
Defines functions idplot click.default click colsel

Documented in click click.default colsel idplot

##' @export
colsel <- function(locate,...) {
    ytop    <- rep(seq(1/26,1,by=1/26),each=26)[1:657]
    ybottom <- rep(seq(0,1-1/26,by=1/26),each=26)[1:657]
    xleft   <- rep(seq(0,1-1/26,by=1/26),times=26)[1:657]
    xright  <- rep(seq(1/26,1,by=1/26),times=26)[1:657]
    pall    <- round(col2rgb(colors())/256)
    pall    <- colSums(pall) ; pall2 <- character(0)
    pall2[pall>0]   <- "black"
    pall2[pall==0]  <- "white"


    title(main="Palette of colors()")
        ,labels = 1:657

    if (missing(locate)) return(invisible(NULL))
    colmat <- matrix(c(1:657,rep(NA,26^2-657)),byrow=T,ncol=26,nrow=26)
    cols <- NA
    for(i in seq_len(locate))
        h    <- locator(1)
        if(any(h$x<0,h$y<0,h$x>1,h$y>1)) stop("locator out of bounds!")
        else {
            cc        <- floor(h$x/(1/26))+1
            rr        <- floor(h$y/(1/26))+1
            cols[i]    <- colors()[colmat[rr,cc]]

##' Extension of the \code{identify} function
##' For the usual 'X11' device the identification process is
##' terminated by pressing any mouse button other than the first. For
##' the 'quartz' device the process is terminated by pressing either
##' the pop-up menu equivalent (usually second mouse button or
##' 'Ctrl'-click) or the 'ESC' key.
##' @title Identify points on plot
##' @usage
##' \method{click}{default}(x, y=NULL, label=TRUE, n=length(x), pch=19, col="orange", cex=3, ...)
##' idplot(x, y ,..., id=list(), return.data=FALSE)
##' @aliases idplot click.default click colsel
##' @param x X coordinates
##' @param y Y coordinates
##' @param label Should labels be added?
##' @param n Max number of inputs to expect
##' @param pch Symbol
##' @param col Colour
##' @param cex Size
##' @param id List of arguments parsed to \code{click} function
##' @param return.data Boolean indicating if selected points should be returned
##' @param \dots Additional arguments parsed to \code{plot} function
##' @author Klaus K. Holst
##' @seealso \code{\link{idplot}}, \code{identify}
##' @examples
##' if (interactive()) {
##'     n <- 10; x <- seq(n); y <- runif(n)
##'     plot(y ~ x); click(x,y)
##'     data(iris)
##'     l <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width*Species,iris)
##'     res <- plotConf(l,var2="Species")## ylim=c(6,8), xlim=c(2.5,3.3))
##'     with(res, click(x,y))
##'     with(iris, idplot(Sepal.Length,Petal.Length))
##' }
##' @keywords iplot
##' @export
click <- function(x,...){

##' @export
click.default <-
function(x, y=NULL, label=TRUE, n=length(x),
         pch=19, col="orange", cex=3, ...) {
  xy <- xy.coords(x, y); x <- xy$x; y <- xy$y
  sel <- rep(FALSE, length(x)); res <- integer(0)
  while(sum(sel) < n) {
    ans <- identify(x[!sel], y[!sel], n=1, plot=FALSE, ...)
    if(!length(ans)) break
    ans <- which(!sel)[ans]
    points(x[ans], y[ans], pch = pch, col=col, cex=cex)
    if (label)
      text(x[ans], y[ans], ans)
    sel[ans] <- TRUE
    res <- c(res, ans)

##' @export
idplot <- function(x, y=NULL, ..., id=list(), return.data=FALSE) {
  id$x <- x; id$y <- y
  idx <- do.call("click", id)
  if (return.data) {
    return(with(id, cbind(x,y)[idx,]))

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