
Defines functions nxlevels xlevels getfe.kaczmarz kaczmarz

Documented in kaczmarz

#' Solve a linear system defined by factors
#' Uses the Kaczmarz method to solve a system of the type Dx = R, where D is
#' the matrix of dummies created from a list of factors.
#' @param fl A list of arbitrary factors of the same length
#' @param R numeric.  A vector, matrix or list of such of the same length as
#' the factors
#' @param eps a tolerance for the method
#' @param init numeric. A vector to use as initial value for the Kaczmarz
#' iterations. The algorithm converges to the solution closest to this
#' @param threads integer. The number of threads to use when `R` is more
#' than one vector
#' @return A vector `x` of length equal to the sum of the number of levels
#' of the factors in `fl`, which solves the system \eqn{Dx=R}. If the
#' system is inconsistent, the algorithm may not converge, it will give a
#' warning and return something which may or may not be close to a solution. By
#' setting `eps=0`, maximum accuracy (with convergence warning) will be
#' achieved.
#' @note This function is used by [getfe()], it's quite specialized,
#' but it might be useful for other purposes too.
#' In case of convergence problems, setting `options(lfe.usecg=TRUE)` will
#' cause the kaczmarz() function to dispatch to the more general conjugate
#' gradient method of [cgsolve()].  This may or may not be faster.
#' @seealso [cgsolve()]
#' @examples
#' ## create factors
#' f1 <- factor(sample(24000, 100000, replace = TRUE))
#' f2 <- factor(sample(20000, length(f1), replace = TRUE))
#' f3 <- factor(sample(10000, length(f1), replace = TRUE))
#' f4 <- factor(sample(8000, length(f1), replace = TRUE))
#' ## the matrix of dummies
#' D <- makeDmatrix(list(f1, f2, f3, f4))
#' dim(D)
#' ## an x
#' truex <- runif(ncol(D))
#' ## and the right hand side
#' R <- as.vector(D %*% truex)
#' ## solve it
#' sol <- kaczmarz(list(f1, f2, f3, f4), R)
#' ## verify that the solution solves the system Dx = R
#' sqrt(sum((D %*% sol - R)^2))
#' ## but the solution is not equal to the true x, because the system is
#' ## underdetermined
#' sqrt(sum((sol - truex)^2))
#' ## moreover, the solution from kaczmarz has smaller norm
#' sqrt(sum(sol^2)) < sqrt(sum(truex^2))
#' @export kaczmarz
kaczmarz <- function(fl, R, eps = getOption("lfe.eps"), init = NULL,
                     threads = getOption("lfe.threads")) {
  if (getOption("lfe.usecg")) {
    mat <- makeDmatrix(fl)
    if (is.list(R)) {
      mm <- crossprod(mat)
      return(lapply(R, function(ll) drop(cgsolve(mm, crossprod(mat, ll), eps = max(eps, 1e-6), init = init))))
      #      skel <- lapply(R,function(a) {if(is.matrix(a)) matrix(0,ncol(mat),ncol(a)) else rep(0,ncol(mat))})
      #      return(utils::relist(cgsolve(crossprod(mat), crossprod(mat,Reduce(cbind,R)), eps=eps, init=init), skel))
    return(drop(cgsolve(crossprod(mat), crossprod(mat, R), eps = eps, init = init)))
  if (is.null(threads)) threads <- 1
  islist <- is.list(R)
  if (!islist) R <- list(R)
  v <- .Call(C_kaczmarz, fl, R, eps, as.vector(init), as.integer(threads))
  if (!islist) {
    v <- drop(v[[1]])

getfe.kaczmarz <- function(obj, se = FALSE, eps = getOption("lfe.eps"), ef = "ref", bN = 100,
                           robust = FALSE, cluster = NULL, lhs = NULL) {
  inef <- ef
  if (is.character(ef)) {
    ef <- efactory(obj, opt = ef)
  if (!isTRUE(attr(ef, "verified")) && !is.estimable(ef, obj$fe)) {
    warning("Supplied function seems non-estimable")
  multlhs <- length(obj$lhs) > 1
  if (is.null(lhs)) {
    R <- obj$r.residuals - obj$residuals
  } else {
    if (!all(lhs %in% obj$lhs)) stop("lhs must be subset of ", paste(obj$lhs, collapse = " "))
    R <- obj$r.residuals[, lhs, drop = FALSE] - obj$residuals[, lhs, drop = FALSE]
  v <- kaczmarz(obj$fe, R, eps)

  if (is.matrix(v) && ncol(v) > 1) {
    v <- apply(v, 2, ef, addnames = TRUE)
    vtmp <- ef(v[, 1], addnames = TRUE)
    extra <- attr(vtmp, "extra")
    nm <- names(vtmp)
  } else {
    v <- ef(v, TRUE)
    extra <- attr(v, "extra")
    nm <- names(v)

  res <- data.frame(effect = v)
  if (multlhs) colnames(res) <- paste("effect", colnames(R), sep = ".")
  if (!is.null(extra)) res <- cbind(res, extra)
  rownames(res) <- nm
  attr(res, "ef") <- ef

  if (se) {
    if (identical(inef, "ref") && length(obj$fe) == 1 && robust == FALSE) {
      if (multlhs) {
        for (lh in colnames(R)) {
          res[[paste("se", lh, sep = ".")]] <- fixedse(obj, lhs = lh)
      } else {
        res[["se"]] <- fixedse(obj)
    } else if (multlhs) {
      for (lh in colnames(R)) {
        res <- btrap(res, obj, bN, eps = eps, robust = robust, cluster = cluster, lhs = lh)
    } else {
      res <- btrap(res, obj, bN, eps = eps, robust = robust, cluster = cluster)

# A common estimable function on the fe-coefficients
# return an estimable function, the matrix which
# pins a reference in each component, the one with the
# most observations
# if there are more than two factors, assume they don't
# ruin identification beyond one extra reference for each such factor

# Note: when I get some time, I'll implement a Weeks-Williams estimable
# function.  I.e. with a reference in each factor in each component
# from compfactor(...,WW=TRUE). This may be what many people want.
# No, can't do that. The same level may occur in separate WW-components.
# WW is about partitioning of the dataset, not of the levels.

# return level names in appropriate order
# the G(x:f) with x a matrix makes it slightly complicated
xlevels <- function(n, f, sep = ".") {
  x <- attr(f, "x", exact = TRUE)
  plev <- paste(n, levels(f), sep = sep)
  if (is.null(x) || !is.matrix(x)) {
  nam <- attr(f, "xnam")
  if (is.null(nam)) nam <- "x"
  if (!is.matrix(x)) {
    return(paste(nam, plev, sep = sep))
  matnam <- colnames(x)
  if (is.null(matnam)) matnam <- paste(nam, 1:ncol(x), sep = "") else matnam <- paste(nam, matnam, sep = "")
  plev <- sub(".*:", "", plev)
  return(as.vector(t(outer(matnam, plev, paste, sep = ":"))))

nxlevels <- function(n, f) {
  x <- attr(f, "x", exact = TRUE)
  plev <- rep(n, nlevels(f))
  if (is.null(x) || !is.matrix(x)) {
  nam <- attr(f, "xnam")
  matnam <- colnames(x)
  if (is.null(matnam)) matnam <- paste(nam, 1:ncol(x), sep = "") else matnam <- paste(nam, matnam, sep = "")
  plev <- sub(".*:", "", plev)
  return(as.vector(t(outer(matnam, plev, paste, sep = ":"))))

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lfe documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:39 a.m.