
Defines functions intsvy.table

Documented in intsvy.table

# weights = c("BRR / JK")
#intsvy.table <- function(variable, by, data, final_weight="W_FSTUWT", brr_weight="W_FSTR") {
intsvy.table <- function(variable, by, data, config) {
  table.input <- function(variable, data, config) {
    # data is empty
    if (sum(is.na((data[[variable]])))==length(data[[variable]])) {
      result <- data.frame(NA, "Freq"=0, "Percentage"=NA, "Std.err."= NA)  
      names(result)[1] <- variable 

    # BRR / JK
    if (config$parameters$weights == "JK") {
      # jack knife
      # in PIRLS / TIMSS
      # Replicate weighted %s (sampling error)
      R.wt <- sapply(1:max(data[[config$variables$jackknifeZone]]), function(x) 
        ifelse(data[[config$variables$jackknifeZone]] == x, 
               2*data[[config$variables$weight]]*data[[config$variables$jackknifeRep]], data[[config$variables$weight]]))
      if (isTRUE(config$parameters$varpv1)) {
      tabrp <- as.matrix(sapply(1:ncol(R.wt), function(x) 
        percent(as.factor(as.numeric(data[[variable]])), total=FALSE, 
                weights= R.wt[,x])))
      # Total weighted %                                                                      
      tabtot <- percent(as.factor(as.numeric(data[[variable]])), 
                        weights= data[[config$variables$weight]], na.rm = TRUE, total=FALSE)
      # Standard error
      if (length(tabtot)!=1) {
        tabse <- apply((tabrp-tabtot)^2, 1, sum)^(1/2)
      } else {
        tabse <-0
      else {
        R.wt2 <- sapply(1:max(data[[config$variables$jackknifeZone]]), function(x) 
          ifelse(data[[config$variables$jackknifeZone]] == x, 
                 2*data[[config$variables$weight]]*ifelse(data[[config$variables$jackknifeRep]]==1,0,1), data[[config$variables$weight]]))
        R.wt <- cbind(R.wt, R.wt2)
        tabrp <- as.matrix(sapply(1:ncol(R.wt), function(x) 
          percent(as.factor(as.numeric(data[[variable]])), total=FALSE, 
                  weights= R.wt[,x])))
        # Total weighted %                                                                      
        tabtot <- percent(as.factor(as.numeric(data[[variable]])), 
                          weights= data[[config$variables$weight]], na.rm = TRUE, total=FALSE)
        # Standard error
        if (length(tabtot)!=1) {
          tabse <- (apply((tabrp-tabtot)^2, 1, sum)/2)^(1/2)
        } else {
          tabse <-0
      if (config$parameters$weights == "BRR") {
      # balanced repeated replication
      # Replicate weighted %s (sampling error)
      # in PISA / PIAAC
      weights <- grep("^W_.*[0-9]+$", names(data), value = TRUE)
      tabrp <- as.matrix(sapply(1:config$parameters$BRRreps, function(i) 
        percent(as.factor(as.numeric(data[[variable]])), total=FALSE, 
                weights=  data[[weights[i]]], na.rm=TRUE)))     
      # Total weighted %                                                                      
      tabtot <- percent(as.factor(as.numeric(data[[variable]])), weights= data[[config$variables$weightFinal]], na.rm = TRUE, total=FALSE)
      # Standard error
      if (length(tabtot)!=1) {
        tabse <- sqrt(rowSums((tabrp-tabtot)^2) / 20)
      } else {
        tabse <- 0

    result <- data.frame(table(data[[variable]][drop=TRUE]), 
                         "Percentage" = round(as.numeric(tabtot), 2), 
                         "Std.err."= round(tabse, 2))
    names(result)[1] <- variable # var label for table, otherwise prints "Var1"
  # If by not supplied, calculate for complete sample    
  if (missing(by)) { 
    output <- table.input(variable=variable, data=data, config=config)
  } else {
    # Convert by variables to characters for ddply application
    for (i in by) {
      data[[c(i)]] <- as.character(data[[c(i)]])
    output <- ddply(data, by, function(x) table.input(data=x, variable=variable, config=config))
  class(output) <- c("intsvy.table", "data.frame")

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intsvy documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:10 a.m.