
Defines functions `toMplus.lvmfit` `toMplus.data.frame` `mplus` `findfileseg` `getMplus`

##' Read Mplus output files
##' @title Read Mplus output
##' @param infile Mplus output file
##' @param coef Coefficients only
##' @param \dots additional arguments to lower level functions
##' @author Klaus K. Holst
##' @export
##' @seealso getSAS
`getMplus` <-
    function(infile="template.out",coef=TRUE,...) {
        if (coef) {
            start <- "MODEL RESULTS"
            end1 <- "R-SQUARE"
            res0 <- findfileseg(infile,start)[-c(seq(5))]
            res <- sapply(res0,function(x) { val <- strsplit(x," ")[[1]]; val[val!=""] })
            res <- res[unlist(lapply(res, length))!=0]

            coef.idx <- unlist(lapply(res, length))>3
            lab.idx <- which(!coef.idx)
            count <- 0
            mycoef <- c()
            myrownames <- c()
            for (i in seq_along(res)) {
                if (i %in% lab.idx) {
                    count <- count+1
                } else {
                    val <- char2num(res[[i]][-1])
                    if (length(val)<5) val <- c(val,rep(0,5-length(val)))
                    mycoef <- rbind(mycoef, val)
                    myrownames <- c(myrownames,
                                    paste(paste(res[[lab.idx[count]]],collapse=" "),res[[i]][1])

            rownames(mycoef) <- myrownames
            colnames(mycoef) <- c("Estimate","Std.Err","Z-value","Std","StdYX")

        start <- "Estimate       S.E.  Est./S.E."
        end1 <- "MODEL RESULTS"
        res <- findfileseg(infile,start,end1);

        res <- findfileseg(infile, "TESTS OF MODEL FIT", "Chi-Square Test of Model Fit for the Baseline Model")

`findfileseg` <-
    function(infile, startstring, endstring,nlines) {
        con <- file(infile, blocking = FALSE)
        inp <- readLines(con)
        linestart <- 1; lineend <- length(inp)

        mycmd1 <- paste0("grep -n \"",startstring,"\" ", infile);  a1 <- system(mycmd1,intern=TRUE);
        if (length(a1)>0)
            linestart <- char2num(strsplit(a1,":")[[1]][1])

        nn <- length(inp)
        if (!missing(nlines)) nn <- linestart+nlines
        if (missing(endstring)) {
            for (i in seq(linestart,nn)) {
                lineend <- i-1
                if (inp[i]==inp[i-1]) break;
        } else {
            mycmd2 <- paste0("grep -n \"",endstring,"\" ", infile);  a2 <- system(mycmd2,intern=TRUE);
            if (length(a2)>0)
                lineend <- char2num(strsplit(a2,":")[[1]][1])

        res <- inp[linestart:lineend-1]

### Generate code and run mplus...

`mplus` <-
    function(file="template.mplus",wait=TRUE,intern=TRUE,...) {
        if (!file.exists(file)) file <- paste0(file,".mplus")
        if (!file.exists(file)) stop("File does not exist")
        if (!exists("winecmd")) winecmd <- "wine"
        if (!exists("mplus.directory")) mplus.directory <- ""
        mycmd <- paste0(winecmd, " \"", mplus.directory, "mplus.exe\" ", file)
        system(mycmd, wait=wait, intern=TRUE)
        prefix <- strsplit(file, ".", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1]

`toMplus.data.frame` <-
    function(x, datafile="data.tab",
      na.string=".", model="!f1 by x1;",
      run=FALSE, techout=FALSE,missing=TRUE,...) {
        write.table(x, file=datafile, sep="\t",
                    quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, na=na.string)
        varnames <- c()
        ngroups <- ceiling(ncol(x)/4)

        for (i in seq_len(ngroups)) {
            newline <- c("\t",colnames(x)[((i-1)*4+1):min(ncol(x), (i*4))],"\n")
            varnames <- c(varnames, newline)

        zz <- file(mplusfile, "w")  # open an output file connection
        cat(file=zz, "TITLE: ...\n")
        cat(file=zz, "!-----------------------------------------------------\n")
        cat(file=zz,"DATA:\n\tFILE=\"", datafile, "\";\n")
        cat(file=zz,"VARIABLE:\n\tNAMES ARE\n")
        cat(file=zz, varnames, ";\n")
        if (!missing(group)) {
            groups <- unique(x[,group])
            mygroupdef <- paste("(",paste(groups,groups,sep="=",collapse=","),")")
            cat(file=zz, "GROUPING IS ", group, mygroupdef, ";\n", sep="")
        } else {
            cat(file=zz, "!GROUPING IS g (1=male, 2=female);\n")
        cat(file=zz, "USEVARIABLES=\n", varnames,";\n")
        if (!is.null(categorical))
            cat(file=zz, paste("CATEGORICAL=",paste(categorical,collapse=" "),";\n"))
        cat(file=zz, "MISSING=",na.string,";\n",sep="")
        cat(file=zz, "!IDVARIABLE=?;\n")
        cat(file=zz, "!DEFINE: define new variables here;\n")
        cat(file=zz, "!SAVEDATA: save data and/or results;\n\n")
        if (is.null(analysis)) {
            cat(file=zz, "ANALYSIS: TYPE=MEANSTRUCTURE");
            if (missing) cat(file=zz, " MISSING;\n")
            else cat(file=zz,";\n")
            cat(file=zz, "ESTIMATOR=ML;\n")
            cat(file=zz, "INFORMATION=EXPECTED;\n")
            cat(file=zz, "ITERATIONS=5000;\n")
            cat(file=zz, "CONVERGENCE=0.00005;\n\n")
        } else {
            cat(file=zz, analysis,"\n")
        cat(file=zz, "!-----------------------------------------------------\n")
        cat(file=zz, "MODEL:\n")
        cat(file=zz, model,"\n")
        cat(file=zz, "!-----------------------------------------------------\n")
        if (!techout)
            cat(file=zz, "OUTPUT: STANDARDIZED;\n")
            cat(file=zz, "OUTPUT: MODINDICES(0); TECH1; TECH2; TECH5; STANDARDIZED;\n")
        cat(file=zz, "!\tSAMPSTAT;RESIDUAL;CINTERVAL;MODINDICES(0);\n")
        cat(file=zz, "!Other output options are:\n")
        cat(file=zz, "!\tSTANDARDIZED;     !Standardized coefficients\n")
        cat(file=zz, "!\tH1SE;             !Standard errors for the H1 model\n")
        cat(file=zz, "!\tH1TECH3;          !Estimated covar,corr matrices for par. estimates\n")
        cat(file=zz, "!\tPATTERNS;         !Summary of missing data patterns\n")
        cat(file=zz, "!\tFSCOEFFICIENT;    !Factor score coefficients and posterior covar matrix\n")
        cat(file=zz, "!\tFSDERTERMINACY;   !Factor score determinacy for each factor\n")
        cat(file=zz, "!\tTECH1;            !Parameter specifications and starting values\n")
        cat(file=zz, "!\tTECH2             !Parameter derivatives;\n")
        cat(file=zz, "!\tTECH3;            !Covar and Corr matrices for estimates\n")
        cat(file=zz, "!\tTECH4;            !Estimated means and covar for the latent variables\n")
        cat(file=zz, "!\tTECH5;            !Optimization matrix\n")
        cat(file=zz, "!\tTECH6;            !Optimization for categorical variables\n")
        cat(file=zz, "!\tTECH7;            !output for type Mixture\n")
        cat(file=zz, "!\tTECH8;            !Output for type mixture\n")
        cat(file=zz, "!\tTECH9;            !Error messages for MC study\n")
        cat(file=zz, "!\tMONTECARLO:              File is\n")

        if (run & exists("mplus")) {
            res <- mplus(mplusfile)
            outfile <- paste0(strsplit(mplusfile,".",fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1],".out")

`toMplus.lvmfit` <-
    function(x, model=NULL, data=model.frame(x), run=TRUE, categorical=NULL,##binary(Model(x)),
      mplusfile="template.mplus", ...) {
        mymodel <- ""
        M <- index(x)$M
        P <- index(x)$P
        nn <- vars(x)
        p <- length(nn)
        lat.var <- latent(x)
        lat.idx <- match(lat.var, vars(x))
        for (i in seq_len(p)) {
            for (j in seq_len(p)) {
                if (M[i,j]!=0) {
                    var1 <- nn[i]; var2 <- nn[j];
                    if (i %in% lat.idx & !(j %in% lat.idx)) {## & !(j %in% lat.idx)) {
                        mymodel <- paste0(mymodel, "\n", var1, " by ", var2, ";")
                    } else {
                        mymodel <- paste0(mymodel, "\n", var2, " on ", var1, ";")
        for (i in seq_len(p-1)) {
            for (j in ((i+1):p)) {
                if (P[i,j]!=0) {
                    var1 <- nn[i]; var2 <- nn[j];
                    mymodel <- paste0(mymodel, "\n", var1, " with ", var2, ";")
        if (is.null(model))
            model <- mymodel
        mydata <- subset(as.data.frame(data), select=setdiff(nn,lat.var))
        toMplus.data.frame(mydata,model=mymodel,run=run, mplusfile=mplusfile, ...)

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lava documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:10 a.m.