
Defines functions prune_tags

#' Prune tags after changing columns of a linelist
#' Internal. This function is used to remove tags whose variable has been
#' removed after subsetting the columns of a `linelist` object. By default, a
#' warning will be issued if some tagged variables have been removed.
#' @param x `linelist` object
#' @param lost_action a `character` indicating the behaviour to adopt when
#'   tagged variables have been lost: "error" (default) will issue an error;
#'   "warning" will issue a warning; "none" will do nothing
#' @noRd
#' @return The function returns a `linelist` object.

prune_tags <- function(x, lost_action = c("error", "warning", "none")) {
  # assertions
  checkmate::assertClass(x, "linelist")
  lost_action <- match.arg(lost_action)

  # do stuff
  old_tags <- tags(x, show_null = TRUE)

  has_lost_column <- vapply(
    function(e) !is.null(e) && !e %in% names(x),
  new_tags <- old_tags[!has_lost_column]

  # We can safely always use strict = FALSE since prune_tags() can only remove
  # tags, and not add new ones.
  # This is easier than tracking if x was created with strict TRUE or FALSE.
  # Discussed in https://github.com/epiverse-trace/linelist/issues/63
  new_tags <- modify_defaults(tags_defaults(), new_tags, strict = FALSE)
  out <- x
  attr(out, "tags") <- new_tags

  if (lost_action != "none" && any(has_lost_column)) {
    lost_tags <- unlist(old_tags[has_lost_column])
    lost_tags_txt <- paste(names(lost_tags),
      sep = ":",
      collapse = ", "
    msg <- paste(
      "The following tags have lost their variable:\n",
    if (lost_action == "warning") {
      warning(warningCondition(msg, class = "linelist_warning"))
    if (lost_action == "error") {
      stop(errorCondition(msg, class = "linelist_error"))


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linelist documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:54 a.m.