j <- k <- f <- no.j <- .feature <- .id <- .class <- .type <- NULL
if (ncol(prediction) == 1) {
partial_dat$.y.hat <- prediction
partial_dat$.class <- 1
} else {
y.hat.names <- colnames(prediction)
partial_dat <- cbind(partial_dat, prediction)
partial_dat <- data.table::melt(partial_dat, = ".class", = ".y.hat", measure.vars = y.hat.names
partial_dat <- partial_dat[, c(".id", ".feature", ".type", ".y.hat", ".class")]
pd <- data.table::dcast(partial_dat, .feature + .id + .class ~ .type,
value.var = ".y.hat", fun.aggregate = mean
if (length(feature) == 2) {
res <- data.frame(pd[, list(.interaction = h.test(jk, j, k)), by = list(.feature, .class)])
} else {
res <- data.frame(pd[, list(.interaction = h.test(f, j, no.j)), by = list(.feature, .class)])
if (ncol(prediction) == 1) {
res$.class <- NULL
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