
Defines functions parscores

Documented in parscores

parscores <-
function(data=NULL, model=NULL, factor=10, timeout=NULL, addCosts=NULL) {
    if(is.null(data) || is.null(model)) {
        stop("Need both data and model to calculate PAR scores!")
    if(is.null(data$success)) {
        stop("Need successes to calculate PAR scores!")
    if(is.null(addCosts)) {
        ac = attr(model, "addCosts")
        if(is.null(ac) || ac == TRUE) {
            addCosts = TRUE
        } else {
            addCosts = FALSE
    hp = attr(model, "hasPredictions")
    if(is.null(hp) || hp != TRUE) {
        if(length(data$test) > 0) {
            predictions = rbind.fill(lapply(data$test, function(x) {
                data$data = data$data[x,]
                data$best = data$best[x]
        } else {
            predictions = model(data)
    } else {
        predictions = model$predictions
    if(is.null(timeout)) {
        # if timeout value wasn't given, assume maximum from data set
        timeout = max(data$data[data$performance])
    if(addCosts || !is.null(data$costs)) {
        if(is.null(data$costGroups)) {
            usedFeatures = intersect(data$cost, sapply(data$features, function(x) { paste(x, "cost", sep="_") }))
        } else {
            usedFeatures = subset(data$cost, sapply(data$cost, function(x) { length(intersect(data$costGroups[[x]], data$features)) > 0 }))
    if(is.null(data$algorithmFeatures)) {
        perfs = data$data[data$performance]
        successes = data$data[data$success]
    } else {
        d = data$data[c(data$ids, data$algos, data$performance)]
        perfs = convertLongToWide(data=d, timevar=data$algos, idvar=data$ids, prefix=paste(data$performance,".",sep=""))
        perfs = perfs[data$algorithmNames]
        d = data$data[c(data$ids, data$algos, data$success)]
        successes = convertLongToWide(data=d, timevar=data$algos, idvar=data$ids, prefix=paste(data$success,".",sep=""))
        successes = successes[data$algorithmNames]
        colnames(successes) = paste(colnames(successes), data$success, sep="_")
    if(!addCosts || is.null(data$cost)) {
        costs = rep.int(0, nrow(perfs))
    } else {
        costs = apply(data$data[usedFeatures], 1, sum)
    if(is.null(data$algorithmFeatures)) {
        predictions$iid = match(do.call(paste, predictions[data$ids]), do.call(paste, data$data[data$ids]))
        predictions$pid = match(predictions$algorithm, data$performance)
    } else {
        d = data$data[c(data$ids, data$algos, data$performance)]
        d = reshape(d, direction = "wide", timevar = data$algos, idvar = data$ids)
        colnames(d) = gsub(paste(data$performance,".",sep=""), "", colnames(d))
        predictions$iid = match(do.call(paste, predictions[data$ids]), do.call(paste, d[data$ids]))
        predictions$pid = match(predictions$algorithm, data$algorithmNames) 
    predictions$score = apply(predictions, 1, function(x) {
        pid = as.numeric(x[["pid"]])
        if(is.na(pid)) {
            timeout * factor
        } else {
            iid = as.numeric(x[["iid"]])
            score = as.numeric(perfs[iid,pid]) + costs[iid]
            if(!as.logical(successes[iid,pid]) || score > timeout) {
                score = timeout * factor
    agg = aggregate(as.formula(paste("score~", paste(c(data$ids, "iteration"), sep="+", collapse="+"))), predictions, function(ss) { ss[1] })
class(parscores) = "llama.metric"
attr(parscores, "minimize") = TRUE

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llama documentation built on March 17, 2021, 1:06 a.m.