
if (lme4:::testLevel() > 1 || .Platform$OS.type!="windows") {
### lmer() convergence testing / monitoring / ...
    ##  ------------------
### The output of tests here are *not* 'diff'ed  (<==> no *.Rout.save file)

    ## convergence on boundary warnings
    load(system.file("external/test3comp.rda", package = "Matrix"))
    b3 <- lmer(Y3 ~ (1|Sample) + (1|Operator/Run), test3comp, verb = TRUE)

    if (isTRUE(try(data(Early, package = 'mlmRev')) == 'Early')) {
        Early$tos <- Early$age - 0.5        # time on study
        b1 <- lmer(cog ~ tos + trt:tos + (tos|id), Early, verb = TRUE)

    cat('Time elapsed: ', proc.time(),'\n') # for ``statistical reasons''
} ## skip on windows (for speed)

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lme4 documentation built on July 3, 2024, 5:11 p.m.