
.tt.formula <-
function (my_formula, y=NULL, data, ...) {

  # data frame existence check
  dname <- deparse(substitute(data))
  if (!exists(dname)) {
    if (dname == "d") 
        txtA <- ", the default data frame name, " else txtA <- " "
      txtB1 <- "So either create data frame by reading with the Read function, or\n"
      txtB2 <- "  specify the actual data frame with the parameter: data\n"
      txtB <- paste(txtB1, txtB2, sep="")
      cat("\n"); stop(call.=FALSE, "\n","------\n",
          "Data frame ", dname, txtA, "does not exist\n\n", txtB, "\n")

  nm <- all.vars(my_formula)  # names of vars in the model

  # Y existence check
  if (!exists(nm[1], where=data)) { 
    if (dname == "d") {
      txt1 <- ", the default name \n\n"
      txt2 <- "So either make sure you are using the correct variable name, or\n"
      txt3 <- "  specify the actual data frame with the parameter: data\n"
      txt <- paste(txt1, txt2, txt3, sep="")
    else txt <- " "
    cat("\n"); stop(call.=FALSE, "\n","------\n",
        "Response variable ", nm[1], " does not exist ",
        "in the data frame ", dname, txt, "\n\n")

  # Y numeric check
  if (!is.numeric(data[1,nm[1]])) {
    gu <- unique(na.omit(data[,nm[1]]))  # do not consider NA's
    if (length(gu) == 2) 
      txt <- paste(nm[1],
         " has two unique values, a property of the grouping variable,\n",
         "  the second variable listed, after the tilde, ~\n\n",
         "Maybe you switched the order of the intended response variable\n",
         "  and grouping variable\n\n", sep="")
      txt <- ""
    cat("\n"); stop(call.=FALSE, "\n","------\n",
    "The t-test for the mean difference is of the form\n\n",
    "  ttest(response_variable ~ grouping_variable)\n\n",
    "The response variable is numeric and the grouping variable\n",
    "  has exactly two unique values, one for each group\n\n", 
    "You specified ", nm[1], " as the response variable, the 1st variable listed\n\n",
    "The response variable must have only numeric values\n",
    "The first value of ", nm[1], " is ", data[1,nm[1]],
    ", which is not numeric\n\n",
    txt, "\n\n",
    "Maybe you switched the order of the intended response variable\n",
    "  and grouping variable\n\n", sep="")


  # X existence check
  if (!exists(nm[2], where=data)) { 
    if (dname == "d") {
      txt1 <- ", the default name \n\n"
      txt2 <- "So either make sure you are using the correct variable name, or\n"
      txt3 <- "  specify the actual data frame with the parameter: data\n"
      txt <- paste(txt1, txt2, txt3, sep="")
    else txt <- " "
    cat("\n"); stop(call.=FALSE, "\n","------\n",
        "Grouping variable ", nm[2], " does not exist ",
        "in the data frame ", dname, txt, "\n\n")

  # X levels = 2 check
  gu <- unique(na.omit(data[,nm[2]]))  # do not consider NA's
  if (length(gu) != 2) {
    gu.out <- ""
    for (i in 1:length(gu)) gu.out <- paste(gu.out, gu[i], sep=" ")
    cat("\n"); stop(call.=FALSE, "\n","------\n",
    "The grouping variable for this analysis: ", nm[2], "\n\n",
    "Values of the grouping variable: ", gu.out, "\n",
    "Number of unique values: ", length(gu), "\n",
    "The grouping variable must have exactly two unique values\n\n",
    "Use ANOVA to analyze the means of more than two groups\n\n")

  # split Y into two separate vectors
  vectors <- split(data[,nm[1]], data[,nm[2]])

  # do the analysis  
  return(list(x=vectors[[1]], y=vectors[[2]], Ynm=nm[1],
         Xnm=nm[2], X1nm=names(vectors)[1], X2nm=names(vectors)[2]))


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