
Defines functions comparecat caterpillar

Documented in caterpillar comparecat

#' Caterpillar plot
#' @description Caterpillar plot of the posterior densities of a vector of parameter nodes,
#' in which the sequential order of nodes might not be important, such as vector of random effects.
#' This produces a set of overlayed interval bars (default values are 50 percent and 95 percent),
#' with overlayed median markings, for each of a vector of parameter nodes.
#' @param df Output object returned from `jagsUI::jags()`; or alternately,
#' two-dimensional `data.frame` or matrix in which parameter node element is
#' given by column and MCMC iteration is given by row.  A vector may also be used,
#' that expresses MCMC iterations of a single parameter node.
#' @param p Parameter name, if input to `df` is a `jagsUI` output object.
#' @param x Vector of X-coordinates for plotting.
#' @param row Row to subset, in the case of a 2-d matrix of parameter nodes in-model.
#' @param column Column to subset, in the case of a 2-d matrix of parameter nodes in-model.
#' @param median Whether to include medians
#' @param mean Whether to include means
#' @param ci Vector of intervals to overlay.  Defaults to 50 percent and 95 percent.
#' @param col Color for plotting
#' @param add Whether to add to existing plot
#' @param lwd Base line width for plotting.  Defaults to 1.
#' @param xlab X-axis label
#' @param ylab Y-axis label
#' @param main Plot title.  If the default (`NULL`) is accepted and argument `p` is used, `p` will be used for the title.
#' @param ylim Y-axis limits.  If the default (`NULL`) is accepted, the limits will be determined automatically.
#' @param xax Vector of possible x-axis tick labels.  Defaults to the `data.frame` column names.
#' @param transform Should the y-axis be (back)transformed?  Options are `"exp"`,
#' indicating exponential, or `"expit"`, indicating inverse-logit. Defaults to
#' `"none"`, indicating no transformation.  Note: if `transform="exp"`is used, consider
#' adding additional plotting argument `log="y"`.
#' @param medlwd Line width of median line
#' @param medwd Relative width of median line.  Defaults to 1, perhaps smaller numbers will look better?
#' @param ... additional plotting arguments
#' @return `NULL`
#' @seealso \link{envelope}, \link{crossplot}
#' @author Matt Tyers
#' @examples
#' ## usage with input data.frame
#' a <- jags_df(asdf_jags_out, p="a")
#' caterpillar(a)
#' caterpillar(a, ci=seq(.1,.9,by=.1))
#' caterpillar(a, lwd=2)
#' caterpillar(a, xax=c("effect 1", "effect 2", "effect 3"))
#' ## usage with input as jagsUI object
#' caterpillar(asdf_jags_out, p="a")
#' caterpillar(SS_out, p="rate")
#' ## usage with a 2-d parameter matrix
#' caterpillar(SS_out, p="cycle_s", column=1)
#' caterpillar(SS_out, p="cycle_s", column=2)
#' ## usage with an exponential transformation
#' caterpillar(SS_out, p="trend", transform="exp", ylab="exp transform")
#' caterpillar(SS_out, p="trend", transform="exp", ylab="exp transform", log="y")
#' caterpillar(SS_out, p="trend", transform="expit", ylab="expit (inv logit) transform")
#' @export
caterpillar <- function(df,
                        row=NULL, column=NULL,
                        median=TRUE, mean=FALSE,
                        lwd=1, col=4, add=FALSE,
                        xlab="", ylab="", main=NULL, ylim=NULL,
                        transform=c("none", "exp", "expit"),
                        medlwd=lwd, medwd=1,...) {
  # ci <- rev(sort(ci))
  # loq <- apply(df, 2, quantile, p=(1-ci)/2, na.rm=T)
  # hiq <- apply(df, 2, quantile, p=1-(1-ci)/2, na.rm=T)
  # if(length(ci)==1) {
  #   loq <- t(as.matrix(loq))
  #   hiq <- t(as.matrix(hiq))
  # }
  # med <- apply(df, 2, median, na.rm=T)
  # if(all(is.na(x))) x <- 1:ncol(df)
  # d <- diff(x[1:2])
  # nn <- ncol(df)
  # if(all(is.na(xax))) xax<-names(df)
  # lwds <- (1+2*(1:length(ci)-1))*lwd
  # if(!add) {
  #   plot(NA, type='l', ylim=range(loq,hiq,na.rm=T), xlim=range(x-(.2*d),x+(.2*d)), xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, xaxt="n", ...=...)
  #   axis(1,x,labels=xax)
  # }
  # if(median) {
  #   segments(x0=x-.2*d*medwd,x1=x+.2*d*medwd,y0=med,y1=med,col=col,lwd=medlwd, lend=1)
  # }
  # if(mean) points(x,colMeans(df, na.rm=T), pch=16, col=col)
  # for(i in 1:length(ci)) segments(x0=x,x1=x,y0=loq[i,],y1=hiq[i,],col=col,lwd=lwds[i],lend=1)

  if(!inherits(df,"jagsUI") & !inherits(df,c("matrix","data.frame","numeric","integer"))) {  ## put matrix in here
    stop("Input must be a data.frame or output from jagsUI::jags() plus parameter name")
  if(inherits(df,"jagsUI") & length(p)!=1) stop("Need single parameter name in p= argument") ###

  if(class(df)[1]=="jagsUI" & !is.null(p)) {
    simslist <- df$sims.list
    if(all(names(simslist)!=p)) stop("No parameters with matching names") ###
    theparm <- simslist[names(simslist)==p][[1]]
    if(is.null(row) & is.null(column)) {
      df <- theparm
    } else {
      theparm <- simslist[names(simslist)==p][[1]]
      if(!is.null(row)) df <- theparm[,row,]
      if(!is.null(column)) df <- theparm[,,column]
    if(is.null(main) & length(p)==1) {
      if(is.null(row) & is.null(column)) {
        main <- p
      } else {
        if(!is.null(row)) main <- paste0(p,"[",row,",]")
        if(!is.null(column)) main <- paste0(p,"[,",column,"]")
  if(is.null(main)) main <- ""

  df <- as.matrix(df)  ################

  transform <- match.arg(transform)
  if(transform == "exp") df <- exp(df)
  if(transform == "expit") df <- expit(df)

  ci <- rev(sort(ci))
  loq <- apply(df, 2, quantile, p=(1-ci)/2, na.rm=T)
  hiq <- apply(df, 2, quantile, p=1-(1-ci)/2, na.rm=T)
  if(length(ci)==1) {
    loq <- t(as.matrix(loq))
    hiq <- t(as.matrix(hiq))
  med <- apply(df, 2, median, na.rm=T)
  if(all(is.na(x))) x <- 1:ncol(df)

  ### this was smarterized, make sure it doesn't break other code!!!
  # d <- ifelse(length(x)>1, diff(x[1:2]), 1)  #########
  d <- ifelse(length(x)>1, diff(range(x, na.rm=TRUE))/length(x), 1)  #########

  nn <- ncol(df)
  if(all(is.na(xax))) xax<-names(df)
  lwds <- (1+2*(1:length(ci)-1))*lwd
  if(!add) {
    if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(loq,hiq,na.rm=T)
    # xlims <- range(x-(.2*d),x+(.2*d))
    xlims <- range(x-(.5*d*(1+(length(x)==1))),x+(.5*d*(1+(length(x)==1))))
    plot(NA, type='l', xlim=xlims, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, ylim=ylim, xaxt="n", ...=...)
    axis(1,x,labels=xax, las=list(...)$las)
  if(median) {
    segments(x0=x-.2*d*medwd,x1=x+.2*d*medwd,y0=med,y1=med,col=col,lwd=medlwd, lend=1)
  if(mean) points(x,colMeans(df, na.rm=T), pch=16, col=col)
  for(i in 1:length(ci)) segments(x0=x,x1=x,y0=loq[i,],y1=hiq[i,],col=col,lwd=lwds[i],lend=1)

#' Compare Caterpillar Plots
#' @description Interleaved caterpillar plots for all parameters (or a specified subset) from a list of `jagsUI`
#' output objects or `data.frame`s.  The intent of this function is easy comparison of inferences from multiple comparable models.
#' Here a \link{caterpillar} plot is defined as a set of overlayed interval bars (default values are 50 percent and 95 percent),
#' with overlayed median markings, for each of a vector of parameter nodes.
#' @param x List of output objects returned from `jagsUI` or `data.frame`s
#' @param p Optional vector of parameters to subset.  All parameters with names matching the beginning of the
#' string supplied will be returned.  If the default (`NULL`) is accepted, all parameters will be plotted.
#' @param ci Credible intervals widths to plot.  Defaults to 50% and 95%.
#' @param ylim Y-axis limits for plotting.  If the default (`NULL`) is accepted, limits will be automatically determined.
#' @param col Vector of colors for plotting.  If the default (`NULL`) is accepted, colors will be automatically drawn.
#' @param xlab X-axis label
#' @param ylab Y-axis label
#' @param transform Should the y-axis be (back)transformed?  Options are `"exp"`,
#' indicating exponential, or `"expit"`, indicating inverse-logit. Defaults to
#' `"none"`, indicating no transformation.  Note: if `transform="exp"`is used, consider
#' adding additional plotting argument `log="y"`.
#' @param ... additional plotting arguments
#' @return `NULL`
#' @seealso \link{caterpillar}, \link{crossplot}, \link{comparedens}, \link{comparepriors}
#' @author Matt Tyers
#' @examples
#' ## This is the same output object three times, but shows functionality.
#' comparecat(x=list(asdf_jags_out, asdf_jags_out, asdf_jags_out),
#'            p=c("a","b","sig"))
#' ## Transformed
#' comparecat(x=list(asdf_jags_out, asdf_jags_out, asdf_jags_out),
#'            p=c("sig"), transform="exp")
#' comparecat(x=list(asdf_jags_out, asdf_jags_out, asdf_jags_out),
#'            p=c("sig"), transform="exp", log="y")
#' @export
comparecat <- function(x, p=NULL, ci=c(0.5,0.95), ylim=NULL, col=NULL, xlab="", ylab="",
                       transform=c("none", "exp", "expit"), ...) {
  if(!inherits(x,"list")) stop("Input must be a (single) list of outputs from jagsUI::jags() or data.frames.")
  xdf <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(x)) {
    if(!inherits(x[[i]], "jagsUI") & !inherits(x[[i]], "data.frame") & !inherits(x[[i]], "matrix")) {
      stop("Each input element must be an output from jagsUI::jags() or data.frame.")
    if(inherits(x[[i]],"jagsUI")) {
      xdf[[i]] <- jags_df(x[[i]])
    if(inherits(x[[i]],"matrix")) {
      xdf[[i]] <- as.data.frame(x[[i]])
    if(inherits(x[[i]],"data.frame")) {
      xdf[[i]] <- x[[i]]
  # xdf <- lapply(x, jags_df)
  parmx <- list()
  # for(i in 1:length(x)) parmx[[i]] <- cbind(pull_post(xdf[[i]],"sig"), phi=pull_post(xdf[[i]],"phi"))

  transform <- match.arg(transform)
  for(i in 1:length(x)) {
    parmx[[i]] <- pull_post(xdf[[i]], p=p)
    # parmx[[i]] <- as.matrix(parmx[[i]])

    if(transform == "exp") {
      for(j in seq_along(parmx[[i]])) {    # hopefully seq_along() goes along columns
        parmx[[i]][,j] <- exp(parmx[[i]][,j])
    if(transform == "expit") {
      for(j in seq_along(parmx[[i]])) {    # hopefully seq_along() goes along columns
        parmx[[i]][,j] <- expit(parmx[[i]][,j])

  # # allparms <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(parmx,names))))
  # allparms <- unique(unlist(lapply(parmx,names)))
  allparms <- unique(unlist(lapply(parmx, colnames)))

  cilo <- sort(1-ci)/2
  cihi <- 1-cilo
  lwds <- seq(from=1,by=2,length.out=length(ci))

  if(!is.null(ylim)) {
    ylims <- ylim
  } else {
    ylims <- c(min(unlist(sapply(parmx, function(x) apply(x,2,quantile,p=min(cilo),na.rm=T)))),
               max(unlist(sapply(parmx, function(x) apply(x,2,quantile,p=max(cihi),na.rm=T)))))

  plot(NA,xlim=c(0,length(allparms)+1), ylim=ylims, ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, xaxt="n", ...=...)
  # abline(v=1:length(allparms),lty=3)

  if(is.null(col)) {
    cols <- c(4,2,3,rcolors(100))[1:length(x)]
  } else {
    cols <- rep(col, 100)

  for(i in 1:length(allparms)) {
    for(ii in 1:length(x)) {
      if(allparms[i] %in% names(parmx[[ii]])) {
        xplot <- i+(seq(-.3,.3,length.out=length(x)))[ii]
        vec <- parmx[[ii]][,which(names(parmx[[ii]])==allparms[i])]
        segments(x0=rep(xplot,2), y0=quantile(vec,p=cilo), y1=quantile(vec,p=cihi),
                 lwd=lwds, lend=1, col=cols[ii])  #col=ii+1
        points(xplot,median(vec),pch=16,col=cols[ii])  #col=ii+1

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