#' Adds a block structure to an incidence matrix
#' `add.blocks` shuffles an incidence matrix to have a block structure or planted partition while preserving the row and column sums
#' @param I An incidence matrix or {\link{igraph}} bipartite graph
#' @param rowblock numeric: vector indicating each row node's block membership
#' @param colblock numeric: vector indicating each column node's block membership
#' @param density numeric: desired within-block density
#' @param sorted boolean: if TRUE, return incidence matrix permuted by block
#' @details
#' Stochastic block and planted partition models generate graphs in which the probability that two nodes are connected
#' depends on whether they are members of the same or different blocks/partitions. Functions such as \link[igraph]{sample_sbm}
#' can randomly sample from stochastic block models with given probabilities. In contrast `add.blocks` adds a block
#' structure to an existing incidence matrix while preserving the row and column sums. Row nodes' and column nodes'
#' block memberships are supplied in separate vectors. If block membership vectors are not provided, then nodes are
#' randomly assigned to two groups.
#' @return
#' An incidence matrix or {\link{igraph}} bipartite graph with a block structure
#' @references {Neal, Z. P., Domagalski, R., and Sagan, B. 2021. Comparing alternatives to the fixed degree sequence model for extracting the backbone of bipartite projections. *Scientific Reports, 11*, 23929. \doi{10.1038/s41598-021-03238-3}}
#' @references {Neal, Z. P. 2022. incidentally: An R package to generate incidence matrices and bipartite graphs. *OSF Preprints* \doi{10.31219/}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' I <- incidence.from.probability(R = 100, C = 100, P = .1)
#' blocked <- add.blocks(I, density = .7)
#' all(rowSums(I)==rowSums(blocked))
#' all(colSums(I)==colSums(blocked))
#' B <- igraph::sample_bipartite(100, 100, p=.1)
#' blocked <- add.blocks(B, density = .7)
#' all(igraph::degree(B)==igraph::degree(blocked))
add.blocks <- function(I,
rowblock = sample(1:2,replace=T,nrow(I)),
colblock = sample(1:2,replace=T,ncol(I)),
density = .5,
sorted = FALSE) {
#Function to sample 2x2 checkerboards from a larger matrix
sample.cb <- function(m) {
n <- nrow(m) * ncol(m)
m <- Matrix::spMatrix(nrow(m), ncol(m), #Convert m to a sparse matrix in triplet format
i = which(m != 0, arr.ind = T)[,1],
j = which(m != 0, arr.ind = T)[,2],
x = rep(1,sum(m)))
mIdx <- matrix(sample(length(m@i), 2L*n, TRUE), ncol = 2)
dt <- data.frame(row1 = m@i[mIdx[,1]], col1 = m@j[mIdx[,2]], row2 = m@i[mIdx[,2]], col2 = m@j[mIdx[,1]]) + 1L
dt <- dt[which(dt$row1 != dt$row2 & dt$col1 != dt$col2 & !(m[matrix(c(dt$row1, dt$col1), n)] + m[matrix(c(dt$row2, dt$col2), n)])),]
# Prep object
if (!methods::is(I,"matrix") & !methods::is(I,"igraph")) {stop("I must be a matrix or igraph object")}
class <- "matrix"
if (methods::is(I,"igraph")) {
if (!igraph::is.bipartite(I)) {stop("I must be bipartite")}
I <- igraph::as_incidence_matrix(I)
class <- "igraph"
# Parameter checks
if (!is.numeric(density)) {stop("density must be numeric")}
if (density<0 | density>1) {stop("density must be between 0 and 1")}
if (!is.numeric(rowblock) | !is.numeric(colblock)) {stop("rowblock and colblock must be integer vectors")}
if (length(rowblock)!=nrow(I)) {stop("rowblock must contain nrow(I) elements")}
if (length(colblock)!=ncol(I)) {stop("colblock must contain ncol(I) elements")}
# Check starting within-block density
within <- outer(rowblock, colblock, `==`) #Find within-group pairs
within.block <- sum((within*I) / sum(I)) #Compute starting block density
if (within.block > density) {stop("I already has a within-block density > `density`")}
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = within.block, max = density, style = 3) #Initiate progress bar
while (within.block < density) { #While trying to improve density...
# Get list a possible swaps
possible <- sample.cb(I)
possible <- possible[which(rowblock[possible$row1]!=rowblock[possible$row2] & #Agents are from different groups
colblock[possible$col1]!=colblock[possible$col2] & #Artifacts are from different groups
rowblock[possible$row1]==colblock[possible$col1] & #First agent and artifact are from same group
rowblock[possible$row2]==colblock[possible$col2]),] #Second agent and artifact are from same group
if (nrow(possible) == 0) {stop("Requested within-block density not achieved")}
# Try making swaps from the list, until achieving desired density
for (try in 1:nrow(possible)) {
if (within.block < density & all(matrix(c(0,1,1,0),nrow=2,ncol=2) == I[c(possible$row1[try],possible$row2[try]),c(possible$col1[try],possible$col2[try])])) { #If necessary and allowable
I[c(possible$row1[try],possible$row2[try]),c(possible$col1[try],possible$col2[try])] <- matrix(c(1,0,0,1),nrow=2,ncol=2)
within.block <- sum((within*I) / sum(I))
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, within.block)
# Complete & end progress bar, return
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, density)
if (sorted & class=="matrix") {I <- I[order(rowblock), order(colblock)]}
if (class == "igraph") {I <- igraph::graph_from_incidence_matrix(I)}
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