
Defines functions klfda

Documented in klfda

#' Kernel Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis for
#' Supervised Dimensionality Reduction
#' Performs kernel local fisher discriminant analysis on the given data,
#' which is the non-linear version of LFDA (see details \code{\link{lfda}}).
#' @param k n x n kernel matrix. Result of the \code{\link{kmatrixGauss}} function.
#'          n is the number of samples
#' @param y n dimensional vector of class labels
#' @param r dimensionality of reduced space (default: d)
#' @param metric type of metric in the embedding space (default: 'weighted')
#'               'weighted'        --- weighted eigenvectors
#'               'orthonormalized' --- orthonormalized
#'               'plain'           --- raw eigenvectors
#' @param knn parameter used in local scaling method (default: 6)
#' @param reg regularization parameter (default: 0.001)
#' @return list of the LFDA results:
#' \item{T}{d x r transformation matrix (Z = t(T) * X)}
#' \item{Z}{r x n matrix of dimensionality reduced samples}
#' @keywords klfda local fisher discriminant transformation mahalanobis metric
#' @aliases klfda
#' @author Yuan Tang
#' @seealso See \code{\link{lfda}} for the linear version.
#' @import rARPACK
#' @export klfda
#' @references
#' Sugiyama, M (2007). - contain implementation
#' Dimensionality reduction of multimodal labeled data by
#' local Fisher discriminant analysis.
#' \emph{Journal of Machine Learning Research}, vol.\bold{8}, 1027--1061.
#' Sugiyama, M (2006).
#' Local Fisher discriminant analysis for supervised dimensionality reduction.
#' In W. W. Cohen and A. Moore (Eds.), \emph{Proceedings of 23rd International
#' Conference on Machine Learning (ICML2006)}, 905--912.
#' Original Matlab Implementation: http://www.ms.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp/software.html#LFDA
#' @examples
#' k <- kmatrixGauss(iris[, -5])
#' y <- iris[, 5]
#' r <- 3
#' klfda(k, y, r, metric = "plain")
klfda <- function(k, y, r, metric = c("weighted", "orthonormalized", "plain"),
                  knn = 6, reg = 0.001) {
  metric <- match.arg(metric) # the type of the transforming matrix (metric)
  y <- t(as.matrix(y)) # transpose of original class labels
  n <- nrow(k) # number of samples
  if (is.null(r)) r <- n # if no dimension reduction requested, set r to n

  tSb <- mat.or.vec(n, n) # initialize between-class scatter matrix (to be maximized)
  tSw <- mat.or.vec(n, n) # initialize within-class scatter matrix (to be minimized)

  # compute the optimal scatter matrices in a classwise manner
  for (i in unique(as.vector(t(y)))) {
    Kcc <- k[y == i, y == i] # data for this class
    Kc <- k[, y == i]
    nc <- nrow(Kcc)

    # Define classwise affinity matrix
    Kccdiag <- diag(Kcc) # diagonals of the class-specific data
    distance2 <- repmat(Kccdiag, 1, nc) + repmat(t(Kccdiag), nc, 1) - 2 * Kcc

    # Get affinity matrix
    A <- getAffinityMatrix(distance2, knn, nc)

    Kc1 <- as.matrix(rowSums(Kc))
    Z <- Kc %*% (repmat(as.matrix(colSums(A)), 1, n) * t(Kc)) - Kc %*% A %*% t(Kc)
    tSb <- tSb + (Z / n) + Kc %*% t(Kc) * (1 - nc / n) + Kc1 %*% (t(Kc1) / n)
    tSw <- tSw + Z / nc

  K1 <- as.matrix(rowSums(k))
  tSb <- tSb - K1 %*% t(K1) / n - tSw

  tSb <- (tSb + t(tSb)) / 2 # final between-class cluster matrix
  tSw <- (tSw + t(tSw)) / 2 # final within-class cluster matrix

  # find generalized eigenvalues and normalized eigenvectors of the problem
  eigTmp <- suppressWarnings(rARPACK::eigs(
    A = solve(tSw + reg * diag(1, nrow(tSw), ncol(tSw))) %*% tSb,
    k = r, which = "LM"
  )) # r largest magnitude eigenvalues
  eigVec <- Re(eigTmp$vectors) # the raw transforming matrix
  eigVal <- as.matrix(Re(eigTmp$values))

  # options to require a particular type of returned transform matrix
  # transforming matrix (do not change the "=" in the switch statement)
  Tr <- getMetricOfType(metric, eigVec, eigVal, n)

  Z <- t(t(Tr) %*% k) # transformed data
  out <- list("T" = Tr, "Z" = Z)
  class(out) <- "lfda"

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lfda documentation built on Aug. 1, 2019, 1:04 a.m.