read_ipums_micro: Read data from an IPUMS microdata extract

View source: R/micro_read.R

read_ipums_microR Documentation

Read data from an IPUMS microdata extract


Read a microdata dataset downloaded from the IPUMS extract system.

Two files are required to load IPUMS microdata extracts:

  • A DDI codebook file (.xml) used to parse the extract's data file

  • A data file (either .dat.gz or .csv.gz)

See Downloading IPUMS files below for more information about downloading these files.

read_ipums_micro() and read_ipums_micro_list() differ in their handling of extracts that contain multiple record types. See Data structures below.

Note that Stata, SAS, and SPSS file formats are not supported by ipumsr readers. Convert your extract to fixed-width or CSV format, or see haven for help loading these files.


  vars = NULL,
  n_max = Inf,
  data_file = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  var_attrs = c("val_labels", "var_label", "var_desc"),
  lower_vars = FALSE

  vars = NULL,
  n_max = Inf,
  data_file = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  var_attrs = c("val_labels", "var_label", "var_desc"),
  lower_vars = FALSE



Either a path to a DDI .xml file downloaded from IPUMS, or an ipums_ddi object parsed by read_ipums_ddi(). See Downloading IPUMS files below.


Names of variables to include in the output. Accepts a vector of names or a tidyselect selection. If NULL, includes all variables in the file.

For hierarchical data, the RECTYPE variable is always included even if unspecified.


The maximum number of lines to read. For read_ipums_micro_list(), this applies before splitting records into list components.


Path to the data (.gz) file associated with the provided ddi file. By default, looks for the data file in the same directory as the DDI file. If the data file has been moved, specify its location here.


Logical indicating whether to display IPUMS conditions and progress information.


Variable attributes from the DDI to add to the columns of the output data. Defaults to all available attributes. See set_ipums_var_attributes() for more details.


If reading a DDI from a file, a logical indicating whether to convert variable names to lowercase. Defaults to FALSE for consistency with IPUMS conventions.

This argument will be ignored if argument ddi is an ipums_ddi object. Use read_ipums_ddi() to convert variable names to lowercase when reading a DDI file.

If lower_vars = TRUE and vars is specified, vars should reference the lowercase column names.


read_ipums_micro() returns a single tibble object.

read_ipums_micro_list() returns a list of tibble objects with one entry for each record type.

Data structures

Files from IPUMS projects that contain data for multiple types of records (e.g. household records and person records) may be either rectangular or hierarchical.

Rectangular data are transformed such that each row of data represents only one type of record. For instance, each row will represent a person record, and all household-level information for that person will be included in the same row.

Hierarchical data have records of different types interspersed in a single file. For instance, a household record will be included in its own row followed by the person records associated with that household.

Hierarchical data can be read in two different formats:

  • read_ipums_micro() reads data into a tibble where each row represents a single record, regardless of record type. Variables that do not apply to a particular record type will be filled with NA in rows of that record type. For instance, a person-specific variable will be missing in all rows associated with household records.

  • read_ipums_micro_list() reads data into a list of tibble objects, where each list element contains only one record type. Each list element is named with its corresponding record type.

Downloading IPUMS files

You must download both the DDI codebook and the data file from the IPUMS extract system to load the data into R. ⁠read_ipums_micro_*()⁠ functions assume that the data file and codebook share a common base file name and are present in the same directory. If this is not the case, provide a separate path to the data file with the data_file argument.

If using the IPUMS extract interface:

  • Download the data file by clicking Download .dat under Download Data.

  • Download the DDI codebook by right clicking on the DDI link in the Codebook column of the extract interface and selecting Save as... (on Safari, you may have to select Download Linked File as...). Be sure that the codebook is downloaded in .xml format.

If using the IPUMS API:

  • For supported collections, use download_extract() to download a completed extract via the IPUMS API. This automatically downloads both the DDI codebook and the data file from the extract and returns the path to the codebook file.

See Also

read_ipums_micro_chunked() and read_ipums_micro_yield() to read data from large IPUMS microdata extracts in chunks.

read_ipums_ddi() to read metadata associated with an IPUMS microdata extract.

read_ipums_sf() to read spatial data from an IPUMS extract.

ipums_list_files() to list files in an IPUMS extract.


# Codebook for rectangular example file
cps_rect_ddi_file <- ipums_example("cps_00157.xml")

# Load data based on codebook file info
cps <- read_ipums_micro(cps_rect_ddi_file)


# Can also load data from a pre-existing `ipums_ddi` object
# (This may be useful to retain codebook metadata even if lost from data
# during processing)
ddi <- read_ipums_ddi(cps_rect_ddi_file)
cps <- read_ipums_micro(ddi, verbose = FALSE)

# Codebook for hierarchical example file
cps_hier_ddi_file <- ipums_example("cps_00159.xml")

# Read in "long" format to get a single data frame
read_ipums_micro(cps_hier_ddi_file, verbose = FALSE)

# Read in "list" format and you get a list of multiple data frames
cps_list <- read_ipums_micro_list(cps_hier_ddi_file)



# Use the `%<-%` operator from zeallot to unpack into separate objects
c(household, person) %<-% read_ipums_micro_list(cps_hier_ddi_file)



ipumsr documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:38 a.m.