read_ipums_ddi: Read metadata about an IPUMS microdata extract from a DDI...

View source: R/ddi_read.R

read_ipums_ddiR Documentation

Read metadata about an IPUMS microdata extract from a DDI codebook (.xml) file


Reads the metadata about an IPUMS extract from a DDI codebook into an ipums_ddi object.

These metadata contains parsing instructions for the associated fixed-width data file, contextual labels for variables and values in the data, and general extract information.

See Downloading IPUMS files below for information about downloading IPUMS DDI codebook files.


  lower_vars = FALSE,
  file_select = deprecated(),
  data_layer = deprecated()



Path to a DDI .xml file downloaded from IPUMS. See Downloading IPUMS files below.


Logical indicating whether to convert variable names to lowercase. Defaults to FALSE for consistency with IPUMS conventions.

data_layer, file_select

[Deprecated] Reading DDI files contained in a .zip archive has been deprecated. Please provide the full path to the .xml file to be loaded in ddi_file.


An ipums_ddi object with metadata information.

Downloading IPUMS files

The DDI codebook (.xml) file provided with IPUMS microdata extracts can be downloaded through the IPUMS extract interface or (for some collections) within R using the IPUMS API.

If using the IPUMS extract interface:

  • Download the DDI codebook by right clicking on the DDI link in the Codebook column of the extract interface and selecting Save as... (on Safari, you may have to select Download Linked File As...). Be sure that the codebook is downloaded in .xml format.

If using the IPUMS API:

  • For supported collections, use download_extract() to download a completed extract via the IPUMS API. This automatically downloads both the DDI codebook and the data file from the extract and returns the path to the codebook file.

See Also

read_ipums_micro(), read_ipums_micro_chunked() and read_ipums_micro_yield() to read data from IPUMS microdata extracts.

ipums_var_info() and ipums_file_info() to view metadata about an ipums_ddi object.

ipums_list_files() to list files in an IPUMS extract.


# Example codebook file
ddi_file <- ipums_example("cps_00157.xml")

# Load data into an `ipums_ddi` obj
ddi <- read_ipums_ddi(ddi_file)

# Use the object to load its associated data
cps <- read_ipums_micro(ddi)


# Or get metadata information directly


# If variable metadata have been lost from a data source, reattach from
# its corresponding `ipums_ddi` object:
cps <- zap_ipums_attributes(cps)


cps <- set_ipums_var_attributes(cps, ddi$var_info)


ipumsr documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:38 a.m.