
Defines functions prob

Documented in prob

#' Run the Probability Walkthrough script.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{prob()}
  ### Probability script for R.
  ### by Josh Errickson
  ### 1.4   - Changed title to always N(0,1), give prob in legend.
  ### 1.3.4 - Never display probabilies as 0 or 1... just say <.0001 or >.9999
  ### 1.3.3 - Display instructions when script is loaded.
  ### 1.3.2 - Added name to plots.
  ### 1.3.1 - Fixes to user input handling.
  ### 1.3   - Helper function to handle user input - should no longer ever crash! Just keep requesting new input.
  ### 1.2.1 - Added better error checking for first choice.
  ### 1.2   - Auto-saving
  ### 1.1   - Added looping action
  ### 1.0.2 - Minor typo (double lower bound)
  ### 1.0.1 - Clarified some language in prompts.
  ### 1.0   - First version as cribbed from pval.R

  ##' Given a prompt and acceptable inputs, query user for input until they enter an acceptable value.
  ##' @title
  ##' @param prompt String shown to users to prompt for input.
  ##' @param error Error string shown when user enters an invalid selection.
  ##' @param validinput If non-NULL, only accept input in this list.
  ##' @param low Only accept numeric values above this value.
  ##' @param high Only accept numeric values below this value. If low>=high,
  ##' do not accept any numeric input not explictly in validinput.
  ##' @return Acceptable user input.
  ##' @author Josh Errickson
  getvalidinput <- function(prompt, error, validinput = NULL, low=0, high=0)
    if(is.null(validinput) && low == high) stop("Must either input validinput or both low and high!")
      input <- readline(prompt)
      if(input %in% validinput)
        if(low < high && low < high && low <= as.numeric(input) && as.numeric(input) <= high)

  options(warn=-1) # make this 0 for testing, -1 for production
  options(scipen=4) #Don't give numbers like 1e-4, instead do .0001

  cat("Are you ready for some nice graphics to help illustrate probabilities?\n")
  cat("At each step, type your response and press \"Enter\"\n")

    cat("What is the form of your probability? Choose from the following:\n1: P(Z < c)\n2: P(Z > c)\n3: P(a < Z < b)\n4: P(Z < a or Z > b)\nYou can press 'q' at any input to quit.\n(Remember: < is computed the same as <= and similarly for > and >=)\n")
    # getvalidinput is a function that does exactly what it sounds like. See documentation above.
    dir <- getvalidinput("Enter your selection: ", "Invalid selection! Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4!\n", validinput = c('1', '2', '3', '4', 'q'))
    if(dir == 'q') { cat("Quitting!\n"); break() }
    dir <- as.numeric(dir)

             # less than
             stat <- getvalidinput("Enter the value for the upper bound c: ", "Test statistic must be a number!\n", validinput='q', low=-1e8, high=1e8);
             if(stat == 'q') { cat("Quitting!\n"); break() }
             stat <- round(as.numeric(stat), 4);

             pv <- round(pnorm(stat), 4); # p-value

             max <- max(3,abs(stat)+1); # width for x-axis.

             # generate the shaded area.
             xcord <- c(-max,seq(-max,stat,.01),stat);
             ycord <- c(0,dnorm(seq(-max,stat,.01)),0);
             if(pv == 0)
               ti <- substitute(paste("P(Z < ", z, ") < .0001", sep=''), list(z=stat)) # create title.
             else if(pv == 1)
               ti <- substitute(paste("P(Z < ", z, ") > .9999 ", sep=''), list(z=stat)) # create title.
               ti <- substitute(paste("P(Z < ", z, ") = ", p, sep=''), list(z=stat, p=pv)) # create title.
    # greater than
    stat <- getvalidinput("Enter the value for the lower bound c: ", "Test statistic must be a number!\n", validinput='q', low=-1e8, high=1e8);
    if(stat == 'q') { cat("Quitting!\n"); break("Quitting!\n") }
    stat <- round(as.numeric(stat), 4);

    pv <- round(1 - pnorm(stat), 4);

    max <- max(3,abs(stat)+1);

    xcord <- c(stat,seq(stat,max,.01),max);
    ycord <- c(0,dnorm(seq(stat,max,.01)),0);

    if(pv == 0)
      ti <- substitute(paste("P(Z > ", z, ") < .0001", sep=''), list(z=stat)) # create title.
    else if(pv == 1)
      ti <- substitute(paste("P(Z > ", z, ") > .9999 ", sep=''), list(z=stat)) # create title.
      ti <- substitute(paste("P(Z > ", z, ") = ", p, sep=''), list(z=stat, p=pv)) # create title.
    # between
    stat1 <- getvalidinput("First, enter the value for the lower bound a:" , "Test statistic must be a number!\n", validinput='q', low=-1e8, high=1e8)
    if(stat1 == 'q') { cat("Quitting!\n"); break() }
    stat1 <- round(as.numeric(stat1), 4);

    cat("Next, enter a value for the upper bound b (must be greater than a).\n");
      stat2 <- getvalidinput("Upper bound: " , "Test statistic must be a number!\n", validinput='q', low=-1e8, high=1e8)
      if(stat2 == 'q') { cat("Quitting!\n"); break() }
      stat2 <- round(as.numeric(stat2), 4);
      if(stat1 < stat2) { break() } else { cat(paste("Upper bound must be greater than lower bound of ", stat1, "!\n", sep='')) }
    if(stat2 == 'q') { break() } #need second before first only breaks out of inner while

    pv <- round(pnorm(stat2) - pnorm(stat1), 4);

    max <- max(3,abs(stat1)+1,abs(stat2)+1);

    xcord <- c(stat1,seq(stat1,stat2,.01),stat2);
    ycord <- c(0,dnorm(seq(stat1,stat2,.01)),0)

    if(pv == 0)
      ti <- substitute(paste("P(", z1, "< Z < ", z2, ") < .0001", sep=''), list(z1=stat1, z2=stat2))
    else if(pv == 1)
      ti <- substitute(paste("P(", z1, "< Z < ", z2, ") > .9999 ", sep=''), list(z1=stat1, z2=stat2))
      ti <- substitute(paste("P(", z1, "< Z < ", z2, ") = ", p, sep=''), list(z1=stat1, z2=stat2, p=pv))
    # outside
    stat1 <- getvalidinput("First, enter the value for the lower bound a:" , "Test statistic must be a number!\n", validinput='q', low=-1e8, high=1e8)
    if(stat1 == 'q') { cat("Quitting!\n"); break() }
    stat1 <- round(as.numeric(stat1), 4);

    cat("Next, enter a value for the upper bound b (must be greater than a).\n");
    bounds_ok <- FALSE;
      stat2 <- getvalidinput("Upper bound: " , "Test statistic must be a number!\n", validinput='q', low=-1e8, high=1e8)
      if(stat2 == 'q') { cat("Quitting!\n"); break() }
      stat2 <- round(as.numeric(stat2), 4);
      if(stat1 < stat2) { break() } else { cat(paste("Upper bound must be greater than lower bound of ", stat1, "!\n", sep='')) }
    if(stat2 == 'q') { break() }

    pv <- round(1 - pnorm(stat2) + pnorm(stat1), 4);

    max <- max(3,abs(stat1)+1,abs(stat2)+1);

    xcord1 <- c(-max,seq(-max,stat1,.01),stat1);
    ycord1 <- c(0,dnorm(seq(-max,stat1,.01)),0)
    xcord2 <- c(stat2,seq(stat2,max,.01),max);
    ycord2 <- c(0,dnorm(seq(stat2,max,.01)),0)

    ti <- substitute(paste("P(Z < ", z1, " or Z >", z2, ") = ", p, sep=''), list(z1=stat1, z2=stat2, p=pv))
    if(pv == 0)
      ti <- substitute(paste("P(Z < ", z1, " or Z >", z2, ") < .0001", sep=''), list(z1=stat1, z2=stat2))
    else if(pv == 1)
      ti <- substitute(paste("P(Z < ", z1, " or Z >", z2, ") > .9999 ", sep=''), list(z1=stat1, z2=stat2))
      ti <- substitute(paste("P(Z < ", z1, " or Z >", z2, ") =  ", p, sep=''), list(z1=stat1, z2=stat2, p=pv))

    bound <- floor(max*10)/10; # bounds for axis, "floored" to nearest .1.
    plot(function(x) dnorm(x),-max,max,
         xlab="Z values",
         main="N(0,1) Distribution",
         xaxs='i', #to make the axes start exactly at 0,0
             axis(1,at=stat,lwd.ticks=2,col.ticks='red',col.axis='red', font=2,lwd=0, tck=-.04, padj=1.25);
    axis(1,at=stat,lwd.ticks=2,col.ticks='red',col.axis='red', font=2,lwd=0, tck=-.04, padj=1.25);
    axis(1,at=c(stat1, stat2),lwd.ticks=2,col.ticks='red',col.axis='red', font=2,lwd=0, tck=-.04, padj=1.25);
    axis(1,at=c(stat1, stat2),lwd.ticks=2,col.ticks='red',col.axis='red', font=2,lwd=0, tck=-.04, padj=1.25);
    legend('topright', eval(ti), col='red', pch=15, bty='n', pt.cex=2)

    saveplots <- getvalidinput("Do you want to save your plot to the desktop? y/n: ", "Enter (y)es or (n)o!\n", validinput=c('y','n', 'q'))
    if(saveplots == 'q') { cat("Quitting!\n"); break() }
    if(saveplots == 'y')
      titlename <- readline("Please enter your name for the plot: ")
        if(nchar(titlename) > 0) break()
        titlename <- readline("Must enter a name! Enter your name: ")
      os <- .Platform$OS
      td <- gsub(":", ".", as.character(Sys.time()))
      td <- gsub(" ", "_", td)
      if(os == 'unix') #unix == linux or mac
        name <- paste("~/Desktop/probability_Rplot_", td, sep="")
      if(os == 'windows')
        name <- strsplit(as.character(Sys.getenv('HOME')), 'Documents')
        name <- paste(name, "Desktop\\probability_Rplot_", td, sep="")
      name <- paste(name, ".jpg", sep="")
      plot(function(x) dnorm(x),-max,max,
           xlab="Z values",
           main=paste("N(0,1) Distribution",titlename, sep='\nBy '),
           xaxs='i', #to make the axes start exactly at 0,0
               axis(1,at=stat,lwd.ticks=2,col.ticks='red',col.axis='red', font=2,lwd=0, tck=-.04, padj=1.25);
    axis(1,at=stat,lwd.ticks=2,col.ticks='red',col.axis='red', font=2,lwd=0, tck=-.04, padj=1.25);
    axis(1,at=c(stat1, stat2),lwd.ticks=2,col.ticks='red',col.axis='red', font=2,lwd=0, tck=-.04, padj=1.25);
    axis(1,at=c(stat1, stat2),lwd.ticks=2,col.ticks='red',col.axis='red', font=2,lwd=0, tck=-.04, padj=1.25);
      legend('topright', eval(ti), col='red', pch=15, bty='n', pt.cex=2)


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learnstats documentation built on May 1, 2019, 6:33 p.m.