Man pages for ipumsr
An R Interface for Downloading, Reading, and Handling IPUMS Data

add_to_extractAdd values to an existing IPUMS extract definition
add_to_extract_microAdd values to an existing extract definition for an IPUMS...
add_to_extract.nhgis_extractAdd values to an existing IPUMS NHGIS extract definition
define_extract_microDefine an extract request for an IPUMS microdata collection
define_extract_nhgisDefine an IPUMS NHGIS extract request
download_extractDownload a completed IPUMS data extract
ds_specCreate dataset and time series table specifications for IPUMS...
extract_tbl_to_listConvert recent extract definitions from tibble to list format
get_extract_historyBrowse definitions of previously submitted extract requests
get_extract_infoRetrieve the definition and latest status of an extract...
get_metadata_nhgisList available data sources from IPUMS NHGIS
get_recent_extracts_info_listGet information on recent extracts
get_sample_infoList available samples for IPUMS microdata collections
ipums_bind_rowsBind multiple data frames by row, preserving labelled...
ipums_callbackCallback classes
ipums_collectCollect data into R session with IPUMS attributes
ipums_data_collectionsList IPUMS data collections
ipums_ddi-class'ipums_ddi' class
ipums_exampleGet path to IPUMS example datasets
ipums_extract-class'ipums_extract' class
ipums_file_infoGet file information for an IPUMS extract
ipums_list_filesList files contained within a zipped IPUMS extract
ipumsr-packageipumsr: An R Interface for Downloading, Reading, and Handling...
ipums_shape_joinJoin tabular data to geographic boundaries
ipums_var_infoGet contextual information about variables in an IPUMS data...
ipums_viewView a static webpage with variable metadata from an IPUMS...
ipums_websiteLaunch a browser window to an IPUMS metadata page
join_failuresReport on observations dropped during a join
lblMake a label placeholder object
lbl_addAdd labels for unlabelled values
lbl_cleanClean unused labels
lbl_defineDefine labels for an unlabelled vector
lbl_na_ifConvert labelled data values to NA
lbl_relabelModify value labels for a labelled vector
read_ipums_ddiRead metadata about an IPUMS microdata extract from a DDI...
read_ipums_microRead data from an IPUMS microdata extract
read_ipums_micro_chunkedRead data from an IPUMS microdata extract by chunk
read_ipums_micro_yieldRead data from an IPUMS microdata extract in yields
read_ipums_sfRead spatial data from an IPUMS extract
read_nhgisRead tabular data from an NHGIS extract
read_nhgis_codebookRead metadata from an NHGIS codebook (.txt) file
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
remove_from_extractRemove values from an existing IPUMS extract definition
remove_from_extract.micro_extractRemove values from an existing extract definition for an...
remove_from_extract.nhgis_extractRemove values from an existing NHGIS extract definition
save_extract_as_jsonStore an extract definition in JSON format
selection_languagetidyselect selection language in ipumsr
set_ipums_api_keySet your IPUMS API key
set_ipums_default_collectionSet your default IPUMS collection
set_ipums_var_attributesAdd IPUMS variable attributes to a data frame
submit_extractSubmit an extract request via the IPUMS API
var_specCreate variable and sample specifications for IPUMS microdata...
wait_for_extractWait for an extract request to finish processing
zap_ipums_attributesRemove label attributes from a data frame or labelled vector
ipumsr documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:38 a.m.