
#' @title Internal Class definition for \code{LazyArray}
#' @author Zhengjia Wang
#' @description Internal class definition of lazy array objects
ClassLazyArray <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "LazyArray",
  portable = TRUE,
  private = list(
    .valid = TRUE,
    .dir = character(0),
    .path = character(0),
    .dim = integer(0),
    .dimnames = NULL,
    .meta_name = 'lazyarray.meta',
    .file_names = NULL,
    lazyarray_version = 0,
    file_format = 'fst',
    storage_format = character(0),
    partitioned = FALSE,
    prefix = "",
    postfix = '.fst',
    read_only = TRUE,
    compress_level = 50,
    auto_clean = FALSE,
    part_dimension = integer(0),  # dimension in each file. dim[-length(dim)] or c(dim[-length(dim)], 1)
    sample_data = function(){
        "double" = 0.1,
        "integer" = 0L,
        "complex" = 0i,
        "character" = "",
          stop("Invalid internal storage format")
    save_meta = function(){
      meta <- list(
        lazyarray_version = private$lazyarray_version,
        file_format = private$file_format,
        storage_format = private$storage_format,
        dim = private$.dim,
        dimnames = private$.dimnames,
        partitioned = private$partitioned,
        prefix = private$prefix,
        part_dimension = private$part_dimension,
        postfix = private$postfix,
        compress_level = private$compress_level,
        file_names = private$.file_names
      save_yaml(meta, private$.path)
  public = list(
    #' @description Override print method
    #' @param ... ignored
    #' @return self instance
    print = function(...){
      cat("<LazyArray> (", private$storage_format, ')\n', sep = '')
      cat('Dimension:\t', paste(sprintf('%d ', private$.dim), collapse = 'x '), '\n')
      cat('Partitioned:\t', private$partitioned , '\n')
      cat('File format:\t', sprintf('%s[part]%s', private$prefix, private$postfix), '\n')
    #' @description Constructor
    #' @param path directory to store data into
    #' @param read_only whether modification is allowed
    #' @param meta_name meta file to store the data into
    initialize = function(path, read_only = TRUE, meta_name = 'lazyarray.meta'){
      private$.meta_name <- meta_name
      private$read_only <- read_only
      private$.dir <- normalizePath(path, mustWork = TRUE)
      private$.path <- normalizePath(file.path(path, self$meta_name), mustWork = TRUE)
      # load yaml
      meta <- load_yaml(private$.path)
      # check format version
        if(!isTRUE(meta$lazyarray_version >= self$min_version)){
          stop("Minimal version ", self$min_version, " required, but the file version is ", private$.meta$lazyarray_version)
        private$lazyarray_version <- meta$lazyarray_version
      } else {
        private$lazyarray_version <- self$min_version
      # check format: fst? hdf5?
      if(length(meta$file_format) != 1){
        stop("File format not found.")
      private$file_format <- meta$file_format
      # check data format
      if(length(meta$storage_format) != 1 ||
         ! meta$storage_format %in% c('double', 'integer', 'character', 'complex') ){
        stop(sprintf("Cannot find valid storage format. Supported data formats are %s, %s, %s, and %s",
             sQuote('double'), sQuote('integer'), sQuote('character'), sQuote('complex')))
      private$storage_format <- meta$storage_format
      # get dimension information
      if(length(meta$dim) < 2){
        stop("Invalid dimension information.")
      private$.dim <- meta$dim
      # get dimension names
      if(!is.null(meta$dimnames) && length(meta$dimnames) != length(meta$dim)){
        stop("Dimension name does not match.")
      private$.dimnames <- meta$dimnames
      # check whether the file is partitioned
        private$partitioned <- TRUE
        private$part_dimension <- meta$part_dimension
      n_part <- meta$dim[[length(meta$dim)]]
      if(length(meta$file_names) == 0){
        # compatible with old format
          private$.file_names <- seq_len(n_part)
          private$.file_names <- ''
      } else {
          if(length(meta$file_names) == 0 ){
            private$.file_names <- ''
          } else if( length(meta$file_names) != 1 || !is.character(meta$file_names) ){
            stop('file_names invalid, either NULL or character(1) when multipart=FALSE')
          } else {
            private$.file_names <- meta$file_names
        } else {
          if(length(meta$file_names) == 0 ){
            private$.file_names <- seq_len(n_part)
          } else if( length(meta$file_names) != n_part ){
            stop('file_names length invalid, either NULL or length of ',
                 n_part, ' when multipart=TRUE')
          } else {
              stop('file_names has duplicated values')
            private$.file_names <- meta$file_names
      if(length(meta$prefix) != 1){
        stop('Invalid prefix')
      private$prefix <- meta$prefix
      if(!length(meta$postfix) || !is.character(meta$postfix)){
        stop("Cannot find file postfix")
      private$postfix <- meta$postfix
        meta$compress_level <- 50
      private$compress_level <- meta$compress_level
    #' @description Set auto clean flag
    #' @param auto logical whether the data on hard disk will be automatically cleaned
    flag_auto_clean = function(auto){
      private$auto_clean <- auto
    #' @description Override finalize method
    finalize = function(){
        self$remove_data(warn = FALSE)
    #' @description Remove data on hard disk
    #' @param force whether to force remove the data
    #' @param warn whether to show warning if not fully cleaned
    remove_data = function(force = FALSE, warn = TRUE){
      if(!private$.valid){ return(FALSE) }
        if(force || file.exists(private$.path)){
          # list all files within .dir
          fs <- c(self$get_partition_fpath(full_path = FALSE), private$.meta_name)
          all_fs <- list.files(private$.dir, all.files = TRUE, 
                               recursive = FALSE, full.names = FALSE, 
                               include.dirs = TRUE)
          rest <- all_fs[!all_fs %in% c(fs, '.', '..')]
          sel_metas <- grepl('\\.meta$', rest)
          if(!length(rest) || all(sel_metas)){
            # cannot remove all files because some other files exist, 
            # not created by me
            unlink(private$.dir, recursive = TRUE)
          } else {
            lapply(fs, function(f){
              f <- file.path(private$.dir, f)
          private$.valid <- FALSE
      } else {
        private$.valid <- FALSE
      if(warn && dir.exists(private$.dir)){
        warning("LazyArray not fully cleaned at: ", private$.dir, 
                '. Some files noted created by this array were detected. ',
                'Please manually remove them if they are no longer used.')
    #' @description Make instance writable
    make_writable = function(){
      private$read_only <- FALSE
    #' @description Make instance read-only
    make_readonly = function(){
      private$read_only <- TRUE
    #' @description Set \code{\link[base]{dim}} and \code{\link[base]{dimnames}} of the array
    #' @param dim integer vector of the array dimension; see \code{\link[base]{dim}}
    #' @param dimnames named list of dimension names; see \code{\link[base]{dimnames}}
    set_dim = function(dim, dimnames){
      stopifnot(!private$read_only && private$.valid)
      if(length(dim) != length(private$.dim)){
        stop('Cannot set dimension from ', deparse1(private$.dim), ' to ', 
             deparse1(private$.dim), '. Different # of dimensions.')
      dif <- private$.dim - dim
      if(prod(dim) == 0){
        stop("zero length array is not supported.")
        # dim is allowed to vary along the last dimension, like c(1,2,4,3) -> c(1,2,4,5)
        if(!all(dif[-length(dif)] == 0)){
          stop('For multi-part arrays, you can only increase/decrease the last dimension, like from c(12,3,1) to c(12,3,X)')
      } else if(!all(dif == 0)){
        stop("For single data file arrays, you cannot change dimension once initialized")
      # check dimension vs dim
      mis_dimnames <- missing(dimnames)
        dimnames <- private$.dimnames
      if(!mis_dimnames && length(dimnames)){
          stop('dimnames must be a list')
        dnl <- sapply(dimnames, length)
        if(length(dimnames) != length(dim) || !all(dnl - dim == 0)){
          stop("dim does not matches with dimnames")
      private$.dim <- dim
      for(ii in seq_along(dimnames)){
        dimnames[[ii]] <- dimnames[[ii]][seq_len(dim[[ii]])]
      private$.dimnames <- dimnames
    #' @description Partition format, currently only \code{'fst'} is supported
    get_file_format = function(){
    #' @description Data storage format, expected to be one of the 
    #' followings: 'double', 'integer', 'character', or 'complex'
    get_storage_format = function(){
    #' @description Whether partitioned based on the last dimension
    is_multi_part = function(){
    #' @description Returns dimension of each partition
    partition_dim = function(){
    #' @description Get partition path
    #' @param part integer representing the partition
    #' @param full_path whether return the full system path
    #' @return Character file name or full path
    get_partition_fpath = function(part, full_path = TRUE){
        nm <- private$.file_names[part]
        res <- sprintf('%s%s%s', private$prefix, nm, private$postfix)
      } else {
        # ignore part
        nm <- private$.file_names[[1]]
        res <- sprintf('%s%s%s', private$prefix, nm, private$postfix)
        res <- file.path(private$.dir, res)
    #' @description Internal method to set data
    #' @param value vector of data to be set
    #' @param ... index set
    `@set_data` = function(value, ...){
      stopifnot(!private$read_only && private$.valid)
      idx <- list(...)
      ndim <- self$ndim
      stopifnot(length(idx) == ndim)
      idx <- lapply(idx, function(ii){
        # ii = ii[!is.na(ii)]
      val_dim <- sapply(idx, length)
      if(any(val_dim <= 0)){
        # no change
      if(length(value) == 1){
        value <- array(value, dim = val_dim)
      } else{
        stopifnot(length(value) == prod(val_dim))
      x <- NULL
      if(is.null(dim(value)) || length(dim(value)) != length(val_dim) || !all(dim(value) == val_dim) ){
        dim(value) <- val_dim
        part_dimension <- private$part_dimension
        partition_locations <-  lapply(part_dimension, seq_len)
        part_idx <- idx
        part_idx[[ndim]] <- 1
        args <- c(list(x = quote(x)), part_idx, list(value = quote(value)))
        # We save for each file
        ii <- 1
        last_idx <- idx[[ndim]]
        partial_len <- prod(val_dim[-ndim])
        lapply(seq_len(val_dim[[ndim]]), function(ii){
          value <- value[partial_len * (ii-1) + seq_len(partial_len)]
        # })
        # apply(value, ndim, function(value){
          # get partition file
          part <- last_idx[[ii]]
          if(part > self$dim[ndim]){
          fname <- self$get_partition_fpath(part, full_path = TRUE)
          x <- cpp_load_lazyarray(fname, partition_locations, part_dimension, self$ndim, private$sample_data())
          # x <- do.call('[<-', args)
          # make a call instead of do.call
          call <- as.call(c(list(quote(`[<-`)), args))
          x <- eval(call)
          cpp_create_lazyarray(x, part_dimension, fname, compression = private$compress_level, uniformEncoding = TRUE)
          ii <<- ii+1
      } else {
        fname <- self$get_partition_fpath(full_path = TRUE)
        partition_locations <- lapply(self$dim, seq_len)
        args <- c(list(x = quote(x)), idx, list(value = quote(value)))
        x <- cpp_load_lazyarray(fname, partition_locations, self$dim, self$ndim, private$sample_data())
        x <- do.call('[<-', args)
        cpp_create_lazyarray(x, self$dim, fname, compression = private$compress_level, uniformEncoding = TRUE)
    #' @description Set compression level
    #' @param level from 0 to 100. 0 means no compression, 100 means max compression
    set_compress_level = function(level){
      stopifnot(level >= 0 & level <= 100)
      private$compress_level <- level
    #' @description Get compression level
    get_compress_level = function(){
    #' @description Internal method to read data
    #' @param ... index set
    #' @param drop whether to drop dimension after subset, default is true
    `@get_data` = function(..., drop = TRUE){
      idx <- list(...)
        # case 1 x[], get all the data
        idx <- lapply(self$dim, seq_len)
      } else if(length(idx) == 1){
        # case 1 x[a:b], get data by length, we have to calculate indices
        stop("subset with length is not supported right now")
      } else {
        stopifnot(length(idx) == self$ndim)
        idx <- lapply(idx, function(id){
          id <- as.integer(id)
          id[is.na(id)] <- -1L
      # check which files need to be loaded
      files <- self$get_partition_fpath(idx[[self$ndim]], full_path = TRUE)
        if(length(self$partition_dim()) == self$ndim){
          idx[[self$ndim]] <- 1
          idx[[self$ndim]] <- NULL
      re <- cpp_load_lazyarray(files, partition_locations = idx, 
                         partition_dim = self$partition_dim(), 
                         ndim = self$ndim, value_type = private$sample_data())
        re <- drop(re)
    #' @description Internal method to obtain a sample data to be used to determine storage mode
    `@sample_data` = function(){
  active = list(
    #' @field meta_name file name to store meta information
    meta_name = function(){
    #' @field min_version minimal version supported, for backward compatibility concerns
    min_version = function(){
    #' @field version current version of lazy data instance
    version = function(){
    #' @field dim dimension of the data
    dim = function(){
    #' @field dimnames dimension names of the data
    dimnames = function(){
    #' @field ndim length of dimensions
    ndim = function(){ length(private$.dim) },
    #' @field can_write is array read-only or writable
    can_write = function(){
    #' @field storage_path directory where the data is stored at
    storage_path = function(){

Try the lazyarray package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

lazyarray documentation built on July 18, 2020, 9:06 a.m.