
Defines functions cluster_post_hook

cluster_post_hook <- function(x,...) {
    if (class(x)[1]=="multigroupfit") {
        if (is.null(x$cluster)) return(NULL)
        if (any(unlist(lapply(x$cluster,is.null)))) return(NULL)
        allclusters <- unlist(x$cluster)
        uclust <- unique(allclusters)
        K <- length(uclust)
        G <- x$model$ngroup
        S0 <- lapply(score(x,indiv=TRUE), function(x) { x[which(is.na(x))] <- 0; x })
        S <- matrix(0,length(pars(x)),nrow=K)
        for (i in uclust) {
            for (j in seq_len(G)) {
                idx <- which(x$cluster[[j]]==i)
                if (length(idx)>0)
                    S[i,] <- S[i,] + colSums(S0[[j]][idx,,drop=FALSE])
        J <- crossprod(S)
        I <- information(x,type="hessian",...)
        iI <- Inverse(I)
        asVar <- iI%*%J%*%iI
        x$vcov <- asVar

    ## lvmfit:
    if (!is.null(x$cluster)) {
        uclust <- unique(x$cluster)
        K <- length(uclust)
        S <- score(x,indiv=TRUE) #,...)
        I <- information(x,type="hessian") #,...)
        iI <- Inverse(I)

        S0 <- matrix(0,ncol=ncol(S),nrow=K)
        count <- 0
        for (i in uclust) {
            count <- count+1
            S0[count,] <- colSums(S[which(x$cluster==i),,drop=FALSE])
        adj1 <- K/(K-1)
        ## p <- ncol(S)
        ## adj1 <- K/(K-p) ## Mancl & DeRouen, 2001

        J <- adj1*crossprod(S0)
        col3 <- sqrt(diag(iI)); ## Naive se
        nn <- c("Estimate","Robust SE", "Naive SE", "P-value")
        asVar <- iI%*%J%*%iI
    } else {
        asVar <- x$vcov
    diag(asVar)[diag(asVar)==0] <- NA
    mycoef <- x$opt$estimate
    x$vcov <- asVar
    SD <- sqrt(diag(asVar))
    Z <- mycoef/SD
    pval <- 2*(pnorm(abs(Z),lower.tail=FALSE))
    if (is.null(x$cluster)) {
        col3 <- Z
        nn <-  c("Estimate","Std. Error", "Z-value", "P-value")
    newcoef <- cbind(mycoef, SD, col3, pval);
    nparall <- index(x)$npar + ifelse(x$control$meanstructure, index(x)$npar.mean,0)
    if (!is.null(x$expar)) {
        nparall <- nparall+length(x$expar)
    mycoef <- matrix(NA,nrow=nparall,ncol=4)
    mycoef[x$pp.idx,] <- newcoef
    colnames(mycoef) <- nn
    mynames <- c()
    if (x$control$meanstructure) {
        mynames <- vars(x)[index(x)$v1==1]
    if (index(x)$npar>0) {
        mynames <- c(mynames,paste0("p",seq_len(index(x)$npar)))
    if (!is.null(x$expar)) {
        mynames <- c(mynames,names(x$expar))

    rownames(mycoef) <- mynames
    x$coef <- mycoef

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