
Defines functions get_centroids_calc get_centroids

Documented in get_centroids

#' get_centroids
#' @description Centroid of patches
#' @param landscape A categorical raster object: SpatRaster; Raster* Layer, Stack, Brick; stars or a list of SpatRasters.
#' @param directions The number of directions in which patches should be
#' connected: 4 (rook's case) or 8 (queen's case).
#' @param cell_center If true, the coordinates of the centroid are forced to be
#' a cell center within the patch.
#' @param return_vec If true, a sf object is returned.
#' @param verbose Print warning messages
#' @details
#' Get the coordinates of the centroid of each patch. The centroid is by default
#' defined as the mean location of all cell centers. To force the centroid to be
#' located within each patch, use the `cell_center` argument. In this case, the
#' centroid is defined as the cell center that is the closest to the mean location.
#' @examples
#' # get centroid location
#' landscape <- terra::rast(landscapemetrics::landscape)
#' get_centroids(landscape)
#' @export
get_centroids <- function(landscape, directions = 8, cell_center = FALSE,
                          return_vec = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) {

    landscape <- landscape_as_list(landscape)

    if (return_vec) {

        crs <- terra::crs(landscape[[1]])


    result <- lapply(X = landscape,
                     FUN = get_centroids_calc,
                     directions = directions,
                     cell_center = cell_center,
                     verbose = verbose)

    layer <- rep(seq_along(result),
                 vapply(result, nrow, FUN.VALUE = integer(1)))

    result <- do.call(rbind, result)

    result <- tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)

    if (return_vec) {

        result <- terra::vect(result, geom = c("x", "y"), crs = crs)



get_centroids_calc <- function(landscape, directions, cell_center, verbose) {

    # convert to matrix
    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {

        # get coordinates and values of all cells
        points <- raster_to_points(landscape)[, 2:4]

        # convert to matrix
        landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)

    # all values NA
    if (all(is.na(landscape))) {

        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "patch"), class = as.integer(NA),
                                  id = as.integer(NA), x = as.double(NA), y = as.double(NA)))

    # get unique class id
    classes <- get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = verbose)

    centroid <- do.call(rbind, lapply(classes, function(patches_class) {

        # get connected patches
        landscape_labeled <- get_patches_int(landscape, class = patches_class,
                                             directions = directions)[[1]]

        # transpose to get same direction of ID
        landscape_labeled <- t(landscape_labeled)

        # get coordinates of current class
        points <- matrix(points[which(!is.na(landscape_labeled)), ],
                         ncol = 3)

        # set ID from class ID to unique patch ID
        points[, 3] <- landscape_labeled[!is.na(landscape_labeled)]

        # convert to tibble
        points <- stats::setNames(object = data.frame(points),
                                  nm = c("x", "y", "id"))

        # calculate the centroid of each patch (mean of all coords)
        centroid_temp <- stats::aggregate(points[, c(1, 2)], by = list(id = points[, 3]),
                                          FUN = mean)

        # force centroid to be within patch
        if (cell_center) {

            # create full data set with raster-points and patch centroids
            full_data <- merge(x = points, y = centroid_temp, by = "id",
                               suffixes = c("","_centroid"))

            # calculate distance from each cell center to centroid
            full_data$dist <- sqrt((full_data$x - full_data$x_centroid) ^ 2 +
                                       (full_data$y - full_data$y_centroid) ^ 2)

            # which cell has the shortest distance to centroid
            centroid_temp <- do.call(rbind, by(data = full_data,
                                               INDICES = full_data[, 1],
                                               FUN = function(x) {x[x$dist == min(x$dist), ][, c(1, 2, 3)]}))}
        # return current class id and coords
        data.frame(class = patches_class,
                   id = centroid_temp$id,
                   x = centroid_temp$x,
                   y = centroid_temp$y)

    # get number of total patches to construct id seq
    np <- lsm_l_np_calc(landscape, directions = directions)[[1, 5]]

    # check how often different combinations of class-id are present
    times <- as.numeric(t(table(centroid[, c(1, 2)])))

    # remove all 0 cases
    times <- times[which(times != 0)]

    # repeat each id (# patches) where times is the number of often the class-id
    # combination is present
    id <- rep(seq_len(np), times = times[times != 0])

    # return warning if any patch has several centroids
    if (verbose & any(times != 1)) {
        warning("For some patches several cell centers are returned as centroid.",
                call. = FALSE)

    tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("patch", nrow(centroid)), class = as.integer(centroid$class),
                            id = id, x = as.double(centroid$x), y = as.double(centroid$y)))

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landscapemetrics documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:42 a.m.