#' @title Prediction explanations with game theory
#' @description
#' `Shapley` computes feature contributions for single predictions with the
#' Shapley value, an approach from cooperative game theory. The features values
#' of an instance cooperate to achieve the prediction. The Shapley value fairly
#' distributes the difference of the instance's prediction and the datasets
#' average prediction among the features.
#' @details
#' For more details on the algorithm see
#' \url{}
#' @references
#' Strumbelj, E., Kononenko, I. (2014). Explaining prediction models and
#' individual predictions with feature contributions. Knowledge and Information
#' Systems, 41(3), 647-665.
#' @seealso [Shapley]
#' @seealso
#' A different way to explain predictions: [LocalModel]
#' @examples
#' library("rpart")
#' # First we fit a machine learning model on the Boston housing data
#' data("Boston", package = "MASS")
#' rf <- rpart(medv ~ ., data = Boston)
#' X <- Boston[-which(names(Boston) == "medv")]
#' mod <- Predictor$new(rf, data = X)
#' # Then we explain the first instance of the dataset with the Shapley method:
#' x.interest <- X[1, ]
#' shapley <- Shapley$new(mod, x.interest = x.interest)
#' shapley
#' # Look at the results in a table
#' shapley$results
#' # Or as a plot
#' plot(shapley)
#' # Explain another instance
#' shapley$explain(X[2, ])
#' plot(shapley)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Shapley() also works with multiclass classification
#' rf <- rpart(Species ~ ., data = iris)
#' X <- iris[-which(names(iris) == "Species")]
#' mod <- Predictor$new(rf, data = X, type = "prob")
#' # Then we explain the first instance of the dataset with the Shapley() method:
#' shapley <- Shapley$new(mod, x.interest = X[1, ])
#' shapley$results
#' plot(shapley)
#' # You can also focus on one class
#' mod <- Predictor$new(rf, data = X, type = "prob", class = "setosa")
#' shapley <- Shapley$new(mod, x.interest = X[1, ])
#' shapley$results
#' plot(shapley)
#' }
#' @export
Shapley <- R6Class("Shapley",
inherit = InterpretationMethod,
public = list(
#' @description Create a Shapley object
#' @template predictor
#' @param x.interest [data.frame]\cr
#' Single row with the instance to be explained.
#' @param sample.size `numeric(1)`\cr
#' The number of Monte Carlo samples for estimating the Shapley value.
#' @return [data.frame]\cr
#' [data.frame] with the Shapley values (phi) per feature.
initialize = function(predictor, x.interest = NULL, sample.size = 100) {
checkmate::assert_data_frame(x.interest, null.ok = TRUE)
super$initialize(predictor = predictor)
x.interest <- x.interest[setdiff(colnames(x.interest), predictor$data$y.names)]
self$sample.size <- sample.size
if (!is.null(x.interest)) {
private$getData <- function(...) {
private$sampler$sample(n = self$sample.size, ...)
if (!is.null(x.interest)) private$run()
#' @description Set a new data point which to explain.
#' @param x.interest [data.frame]\cr
#' Single row with the instance to be explained.
explain = function(x.interest) {
#' @field x.interest [data.frame]\cr
#' Single row with the instance to be explained.
x.interest = NULL,
#' @field y.hat.interest [numeric]\cr
#' Predicted value for instance of interest.
y.hat.interest = NULL,
#' @field y.hat.average `numeric(1)`\cr
#' Average predicted value for data `X`.
y.hat.average = NULL,
#' @field sample.size `numeric(1)`\cr
#' The number of times coalitions/marginals are
#' sampled from data X. The higher the more accurate the explanations
#' become.
sample.size = NULL
private = list(
aggregate = function() {
y.hat.with.k <- private$qResults[1:(nrow(private$qResults) / 2), , drop = FALSE]
y.hat.without.k <- private$qResults[(nrow(private$qResults) / 2 + 1):nrow(private$qResults), , drop = FALSE]
y.hat.diff <- y.hat.with.k - y.hat.without.k
cnames <- colnames(y.hat.diff)
y.hat.diff <- cbind(
data.table(feature = rep(colnames(private$dataDesign), times = self$sample.size)),
y.hat.diff <- data.table::melt(y.hat.diff, = "class", = "value", measure.vars = cnames)
y.hat.diff <- y.hat.diff[, list("phi" = mean(value), "phi.var" = var(value)), by = c("feature", "class")]
if (!private$multiClass) y.hat.diff$class <- NULL
x.original <- unlist(lapply(self$x.interest[1, ], as.character))
y.hat.diff$feature.value <- rep(sprintf("%s=%s", colnames(self$x.interest), x.original), times = length(cnames))
intervene = function() {
# The intervention
runs <- lapply(1:self$sample.size, function(m) {
# randomly order features
new.feature.order <- sample(1:private$sampler$n.features)
# randomly choose sample instance from X
sample.instance.shuffled <- private$dataSample[sample(1:nrow(private$dataSample), 1),
with = FALSE
x.interest.shuffled <- self$x.interest[, new.feature.order]
featurewise <- lapply(1:private$sampler$n.features, function(k) { <- which(new.feature.order == k)
instance.with.k <- x.interest.shuffled
if ( < ncol(self$x.interest)) {
instance.with.k[, ( + 1):ncol(instance.with.k)] <-
sample.instance.shuffled[, ( + 1):ncol(instance.with.k),
with = FALSE
instance.without.k <- instance.with.k
instance.without.k[,] <- sample.instance.shuffled[,,
with = FALSE
instance.with.k[, private$sampler$feature.names],
instance.without.k[, private$sampler$feature.names]
runs <- data.table::rbindlist(runs)
dat.with.k <- data.frame(runs[, 1:(ncol(runs) / 2)])
dat.without.k <- data.frame(runs[, (ncol(runs) / 2 + 1):ncol(runs)])
rbind(dat.with.k, dat.without.k)
set.x.interest = function(x.interest) {
self$x.interest <- x.interest
self$y.hat.interest <- self$predictor$predict(x.interest)[1, ]
self$y.hat.average <- colMeans(self$predictor$predict(private$sampler$get.x()))
generatePlot = function(sort = TRUE, ...) {
requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)
res <- self$results
if (sort & !private$multiClass) {
res$feature.value <- factor(res$feature.value,
levels = res$feature.value[order(res$phi)]
p <- ggplot(res) +
geom_col(aes(y = phi, x = feature.value)) +
coord_flip() +
if (private$multiClass) {
p <- p + facet_wrap("class")
} else {
p <- p + ggtitle(sprintf(
"Actual prediction: %.2f\nAverage prediction: %.2f",
self$y.hat.interest, self$y.hat.average
printParameters = function() {
"Predicted value: %f, Average prediction: %f (diff = %f)",
self$y.hat.interest, self$y.hat.average,
self$y.hat.interest - self$y.hat.average
#' @title Plot Shapley
#' @description
#' plot.Shapley() plots the Shapley values - the contributions of feature values
#' to the prediction.
#' @param object A Shapley R6 object
#' @param sort [logical]\cr
#' Should the feature values be sorted by Shapley value? Ignored for
#' multi.class output.
#' @return ggplot2 plot object
#' @seealso [Shapley]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library("rpart")
#' # First we fit a machine learning model on the Boston housing data
#' data("Boston", package = "MASS")
#' rf <- rpart(medv ~ ., data = Boston)
#' X <- Boston[-which(names(Boston) == "medv")]
#' mod <- Predictor$new(rf, data = X)
#' # Then we explain the first instance of the dataset with the Shapley method:
#' x.interest <- X[1, ]
#' shapley <- Shapley$new(mod, x.interest = x.interest)
#' plot(shapley)
#' }
plot.Shapley <- function(object, sort = TRUE) {
object$plot(sort = sort)
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