#' @param geom character. Geometry type of the output. Can be 'point', 'convex', 'concave' or 'bbox'.
#' @param concaveman numeric. Only if \code{type = "concave"}. Vector with the two parameters of the
#' function \link{concaveman}.
#' @param attribute character. The column name of the attribute containing tree IDs. Default is
#' \code{"treeID"}
#' @rdname aggregate
#' @export
crown_metrics = function(las, func, geom = "point", concaveman = c(3, 0), attribute = "treeID", ...)
UseMethod("crown_metrics", las)
#' @export
crown_metrics.LAS = function(las, func, geom = "point", concaveman = c(3, 0), attribute = "treeID", ...)
if (!attribute %in% names(las)) stop("The trees are not segmented yet. See function 'segment_trees'.", call. = FALSE)
geom <- match.arg(geom, c("point", "convex", "concave", "bbox"))
. <- .BY <- X <- Y <- Z <- GRPID <- NULL
template <- las[[attribute]]
if (all(
warning("No tree found. NULL returned.", call. = FALSE)
if (geom == "point") fgeom <- stdtreeapex
else if (geom == "convex") fgeom <- stdtreehullconvex
else if (geom == "concave") fgeom <- stdtreehullconcave
else if (geom == "bbox") fgeom <- stdtreehullbbox
concavity <- concaveman[1]
length_threshold <- concaveman[2]
M1 <- las@data[, if (!anyNA(.BY)) fgeom(X,Y,Z, concavity, length_threshold), by = .(GRPID = template)]
data.table::setorder(M1, GRPID)
sfgeom <- sf::st_as_sfc(M1[["geom"]])
ninvalid = 0
if (is(sfgeom, "sfc_POLYGON"))
invalid <- !sf::st_is_valid(sfgeom)
na.invalid <-
invalid[na.invalid] <- TRUE
ninvalid <- sum(invalid, na.rm = TRUE)
nna <- sum(na.invalid)
if (ninvalid > 0)
if (geom == "concave")
warning(glue::glue("{ninvalid} invalid polygons created and removed. They likely correspond either to trees with aligned points or to edge cases where the convex hull converged to polygons that are not valid."), call. = FALSE)
if (geom == "convex")
warning(glue::glue("{ninvalid} invalid polygons created and removed. They likely correspond to trees with aligned points."), call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(func))
M2 <- template_metrics(las, func, template, ...)
data.table::setorder(M2, GRPID)
M2 <- M2[M2$GRPID %in% M1$GRPID]
data.table::setnames(M2, "GRPID", attribute)
M2 <- M1[, "GRPID"]
data.table::setnames(M2, attribute)
# This is only used for backward compatibility
# with delineate_crowns() that call crown_metrics()
xyz <- isTRUE(list(...)$xyz)
if (xyz)
f <- function(x,y,z) {
if (length(x) < 4) { return(NULL) }
j <- which.max(z)
return(list(XTOP= x[j], YTOP = y[j], ZTOP = z[j]))
M3 <- las@data[, if (!anyNA(.BY)) f(X,Y,Z), by = .(GRPID = template)]
M3[["GRPID"]] <- NULL
M2 <- cbind(M2, M3)
output <- sf::st_set_geometry(M2, sfgeom)
if (ninvalid > 0) output <- output[!invalid,]
sf::st_crs(output) <- st_crs(las)
#' @export
crown_metrics.LAScluster = function(las, func, geom = "point", concaveman = c(3, 0), attribute = "treeID", ...)
x <- readLAS(las)
if (is.empty(x)) return(NULL)
metrics <- crown_metrics(x, func, geom, concaveman, attribute, ...)
if (is.null(metrics)) return(NULL) # fix #733
bbox <- st_bbox(las)
sf::st_agr(metrics) <- "constant"
centroid <- sf::st_centroid(metrics)
centroid$ID <- 1:nrow(centroid)
sf::st_agr(centroid) <- "constant"
centroid <- sf::st_crop(centroid, bbox)
#' @export
crown_metrics.LAScatalog = function(las, func, geom = "point", concaveman = c(3, 0), attribute = "treeID", ...)
is_formula <- tryCatch(lazyeval::is_formula(func), error = function(e) FALSE)
if (!is_formula && !is.null(func)) func <- lazyeval::f_capture(func)
globals <- NULL
if (engine_use_future()) globals <- future::getGlobalsAndPackages(func)
options <- list(need_buffer = TRUE, drop_null = TRUE, globals = names(globals$globals), automerge = TRUE)
output <- catalog_apply(las, crown_metrics, func = func, geom = geom, concaveman = concaveman, attribute = attribute, ..., .options = options)
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