bru_log_offset: Position methods for 'bru_log' objects

View source: R/environment.R

bru_log_offsetR Documentation

Position methods for bru_log objects


Position methods for bru_log objects.


bru_log_offset(x = NULL, bookmark = NULL, offset = NULL)

bru_log_index(x = NULL, i, verbosity = NULL)



A bru_log object. If NULL, the global inlabru log is used.


character; The label for a bookmark with a stored offset.


integer; a position offset in the log, with 0L pointing at the start of the log. If negative, denotes the point abs(offset) elements from tail of the log. When bookmark is non-NULL, the offset applies a shift (forwards or backwards) to the bookmark list.


indices specifying elements to extract. If character, denotes the sequence between bookmark i and the next bookmark (or the end of the log if i is the last bookmark)


integer value for limiting the highest verbosity level being returned.


  • bru_log_offset(): Utility function for computing log position offsets.

  • bru_log_index(): Utility function for computing index vectors for bru_log objects.

See Also

Other inlabru log methods: bru_log(), bru_log_bookmark(), bru_log_message(), bru_log_new(), bru_log_reset()

inlabru documentation built on July 2, 2024, 1:07 a.m.