
Defines functions myouter ttTosl ttmatToslPairs toSeasonPair toSeason rsum pc.arith.ceiling pc.arith.floor nposargs .reportClassName

Documented in toSeason toSeasonPair ttmatToslPairs ttTosl

## taken from "pcts"
.reportClassName <- function(object, class, trailer = "\n"){
    if(class(object) == class)
        cat('An object of class "', class, '"', trailer, sep = "")

## this is identical to nposargs() in package "gbutils", see there for documentation.
## the copy here is for historical reasons and any improvements will be in gbutils.
nposargs <- function(x,a = FALSE){# x is expected to be a call, usually the result of sys.call()
  wrk <- as.list(x)
  tot <- length(wrk) - 1
  nameswrk <- names(wrk)
  named <- if(!is.null(nameswrk)) length(nameswrk[nameswrk != ""])
           else                   0
  res <- tot - named

  # a patch needed for my purposes follows
  if(named == 0 && res == 2 && a[1])
    res <- res - 1

## 2018-08-10 copied from 'pcts',
##    leaving these functions in 'pcts' where they are documented;
## For now, Not exporting from 'lagged'
## TODO: decide whether to export. If so, remove/modify 'pcts' accordingly.
############################################################ begin: periodic utility functions
pc.arith.floor   <- function(x,period) x -  x %% period
pc.arith.ceiling <- function(x,period) x -  x %% period + if(x %% period != 0) period  else 0

rsum <- function(x){
    if(is.matrix(x) && ncol(x) >= 2)
        apply(x, 1, sum)

toSeason <- function(t, period, t1 = 1, from = 1){
                                  # t - time (integer, may be vector) whose season is required
                                  # t1 - a time (integer) whose season is the first season
                                  # from - 1 if the numbering of seasons is 1,2,...,period
                                  #        0                                0,1,...,period-1
                                  #        other values - not admissible (but not checked)
    from + ((t-t1) %% period) # expects %% to give result in 0,1,...,period-1

toSeasonPair <- function(t, s, period, ...){              # for the moment t,s must be scalar!
    if(t >= s)
        list(season = toSeason(t, period, ...), lag = t - s)
        list(season = toSeason(s, period, ...), lag = s - t)

ttmatToslPairs <- function(i, j, period){
    wrk <- matrix(NA, nrow = 0, ncol = 4)  # each row contains  four numbers representing
    for(k1 in 1:length(i)){                # a tt-pair and the corresponding sl-pair
       for(k2 in 1:length(j)){
          sp <- toSeasonPair(i[k1], j[k2], period)
          tmp <- c(k1, k2, sp$season, sp$lag)
          wrk <- rbind(wrk, tmp)

ttTosl <- function(r, period){
    wrk <- matrix(NA, nrow = 0, ncol = 3)
    for(i in 1:nrow(r)){
        for(j in 1:ncol(r)){
            sp <- toSeasonPair(i, j, period)
            wrk <- rbind(wrk, c(sp$season, sp$lag, r[i,j]))
    colmax <- max(wrk[,2])
    res <- matrix(NA, nrow = period, ncol = colmax + 1) # +1 because lags start at zero
                                        #    flag <- 0
    for(i in 1:nrow(wrk)){
        val <- res[wrk[i,1], wrk[i,2] + 1]
        if(is.na(val)){  #+1 because lags start at zero
            res[wrk[i,1], wrk[i,2] + 1] <- wrk[i,3]
         if(val != wrk[i,3])
           warning("ttTosl:  encountered different values of acf for a season-lag pair.")
############################################################## end: periodic utility functions

## 'myouter' is copied from 'gbutils' to avoid importing it.
myouter <-
   res <- matrix(0, nrow=length(x), ncol=length(y))
   for(i in 1:length(x))
      for(j in 1:length(y))
         res[i,j] <- fun(x[i],y[j])

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lagged documentation built on Aug. 7, 2022, 5:19 p.m.