
Defines functions cox.zph.2

Documented in cox.zph.2

# $Id: cox.zph.S 11218 2009-02-09 12:09:29Z therneau $
#  Test proportional hazards
# modified by Youyi Fong to improve type I error rate in the presence of time-dependent covariates

cox.zph.2 <- function(fit, transform='km', global=TRUE, exact=TRUE) {

    call <- match.call()
    if (!inherits(fit, 'coxph')) stop ("Argument must be the result of coxph")
    if (inherits(fit, 'coxph.null'))
    stop("The are no score residuals for a Null model")

    sresid <- resid(fit, 'schoenfeld')
    varnames <- names(fit$coefficients)
    nvar <- length(varnames)
    ndead<- length(sresid)/nvar
    if (nvar==1) times <- as.numeric(names(sresid)) else         times <- as.numeric(dimnames(sresid)[[1]])

    # Next line is no longer necessary: survfit.km can handle (start,stop] data
    # if (missing(transform) && attr(fit$y, 'type') != 'right')
    #      transform <- 'identity'
    if (is.character(transform)) {
    tname <- transform
    ttimes <- switch(transform,
               'identity'= times,
               'rank'    = rank(times),
               'log'     = log(times),
               'km' = {
                temp <- survival::survfitKM(factor(rep(1,nrow(fit$y))),
                            fit$y, se.fit=FALSE)
                # A nuisance to do left cont KM
                t1 <- temp$surv[temp$n.event>0]
                t2 <- temp$n.event[temp$n.event>0]
                km <- rep(c(1,t1), c(t2,0))
                if (is.null(attr(sresid, 'strata')))
                else (1- km[sort.list(sort.list(times))])
               stop("Unrecognized transform"))
    } else {
    tname <- deparse(substitute(transform))
        if (length(tname) >1) tname <- 'user'
    ttimes <- transform(times)
    xx <- ttimes - mean(ttimes)

    r2 <- sresid %*% fit$var * ndead    
    corel <- c(cor(xx, r2))
    if (exact) {
        test <- c(xx %*% sresid)
        # compute variance of xx %*% sresid
        xx.sresid.var = .Call("compute_var", nvar, xx, survival::coxph.detail(fit)$imat, fit$var) # imat dimension: nvar x nvar x ndead, fit$var equals solve(apply(imat, 1:2, sum))            
#            # R implementation
#            sresid.var=array(NA, dim=c(nvar, nvar, ndead, ndead))
#            for (u in 1:ndead) for (m in u:ndead)   sresid.var[,,u,m] <- (u==m)*imat[,,u] - imat[,,u] %*% v.inv %*% imat[,,m]  
#            for (u in 1:(ndead-1)) for (m in (u+1):ndead)   sresid.var[,,m,u] <- t(sresid.var[,,u,m])
#            test.var=matrix(0,nvar,nvar)
#            for (u in 1:ndead) for (m in 1:ndead)   test.var=test.var+xx[u]*xx[m]*sresid.var[,,u,m]
        z <- c(test^2/diag(xx.sresid.var))
    } else {
        test <- xx %*% r2        # time weighted col sums
        z <- c(test^2 /(diag(fit$var)*ndead* sum(xx^2)))
    Z.ph <- cbind(corel, z, 1- pchisq(z,1))

    #### Global test
    if (global && nvar>1) {    
        if (exact) {
            z <- c(test %*% solve(xx.sresid.var, test))            
        } else {
            # original to cox.zph
            test <- c(xx %*% sresid)
            z <- c(test %*% fit$var %*% test) * ndead / sum(xx^2)
        tmp=1-pchisq(z, ncol(sresid))
        Z.ph <- rbind(Z.ph, c(NA, z, tmp))
        dimnames(Z.ph) <- list(c(varnames, "GLOBAL"), c("rho", "chisq", "p"))
    } else dimnames(Z.ph) <- list(varnames, c("rho", "chisq", "p"))

    dimnames(r2) <- list(times, names(fit$coefficients))
    temp <-list(table=Z.ph, x=ttimes, 
                y=r2 + outer(rep(1,ndead), fit$coefficients),
                var=fit$var, call=call, transform=tname)

    # if (is.R()) class(temp) <- "cox.zph"
    # else oldClass(temp) <- "cox.zph"
    class(temp) <- "cox.zph" # is.R is deprecated

"[.cox.zph" <- function(x, ..., drop=FALSE) {
    i <- ..1
    z<- list(table=x$table[i,,drop=FALSE], x=x$x, y=x$y[ ,i,drop=FALSE],
        var=x$var[i,i, drop=FALSE], call=x$call,
    attributes(z) <- attributes(x)

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