
Defines functions sunburstPlot sunburstPreData sunburstDF

#' @importFrom data.table := .SD .N 

## Generate sunburst plot using plotly =======================================
sunburstDF <- function(DF, valueCol = NULL, root.name = "Root"){

  colNamesDF <- names(DF)
    DT <- data.table::copy(DF)
  } else {
    DT <- data.table::data.table(DF, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  DT[, "root" := root.name]
  colNamesDT <- names(DT)
    data.table::setcolorder(DT, c("root", colNamesDF))
  } else {
    data.table::setnames(DT, valueCol, "values", skip_absent=TRUE)
    data.table::setcolorder(DT, c("root", setdiff(colNamesDF, valueCol), "values"))
  hierarchyCols <- setdiff(colNamesDT, "values")
  hierarchyList <- list()
  for(i in seq_along(hierarchyCols)){
    currentCols <- colNamesDT[1:i]
      currentDT <- unique(DT[, currentCols, with = FALSE][, "values" := .N, by = currentCols], by = currentCols)
    } else {
      currentDT <- DT[, lapply(.SD, sum, na.rm = TRUE), by=currentCols, .SDcols = "values"]
    data.table::setnames(currentDT, length(currentCols), "labels")
    hierarchyList[[i]] <- currentDT
  hierarchyDT <- data.table::rbindlist(hierarchyList, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE)
  parentCols <- setdiff(names(hierarchyDT), c("labels", "values", valueCol))
  hierarchyDT[, "parents" := apply(.SD, 1, function(x){data.table::fifelse(all(is.na(x)), yes = NA_character_, no = paste(x[!is.na(x)], sep = ":", collapse = " - "))}), .SDcols = parentCols]
  hierarchyDT[, "ids" := apply(.SD, 1, function(x){paste(x[!is.na(x)], collapse = " - ")}), .SDcols = c("parents", "labels")]
  hierarchyDT[, c(parentCols) := NULL]
sunburstPreData <- function(df, changeline){

  df = df[!is.na(df$labels), ]
  df$labels = stringr::str_replace(df$labels, "^.*_Codified","Codified")
  df$labels = stringr::str_replace(df$labels, "^.*_NLP","NLP")
  df$labels = stringr::str_replace(df$labels, "Ignore_cui","Others")
  df$labels = stringr::str_replace(df$labels, ",...",", ...")
  df$text = df$labels
  label = df$labels[stringr::str_length(df$labels)>5]
  label_split = stringr::str_split(label," ")
  if(changeline != 99){
    label_com = sapply(label_split, function(x){
      y = ""
      i = 1
      k = 0
      while(i <= length(x)){
        y = paste(y, x[i])
        k = k + stringr::str_length(x[i])
        if(k>=changeline & i!=length(x)){
          y = paste0(y,"<br>")
          k = 0
        i = i + 1
      return(stringr::str_trim(y,side = "both"))
    df$text[stringr::str_length(df$labels)>5] = label_com

sunburstPlot <- function(thr_cos,
                           node_id, CosMatrix, 
                           dict.combine, cap_color){

  node_name = dict.combine$Description[match(node_id,dict.combine$Variable)]
  if(length(node_name)>0 & !is.na(node_name)){
    to = getNeighbors(node_id, CosMatrix)
    data = switch((node_id %in% colnames(CosMatrix)) + 1,   
                  CosMatrix[node_id, to, drop = TRUE], 
                  CosMatrix[to, node_id, drop = TRUE])
    rhd <- data.frame(id = names(data),
                      corvalue = data)
    rhd <- rhd[rhd$corvalue > thr_cos, ]
    rhd <- left_join(rhd, dict.combine[, c("Variable","Capinfo","index01","index1","index2","index3","index4")],
                     by = c("id" = "Variable"))
      rhd = rhd[order(rhd$index01,rhd$index1,rhd$index2,
      DF = rhd[,-c(1,3)]
      df = sunburstDF(DF,valueCol = "corvalue",root.name = node_name)
      df = sunburstPreData(df, changeline)
      df$parents2 = sapply(df$ids, function(x)(strsplit(x, " - ", fixed = T)[[1]][2]))
      df = left_join(df, cap_color[, c(3,2)], by = c("parents2" = "index01"))
      df$color[is.na(df$color)] <- "white"

      m <- list(
        l = 0,r = 0,b = 0,t = 0,pad = 0
        plotly::plot_ly(data = df, ids = ~ids, labels= ~labels, parents = ~parents, 
                        text = ~text, values= ~values, type='sunburst', branchvalues = 'total',
                        hoverinfo = "label", textinfo = "text", textfont = list(color="black"),
                        width = scale_sungh,
                        marker = list(colors = df$color),
                        height =  scale_sungh)%>%
          plotly::layout(autosize = F, margin = m)
      plotly::plot_ly(data = data.frame("ids"=c(),"labels"=c(),"parents"=c(),"text"=c(),
        plotly::layout(title = "After filtering, no connected node is left!")

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kesernetwork documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:24 p.m.