
Defines functions getfe

Documented in getfe

# return a data-frame with the group fixed effects, including zeros for references

#' Retrieve the group fixed effects
#' Compute the group fixed effects, i.e. the dummy parameters, which were swept
#' out during an estimation with [felm()].
#' For the case with two factors (the terms in the second part of the formula
#' supplied to [felm()]), one reference in each connected component
#' is adequate when interpreting the results.
#' For three or more factors, no such easy method is known; for the
#' `"cholesky"` method- reference levels are found by analyzing the
#' pivoted Cholesky-decomposition of a slightly perturbed system.  The
#' `"kaczmarz"` method provides no rank-deficiency analysis, it is assumed
#' that the factors beyond the two first contribute nothing to the
#' rank-deficiency, so one reference in each is used.
#' If there are more than two factors, only the first two will be used to
#' report connected components.  In this case, it is not known which graph
#' theoretic concept may be used to analyze the rank-deficiency.
#' The standard errors returned by the Kaczmarz-method are bootstrapped,
#' keeping the other coefficients (from [felm()]) constant, i.e. they
#' are from the variance when resampling the residuals.  If `robust=TRUE`,
#' heteroskedastic robust standard errors are estimated. If `robust=FALSE`
#' and `cluster=TRUE`, clustered standard errors with the cluster
#' specified to `felm()` are estimated. If `cluster` is a factor, it
#' is used for the cluster definition.
#' @param obj object of class `"felm"`, usually, a result of a call to
#' [felm()]
#' @param references a vector of strings.  If there are more than two factors
#' and you have prior knowledge of what the reference levels should be like
#' `references='id.23'`.  Not used with `method='kaczmarz'`
#' @param se logical.  Set to TRUE if standard errors for the group effects are
#' wanted.  This is **very** time-consuming for large problems, so leave
#' it as FALSE unless absolutely needed.
#' @param method character string.  Either 'cholesky', 'cg', or the default
#' 'kaczmarz'.  The latter is often very fast and consumes little memory, it
#' requires an estimable function to be specified, see [efactory()].
#' The 'cholesky' method is no longer maintained as the author sees no use for
#' it.
#' @param ef function. A function of two variables, a vector of group fixed
#' effects and a logical, i.e. `function(v,addnames)`.  This function
#' should be estimable and is used to transform the raw-coefficients `v`
#' from the kaczmarz-method.  The second variable indicates whether the
#' function must return a named vector (if this is FALSE, one may skip the
#' names, saving memory allocations and time).
#' If a string is specified, it is fed to the [efactory()]-function.
#' The default function is one which picks one reference in each component.
#' Can be set to `ef="ln"` to yield the minimal-norm solution from the
#' kaczmarz-method.
#' It can also be set to `ef="zm"` to get zero means (and intercept) in
#' one of the factors, and a reference in the other.
#' @param bN integer.  The number of bootstrap runs when standard errors are
#' requested.
#' @param robust logical. Should heteroskedastic standard errors be estimated?
#' @param cluster logical or factor. Estimate clustered standard errors.
#' @param lhs character vector. Specify which left hand side if `obj` has
#' multiple lhs.
#' @return The function `getfe` computes and returns a data frame
#' containing the group fixed effects.  It has the columns
#' `c('effect','se','obs','comp','fe','idx')`
#' \itemize{ \item `effect` is the estimated effect.  \item `se` is
#' the standard error.  \item `obs` is the number of observations of this
#' level.  \item `comp` is the graph-theoretic component number, useful
#' for interpreting the effects.  \item `fe` is the name of factor.  \item
#' `idx` is the level of the factor. }
#' With the Kaczmarz-method it's possible to specify a different estimable
#' function.
#' @keywords regression models
#' @examples
#' oldopts <- options("lfe.threads")
#' options(lfe.threads = 2)
#' ## create covariates
#' x <- rnorm(4000)
#' x2 <- rnorm(length(x))
#' ## create individual and firm
#' id <- factor(sample(500, length(x), replace = TRUE))
#' firm <- factor(sample(300, length(x), replace = TRUE))
#' ## effects
#' id.eff <- rlnorm(nlevels(id))
#' firm.eff <- rexp(nlevels(firm))
#' ## left hand side
#' y <- x + 0.25 * x2 + id.eff[id] + firm.eff[firm] + rnorm(length(x))
#' ## estimate and print result
#' est <- felm(y ~ x + x2 | id + firm)
#' summary(est)
#' ## extract the group effects
#' alpha <- getfe(est, se = TRUE)
#' ## find some estimable functions, with standard errors, we don't get
#' ## names so we must precompute some numerical indices in ef
#' idx <- match(c("id.5", "id.6", "firm.11", "firm.12"), rownames(alpha))
#' alpha[idx, ]
#' ef <- function(v, addnames) {
#'   w <- c(
#'     v[idx[[2]]] - v[idx[[1]]], v[idx[[4]]] + v[idx[[1]]],
#'     v[idx[[4]]] - v[idx[[3]]]
#'   )
#'   if (addnames) names(w) <- c("id6-id5", "f12+id5", "f12-f11")
#'   w
#' }
#' getfe(est, ef = ef, se = TRUE)
#' options(oldopts)
#' \dontrun{
#' summary(lm(y ~ x + x2 + id + firm - 1))
#' }
#' @export getfe
getfe <- function(obj, references = NULL, se = FALSE, method = "kaczmarz", ef = "ref", bN = 100, robust = FALSE, cluster = obj[["clustervar"]], lhs = NULL) {
  if (length(obj$fe) == 0) {
  if (!is.null(obj$numctrl) && obj$numctrl > 0) {
    stop("Can't retrieve fixed effects when estimating with control variables")
  if (method == "kaczmarz" || method == "cg") {
    if (!is.null(references)) {
      warning("use estimable function (ef) instead of references in the Kaczmarz method")
    if (is.null(ef)) ef <- "ln"
    if (!is.character(ef) && !is.function(ef)) {
      stop("ef must be a function when using the Kaczmarz method")
    if (method == "cg") {
      oldopt <- options("lfe.usecg")
      options(lfe.usecg = TRUE)
    return(getfe.kaczmarz(obj, se, ef = ef, bN = bN, robust = robust, cluster = cluster, lhs = lhs))
  if (method != "cholesky") stop("method must be either kaczmarz, cg, or cholesky")

  .Deprecated("", msg = "Cholesky method is deprecated. Please consider using either 'kaczmarz' or 'cg'")
  attr(se, "sefactor") <- obj$sefactor
  attr(obj$fe, "references") <- references
  R <- obj$r.residuals
  # then the remaining.  This is usually sufficient.
  # we could also partition differently, just do the 'comp' adjustment accordingly
  # components
  ddlist <- makeddlist(obj$fe)
  orignm <- attr(ddlist, "nm")
  comp <- 1
  res <- data.frame()
  for (dd in ddlist) {
    #  res <- foreach(dd=ddlist,.combine=rbind,.init=data.frame()) %dopar% {
    dummies <- attr(dd, "dummies")
    keep <- attr(dd, "keep")
    comp <- attr(dd, "comp")
    #    cat(date(),'comp dd',comp,'size',length(keep),'\n')
    Rhs <- as.vector(dummies %*% R[keep])
    names(Rhs) <- colnames(dd)
    alpha <- findfe(dd, Rhs, se)
    alpha[, "comp"] <- comp
    res <- rbind(res, alpha)
    #    alpha
  res <- res[orignm, ]
  res[, "comp"] <- factor(res[, "comp"])
  # now, add factors telling which fe-group we're in
  # the rownames are of the form <fe>.<idx>
  fefact <- strsplit(rownames(res), ".", fixed = TRUE)
  res[, "fe"] <- factor(unlist(lapply(fefact, function(l) l[[1]])))
  res[, "idx"] <- factor(unlist(lapply(fefact, function(l) paste(l[-1], collapse = "."))))

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lfe documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:39 a.m.