
Defines functions IsIntensitynet summary.intensitynet AreEventsRelated.intensitynet GetEventCorrection.intensitynet GetGraphType.intensitynet GetEvents.intensitynet GetGraph.intensitynet ShortestNodeDistance.intensitynet ApplyWindow.intensitynet SetNetworkAttribute.intensitynet PlotNeighborhood.intensitynet PlotHeatmap.intensitynet plot.intensitynet NodeLocalCorrelation.intensitynet NodeGeneralCorrelation.intensitynet ShortestPath.intensitynet PathTotalWeight.intensitynet EdgeIntensitiesAndProportions.intensitynet EdgeIntensity.intensitynet SetNetworkAttribute EdgeIntensitiesAndProportions EdgeIntensity MeanNodeIntensity GetEventCorrection GetGraphType GetEvents GetGraph RelateEventsToNetwork ShortestPath PathTotalWeight AreEventsRelated ShortestNodeDistance ApplyWindow PlotNeighborhood PlotHeatmap NodeLocalCorrelation NodeGeneralCorrelation intensitynet

Documented in ApplyWindow ApplyWindow.intensitynet AreEventsRelated AreEventsRelated.intensitynet EdgeIntensitiesAndProportions.intensitynet EdgeIntensity.intensitynet GetEventCorrection GetEventCorrection.intensitynet GetEvents GetEvents.intensitynet GetGraph GetGraph.intensitynet GetGraphType GetGraphType.intensitynet intensitynet IsIntensitynet NodeGeneralCorrelation NodeGeneralCorrelation.intensitynet NodeLocalCorrelation NodeLocalCorrelation.intensitynet PathTotalWeight PathTotalWeight.intensitynet PlotHeatmap PlotHeatmap.intensitynet plot.intensitynet PlotNeighborhood PlotNeighborhood.intensitynet RelateEventsToNetwork SetNetworkAttribute.intensitynet ShortestNodeDistance.intensitynet ShortestPath ShortestPath.intensitynet summary.intensitynet

#' Constructor of the class intensitynet. 
#' @description 
#' This constructor creates an intensitynet object using an adjacency matrix, the
#' coordinates of the nodes and the coordinates of the events.
#' @name intensitynet
#' @param adjacency_mtx Network adjacency matrix
#' @param node_coords Nodes latitude and longitude matrix (coordinates)
#' @param event_data DataFrame with event latitude and longitude coordinates (mandatory columns) and optional attributes related to the events
#' @param graph_type Network type: 'undirected' (default), 'directed' or 'mixed' 
#' @param event_correction Value that determines how far can be an event to be considered part of a segment (default 5). 
#' This value highly depends on the given coordinate system
#' @return intensitynet class object containing: graph = <igraph>, events = <matrix>, graph_type = c('directed', 'undirected', 'mixed'), 
#' distances = <matrix>, event_correction = <integer>, events_related = <boolean>
#' @examples
#' library(spatstat)
#' data(chicago)
#' chicago_df <- as.data.frame(chicago[["data"]]) # Get as dataframe the data from Chicago
#' # Get the adjacency matrix. One way is to create an igraph object from the edge coordinates.
#' edges <- cbind(chicago[["domain"]][["from"]], chicago[["domain"]][["to"]])
#' chicago_net <- igraph::graph_from_edgelist(edges)
#' # And then use the igraph function 'as_adjacency_matrix'
#' chicago_adj_mtx <- as.matrix(igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(chicago_net))
#' chicago_node_coords <- data.frame(xcoord = chicago[["domain"]][["vertices"]][["x"]], 
#'                                  ycoord = chicago[["domain"]][["vertices"]][["y"]])
#' # Create the intensitynet object, in this case will be undirected 
#' intnet_chicago <- intensitynet(chicago_adj_mtx, 
#'                                node_coords = chicago_node_coords, 
#'                                event_data = chicago_df)
#' @export
intensitynet <- function(adjacency_mtx, node_coords, event_data, graph_type = c('undirected', 'directed', 'mixed'), event_correction = 5){
  if(event_correction < 0){
    stop("Error: Event correction value cannot be less than 0.")
  graph_type <- match.arg(graph_type)
  if (is.data.frame(adjacency_mtx)) {
    adjacency_mtx <- as.matrix(adjacency_mtx)
  if (is.data.frame(node_coords)) {
    node_coords <- as.matrix(node_coords)
  colnames(node_coords) <- c("xcoord", "ycoord")
  if (is.matrix(event_data)) {
    event_data <- as.data.frame(event_data)
  names(event_data)[1:2] <- c("xcoord", "ycoord")
  node_coords_obj <- list(node_coords = node_coords)
  class(node_coords_obj) <- "netTools"
  dist_mtx <- CalculateDistancesMtx(node_coords_obj)
  net_setup <- list(
    adjacency_mtx = adjacency_mtx,
    node_coords = node_coords,
    distances_mtx = dist_mtx,
    graph_type = graph_type
  class(net_setup) <- "netTools"
  g <- InitGraph(net_setup)
  intnet <- list(graph = g, events = event_data, graph_type = graph_type, 
                 distances_mtx = dist_mtx, event_correction = event_correction,
                 events_related = FALSE)
  attr(intnet, "class") <- "intensitynet"
  # Select the proper class
         'undirected' = {attr(intnet, 'class') <- c("intensitynetUnd", class(intnet))},
         'directed' = {attr(intnet, 'class') <- c("intensitynetDir", class(intnet))},
         'mixed' = {attr(intnet, 'class') <- c("intensitynetMix", class(intnet))})
  intnet # return

# -------- Network functions ----------

#' Calculate dependence statistics on the network
#' @description 
#' It allows to compute different dependence statistics on the network
#' for the given vector and for neighborhoods of distinct order. Such statistics are; correlation,
#' covariance, Moran’s I and Geary’s C. 
#' @name NodeGeneralCorrelation
#' @param obj intensitynet object
#' @param dep_type 'correlation', 'covariance', moran', 'geary'. The type of 
#' dependence statistic to be computed.
#' @param lag_max Maximum geodesic lag at which to compute dependence
#' @param intensity Vector containing the values to calculate the specified dependency in the network. Usually the node mean intensities.
#' @param partial_neighborhood use partial neighborhood (TRUE) or cumulative (FALSE). TRUE by default
#' @return A vector containing the dependence statistics (ascending from order 0). 
#' @examples 
#' data("und_intnet_chicago")
#' g <- und_intnet_chicago$graph
#' gen_corr <- NodeGeneralCorrelation(und_intnet_chicago, dep_type = 'correlation', lag_max = 2, 
#'                                    intensity = igraph::vertex_attr(g)$intensity)
#' @export
NodeGeneralCorrelation <- function(obj, dep_type, lag_max, intensity, partial_neighborhood = TRUE){

#' Calculates local correlations based on nodes
#' @description 
#' Gives the node local Moran-I, Getis-Gstar or Geary-c correlations
#' @name NodeLocalCorrelation
#' @source *"A Local Indicator of Multivariate SpatialAssociation: Extending Geary's c, Geographical Analysis" Luc Anselin (2018) <doi:10.1111/gean.12164>
#' @param obj intensitynet object
#' @param dep_type 'moran', 'getis' or 'geary'. Type of local correlation to be computed (Moran-i, Getis-Gstar, Geary-c),
#' default = 'moran'.
#' @param intensity vector containing the values to calculate the specified correlation for each node in the network.
#' @return a vector containing two values. The first value is a vector with the specified local correlations for each node. 
#' The second values is the  given intensitynet class object but with the correlations added to the node attributes of its network. 
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' data("und_intnet_chicago")
#' g <- und_intnet_chicago$graph
#' data_moran <- NodeLocalCorrelation(und_intnet_chicago, 
#'                                    dep_type = 'moran', 
#'                                    intensity = igraph::vertex_attr(g)$intensity)
#' moran_i <- data_moran$correlation
#' intnet <- data_moran$intnet
#' }
#' @export
NodeLocalCorrelation <- function(obj, dep_type = 'moran', intensity){

#' Given an intensitynet object, plot network heatmaps
#' @description 
#' Plot the network correlations or intensities.
#' @name PlotHeatmap
#' @param obj intensitynet object
#' @param heat_type a string with the desired heatmap to be plotted, the options are; 
#' 'moran': Local Moran-i correlation (with 999 permutations), 
#' 'geary': Local Geary-c correlation. The correlations will use the indicated intensity type,
#' 'v_intensity': vertex mean intensity,
#' 'e_intensity': edge intensity,
#' mark name: name of the mark (string) to plot its edge proportion,
#' 'none': plain map.
#' @param intensity_type name of the vertex intensity used to plot the heatmap for moran, geary and v_intensity options (of the heat_type argument).
#' The options are; 
#' For undirected networks: 'intensity'. 
#' For directed networks: 'intensity_in' or 'intensity_out'. For mixed networks: 'intensity_in', 'intensity_out', 
#' 'intensity_und' or 'intensity_all'. If the intensity parameter is 'none', the function will use, if exist, 
#' the intensity (undirected) or intensity_in (directed) values from the network nodes. If the heat_type is 'e_intensity', this
#' parameter will be skipped and plot the edge intensities instead.
#' @param net_vertices chosen vertices to plot the heatmap (or its related edges in case to plot the edge heatmap)
#' @param net_edges chosen edges to plot the heatmap, can be either the edge id's or its node endpoints (e.j. c(1,2, 2,3, 7,8))
#' @param show_events option to show the events as orange squares, FALSE by default
#' @param alpha optional argument to set the transparency of the events (show_events = TRUE). The range is from 0.1 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). Default: alpha = 1
#' @param ... extra arguments for the class ggplot
#' @return The plot of the heatmap with class c("gg", "ggplot")
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("und_intnet_chicago")
#' PlotHeatmap(und_intnet_chicago, heat_type='moran')
#' }
#' @export
PlotHeatmap <- function(obj, heat_type = 'none', intensity_type = 'none', net_vertices = NULL, net_edges = NULL, show_events = FALSE, alpha = 1, ...){

#' Plot the neighbors of a node including the closer events
#' @description 
#' Plot the net and the events in the neighborhood area of the given node
#' @name PlotNeighborhood
#' @param obj intensitynet object
#' @param node_id Id of the node which the plot will be focused
#' @param ... Extra arguments for plotting
#' @return No return value, just plots the neighborhood and the events.
#' @examples
#' data("und_intnet_chicago")
#' PlotNeighborhood(und_intnet_chicago, node_id = 'V300')
#' @export
PlotNeighborhood <- function(obj, node_id, ...){

#' Retrieve an intensitynet object focused on a given area
#' @description 
#' Get the intensitynet object delimited by the given window
#' @name ApplyWindow
#' @param obj intensitynet object
#' @param x_coords vector containing the x coordinate limits of the window
#' @param y_coords vector containing the y coordinate limits of the window
#' @return intensitynet object delimited by the window (sub-part of the original)
#' @examples
#' data("und_intnet_chicago")
#' sub_intnet_chicago <- ApplyWindow(und_intnet_chicago, 
#'                                   x_coords = c(300, 900), 
#'                                   y_coords = c(500, 1000))
#' @export
ApplyWindow <- function(obj, x_coords, y_coords){

ShortestNodeDistance <- function(obj, node_id1, node_id2){

#' Checks if events are related to the intensitynet object
#' @description 
#' Checks if events are related to the intensitynet object
#' @name AreEventsRelated
#' @param obj Intensitynet object
#' @return TRUE if related, FALSE otherwise
#' @examples
#' data("und_intnet_chicago")
#' AreEventsRelated(und_intnet_chicago)
#' @export
AreEventsRelated <- function(obj){

# -------- Intensity functions ----------

#' Calculates the total weight of the given path
#' @description 
#' Calculates the total weight of the given path
#' @name PathTotalWeight
#' @param obj intensitynet object
#' @param path_nodes vector containing the node ID's of the path
#' @param weight an string specifying the type of weight to be computed. If no weight type is provided,
#' the function will calculate the total amount of edges. Default NA.
#' @return total weight of the path
#' @examples
#' data("und_intnet_chicago")
#' PathTotalWeight(und_intnet_chicago, c('V115', 'V123', 'V125', 'V134'), weight = 'intensity')
#' @export
PathTotalWeight <- function(obj, path_nodes, weight = NA){

#' Given two nodes, calculates the shortest path and its total weight 
#' @description 
#' Calculates the shortest path between two vertices (based on the minimum amount of edges) and 
#' calculates its total weight
#' @name ShortestPath
#' @param obj intensitynet object
#' @param node_id1 starting node
#' @param node_id2 ending node
#' @param weight an string, calculate the shortest path based on this type of weight. If no weight type is provided,
#' the function will calculate the shortest path based on the minimum amount of edges. Default NA.
#' @param mode Character 'in', 'out', 'all' (default). Gives whether the shortest paths to or from the given vertices 
#' should be calculated for directed graphs. If out then the shortest paths from the vertex, if in 
#' then to it will be considered. If all, the default, then the corresponding undirected graph will be used, ie. not 
#' directed paths are searched. This argument is ignored for undirected graphs.
#' @return total weight of the shortest path and the path vertices with class igraph.vs
#' @examples
#' data("und_intnet_chicago")
#' ShortestPath(und_intnet_chicago, node_id1 = 'V1', node_id2 = 'V300', weight = 'intensity')
#' @export
ShortestPath <- function(obj,  node_id1, node_id2, weight = NA, mode = 'all'){

#' Calculates intensity statistics for the given intensitynet object
#' @description 
#' Calculates edgewise and mean nodewise intensities for the given intensitynet object and, for each edge, the proportions of
#' all event covariates.
#' @name RelateEventsToNetwork
#' @param obj intensitynet object
#' @return proper intensitynet object (Undirected, Directed, or Mixed) with a graph containing the nodewise intensity in the node 
#' attributes and the edgewise intensities and event covariate proportions as edge attributes.
#' @examples 
#' data("und_intnet_chicago")
#' intnet_chicago <- RelateEventsToNetwork(und_intnet_chicago)
#' @export
RelateEventsToNetwork <- function(obj){

#' Gives the graph related to the intensitynet object
#' @description 
#' Returns the 'igraph' class network related to the intensitynet object
#' @name GetGraph
#' @param obj intensitynet object
#' @return igraph class object
#' @examples
#' data("und_intnet_chicago")
#' GetGraph(und_intnet_chicago)
#' @export
GetGraph <- function(obj){

#' Gives the events related to the intensitynet object
#' @description 
#' Returns a matrix containing the events information, i.e. coordinates and categories
#' @name GetEvents
#' @param obj intensitynet object
#' @return matrix containing the event information
#' @examples
#' data("und_intnet_chicago")
#' GetEvents(und_intnet_chicago)
#' @export
GetEvents <- function(obj){

#' Gives the type of graph related to the intensitynet object
#' @description 
#' Gives the type of graph related to the intensitynet object
#' @name GetGraphType
#' @param obj intensitynet object
#' @return graph type in characters
#' @examples
#' data("und_intnet_chicago")
#' GetGraphType(und_intnet_chicago)
#' @export
GetGraphType <- function(obj){

#' Gives the event correction value related to the intensitynet object
#' @description 
#' Gives the event correction value related to the intensitynet object
#' @name GetEventCorrection
#' @param obj intensitynet object
#' @return integer, event correction value
#' @examples
#' data("und_intnet_chicago")
#' GetEventCorrection(und_intnet_chicago)
#' @export
GetEventCorrection <- function(obj){

MeanNodeIntensity <- function(obj, node_id){

EdgeIntensity <- function(obj, node_id1, node_id2){

EdgeIntensitiesAndProportions <- function(obj){

SetNetworkAttribute <- function(obj, where, name, value){

#' Given two nodes, calculates its edge intensity
#' @description
#' If not calculated, calculates the intensity of the edge with nodes; node_id1, node_id2. 
#' If the edge already contains an intensity, the function gives it directly without re-calculation.
#' @name EdgeIntensity.intensitynet
#' @param obj intensitynet object
#' @param node_id1 First node ID of the edge
#' @param node_id2 Second node ID of the edge
#' @return Intensity of the edge
EdgeIntensity.intensitynet <- function(obj,  node_id1, node_id2){
  if(node_id1 == node_id2){
    stop("Error: The two vertices cannot be the same.")
  if(obj$event_correction < 0){
    stop("Error: Event correction value cannot be less than 0.")
  z <- obj$event_correction
  g <- obj$graph
  distances_mtx <- obj$distances_mtx
  event_data <- obj$events
  # Note that the igraph library already handle the error when one of the node id's 
  # are not part of the graph. Also gives the proper information about it.
  edge_id <- igraph::get.edge.ids(g, c(node_id1, node_id2))
  # If the intensity of this edge was previously calculated, then return it
  if(edge_id != 0 & !is.null(igraph::edge_attr(g, "intensity", index = edge_id))){
    if(!is.na(igraph::edge_attr(g, "intensity", edge_id))[1]){
      return(igraph::edge_attr(g, 'intensity', index = edge_id))
  # Distance between the node and its neighbor
  edge_dist <- tryCatch(
      abs(distances_mtx[node_id1, node_id2]) # Distance between the node and its neighbor 
    # If the nodes are not part of the graph, give the proper information of the error.
    error=function(cond) {
      neighbors_list <- igraph::neighbors(g, node_id1)
      if(! igraph::V(g)[node_id2] %in% neighbors_list){
        message("Second vertex (node_id2) it's not a neighbor of first vertex (node_id1)")
  node1 <- c(igraph::vertex_attr(g, "xcoord", node_id1), igraph::vertex_attr(g, "ycoord", node_id1))
  node2 <- c(igraph::vertex_attr(g, "xcoord", node_id2), igraph::vertex_attr(g, "ycoord", node_id2))
  indicator <- 0
  # Counting events
  for(row in 1:nrow(event_data)) {
    ep <- c(event_data[row, 1], event_data[row, 2])
    dist_obj <- list(p1 = node1, p2 = node2, ep = ep)
    class(dist_obj) <- 'netTools'
    d <- PointToSegment(dist_obj)
    # If the event is at a distance less or equal 'z' from the edge (segment) 
    # connecting both given points (the road), then is counted as an event of that road
    if(d <= z){
      indicator <- indicator + 1
  edge_intensity <- indicator / edge_dist

#' Calculate all the edge intensities of the graph. 
#' @description
#' Calculate all the edge intensities of the graph. It's more fast than using iteratively the 
#' function EdgeIntensity for all edges.
#' @name EdgeIntensitiesAndProportions.intensitynet
#' @param obj intensitynet object
#' @return intensitynet class object where the graph contains all the edge intensities as an attribute
EdgeIntensitiesAndProportions.intensitynet <- function(obj){
  if(obj$event_correction < 0){
    stop("Error: event correction value cannot be less than 0.")
  z <- obj$event_correction
  g <- obj$graph
  distances_mtx <- obj$distances_mtx
  event_data <- obj$events
  edge_list <- igraph::ends(g, igraph::E(g), names=FALSE)
  if(length(event_data) == 0){
  from_coords <- igraph::vertex_attr(graph = g, name = "xcoord", index = edge_list[,1])
  from_coords <- cbind(from_coords, igraph::vertex_attr(graph = g, name = "ycoord", index = edge_list[,1]))
  to_coords <- igraph::vertex_attr(graph = g, name = "xcoord", index = edge_list[,2])
  to_coords <- cbind(to_coords, igraph::vertex_attr(graph = g, name = "ycoord", index = edge_list[,2]))
  # Prepare structure to set information in the edges
  edge_events <- data.frame(from = edge_list[,1], 
                            to = edge_list[,2],
                            n_events = 0,
                            intensity = 0)
  # Set up the names for the covariates of the events
  if(ncol(event_data) > 2){
    for(i in 3:ncol(event_data)){
        edge_events[colnames(event_data[i])] <- 0 # Set event column name
        edge_events[as.character(unique(event_data[[i]]))] <- 0 # Set event unique variables as names
  message(paste0("\nCalculating edge intensities with event error distance of ", obj$event_correction ,"..."))
  pb = utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(event_data), initial = 0, style=3) 
  e_count <- 0
  for(row in 1:nrow(event_data)){
    utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, row)
    tmp_edge <- NULL
    shortest_d <- NULL
    ep <- event_data[row, ]
    dist_obj <- list(p1 = from_coords, p2 = to_coords, ep = ep[,1:2])
    class(dist_obj) <- 'netTools'
    event_seg_dist <- PointToSegment(dist_obj)
    closest_e <- which.min(event_seg_dist)
    # Check if the intensities are already calculated
    if(!is.null(igraph::edge_attr(g, 'intensity', igraph::E(g)[closest_e]))){
      e_count <- e_count + 1
    # Check if the closest edge is in the required boundary and, if so,
    # set up the information (except intensity) to the edge_event DataFrame
    if ( event_seg_dist[closest_e] <= z ){
      edge_events[closest_e, 'n_events'] <- edge_events[closest_e, 'n_events'] + 1
      if(ncol(ep) > 2){
        for(i_col in 3:ncol(ep)){
          if( is.numeric(ep[,i_col]) ){
            tmp_str <- colnames(ep[i_col])
            edge_events[closest_e, tmp_str] <- edge_events[closest_e, tmp_str] + ep[,i_col]
            tmp_str <-  as.character(ep[,i_col])
            edge_events[closest_e, tmp_str] <- edge_events[closest_e, tmp_str] + 1
  # If the intensity of all edges is already calculated return the object
  if(e_count == nrow(event_data)){
  #Calculate intensity and proportions
  for (edge_row in 1:nrow(edge_events)) {
    if(edge_events[edge_row, 'n_events'] > 0 ){
      # Distance between the node and its neighbor
      edge_dist <- abs(distances_mtx[edge_events[edge_row, 'from'], edge_events[edge_row, 'to']])
      edge_events[edge_row, 'intensity'] <-  edge_events[edge_row, 'n_events'] / edge_dist
      if(ncol(edge_events) > 4){
        for(i_col in 5:ncol(edge_events)){
          edge_events[edge_row, i_col] <- edge_events[edge_row, i_col] / edge_events[edge_row, 'n_events'] 
  # Save information from 'edge_events' to the edge attributes of the network
  for(i_col in 3:ncol(edge_events)){
    obj <- SetNetworkAttribute(obj = obj, 
                               where = 'edge', 
                               name = colnames(edge_events[i_col]), 
                               value = as.matrix(edge_events[, i_col]))

#' @export
#' @rdname PathTotalWeight
PathTotalWeight.intensitynet <- function(obj, path_nodes, weight = NA){
  g <- obj$graph
  if(!is.na(weight) && !(weight %in% igraph::edge_attr_names(g))){
    stop("Error: The given weight doens't exist in the edge attributes.")
  path_edges <- igraph::E(g, path = c(1,2,5,7))
  if (is.na(weight)){
    total_weight <- length(path_edges)
    total_weight <- sum(igraph::edge_attr(g, name = weight, index = path_edges))

#' @export
#' @rdname ShortestPath
ShortestPath.intensitynet <- function(obj,  node_id1, node_id2, weight = NA, mode = 'all'){
  g <- obj$graph
  if(!is.na(weight) && !(weight %in% igraph::edge_attr_names(g))){
    stop("Error: The given weight doens't exist in the edge attributes.")
  if (is.na(weight)){
    path_data <- igraph::shortest_paths(graph = g, from = node_id1, to = node_id2, mode = mode, weights = NA, output = 'both')
    total_weight <- length(path_data$vpath[[1]])
    # Remove any decimal by multiplitying with the maximum amount of possible decimals, then add 1 to remove 0 weight edges,
    # this is done to make sure that the shortest path igraph function take into account all decimals
    weight_vector <- igraph::edge_attr(g)[[weight]] * 100000000 + rep(1, igraph::gsize(g))
    path_data <- igraph::shortest_paths(graph = g, from = node_id1, to = node_id2, mode = mode, weights = weight_vector, output = 'both')
    total_weight <- sum(igraph::edge_attr(graph = g, weight, index = path_data$vpath[[1]]))
  return(list(total_weight = total_weight, path = path_data$vpath[[1]]))

#' @export
#' @rdname NodeGeneralCorrelation
NodeGeneralCorrelation.intensitynet <- function(obj, dep_type = c('correlation', 'covariance', 'moran', 'geary'), lag_max, intensity, partial_neighborhood = TRUE){
    stop("Error: The events are not currently related to the network, please use 
         the function 'RelateEventsToNetwork()'.")
  dep_type <- match.arg(dep_type)
  g <- obj$graph
  # The function 'intergraph::asNetwork()' doesn't work with the 'getis' attribute since is from class 'localG'
  for(attr_name in igraph::vertex_attr_names(g)){
    if(attr_name == "getis") g <- igraph::delete_vertex_attr(g, 'getis')
  g_sna <- intergraph::asNetwork(g)
  if(obj$graph_type == 'undirected') m <- 'graph'
  else m <- 'digraph'
  sna::nacf(g_sna, intensity, type = dep_type, mode = m, lag.max = lag_max, partial.neighborhood = partial_neighborhood)

#' @export
#' @rdname NodeLocalCorrelation
NodeLocalCorrelation.intensitynet <- function(obj, dep_type = c('moran', 'getis', 'geary'), intensity){
    stop("Error: The events are not currently related to the network, please use 
         the function 'RelateEventsToNetwork()'.")
  dep_type <- match.arg(dep_type)
  g <- obj$graph
  adj_mtx <- igraph::as_adj(graph = g)
  adj_listw <- spdep::mat2listw(adj_mtx)
  nb <- adj_listw$neighbours
  w_listw <- spdep::nb2listw(nb, style="W", zero.policy=TRUE) 
  if(dep_type == 'geary'){
    nb_b <- spdep::listw2mat(w_listw)
    b <- methods::as(nb_b, "CsparseMatrix")
    all(b == Matrix::t(b))
    # scale, with default settings, will calculate the mean and standard deviation of the entire vector,
    # then "scale" each element by those values by subtracting the mean and dividing by the sd
    val <- scale(intensity)[,1]
    # Calculates local geary-c.
    # Details in paper: A Local Indicator of Multivariate SpatialAssociation: Extending Geary’s c, from Luc Anselin
    n <- length(intensity)
    locgc <- numeric(n)
    for (i in c(1:n)) {
      locgc[i] <- sum(b[i,] * (val[i] - val)^2)
    # General Geary-c from local:
    # general <- sum(locgc)/(2*sum(nb_b))
    # g_sna <- intergraph::asNetwork(g)
    # general_ref <- sna::nacf(g_sna, intensity, type = 'geary', mode = "graph")[2]
    intnet <- SetNetworkAttribute(obj = obj, where = 'vertex', name = "geary", value = locgc)
    return(list(correlation = locgc, intnet = intnet))
  } else if (dep_type == 'moran'){
    locmoran <- spdep::localmoran(x = intensity, listw = w_listw, zero.policy=TRUE)
    intnet <- SetNetworkAttribute(obj = obj, where = 'vertex', name = 'moran', value = locmoran[, 'Ii'])
    return(list(correlation = locmoran, intnet = intnet))
  } else if (dep_type == 'getis'){
    b_listw <- spdep::nb2listw(nb, style="B", zero.policy=TRUE) 
    locgg <- spdep::localG(x = intensity, listw = b_listw)
    intnet <- SetNetworkAttribute(obj = obj, where = 'vertex', name = "getis", value = locgg)
    return(list(correlation = locgg, intnet = intnet))
    stop("Error: wrong 'dep_type' argument. Allowed arguments are; 'moran', 'getis', 'geary'.")

#' Plot intensitynet object
#' @description 
#' Plot intensitynet object
#' @name plot.intensitynet
#' @param x intensitynet object
#' @param vertex_labels list -> labels for the vertices
#' @param edge_labels list -> labels for the edges
#' @param xy_axes show the x and y axes
#' @param enable_grid draw a background grid
#' @param path vector with the nodes of the path to be highlighted. Default NULL
#' @param show_events option to show the events as orange squares, FALSE by default
#' @param alpha optional argument to set the transparency of the events (show_events = TRUE). The range is from 0.1 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). Default: alpha = 1
#' @param ... extra arguments for the plot
#' @return No return value, same as graphics::plot.
#' @examples
#' data("und_intnet_chicago")
#' plot(und_intnet_chicago) # basic plot
#' plot(und_intnet_chicago, enable_grid = TRUE) # with grid
#' plot(und_intnet_chicago, xy_axes = FALSE) # without axes
#' plot(und_intnet_chicago, path = c("V1","V2","V24","V25","V26","V48")) # highlight a path
#' @export
plot.intensitynet <- function(x, vertex_labels='none', edge_labels='none', 
                              xy_axes=TRUE, enable_grid=FALSE, show_events = FALSE, alpha = 1, path = NULL, ...){
  g <- x$graph
  if(!is.null(path) && length(path) == 1){
    stop("A path must contain more than one vertex")
  if(methods::is(x, 'intensitynetUnd')){
    v_label <- switch(vertex_labels, 
                      none = {''}, 
                      intensity = {round(igraph::vertex_attr(g)$intensity, 4)},
  else if(methods::is(x, 'intensitynetDir')){
    v_label <- switch(vertex_labels, 
                      none = {''}, 
                      intensity_in = {round(igraph::vertex_attr(g)$intensity_in, 4)},
                      intensity_out = {round(igraph::vertex_attr(g)$intensity_out, 4)},
  else if(methods::is(x, 'intensitynetMix')){
    v_label <- switch(vertex_labels, 
                      none = {''}, 
                      intensity_und = {round(igraph::vertex_attr(g)$intensity_und, 4)},
                      intensity_in = {round(igraph::vertex_attr(g)$intensity_in, 4)},
                      intensity_out = {round(igraph::vertex_attr(g)$intensity_out, 4)},
                      intensity_all = {round(igraph::vertex_attr(g)$intensity_all, 4)},
  else  stop('Error: Incorrect class, please provide an object of class "intensitynetUnd", "intensitynetDir", or "intensitynetMix".')
  e_label <- switch(edge_labels, 
                    none = {''}, 
                    intensity = {round(igraph::edge_attr(g)$intensity, 4)},
  geoplot_obj <- list(intnet = x, 
                      vertex_labels = v_label, 
                      edge_labels = e_label, 
                      xy_axes = xy_axes, 
                      enable_grid = enable_grid, 
                      show_events = show_events,
                      path = path,
                      alpha = alpha)
  class(geoplot_obj) <- "netTools"
  GeoreferencedPlot(geoplot_obj, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname PlotHeatmap
PlotHeatmap.intensitynet <- function(obj, heat_type = c('none', 'moran', 'geary', 'v_intensity', 'e_intensity'), intensity_type = c('none'), 
                                     net_vertices = NULL, net_edges = NULL, show_events = FALSE, alpha = 1, ...){
  g <- obj$graph
  adj_mtx <- igraph::as_adj(graph = g)
  adj_listw <- spdep::mat2listw(adj_mtx)
  nb <- adj_listw$neighbours
  w_listw <- spdep::nb2listw(nb, style = "W",  zero.policy=TRUE)
  heat_type <- match.arg(heat_type)
  if(heat_type != 'none' && heat_type != 'moran' && heat_type != 'geary' && 
     heat_type != 'v_intensity' && heat_type != 'e_intensity'){
    if( !(heat_type %in% igraph::edge_attr_names(g) ))
      stop('Error: Parameter "heat_type" should be; for correlations: "moran" or "geary", 
                                               for intensities: "v_intensity" or "e_intensity", 
                                               for marks: the name of the mark.')
  if (is.null(net_vertices) && is.null(net_edges)){
    net_vertices <- igraph::V(g)
    net_edges <- igraph::E(g)
  } else if (!is.null(net_vertices)){
    net_vertices <- igraph::V(g)[net_vertices] # Convert to class 'igraph.v'
  }else if(!methods::is(net_edges, 'igraph.es')){
    net_edges <- igraph::E(g, P = net_edges) # Convert to class 'igraph.es'
  # If the intensity is not provided, try to take it from the given network
  if( is.null(igraph::vertex_attr(graph = g, name = intensity_type)) ){
    if( intensity_type != 'none' && is.null(igraph::vertex_attr(graph = g, name = intensity_type))){
      stop(paste0("Error: The given intensity type '", intensity_type, "', doestn't match any of the network intensities."))
    if(!is.null(igraph::vertex_attr(graph = g, name = 'intensity'))){
      intensity <- igraph::vertex_attr(graph = g, name = 'intensity')
      intensity_type <- 'intensity'
    }else if(!is.null(igraph::vertex_attr(graph = g, name = 'intensity_in'))){
      intensity <- igraph::vertex_attr(graph = g, name = 'intensity_in')
      intensity_type <- 'intensity_in'
      intensity <- NA
  node_coords <- data.frame(xcoord = igraph::vertex_attr(graph = g, name = 'xcoord'), 
                            ycoord = igraph::vertex_attr(graph = g, name = 'ycoord'))
  rownames(node_coords) <- igraph::vertex_attr(graph = g, name = 'name')
  if(heat_type == 'moran'){ # Local Moran-i
    locmoran <- spdep::localmoran_perm(x = intensity, 
                                       listw = w_listw, 
                                       zero.policy = TRUE, 
                                       na.action = stats::na.omit, 
                                       nsim = 999) # 999 permutations
    # Calculate deviations
    node_int_deviation <- intensity - mean(intensity)  
    locmoran_deviation <- locmoran[, 'Ii'] - mean(locmoran[, 'Ii'])
    # create a new variable identifying the moran plot quadrant for each observation, dismissing the non-significant ones
    sig_dstr <- NA
    significance <- 0.05
    # non-significant observations
    sig_dstr[(locmoran[, 5] > significance)] <- 2 # "insignificant"  
    # low-low quadrant
    sig_dstr[(node_int_deviation < 0 & locmoran_deviation < 0) & (locmoran[, 5] <= significance)] <- 3 # "low-low"
    # low-high quadrant
    sig_dstr[(node_int_deviation < 0 & locmoran_deviation > 0) & (locmoran[, 5] <= significance)] <- 4 # "low-high"
    # high-low quadrant
    sig_dstr[(node_int_deviation > 0 & locmoran_deviation < 0) & (locmoran[, 5] <= significance)] <- 5 # "high-low"
    # high-high quadrant
    sig_dstr[(node_int_deviation > 0 & locmoran_deviation > 0) & (locmoran[, 5] <= significance)] <- 6 # "high-high"
    sig_dstr[setdiff(as.numeric(igraph::V(g)), net_vertices)] <- 1 # Not contemplated vertices 
    data_df <- data.frame(xcoord = node_coords$xcoord, 
                          ycoord = node_coords$ycoord, 
                          value = sig_dstr)
  }else if(heat_type == 'geary'){  # Local Geary-c
    nb_b <- spdep::listw2mat(w_listw)
    b <- methods::as(nb_b, "CsparseMatrix")
    all(b == Matrix::t(b))
    # scale, with default settings, will calculate the mean and standard deviation of the entire vector,
    # then "scale" each element by those values by subtracting the mean and dividing by the sd
    val <- scale(intensity)[,1]
    # Calculates local geary-c.
    # Details in paper: A Local Indicator of Multivariate SpatialAssociation: Extending Geary’s c, from Luc Anselin
    n <- length(intensity)
    locgc <- numeric(n)
    for (i in c(1:n)) {
      locgc[i] <- sum(b[i,] * (val[i] - val)^2)
    # General Geary-c from local:
    # general <- sum(locgc)/(2*sum(nb_b))
    # g_sna <- intergraph::asNetwork(g)
    # general_ref <- sna::nacf(g_sna, intensity, type = 'geary', mode = "graph")[2]
    # create a new variable identifying the moran plot quadrant for each observation, dismissing the non-significant ones
    sig_dstr <- NA
    sig_dstr[locgc < 1] <- 2 # positive spatial autocorrelation
    sig_dstr[locgc == 1 || is.na(locgc)] <- 3 # no spatial autocorrelation
    sig_dstr[locgc > 1] <- 4 # negative spatial autocorrelation
    sig_dstr[setdiff(as.numeric(igraph::V(g)), net_vertices)] <- 1 # Not contemplated vertices 
    data_df <- data.frame(xcoord = node_coords$xcoord, 
                          ycoord = node_coords$ycoord, 
                          value = sig_dstr)
  }else if(heat_type == 'getis'){ # Local Getis-G*
    message("Needs implementation")
    # TODO: Implement Getis G.
    # locgg <- spdep::localG(x = intensity, listw = b_listw)
    # # create a new variable identifying the moran plot quadrant for each observation, dismissing the non-significant ones
    # sig_dstr <- NA
    # data_df <- data.frame(xcoord = node_coords$xcoord, 
    #                       ycoord = node_coords$ycoord, 
    #                       value = sig_dstr)
  }else if(heat_type == 'v_intensity' || heat_type == 'e_intensity'){
    norm_int <- (intensity - min(intensity)) / (max(intensity) - min(intensity))
    data_df <- data.frame(xcoord = node_coords$xcoord, 
                          ycoord = node_coords$ycoord, 
                          value = norm_int)
    data_df <- data.frame(xcoord = node_coords$xcoord, 
                          ycoord = node_coords$ycoord, 
                          value = NA)
  geoplot_obj <- list(intnet = obj, 
                      data_df = data_df, 
                      net_vertices = net_vertices, 
                      net_edges = net_edges,
                      mode = heat_type, 
                      show_events = show_events,
                      alpha = alpha)
  class(geoplot_obj) <- "netTools"
  return( GeoreferencedGgplot2(geoplot_obj, ...) )

#' @export
#' @rdname PlotNeighborhood
PlotNeighborhood.intensitynet <- function(obj, node_id, ...){
  g <- obj$graph
  events <- obj$events
  w_margin <- 50
  nei <- igraph::neighbors(g, node_id)
  v_coords <- cbind(igraph::vertex_attr(g, 'xcoord', nei), igraph::vertex_attr(g, 'ycoord', nei))
  v_coords <- rbind(v_coords, c(igraph::vertex_attr(g, 'xcoord', node_id), igraph::vertex_attr(g, 'ycoord', node_id)))
  colnames(v_coords) <- c('xcoord', 'ycoord')
  rownames(v_coords) <- c(names(nei), node_id)
  window_coords <- list(min_x = min(v_coords[, 'xcoord']), min_y = min(v_coords[, 'ycoord']),
                        max_x = max(v_coords[, 'xcoord']), max_y = max(v_coords[, 'ycoord']))
  e_coords <- NULL
  for(row in 1:nrow(events)){
    if(events[row, 1] >= window_coords$min_x - w_margin & 
       events[row, 1] <= window_coords$max_x + w_margin & 
       events[row, 2] >= window_coords$min_y - w_margin & 
       events[row, 2] <= window_coords$max_y + w_margin){
      e_coords <- rbind(e_coords, events[row,])
  if(!is.null(e_coords)) colnames(e_coords) <- c('xcoord', 'ycoord')
  # Plot vertices
  graphics::plot(v_coords, xlim = c(window_coords$min_x - w_margin , window_coords$max_x + w_margin), 
                 ylim = c(window_coords$min_y - w_margin , window_coords$max_y + w_margin), ...)
  graphics::text(x = v_coords[, 'xcoord'], y = v_coords[, 'ycoord'], c(names(nei), node_id), cex = 1, col = 'blue')
  # Draw edges
  for(row in 1:nrow(v_coords)-1){
    graphics::lines(x = c(v_coords[nrow(v_coords),]['xcoord'], v_coords[row,]['xcoord']),
                    y = c(v_coords[nrow(v_coords),]['ycoord'], v_coords[row,]['ycoord']),
                    type = "l", lty = 1)
  # Plot events
  graphics::points(x = e_coords[,'xcoord'], y = e_coords[,'ycoord'], col = 'red')

#' Set attributes to the network edges or nodes
#' @description 
#' Set attributes to the network edges or nodes
#' @name SetNetworkAttribute.intensitynet
#' @param obj intensitynet object
#' @param where 'vertex' or 'edge', where to set the attribute
#' @param name name of the attribute
#' @param value vector containing the data for the attribute
#' @return intensitynet object containing the network with the added attributes
SetNetworkAttribute.intensitynet <- function(obj, where, name, value){
  g <- obj$graph
  if(where == 'edge'){
    #g <- g %>% igraph::set_edge_attr(name = name, value = value)
    g <- igraph::set_edge_attr(g, name = name, value = value)
    #g <- g %>% igraph::set_vertex_attr(name = name, value = value)
    g <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(g, name = name, value = value)
  intnet <- list(graph = g, 
                 events = obj$events, 
                 graph_type = obj$graph_type, 
                 distances_mtx = obj$distances_mtx,
                 event_correction = obj$event_correction,
                 events_related = obj$events_related)
  attr(intnet, 'class') <- class(obj)

#' @export
#' @rdname ApplyWindow
ApplyWindow.intensitynet <- function(obj, x_coords, y_coords){
  g <- obj$graph
  events <- obj$events
  nodes <- igraph::V(g)
  window_coords <- list(min_x = min(x_coords), min_y = min(y_coords),
                        max_x = max(x_coords), max_y = max(y_coords))
  sub_v_coords <- c()
  for(row in 1:length(nodes)){
    v <- igraph::V(g)[row]
    vertex_info <- igraph::vertex_attr(graph = g, index = v)
    if(vertex_info$xcoord >= window_coords$min_x & 
       vertex_info$xcoord <= window_coords$max_x & 
       vertex_info$ycoord >= window_coords$min_y & 
       vertex_info$ycoord <= window_coords$max_y){
      sub_v_coords <- c(sub_v_coords, v)
  sub_e_coords <- NULL
  for(row in 1:nrow(events)){
    if(events[row, 1] >= window_coords$min_x & 
       events[row, 1] <= window_coords$max_x & 
       events[row, 2] >= window_coords$min_y & 
       events[row, 2] <= window_coords$max_y){
      sub_e_coords <- rbind(sub_e_coords, events[row,])
  if(!is.null(sub_e_coords)) colnames(sub_e_coords) <- c('xcoord', 'ycoord')
  # Get sub-graph
  sub_g <- igraph::induced_subgraph(graph = g, vids = sub_v_coords)
  # Keep only the biggest component
  # sub_g_components <- igraph::components(sub_g)$membership
  # greatest_sub <- names(which(table(sub_g_components) == max(table(sub_g_components))))
  # sub_g <- induced_subgraph(graph = g, vids = names(which(sub_g_components == greatest_sub))) 
  node_coords_obj <- list(node_coords = cbind(igraph::vertex_attr(sub_g, 'xcoord'), 
                                              igraph::vertex_attr(sub_g, 'ycoord')))
  class(node_coords_obj) <- "netTools"
  sub_dist_mtx <- CalculateDistancesMtx(node_coords_obj)
  intnet <- list(graph = sub_g, 
                 events = sub_e_coords, 
                 graph_type = obj$graph_type, 
                 distances_mtx = sub_dist_mtx,
                 event_correction = obj$event_correction)
  attr(intnet, 'class') <- class(obj)

#' Given two nodes, gives its shortest distance based on the minimum amount of edges
#' @description 
#' Calculates the shortest distance path between two nodes (based on the minimum amount of edges).
#' The function also returns the total weight of the path, if the weight is not available, returns
#' the number of edges.
#' @name ShortestNodeDistance.intensitynet
#' @param obj intensitynet object
#' @param node_id1 id of the starting node
#' @param node_id2 id of the end node
#' @return distance of the path and the nodes of the path
ShortestNodeDistance.intensitynet <- function(obj, node_id1, node_id2){
  g <- obj$graph
  distances_mtx <- obj$distances_mtx
  weighted_path <- unlist(igraph::get.shortest.paths(g, node_id1, node_id2)$vpath)
    weight_sum <- sum(igraph::E(g, path = unlist(weighted_path))$weight)
    weight_sum <- length(weighted_path)
  list(weight = weight_sum, path = weighted_path)  

#' @export
#' @rdname GetGraph
GetGraph.intensitynet <- function(obj){

#' @export
#' @rdname GetEvents
GetEvents.intensitynet <- function(obj){

#' @export
#' @rdname GetGraphType
GetGraphType.intensitynet <- function(obj){

#' @export
#' @rdname GetEventCorrection
GetEventCorrection.intensitynet <- function(obj){

#' @export
#' @rdname AreEventsRelated
AreEventsRelated.intensitynet <- function(obj){

#' Summary of the intensitynet object
#' @description 
#' Give information about the intensytinet object specific class (intensitynetUnd, intensitynetDir,
#'  or intensitynetMix), the network number of nodes, edges and events, the event correction value and,
#'  if the events had been related to the intensitynet object network.
#' @name summary
#' @param object Intensitynet object
#' @param ... Extra parameters for the summary function
#' @return list containing the displayed information
#' @examples
#' data("und_intnet_chicago")
#' summary(und_intnet_chicago)
#' @export
summary.intensitynet <- function(object, ...){
  cls <- class(object)[1]
  g <- object$graph
  event_related <- ""
  if(AreEventsRelated(object)) event_related <- "The events are related to the network. \n"
  else event_related <- "The events are not related to the network, use the function 'RelateEventsToNetwork'. \n"
  cat("Intensitynet object of class", cls, "\n",
      "Network type:", object$graph_type, "\n",
      "Number of nodes:", igraph::gorder(g), "\n",
      "Number of edges:", igraph::gsize(g), "\n",
      "Number of events:", nrow(object$events), "\n",
      "Event correction:", object$event_correction, "units \n",
      "Events related to network:", event_related)
       n_nodes = igraph::gorder(g),
       n_edges = igraph::gsize(g),
       n_events = nrow(object$events),
       correction = object$event_correction,
       event_related = event_related)

#' Is this class object intensitynet?
#' @description 
#' Determine if the given object is from the class intensitynet
#' @name IsIntensitynet
#' @param obj The object which will be checked if it belongs to the intensitynet class
#' @return boolean, 'TRUE' if the argument obj is a intensitynet object
#' @examples
#' data("und_intnet_chicago")
#' IsIntensitynet(und_intnet_chicago)
#' @export
IsIntensitynet <- function(obj){
  "intensitynet" %in% class(obj)

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intensitynet documentation built on April 11, 2023, 6:07 p.m.