
#' Augmented SenticNet Polarity Table
#' A \pkg{data.table} dataset containing an augmented version of Cambria, Poria,
#' Bajpai,& Schuller's (2016) positive/negative word list as sentiment lookup
#' values.
#' @details
#' \itemize{
#'   \item x. Words
#'   \item y. Sentiment values
#' }
#' Original Publication Credit Statement: 
#' Thank you for using SenticNet 4!
#' Please acknowledge the authors by citing the following publication
#' in any research work or presentation containing results obtained
#' in whole or in part through the use of SenticNet 4:
#' Cambria, E., Poria, S., Bajpai, R. and Schuller, B. SenticNet 4:
#' A semantic resource for sentiment analysis based on conceptual primitives.
#' In: COLING, pp. 2666-2677, Osaka (2016))
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @name hash_sentiment_senticnet
#' @usage data(hash_sentiment_senticnet)
#' @format A data frame with 23,626 rows and 2 variables
#' @references Cambria, E., Poria, S., Bajpai, R. and Schuller, B. SenticNet 4:
#' A semantic resource for sentiment analysis based on conceptual primitives.
#' In: COLING, pp. 2666-2677, Osaka (2016)
#' \url{http://sentic.net/downloads}

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