
Defines functions makeddlist makedd.full findfe

# $Id: chmethod.R 1693 2015-04-07 09:36:29Z sgaure $
findfe <- function(dd, Rhs, se = FALSE) {
  # find references
  refnames <- attr(dd, "refnames")
  nm <- c(colnames(dd), refnames)
  refcnt <- attr(dd, "refcnt")
  # add in the reference in dg

  dg <- c(diag(dd), refcnt)
  ok <- 1:ncol(dd)

  if (se) sev <- double(length(nm))
  alphacoef <- double(length(nm))

  # the super-nodal algorithm
  # is default and far better, but it consumes more memory

  trysolve <- try(solve(dd, Rhs))
  if (inherits(trysolve, "try-error")) {
    if (grepl("problem too large", geterrmessage())) {
      message(paste("Never mind, trying *slower* non-supernodal algorithm, nnz=", nnzero(dd)))
      message(paste(date(), "This may be an opportunity for a nice cup of tea. Or two."))
      ch <- Cholesky(dd, super = FALSE, perm = TRUE)
      trysolve <- solve(ch, Rhs)
    } else {

  alphacoef[ok] <- as.vector(trysolve)
  if (se) {
    # is there a faster way to find the diagonal of the inverse?
    sev[ok] <- sqrt(diag(solve(dd))) * attr(se, "sefactor")
    alpha <- data.frame(effect = alphacoef, se = sev, obs = dg)
  } else {
    alpha <- data.frame(effect = alphacoef, obs = dg)
  rownames(alpha) <- nm

# makedummies <- function(factors) {
#  nm <- c()
#  dummies <- Matrix(0,0,length(factors[[1]]))
#  for(i in 1:length(factors)) {
#    f <- factors[[i]]
#    dummies <- rBind(dummies,as(f,'sparseMatrix'))
#    nm <- c(nm,paste(names(factors)[[i]],levels(f),sep='.'))
#  }
#  rownames(dummies) <- nm
#  dummies
# }

makedd.full <- function(factors) {
  #  dm <- makedummies(factors)
  dm <- t(makeDmatrix(factors))
  nm <- rownames(dm)
  dd <- tcrossprod(dm)
  rownames(dd) <- colnames(dd) <- nm
  attr(dd, "dummies") <- dm
  attr(dd, "nm") <- nm

makeddlist <- function(factors) {
  if (length(factors) > 2) {
    if (is.null(attr(factors, "references"))) {
      # find references by fiddling with Cholesky
      message("*** More than two groups, finding refs by Cholesky pivots, interpret at own risk")
      # first the full matrix, find small pivots
      dd <- makedd.full(factors)
      orignm <- attr(dd, "nm")

      # add small amount to diagonal
      eps <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
      Ch <- try(Cholesky(dd, super = TRUE, perm = TRUE, Imult = eps))
      if (inherits(Ch, "try-error") && grepl("problem too large", geterrmessage())) {
        Ch <- Cholesky(dd, super = FALSE, perm = TRUE, Imult = eps)
      # strangely enough, coercing to sparseMatrix doesn't take care of
      # the permutation, we apply it manually.  Let's hope it's never fixed.
      pivot <- Ch@perm
      ch <- as(Ch, "sparseMatrix")
      dg <- diag(ch)[order(pivot)]**2
      refs <- (dg < eps**(1 / 3))
      refnames <- orignm[refs]
      message(paste("***", length(refnames), "references found"))
    } else {
      refnames <- attr(factors, "references")
      orignm <- unlist(lapply(
        function(n) paste(n, levels(factors[[n]]), sep = ".")
    # there may be references in more than one factor
    # remove all of them
    # create factor list with named levels
    nf <- lapply(names(factors), function(n) {
      f <- factors[[n]]
      levels(f) <- paste(n, levels(f), sep = ".")
    # remove reference levels, and remove the prefix
    # find the levels
    lev <- lapply(nf, function(f) which(levels(f) %in% refnames))
    nnf <- mapply(function(f, l) factor(f, exclude = levels(f)[l]), factors, lev, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    dd <- makedd.full(nnf)
    attr(dd, "keep") <- 1:length(nnf[[1]])
    attr(dd, "refnames") <- refnames
    #    attr(dd,'refcnt') <- rep(1,length(refnames))
    # find the number of occurences
    cntlst <- unlist(lapply(refnames, function(n) lapply(nf, function(f) sum(f == n))))
    attr(dd, "refcnt") <- cntlst[cntlst > 0]
    attr(dd, "comp") <- 1
    res <- list(dd)
    attr(res, "nm") <- orignm
  } else {
    # 2 or fewer factors, find references by component
    cf <- compfactor(factors)
    nml <- lapply(factors, function(f) levels(f))
    nm <- unlist(lapply(names(nml), function(n) paste(n, nml[[n]], sep = ".")))
    res <- list()
    li <- 1
    # this loop suffers from too much copying and stuff
    # when there are many components (e.g. like 10000)
    remfact <- factors
    fullidx <- 1:length(factors[[1]])
    for (l in levels(cf)) {
      # find those in this level
      keep <- which(cf == l)
      #      cat(date(),'comp fact',li,'size',length(keep),'\n')
      fcomp <- lapply(remfact, function(f) factor(f[keep]))
      remfact <- lapply(remfact, function(f) factor(f[-keep]))
      cf <- factor(cf[-keep])
      # then the reference level
      maxrefs <- lapply(fcomp, function(f) {
        tf <- table(f)
        m <- which.max(tf)
      # in which factor
      rfac <- which.max(unlist(maxrefs))
      # which level
      reflevel <- names(maxrefs[[rfac]])
      # drop that level from the factor
      fcomp[[rfac]] <- factor(fcomp[[rfac]], exclude = reflevel)
      refname <- paste(names(remfact)[[rfac]], reflevel, sep = ".")
      # remove those without levels
      len <- unlist(lapply(fcomp, nlevels))
      fcomp <- fcomp[len > 0]
      dd <- makedd.full(fcomp)
      # the keep attribute should be relative to
      # the full factor, not to remfact
      attr(dd, "keep") <- fullidx[keep]
      fullidx <- fullidx[-keep]
      attr(dd, "refnames") <- refname
      attr(dd, "refcnt") <- max(unlist(maxrefs))
      attr(dd, "comp") <- li
      res[[li]] <- dd
      li <- li + 1
      #      res <- c(res, list(dd))
    attr(res, "nm") <- nm

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