
Defines functions kmi.tdc

## This function is used in the presence of time-dependent
## covariates

kmi.tdc <- function(y, x, etype, id, failcode, epsilon,
                    bootstrap, nboot) {

    ## We need to be careful for getting the censoring times.
    ## The status variable will be 0 before a change of the time-dependent
    ## covariate status, but that doesn't mean the guy is censored

    ## We want to get the last row of each individual that contains
    ## the actual status at the end of the follow-up
    masque <- rbind(1, apply(as.matrix(id), 2, diff))
    masque <- c(masque[-1], 1)
    ## ysub will contain the data that are of interest to fulfill our purpose
    ysub <- y[masque != 0, ]
    ysub[, 1] <- 0
    etype.sub <- etype[masque != 0]

    cens.times <- sort(unique(ysub[, 2][ysub[, 3] == 0]))
    ind <- which(y[, 3] == 0 | etype == failcode)

    ## times to impute
    itimes <- y[-ind, 2]
    ## the other times
    otimes <- y[ind, 2]

    ## covariates
    cn <- colnames(x)
    xsub <- x[masque != 0, ,drop = FALSE]

    xx <- x[-ind, , drop = FALSE]
    ## let's deal with missing values in a really ugly way,
    ## i.e., mean imputation
    if (!is.null(cn)) {
        if (!all(!is.na(xx))) {
            warning("Missing values in the variable(s) used for modelling the censoring distribution.\nMean imputation used")
            mm <- apply(x, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
            for (i in seq_len(ncol(xx))) {
                xx[which(is.na(xx[, i])), i] <- mm[i]

    if (bootstrap) {
        index <- lapply(seq_len(nboot), function(k) {
            sample(seq_len(nrow(ysub)), nrow(ysub),
                   replace = TRUE)

        ff <- formula(Surv(ysub[index[[l]], 2],
                           ysub[index[[l]], 3] == 0) ~ 1)

        if (!is.null(cn)) {
            g <- array(0, dim = c(length(cens.times), length(itimes), nboot))
            ff <- update.formula(ff, paste(". ~", paste(cn, collapse = "+")))
            for (l in seq_len(nboot)) {
                temp <- coxph(ff, as.data.frame(xsub))
                tmp <- summary(survfit(temp, as.data.frame(xx)))
                ordre <- findInterval(cens.times, tmp$time)
                ordre[ordre == 0] <- NA
                g[,, l] <- tmp$surv[ordre, ]
                g[,, l][is.na(g[, , l])] <- 1
            g <- apply(g, c(1, 2), mean)
            gg <- rbind(1, g)
        } else {
            g <-  matrix(0, nrow = nboot, ncol = length(cens.times))
            for (l in seq_len(nboot)) {
                tmp <- summary(survfit(Surv(ysub[index[[l]], 2],
                                            ysub[index[[l]], 3] == 0) ~ 1))
                ordre <- findInterval(cens.times, tmp$time)
                ordre[ordre == 0] <- NA
                g[l, ] <- tmp$surv[ordre]
                g[l, ][is.na(g[l, ])] <- 1
            g <- apply(g, 2, mean)
            gg <- matrix(rep(c(1, g), length(itimes)),
                         nrow = length(g) + 1)

    } else {
        ff <- formula(Surv(ysub[, 2], ysub[, 3] == 0) ~ 1)

        if (!is.null(cn)) {
            ff <- update.formula(ff, paste(". ~", paste(cn, collapse = "+")))
            temp <- coxph(ff, as.data.frame(xsub))
            g <- summary(survfit(temp, as.data.frame(xx)))$surv
            gg <- rbind(1, g)

        } else {

            g <- summary(survfit(Surv(ysub[, 2], ysub[, 3] == 0) ~ 1))$surv
            gg <- matrix(rep(c(1, g), length(itimes)),
                         nrow = length(g) + 1)

    a <- FALSE
    if (y[, 3][which.max(y[, 2])] != 0) { # TRUE if last time is an event
        cens.times <- c(cens.times, max(y[, 2]) + epsilon)
        a <- TRUE

    list(gg = gg, cens.times = cens.times, itimes = itimes,
         otimes = otimes, place = ind, a = a)

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kmi documentation built on May 28, 2019, 1:02 a.m.