bru_mapper_pipe: Mapper for linking several mappers in sequence

View source: R/mappers.R

bru_mapper_pipeR Documentation

Mapper for linking several mappers in sequence


Create a pipe mapper, where mappers is a list of mappers, and the evaluated output of each mapper is handed as the state to the next mapper. The input format for the ibm_eval and ibm_jacobian methods is a list of inputs, one for each mapper.



## S3 method for class 'bru_mapper_pipe'
ibm_n(mapper, ..., input = NULL, state = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'bru_mapper_pipe'
ibm_n_output(mapper, input, state = NULL, ..., n_state = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'bru_mapper_pipe'
ibm_values(mapper, ...)

## S3 method for class 'bru_mapper_pipe'
ibm_jacobian(mapper, input, state = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'bru_mapper_pipe'
ibm_eval(mapper, input, state = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'bru_mapper_pipe'
ibm_eval2(mapper, input, state = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'bru_mapper_pipe'
  input = NULL,
  state = NULL,
  inla_f = FALSE,
  n_state = NULL



A list of bru_mapper objects


A mapper S3 object, inheriting from bru_mapper.


Arguments passed on to other methods


Data input for the mapper.


A vector of latent state values for the mapping, of length ibm_n(mapper, inla_f = FALSE)


integer giving the length of the state vector for mappers that have state dependent output size.


logical; when TRUE for ibm_n() and ibm_values(), the result must be compatible with the INLA::f(...) and corresponding INLA::inla.stack(...) constructions. For ⁠ibm_{eval,jacobian,linear}⁠, the input interpretation may be different. Implementations do not normally need to do anything different, except for mappers of the type needed for hidden multicomponent models such as "bym2", which can be handled by bru_mapper_collect.

Methods (by generic)

  • ibm_simplify(bru_mapper_pipe): Constructs a simplified pipe mapper. For fully linear pipes, calls ibm_linear(). For partially non-linear pipes, replaces each sequence of linear mappers with a single bru_mapper_taylor() mapper, while keeping the full list of original mapper names, allowing the original input structure to be used also with the simplified mappers, since the taylor mappers are not dependent on inputs.

See Also

bru_mapper, bru_mapper_generics

Other mappers: bru_get_mapper(), bru_mapper(), bru_mapper.fm_mesh_1d(), bru_mapper.fm_mesh_2d(), bru_mapper_aggregate(), bru_mapper_collect(), bru_mapper_const(), bru_mapper_factor(), bru_mapper_generics, bru_mapper_harmonics(), bru_mapper_index(), bru_mapper_linear(), bru_mapper_logsumexp(), bru_mapper_marginal(), bru_mapper_matrix(), bru_mapper_mesh_B(), bru_mapper_multi(), bru_mapper_scale(), bru_mapper_shift(), bru_mapper_taylor()


m <- bru_mapper_pipe(list(
  scale = bru_mapper_scale(),
  shift = bru_mapper_shift()
ibm_eval2(m, input = list(scale = 2, shift = 1:4), state = 1:4)

inlabru documentation built on July 2, 2024, 1:07 a.m.