
Defines functions FindNbrClusters

Documented in FindNbrClusters

#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @title Find the optimal number of clusters
#' @description This internal function of the l1-spectral algorithm finds the optimal number of clusters to build.
#' @param A The adjacency matrix
#' @param structure Output of the function \code{FindStructure()}.
#' @param k True number of clusters (not necessarily needed). If not provided, k is chosen by spectral eigengap.
#' @param k_max Maximal number of clusters to form (not necessarily needed). If not provided, k_max is set to the number of nodes.
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{nbr_clusters}}{ Optimal number of clusters by component,}
#' \item{\code{nbr_clusters_total}}{ Optimal total number of clusters.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{l1_spectralclustering}}, \code{\link{l1spectral}}.
#' @author Camille Champion, Magali Champion
#' @examples
#'  #########################################
#'  # Finding the optimal number of clusters
#'  #########################################
#'  # 1st example: non-perturbed graph
#'  Data <- CreateDataSet(k=3, n=20, p=list(p_inside=0,p_outside=0))
#'  Structure <- FindStructure(Data$A_hat)
#'  Clusters <- FindNbrClusters(A = Data$A_hat, structure = Structure, k=3)
#'  # The number of clusters is provided (3): each of the 3 components will be divided into 1 cluster
#'  Clusters <- FindNbrClusters(A = Data$A_hat, structure = Structure, k=5)
#'  # The number of clusters is provided (5) and larger than the number of components (3),
#'  # the spectral eigengap method is used to find the optimal number of clusters of each component.
#'  # 2nd example: perturbed graph
#'  Data <- CreateDataSet(k=3, n=20, p=list(p_inside=0.1,p_outside=0.1))
#'  Structure <- FindStructure(Data$A_hat) # there are less than 3 components
#'  Clusters <- FindNbrClusters(A = Data$A_hat, structure = Structure)
#'  # The number of clusters is optimized using the spectral eigengap method

FindNbrClusters <- function(A, structure, k = NULL, k_max = NULL){
  # A: the adjacency matrix of the graph
  # structure: already existing connected components
  # k: number of clusters
  # k_max: maximal number of clusters (should be smaller than the number of nodes)
  # Outputs:
  #   - nbr_clusters: optimal number of clusters by component
  #   - nbr_clusters_total: optimal total number of clusters

  if (is.null(k_max)){
    k_max <- ncol(A)
  } else {
    if (is.null(k)){
      if (k_max > ncol(A)) {
        print(paste0("The maximal number of clusters is greater than the number of nodes, which is impossible. We thus set it to ",ncol(A),"."))
      } else if (nbr_group>k_max){
        print(paste0("The maximal number of clusters is greater than the number of components, which is impossible. We thus set it to ",ncol(A),"."))

  nbr_group <- length(structure$groups) # number of connected components

  Eigen_list <- function(group){
    # spectral decomposition on subgraphs of a graph
    if (length(group)>1){
      D <- diag(rowSums(A[group,group])) # degree matrix
      L <- D-A[group,group]
      svd <- eigen(L)
      eigenvalues <- sort(svd$values)
    } else {
      eigenvalues <- NA

  Gap <- function(eigenvalue){
    # compute the spectral gap
    if (length(eigenvalue)==1){
      nbr_cluster <- 1
    } else {
      gap <- sapply(2:length(eigenvalue),function(i){
      gap_ecart <- c(gap,0)-c(0,gap)

      nbr_cluster_max <- which.max(gap[1:k_max])
      if (is.na(nbr_cluster_max)){
        nbr_cluster_max <- 1
      } else if (nbr_cluster_max==1){
        # just check if the number of clusters should really be 1
        if (gap[length(gap)] > 10e-10 && length(gap)>1){
          nbr_cluster_max <- which.max(gap[2:k_max])+1

      nbr_cluster <- which.max(gap[1:ncol(A)])
      if (is.na(nbr_cluster)){
        nbr_cluster <- 1
      } else if (nbr_cluster==1){
        # just check if the number of clusters should really be 1
        if (gap[length(gap)] > 10e-10  && length(gap)>1){
          nbr_cluster <- which.max(gap[2:ncol(A)])+1


  # various possible cases
  if (is.null(k)){
    # k is not provided

    eigenvalues <- lapply(X = c(structure$groups,list(all=c(1:ncol(A)))),FUN = Eigen_list)

    Length <- sapply(eigenvalues,function(l){length(l)})
    Length2 <- unlist(lapply(eigenvalues,function(l){1:length(l)}))
    data <- data.frame(eigen=unlist(eigenvalues),x=Length2,compNr=rep(c(paste0("Component ",1:nbr_group),"All"),Length))

    gaps <- lapply(X = eigenvalues[-length(eigenvalues)],FUN = Gap)
    gaps_max <- lapply(X=gaps, function(l){
    gaps <- lapply(X=gaps, function(l){

    if (nbr_group>1){
      p <- ggplot(data,aes(x=x,y=eigen,color=compNr))+geom_line()+geom_point()+
        theme_bw() + labs(y="Eigenvalues",x="",colour = "Component number")+ scale_color_manual(values=rainbow(nbr_group+1))
      p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept = unlist(gaps_max),linetype="dotted",color=rainbow(nbr_group+1)[-1])
    } else {
      data_small <- data %>% filter(compNr!="All")
      p <- ggplot(data_small,aes(x=x,y=eigen,color=compNr))+geom_line()+geom_point()+
        theme_bw() + labs(y="Eigenvalues",x="",colour = "Component number")+ scale_color_manual(values=rainbow(nbr_group))
      p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept = unlist(gaps_max),linetype="dotted",color=rainbow(nbr_group))


    if (length(gaps)==1){
      nbr_clusters_total_max <- gaps_max[[1]]
      nbr_clusters_total <- gaps[[1]]

      if (nbr_clusters_total_max < nbr_clusters_total){
        print(paste0("Based on the given maximal number of clusters, the number of clusters is set to ",nbr_clusters_total_max," but the maximal eigengap is reached for ",nbr_clusters_total,"."))
      } else {
        print(paste0("The optimal number of clusters is ",nbr_clusters_total,"."))

      nbr_clusters_total <- nbr_clusters_total_max
      gaps <- gaps_max
    } else {
      nbr_clusters_total_max <- sum(unlist(gaps_max))
      nbr_clusters_total <- sum(unlist(gaps))

      if (nbr_clusters_total_max < nbr_clusters_total){
        print(paste0("Based on the given maximal number of clusters, the number of clusters is set to ",nbr_clusters_total_max," but the maximal eigengap is reached for ",nbr_clusters_total,"."))
        print(paste0(c("Here",nbr_group,"connected components were detected. Each of them should be clustered into",unlist(gaps[1:nbr_group]),"clusters."),collapse=" "))
      } else {
        print(paste0("The optimal number of clusters is ",nbr_clusters_total_max,"."))
        print(paste0(c("Here,",nbr_group,"connected components were detected. Each of them should be clustered into",unlist(gaps[1:nbr_group]),"clusters."),collapse=" "))
      nbr_clusters_total <- nbr_clusters_total_max
      gaps <- gaps_max

  } else if (nbr_group==1 && !is.null(k)){
    # easy case: one component and the number of clusters k is provided

    nbr_clusters_total <- k
    gaps <- list(Component1=k)
    print(paste0("The provided number of clusters is ",nbr_clusters_total,"."))

  } else {
    # last case: more than one component and the number of clusters k is provided

    if (k<nbr_group){

      print(paste0("The provided number of clusters ",k," is smaller than the number of components. This is not possible, we thus adjust the number of clusters to the number of components."))
      k <- nbr_group
      nbr_clusters_total <- k
      gaps <- rep(list(1),nbr_group)
      names(gaps) <- paste0("Component",1:nbr_group)
      print(paste0("The total number of clusters is ",k,"."))

    } else if (k==nbr_group){

      k <- nbr_group
      nbr_clusters_total <- k
      gaps <- rep(list(1),nbr_group)
      names(gaps) <- paste0("Component",1:nbr_group)
      print(paste0("The provided number of clusters is ",k,"."))

    } else {

      eigenvalues <- lapply(X = c(structure$groups,list(all=c(1:ncol(A)))),FUN = Eigen_list)

      Length <- sapply(eigenvalues,function(l){length(l)})
      Length2 <- unlist(sapply(eigenvalues,function(l){1:length(l)}))
      data <- data.frame(eigen=unlist(eigenvalues),x=Length2,compNr=rep(c(paste0("Component ",1:nbr_group),"All"),Length))

      p <- ggplot(data,aes(x=Length2,y=eigen,color=compNr))+geom_line()+geom_point()+
        theme_bw() + labs(y="Eigenvalues",x="",colour = "Component number")+ scale_color_manual(values=rainbow(nbr_group+1))

      gaps <- lapply(X = eigenvalues[-length(eigenvalues)],FUN = Gap)
      gaps <- lapply(X=gaps, function(l){
      p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept = unlist(gaps),linetype="dotted",color=rainbow(nbr_group+1)[-1])

      if (sum(unlist(gaps)[1:(length(gaps))]) != k){
        # there is a problem
        message(paste0("The optimal number of clusters ",sum(unlist(gaps)[1:(length(gaps))])," does not coincide to the provided number of clusters."))
        gaps[[(length(gaps))]] <- k-sum(unlist(gaps)[1:(length(gaps)-1)])
      nbr_clusters_total <- sum(unlist(gaps)[1:(length(gaps))])
      print(paste0("The provided number of clusters is ",k,"."))
      print(paste0(c("Here,",nbr_group,"connected components were detected. Each of them should be clustered into",unlist(gaps[1:nbr_group]),"clusters."),collapse=" "))



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l1spectral documentation built on Jan. 27, 2022, 1:07 a.m.