bru_mapper_marginal: Mapper for marginal distribution transformation

View source: R/mappers.R

bru_mapper_marginalR Documentation

Mapper for marginal distribution transformation


Constructs a mapper that transforms the marginal distribution state from \textrm{N}(0,1) to the distribution of a given (continuous) quantile function. The ... arguments are used as parameter arguments to qfun, pfun, dfun, and dqfun.


  pfun = NULL,
  dfun = NULL,
  dqfun = NULL,
  inverse = FALSE

## S3 method for class 'bru_mapper_marginal'
ibm_n(mapper, ..., state = NULL, n_state = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'bru_mapper_marginal'
ibm_n_output(mapper, input, state = NULL, ..., n_state = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'bru_mapper_marginal'
ibm_values(mapper, ..., state = NULL, n_state = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'bru_mapper_marginal'
ibm_jacobian(mapper, input, state = NULL, ..., reverse = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'bru_mapper_marginal'
ibm_eval(mapper, input, state = NULL, ..., reverse = FALSE)



A quantile function, supporting lower.tail and log.p arguments, like stats::qnorm().


A CDF, supporting lower.tail and log.p arguments, like stats::pnorm(). Only needed and used when xor(mapper[["inverse"]], reverse) is TRUE in a method call. Default NULL


A pdf, supporting log argument, like stats::dnorm(). If NULL (default), uses finite differences on qfun or pfun instead.


A function evaluating the reciprocal of the derivative of qfun. If NULL (default), uses dfun(qfun(...),...) or finite differences on qfun or pfun instead.


Arguments passed on to other methods


logical; If FALSE (default), bru_mapper_marginal() defines a mapping from standard Normal to a specified distribution. If TRUE, it defines a mapping from the specified distribution to a standard Normal.


A mapper S3 object, inheriting from bru_mapper.


A vector of latent state values for the mapping, of length ibm_n(mapper, inla_f = FALSE)


integer giving the length of the state vector for mappers that have state dependent output size.


Data input for the mapper.


logical; control bru_mapper_marginal evaluation. Default FALSE. When TRUE, reverses the direction of the mapping, see details for marginal mappers.


For bru_mapper_marginal, non-NULL input values are interpreted as a parameter list for qfun, overriding that of the mapper itself.

Methods (by generic)

  • ibm_eval(bru_mapper_marginal): When xor(mapper[["inverse"]], reverse) is FALSE, ibm_eval() for marginal returns qfun(pnorm(x), param), evaluated in a numerically stable way. Otherwise, evaluates the inverse qnorm(pfun(x, param)) instead.

See Also

bru_mapper, bru_mapper_generics

Other mappers: bru_get_mapper(), bru_mapper(), bru_mapper.fm_mesh_1d(), bru_mapper.fm_mesh_2d(), bru_mapper_aggregate(), bru_mapper_collect(), bru_mapper_const(), bru_mapper_factor(), bru_mapper_generics, bru_mapper_harmonics(), bru_mapper_index(), bru_mapper_linear(), bru_mapper_logsumexp(), bru_mapper_matrix(), bru_mapper_mesh_B(), bru_mapper_multi(), bru_mapper_pipe(), bru_mapper_scale(), bru_mapper_shift(), bru_mapper_taylor()


m <- bru_mapper_marginal(qexp, pexp, rate = 1 / 8)
(val <- ibm_eval(m, state = -5:5))
ibm_eval(m, state = val, reverse = TRUE)
m <- bru_mapper_marginal(qexp, pexp, dexp, rate = 1 / 8)
ibm_eval2(m, state = -3:3)

inlabru documentation built on July 2, 2024, 1:07 a.m.