
Defines functions remove_message remove_constant remove_empty

Documented in remove_constant remove_empty

#' @title Remove empty rows and/or columns from a data.frame or matrix.
#' @description Removes all rows and/or columns from a data.frame or matrix that
#'   are composed entirely of \code{NA} values.
#' @param dat the input data.frame or matrix.
#' @param which one of "rows", "cols", or \code{c("rows", "cols")}.  Where no
#'   value of which is provided, defaults to removing both empty rows and empty
#'   columns, declaring the behavior with a printed message.
#' @param cutoff What fraction (>0 to <=1) of rows or columns must be empty to
#'   be removed?
#' @param quiet Should messages be suppressed (\code{TRUE}) or printed
#'   (\code{FALSE}) indicating the summary of empty columns or rows removed?
#' @return Returns the object without its missing rows or columns.
#' @family remove functions
#' @seealso \code{\link[=remove_constant]{remove_constant()}} for removing
#'   constant columns.
#' @examples
#' # not run:
#' # dat %>% remove_empty("rows")
#' # addressing a common untidy-data scenario where we have a mixture of
#' # blank values in some (character) columns and NAs in others:
#' library(dplyr)
#' dd <- tibble(x=c(LETTERS[1:5],NA,rep("",2)),
#'              y=c(1:5,rep(NA,3)))
#' # remove_empty() drops row 5 (all NA) but not 6 and 7 (blanks + NAs)
#' dd %>% remove_empty("rows")
#' # solution: preprocess to convert whitespace/empty strings to NA,
#' # _then_ remove empty (all-NA) rows
#' dd %>% mutate(across(is.character,~na_if(trimws(.),""))) %>%
#'    remove_empty("rows")
#' @export
remove_empty <- function(dat, which = c("rows", "cols"), cutoff=1, quiet=TRUE) {
  if (missing(which) && !missing(dat)) {
    message("value for \"which\" not specified, defaulting to c(\"rows\", \"cols\")")
    which <- c("rows", "cols")
  if ((sum(which %in% c("rows", "cols")) != length(which)) && !missing(dat)) {
    stop("\"which\" must be one of \"rows\", \"cols\", or c(\"rows\", \"cols\")")
  if (length(cutoff) != 1) {
    stop("cutoff must be a single value")
  } else if (!is.numeric(cutoff)) {
    stop("cutoff must be numeric")
  } else if (cutoff <= 0 | cutoff > 1) {
    stop("cutoff must be >0 and <= 1")
  } else if (length(which) > 1 & cutoff != 1) {
    stop("cutoff must be used with only one of which = 'rows' or 'cols', not both")
  if ("rows" %in% which) {
    # Using different code with cutoff = 1 vs cutoff != 1 to avoid possible
    # floating point errors.
    mask_keep <-
      if (cutoff == 1) {
        rowSums(is.na(dat)) != ncol(dat)
      } else {
        (rowSums(!is.na(dat))/ncol(dat)) > cutoff
    if (!quiet) {
      remove_message(dat=dat, mask_keep=mask_keep, which="rows", reason="empty")
    dat <- dat[mask_keep, , drop = FALSE]
  if ("cols" %in% which) {
    # Using different code with cutoff = 1 vs cutoff != 1 to avoid possible
    # floating point errors.
    mask_keep <-
      if (cutoff == 1) {
        colSums(is.na(dat)) != nrow(dat)
      } else {
        (colSums(!is.na(dat))/nrow(dat)) > cutoff
    if (!quiet) {
      remove_message(dat=dat, mask_keep=mask_keep, which="columns", reason="empty")
    dat <- dat[, mask_keep, drop = FALSE]

## Remove constant columns

#' @title Remove constant columns from a data.frame or matrix.
#' @param dat the input data.frame or matrix.
#' @param na.rm should \code{NA} values be removed when considering whether a
#'   column is constant?  The default value of \code{FALSE} will result in a
#'   column not being removed if it's a mix of a single value and \code{NA}.
#' @param quiet Should messages be suppressed (\code{TRUE}) or printed
#'   (\code{FALSE}) indicating the summary of empty columns or rows removed?
#' @examples
#' remove_constant(data.frame(A=1, B=1:3))
#' # To find the columns that are constant
#' data.frame(A=1, B=1:3) %>%
#'   dplyr::select_at(setdiff(names(.), names(remove_constant(.)))) %>%
#'   unique()
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @family remove functions
#' @seealso \code{\link[=remove_empty]{remove_empty()}} for removing empty
#'   columns or rows.
#' @export
remove_constant <- function(dat, na.rm = FALSE, quiet=TRUE) {
  mask <-
      FUN=function(idx) {
        column_to_test <-
          if (is.matrix(dat)) {
            dat[, idx]
          } else {
          if (na.rm) {
          } else {
        )) <= 1 # the < is in case all values are NA with na.rm=TRUE
  if (!quiet) {
    remove_message(dat=dat, mask_keep=!mask, which="columns", reason="constant")
  dat[ , !mask, drop=FALSE]

#' Generate the message describing columns or rows that are being removed.
#' @inheritParams remove_empty
#' @param mask_keep A logical vector of rows or columns to keep (\code{TRUE}) or
#'   remove (\code{FALSE}).
#' @param reason The reason that rows are being removed (to be used in the
#'   message.
#' @noRd
remove_message <- function(dat, mask_keep, which=c("columns", "rows"), reason=c("empty", "constant")) {
  if (all(mask_keep)) {
    message("No ", reason, " ", which, " to remove.")
  } else {
    details <-
      if (which == "columns") {
        if (is.null(colnames(dat)) || any(colnames(dat) %in% "")) {
          sprintf("%0.3g%%", 100*sum(!mask_keep)/length(mask_keep))
        } else {
          sprintf("Removed: %s", paste(names(dat)[!mask_keep], collapse=", "))
      } else {
        sprintf("%0.3g%%", 100*sum(!mask_keep)/length(mask_keep))
        "Removing %g %s %s of %g %s total (%s).",
        sum(!mask_keep), reason, which, length(mask_keep), which, details

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janitor documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:16 p.m.