
Defines functions to

Documented in to

to <-
function(prefix, until, from=1, same_size=TRUE, ...) {

  # to("m",20, same_size=FALSE)
  # paste("m", 1:20, sep="")

  if (missing(prefix)) {
    cat("\n"); stop(call.=FALSE, "\n","------\n",
      "Specify the characters to precede each name with: prefix\n\n")

  if (missing(until)) {
    cat("\n"); stop(call.=FALSE, "\n","------\n",
      "Specify the last name generated in the sequence with:  until\n\n")

  if (from > until) {
      cat("\n"); stop(call.=FALSE, "\n","------\n",
       "The value of  until  must be greater than the value of  from .\n\n")

  # a dot in a parameter name to an underscore
  dots <- list(...)
  if (!is.null(dots)) if (length(dots) > 0) {
    for (i in 1:length(dots)) {
      if (names(dots)[i] == "same.size") same_size <- dots[[i]] 

  cstr <- character(length=0)
  for (ichar in (from:until)) {

    inum <- ifelse (same_size, until, ichar)
    nc <- nchar(as.character(inum))

    cc <- as.character(.fmtc(ichar, w=nc))
    for (i in 1:nchar(cc)) if (substr(cc,i,i) == " ") substr(cc,i,i) <- "0"
    cc <- paste(prefix, cc, sep="")
    cstr <- paste(cstr, cc)

  nc <- nchar(cstr)
  cstr2 <- character(length=0)
  for (i in 2:nc) cstr2 <- paste(cstr2, substr(cstr,i,i), sep="")
  cstr2 <- strsplit(cstr2, " ")[[1]]



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lessR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:17 p.m.