## From Matrix package isDiagonal(.) :
all0 <- function(x) !anyNA(x) && all(!x)
.isDiagonal.sq.matrix <- function(M, n = dim(M)[1L])
all0(M[rep_len(c(FALSE,,n)), n^2)])
### Utilities for parsing and manipulating mixed-model formulas
## abbreviated parse for long strings: deparse1() pastes w/ collapse instead
abbrDeparse <- function(x, width=60) {
r <- deparse(x, width)
if(length(r) > 1) paste(r[1], "...") else r
##' @param bars result of findbars
barnames <- function(bars) vapply(bars, function(x) deparse1(x[[3]]), "")
makeFac <- function(x,char.only=FALSE) {
if (!is.factor(x) && (!char.only || is.character(x))) factor(x) else x
factorize <- function(x,frloc,char.only=FALSE) {
## convert grouping variables to factors as necessary
## TODO: variables that are *not* in the data frame are
## not converted -- these could still break, e.g. if someone
## tries to use the : operator
## TODO: some sensible tests for drop.unused.levels
## (not actually used, but could come in handy)
for (i in all.vars(RHSForm(x))) {
if (!is.null(curf <- frloc[[i]]))
frloc[[i]] <- makeFac(curf,char.only)
colSort <- function(x) {
termlev <- vapply(strsplit(x,":"),length,integer(1))
iterms <- split(x,termlev)
iterms <- sapply(iterms,sort,simplify=FALSE)
## make sure intercept term is first
ilab <- "(Intercept)"
if (ilab %in% iterms[[1]]) {
iterms[[1]] <- c(ilab,setdiff(iterms[[1]],ilab))
## copied from glmmTMB, replace by upstream utility package?
## test formula: does it contain a particular element?
## inForm(z~.,quote(.))
## inForm(z~y,quote(.))
## inForm(z~a+b+c,quote(c))
## inForm(z~a+b+(d+e),quote(c))
## f <- ~ a + offset(x)
## f2 <- z ~ a
## inForm(f,quote(offset))
## inForm(f2,quote(offset))
## @export
## @keywords internal
inForm <- function(form,value) {
if (any(sapply(form,identical,value))) return(TRUE)
if (all(sapply(form,length)==1)) return(FALSE)
## was called "replaceForm" there but replaceTerm is better
## (decide on camelCase vs snake_case!)
replaceTerm <- function(term,target,repl) {
if (identical(term,target)) return(repl)
if (!inForm(term,target)) return(term)
if (length(term) == 2) {
`%i%` <- function(f1, f2, fix.order = TRUE) {
if (!is.factor(f1) || !is.factor(f2)) stop("both inputs must be factors")
f12 <- paste(f1, f2, sep = ":")
## explicitly specifying levels is faster in any case ...
u <- which(!duplicated(f12))
if (!fix.order) return(factor(f12, levels = f12[u]))
## deal with order of factor levels
levs_rank <- length(levels(f2))*as.numeric(f1[u])+as.numeric(f2[u])
return(factor(f12, levels = (f12[u])[order(levs_rank)]))
##' @param x a language object of the form effect | groupvar
##' @param frloc model frame
##' @param drop.unused.levels (logical)
##' @return list containing grouping factor, sparse model matrix, number of levels, names
mkBlist <- function(x,frloc, drop.unused.levels=TRUE,
reorder.vars=FALSE) {
frloc <- factorize(x,frloc)
## try to evaluate grouping factor within model frame ...
ff0 <- replaceTerm(x[[3]], quote(`:`), quote(`%i%`))
ff <- try(eval(substitute(makeFac(fac),
list(fac = ff0)),
frloc), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(ff, "try-error")) {
stop("couldn't evaluate grouping factor ",
deparse1(x[[3]])," within model frame:",
"error =",
" Try adding grouping factor to data ",
"frame explicitly if possible",call.=FALSE)
if (all(
stop("Invalid grouping factor specification, ",
## NB: *also* silently drops <NA> levels - and mkReTrms() and hence
## predict.merMod() have relied on that property :
if (drop.unused.levels) ff <- factor(ff, exclude=NA)
nl <- length(levels(ff))
## this section implements eq. 6 of the JSS lmer paper
## model matrix based on LHS of random effect term (X_i)
## x[[2]] is the LHS (terms) of the a|b formula
has.sparse.contrasts <- function(x) {
cc <- attr(x, "contrasts")
!is.null(cc) && is(cc, "sparseMatrix")
any.sparse.contrasts <- any(vapply(frloc, has.sparse.contrasts, FUN.VALUE = TRUE))
mMatrix <- if (!any.sparse.contrasts) model.matrix else sparse.model.matrix
mm <- mMatrix(eval(substitute( ~ foo, list(foo = x[[2]]))), frloc)
if (reorder.vars) {
mm <- mm[colSort(colnames(mm)),]
## this is J^T (see p. 9 of JSS lmer paper)
## construct indicator matrix for groups by observations
## use fac2sparse() rather than as() to allow *not* dropping
## unused levels where desired
sm <- fac2sparse(ff, to = "d",
drop.unused.levels = drop.unused.levels)
sm <- KhatriRao(sm, t(mm))
dimnames(sm) <- list(
list(ff = ff, sm = sm, nl = nl, cnms = colnames(mm))
##' From the result of \code{\link{findbars}} applied to a model formula and
##' and the evaluation frame, create the model matrix, etc. associated with
##' random-effects terms. See the description of the returned value for a
##' detailed list.
##' @title Create Z, Lambda, Lind, etc.
##' @param bars a list of parsed random-effects terms
##' @param fr a model frame in which to evaluate these terms
##' @return a list with components
##' \item{Zt}{transpose of the sparse model matrix for the random effects}
##' \item{Lambdat}{transpose of the sparse relative covariance factor}
##' \item{Lind}{an integer vector of indices determining the mapping of the
##' elements of the \code{theta} to the \code{"x"} slot of \code{Lambdat}}
##' \item{theta}{initial values of the covariance parameters}
##' \item{lower}{lower bounds on the covariance parameters}
##' \item{flist}{list of grouping factors used in the random-effects terms}
##' \item{cnms}{a list of column names of the random effects according to
##' the grouping factors}
##' @importFrom Matrix sparseMatrix drop0
##' @importMethodsFrom Matrix coerce rbind
##' @family utilities
##' @export
mkReTrms <- function(bars, fr, drop.unused.levels=TRUE,
reorder.vars=FALSE) {
if (!length(bars))
stop("No random effects terms specified in formula",call.=FALSE)
stopifnot(is.list(bars), vapply(bars, is.language, NA),
inherits(fr, "data.frame"))
names(bars) <- barnames(bars)
term.names <- vapply(bars, deparse1, "")
## get component blocks
blist <- lapply(bars, mkBlist, fr, drop.unused.levels,
reorder.vars = reorder.vars)
nl <- vapply(blist, `[[`, 0L, "nl") # no. of levels per term
# (in lmer jss: \ell_i)
## order terms stably by decreasing number of levels in the factor
if (reorder.terms) {
if (any(diff(nl) > 0)) {
ord <- rev(order(nl))
blist <- blist [ord]
nl <- nl [ord]
term.names <- term.names[ord]
Ztlist <- lapply(blist, `[[`, "sm")
Zt <-, Ztlist) ## eq. 7, JSS lmer paper
names(Ztlist) <- term.names
q <- nrow(Zt)
## Create and install Lambdat, Lind, etc. This must be done after
## any potential reordering of the terms.
cnms <- lapply(blist, `[[`, "cnms") # list of column names of the
# model matrix per term
nc <- lengths(cnms) # no. of columns per term
# (in lmer jss: p_i)
nth <- as.integer((nc * (nc+1))/2) # no. of parameters per term
# (in lmer jss: ??)
nb <- nc * nl # no. of random effects per term
# (in lmer jss: q_i)
## eq. 5, JSS lmer paper
if (sum(nb) != q) {
stop(sprintf("total number of RE (%d) not equal to nrow(Zt) (%d)",
boff <- cumsum(c(0L, nb)) # offsets into b
thoff <- cumsum(c(0L, nth)) # offsets into theta
### FIXME: should this be done with cBind and avoid the transpose
### operator? In other words should Lambdat be generated directly
### instead of generating Lambda first then transposing?
Lambdat <-
lapply(seq_along(blist), function(i)
mm <- matrix(seq_len(nb[i]), ncol = nc[i],
byrow = TRUE)
dd <- diag(nc[i])
ltri <- lower.tri(dd, diag = TRUE)
ii <- row(dd)[ltri]
jj <- col(dd)[ltri]
## unused: dd[cbind(ii, jj)] <- seq_along(ii)
data.frame(i = as.vector(mm[, ii]) + boff[i],
j = as.vector(mm[, jj]) + boff[i],
x = as.double(,[i], length(ii))) +
thet <- numeric(sum(nth))
ll <- list(Zt = drop0(Zt), theta = thet, Lind = as.integer(Lambdat@x),
Gp = unname(c(0L, cumsum(nb))))
## lower bounds on theta elements are 0 if on diagonal, else -Inf
ll$lower <- -Inf * (thet + 1)
ll$lower[unique(diag(Lambdat))] <- 0
ll$theta[] <- is.finite(ll$lower) # initial values of theta are 0 off-diagonal, 1 on
Lambdat@x[] <- ll$theta[ll$Lind] # initialize elements of Lambdat
ll$Lambdat <- Lambdat
# massage the factor list
fl <- lapply(blist, `[[`, "ff")
# check for repeated factors
fnms <- names(fl)
if (length(fnms) > length(ufn <- unique(fnms))) {
fl <- fl[match(ufn, fnms)]
asgn <- match(fnms, ufn)
} else asgn <- seq_along(fl)
names(fl) <- ufn
## DON'T need fl to be a data.frame ...
## fl <-, c(fl, check.names = FALSE))
attr(fl, "assign") <- asgn
ll$flist <- fl
ll$cnms <- cnms
ll$Ztlist <- Ztlist
ll$nl <- nl
} ## {mkReTrms}
##' Create an lmerResp, glmResp or nlsResp instance
##' @title Create an lmerResp, glmResp or nlsResp instance
##' @param fr a model frame
##' @param REML logical scalar, value of REML for an lmerResp instance
##' @param family the optional glm family (glmResp only)
##' @param nlenv the nonlinear model evaluation environment (nlsResp only)
##' @param nlmod the nonlinear model function (nlsResp only)
##' @param ... where to look for response information if \code{fr} is missing.
##' Can contain a model response, \code{y}, offset, \code{offset}, and weights,
##' \code{weights}.
##' @return an lmerResp or glmResp or nlsResp instance
##' @family utilities
##' @export
mkRespMod <- function(fr, REML=NULL, family = NULL, nlenv = NULL, nlmod = NULL, ...)
if(!missing(fr)) {
y <- model.response(fr)
offset <- model.offset(fr)
weights <- model.weights(fr)
N <- n <- nrow(fr)
etastart_update <- model.extract(fr, "etastart")
mustart_update <- model.extract(fr, "mustart")
} else {
fr <- list(...)
y <- fr$y
N <- n <- NROW(y)
offset <- fr$offset
weights <- fr$weights
etastart_update <- fr$etastart
mustart_update <- fr$mustart
if(length(dim(y)) == 1L)
y <- drop(y) ## avoid problems with 1D arrays and keep names
if(isGLMM <- !is.null(family))
stopifnot(inherits(family, "family"))
## FIXME: may need to add X, or pass it somehow, if we want to use
## test for non-numeric response here to avoid later
## confusing error messages from deeper machinery
if (!is.null(y)) { ## 'y' may be NULL if we're doing simulation
if(!(is.numeric(y) ||
((is.binom <- isGLMM && family$family == "binomial") &&
(is.factor(y) || is.logical(y))))) {
if (is.binom)
stop("response must be numeric or factor")
else {
if (is.logical(y))
y <- as.integer(y)
else stop("response must be numeric")
stop("NA/NaN/Inf in 'y'") # same msg as from
rho <- new.env()
rho$y <- if (is.null(y)) numeric(0) else y
if (!is.null(REML)) rho$REML <- REML
rho$etastart <- etastart_update
rho$mustart <- mustart_update
rho$start <- attr(fr,"start")
if (!is.null(nlenv)) {
is.numeric(val <- eval(nlmod, nlenv)),
length(val) == n,
## FIXME? Restriction, not present in ole' nlme():
is.matrix(gr <- attr(val, "gradient")),
nrow(gr) == n,
!is.null(pnames <- colnames(gr)))
N <- length(gr)
rho$mu <- as.vector(val)
rho$sqrtXwt <- as.vector(gr)
rho$gam <- ## FIXME more efficient mget(pnames, envir=nlenv)
function(nm) get(nm, envir=nlenv))))
rho$offset <- if (!is.null(offset)) {
if (length(offset) == 1L) offset <-, N)
else stopifnot(length(offset) == N)
} else, N)
rho$weights <- if (!is.null(weights)) {
stopifnot(length(weights) == n, all(weights >= 0))
} else, n)
if(isGLMM) {
## need weights for initializing evaluation
rho$nobs <- n
## allow trivial objects, e.g. for simulation
if (length(y)>0) eval(family$initialize, rho)
## ugh. this *is* necessary;
## family$initialize *ignores* mustart in env, overwrites!
## see ll 180-182 of src/library/stats/R/glm.R
if (!is.null(mustart_update)) rho$mustart <- mustart_update
## family$initialize <- NULL # remove clutter from str output
ll <- as.list(rho)
ans <-, c(list(Class="glmResp", family=family),
ll[setdiff(names(ll), c("m", "nobs", "mustart"))]))
if (length(y)>0)
ans$updateMu(if (!is.null(es <- etastart_update)) es else family$linkfun(rho$mustart))
} else if (is.null(nlenv)) ## lmer$new, as.list(rho))
else ## nlmer$new,
nlmod=substitute(~foo, list(foo=nlmod)),
pnames=pnames), as.list(rho)))
##' From the right hand side of a formula for a mixed-effects model,
##' determine the pairs of expressions that are separated by the
##' vertical bar operator. Also expand the slash operator in grouping
##' factor expressions and expand terms with the double vertical bar operator
##' into separate, independent random effect terms.
##' @title Determine random-effects expressions from a formula
##' @seealso \code{\link{formula}}, \code{\link{model.frame}}, \code{\link{model.matrix}}.
##' @param term a mixed-model formula
##' @return pairs of expressions that were separated by vertical bars
##' @section Note: This function is called recursively on individual
##' terms in the model, which is why the argument is called \code{term} and not
##' a name like \code{form}, indicating a formula.
##' @example
##' findbars(f1 <- Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject))
##' ## => list( Days | Subject )
##' findbars(y ~ Days + (1|Subject) + (0+Days|Subject))
##' ## => list of length 2: list ( 1 | Subject , 0+Days|Subject)
##' findbars(~ 1 + (1|batch/cask))
##' ## => list of length 2: list ( 1 | cask:batch , 1 | batch)
##' identical(findbars(~ 1 + (Days || Subject)),
##' findbars(~ 1 + (1|Subject) + (0+Days|Subject)))
##' \dontshow{
##' stopifnot(identical(findbars(f1),
##' list(expression(Days | Subject)[[1]])))
##' }
##' @family utilities
##' @keywords models utilities
##' @export
findbars <- function(term)
## Recursive function applied to individual terms
fb <- function(term)
if ( || !is.language(term)) return(NULL)
if (term[[1]] =="(")) return(fb(term[[2]]))
if (term[[1]] =='|')) return(term)
if (length(term) == 2) return(fb(term[[2]]))
c(fb(term[[2]]), fb(term[[3]]))
## Expand any slashes in the grouping factors returned by fb
expandSlash <- function(bb)
## Create the interaction terms for nested effects
makeInteraction <- function(x)
if (length(x) < 2) return(x)
trm1 <- makeInteraction(x[[1]])
trm11 <- if(is.list(trm1)) trm1[[1]] else trm1
list(substitute(foo:bar, list(foo=x[[2]], bar = trm11)), trm1)
## Return the list of '/'-separated terms
slashTerms <- function(x)
if (!("/" %in% all.names(x))) return(x)
if (x[[1]] !="/"))
stop("unparseable formula for grouping factor",call.=FALSE)
list(slashTerms(x[[2]]), slashTerms(x[[3]]))
if (!is.list(bb))
unlist(lapply(bb, function(x) {
if (length(x) > 2 && is.list(trms <- slashTerms(x[[3]])))
## lapply(unlist(...)) - unlist returns a flattened list
function(trm) substitute(foo|bar, list(foo = x[[2]], bar = trm)))
else x
}## {expandSlash}
modterm <- expandDoubleVerts(
if(is(term, "formula")) term[[length(term)]] else term)
##' From the right hand side of a formula for a mixed-effects model,
##' expand terms with the double vertical bar operator
##' into separate, independent random effect terms.
##' @title Expand terms with \code{'||'} notation into separate \code{'|'} terms
##' @seealso \code{\link{formula}}, \code{\link{model.frame}}, \code{\link{model.matrix}}.
##' @param term a mixed-model formula
##' @return the modified term
##' @family utilities
##' @keywords models utilities
##' @export
expandDoubleVerts <- function(term)
expandDoubleVert <- function(term) {
frml <- formula(substitute(~x,list(x=term[[2]])))
## FIXME: do this without paste and deparse if possible!
## need term.labels not all.vars to capture interactions too:
newtrms <- paste0("0+", attr(terms(frml), "term.labels"))
if(attr(terms(frml), "intercept")!=0)
newtrms <- c("1", newtrms)
paste(vapply(newtrms, function(trm)
paste0(trm, "|", deparse(term[[3]])), ""),
collapse=")+("), ")"))[[2]]
if (! && is.language(term)) {
if (term[[1]] =="(")) {
term[[2]] <- expandDoubleVerts(term[[2]])
if (term[[1]] =='||'))
return( expandDoubleVert(term) )
## else :
term[[2]] <- expandDoubleVerts(term[[2]])
if (length(term) != 2) {
if(length(term) == 3)
term[[3]] <- expandDoubleVerts(term[[3]])
##' Remove the random-effects terms from a mixed-effects formula,
##' thereby producing the fixed-effects formula.
##' @title Omit terms separated by vertical bars in a formula
##' @param term the right-hand side of a mixed-model formula
##' @return the fixed-effects part of the formula
##' @section Note: This function is called recursively on individual
##' terms in the model, which is why the argument is called \code{term} and not
##' a name like \code{form}, indicating a formula.
##' @examples
##' nobars(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject)) ## => Reaction ~ Days
##' @seealso \code{\link{formula}}, \code{\link{model.frame}}, \code{\link{model.matrix}}.
##' @family utilities
##' @keywords models utilities
##' @export
nobars <- function(term) {
e <- environment(term)
nb <- nobars_(term) ## call recursive version
if (is(term,"formula") && length(term)==3 && is.symbol(nb)) {
## called with two-sided RE-only formula:
## construct response~1 formula
nb <- reformulate("1", response=deparse(nb))
## called with one-sided RE-only formula, or RHS alone
if (is.null(nb)) {
nb <- if (is(term,"formula")) ~1 else 1
environment(nb) <- e
nobars_ <- function(term)
if (!anyBars(term)) return(term)
if (isBar(term)) return(NULL)
if (isAnyArgBar(term)) return(NULL)
if (length(term) == 2) {
nb <- nobars_(term[[2]])
if(is.null(nb)) return(NULL)
term[[2]] <- nb
nb2 <- nobars_(term[[2]])
nb3 <- nobars_(term[[3]])
if (is.null(nb2)) return(nb3)
if (is.null(nb3)) return(nb2)
term[[2]] <- nb2
term[[3]] <- nb3
isBar <- function(term) {
if( {
if((term[[1]] =="|")) || (term[[1]] =="||"))) {
isAnyArgBar <- function(term) {
if ((term[[1]] !="~")) && (term[[1]] !="("))) {
for(i in seq_along(term)) {
if(isBar(term[[i]])) return(TRUE)
anyBars <- function(term) {
any(c('|','||') %in% all.names(term))
##' Substitute the '+' function for the '|' and '||' function in a mixed-model
##' formula. This provides a formula suitable for the current
##' model.frame function.
##' @title "Sub[stitute] Bars"
##' @param term a mixed-model formula
##' @return the formula with all | and || operators replaced by +
##' @section Note: This function is called recursively on individual
##' terms in the model, which is why the argument is called \code{term} and not
##' a name like \code{form}, indicating a formula.
##' @examples
##' subbars(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject)) ## => Reaction ~ Days + (Days + Subject)
##' @seealso \code{\link{formula}}, \code{\link{model.frame}}, \code{\link{model.matrix}}.
##' @family utilities
##' @keywords models utilities
##' @export
subbars <- function(term)
if ( || !is.language(term)) return(term)
if (length(term) == 2) {
term[[2]] <- subbars(term[[2]])
stopifnot(length(term) >= 3)
if ( && term[[1]] =='|'))
term[[1]] <-'+')
if ( && term[[1]] =='||'))
term[[1]] <-'+')
for (j in 2:length(term)) term[[j]] <- subbars(term[[j]])
##' Does every level of f1 occur in conjunction with exactly one level
##' of f2? The function is based on converting a triplet sparse matrix
##' to a compressed column-oriented form in which the nesting can be
##' quickly evaluated.
##' @title Is f1 nested within f2?
##' @param f1 factor 1
##' @param f2 factor 2
##' @return TRUE if factor 1 is nested within factor 2
##' @examples
##' with(Pastes, isNested(cask, batch)) ## => FALSE
##' with(Pastes, isNested(sample, batch)) ## => TRUE
##' @export
isNested <- function(f1, f2)
f1 <- as.factor(f1)
f2 <- as.factor(f2)
stopifnot(length(f1) == length(f2))
k <- length(levels(f1))
sm <- as(new("ngTMatrix",
i = as.integer(f2) - 1L,
j = as.integer(f1) - 1L,
Dim = c(length(levels(f2)), k)),
all(sm@p[2:(k+1L)] - sm@p[1:k] <= 1L)
subnms <- function(form, nms) {
## Recursive function applied to individual terms
sbnm <- function(term)
if ( {
if (any(term == nms)) 0 else term
} else switch(length(term),
term, ## 1
{ ## 2
term[[2]] <- sbnm(term[[2]])
{ ## 3
term[[2]] <- sbnm(term[[2]])
term[[3]] <- sbnm(term[[3]])
##' Check for a constant term (a literal 1) in an expression
##' In the mixed-effects part of a nonlinear model formula, a constant
##' term is not meaningful because every term must be relative to a
##' nonlinear model parameter. This function recursively checks the
##' expressions in the formula for a a constant, calling stop() if
##' such a term is encountered.
##' @title Check for constant terms.
##' @param expr an expression
##' @return NULL. The function is executed for its side effect.
chck1 <- function(expr) {
if ((le <- length(expr)) == 1) {
if (is.numeric(expr) && expr == 1)
stop("1 is not meaningful in a nonlinear model formula")
} else
for (j in seq_len(le)[-1]) Recall(expr[[j]])
## ---> ../man/nlformula.Rd --- Manipulate a nonlinear model formula
##' @param mc matched call from the caller, with arguments 'formula','start',...
##' @return a list with components "respMod", "frame", "X", "reTrms"
nlformula <- function(mc) {
start <- eval(mc$start, parent.frame(2L))
if (is.numeric(start)) start <- list(nlpars = start)
stopifnot(is.numeric(nlpars <- start$nlpars),
lengths(nlpars) == 1L,
length(pnames <- names(nlpars)) == length(nlpars),
length(form <- as.formula(mc$formula)) == 3L,
is(nlform <- eval(form[[2]]), "formula"),
pnames %in% all.vars(nlmod <-[[lnl <- length(nlform)]])))
## MM{FIXME}: fortune(106) even twice in here!
nlform[[lnl]] <- parse(text= paste(setdiff(all.vars(form), pnames), collapse=' + '))[[1]]
nlform <- eval(nlform)
environment(nlform) <- environment(form)
m <- match(c("data", "subset", "weights", "na.action", "offset"),
names(mc), 0)
mc <- mc[c(1, m)]
mc$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mc[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
mc$formula <- nlform
fr <- eval(mc, parent.frame(2L))
n <- nrow(fr)
nlenv <- list2env(fr, parent=parent.frame(2L))
lapply(pnames, function(nm) nlenv[[nm]] <-[[nm]], n))
respMod <- mkRespMod(fr, nlenv=nlenv, nlmod=nlmod)
chck1(meform <- form[[3L]])
pnameexpr <- parse(text=paste(pnames, collapse='+'))[[1]]
nb <- nobars_(meform) ## call ORIGINAL recursive form
fe <- eval(substitute(~ 0 + nb + pnameexpr))
environment(fe) <- environment(form)
frE <-, lapply(seq_along(nlpars), function(i) fr)) # rbind s copies of the frame
for (nm in pnames) # convert these variables in fr to indicators
frE[[nm]] <- as.numeric(rep(nm == pnames, each = n))
X <- model.matrix(fe, frE)
rownames(X) <- NULL
reTrms <- mkReTrms(lapply(findbars(meform),
function(expr) {
expr[[2]] <- substitute(0+foo, list(foo=expr[[2]]))
}), frE)
list(respMod=respMod, frame=fr, X=X, reTrms=reTrms, pnames=pnames)
} ## {nlformula}
## Beginning to think about exposing tools to create devcomp lists.
## Could be useful when extending merMod objects. Commenting them out
## however, because R CMD check is complaining:
## .dims <- function(pp, resp, nAGQ,
## reTrms, n, p, rcl,
## compDev = NULL) {
## if(missing(rcl)) rcl <- class(resp)
## if(missing(n)) n <- nrow(pp$V)
## if(missing(p)) p <- ncol(pp$V)
## c(N=nrow(pp$X), n=n, p=p, nmp=n-p,
## nth=length(pp$theta), q=nrow(pp$Zt),
## nAGQ=rho$nAGQ,
## compDev=rho$compDev,
## ## 'use scale' in the sense of whether dispersion parameter should
## ## be reported/used (*not* whether theta should be scaled by sigma)
## useSc=(rcl != "glmResp" ||
## !resp$family$family %in% c("poisson","binomial")),
## reTrms=length(reTrms$cnms),
## spFe=0L,
## REML=if (rcl=="lmerResp") resp$REML else 0L,
## GLMM=(rcl=="glmResp"),
## NLMM=(rcl=="nlsResp"))
## }
## .cmp <- function(pp, resp, dims, fval,
## wrss, sqrLenU, pwrss,
## sigmaML, rcl, fac,
## tolPwrss = NULL,
## trivial.y = FALSE) {
## if(missing(rcl)) rcl <- class(resp)
## if(missing(fac)) fac <- as.numeric(rcl != "nlsResp")
## if(missing(wrss)) wrss <- resp$wrss()
## if(missing(sqrLenU)) sqrLenU <- pp$sqrL(fac)
## if(missing(pwrss)) pwrss <- wrss + sqrLenU
## if(missing(sigmaML)) sigmaML <- pwrss/dims['n']
## c(ldL2=pp$ldL2(), ldRX2=pp$ldRX2(), wrss=wrss,
## ussq=sqrLenU, pwrss=pwrss,
## drsum=if (rcl=="glmResp" && !trivial.y) resp$resDev() else NA,
## REML=if (rcl=="lmerResp" && resp$REML != 0L && !trivial.y)
## opt$fval else NA,
## ## FIXME: construct 'REML deviance' here?
## dev=if (rcl=="lmerResp" && resp$REML != 0L || trivial.y) NA else opt$fval,
## sigmaML=sqrt(unname(if (!dims["useSc"] || trivial.y) NA else sigmaML)),
## sigmaREML=sqrt(unname(if (rcl!="lmerResp" || trivial.y) NA else sigmaML*(dims['n']/dims['nmp']))),
## tolPwrss=rho$tolPwrss)
## }
.minimalOptinfo <- function()
list(conv = list(opt = 0L,
lme4 = list(messages = character(0))))
getConv <- function(x) {
if (!is.null(x[["conv"]])) {
} else x[["convergence"]]
getMsg <- function(x) {
if (!is.null(x[["msg"]])) {
} else if (!is.null(x[["message"]])) {
} else ""
.optinfo <- function(opt, lme4conv=NULL)
list(optimizer = attr(opt, "optimizer"),
control = attr(opt, "control"),
derivs = attr(opt, "derivs"),
conv = list(opt = getConv(opt), lme4 = lme4conv),
feval = if (is.null(opt$feval)) NA else opt$feval,
message = getMsg(opt),
warnings = attr(opt, "warnings"),
val = opt$par)
##' Potentially needed in more than one place, be sure to keep consistency!
##' hack (NB families have weird names) from @aosmith16; then corrected
isNBfamily <- function(familyString)
grepl("^Negative ?Binomial", familyString,
normalizeFamilyName <- function(family) { # such as object@resp$family
family$family <- "negative.binomial"
##' Is it a family with no scale parameter
hasNoScale <- function(family)
any(substr(family$family, 1L, 12L)
== c("poisson", "binomial", "negative.bin", "Negative Bin"))
##--> ../man/mkMerMod.Rd ---Create a merMod object
##' @param rho the environment of the objective function
##' @param opt the value returned by the optimizer
##' @param reTrms reTrms list from the calling function
mkMerMod <- function(rho, opt, reTrms, fr, mc, lme4conv=NULL) {
if(missing(mc)) mc <-
is(pp <- rho$pp, "merPredD"),
is(resp <- rho$resp, "lmResp"),
is.list(opt), "par" %in% names(opt),
c("conv", "fval") %in% substr(names(opt),1,4), ## "conv[ergence]", "fval[ues]"
is.list(reTrms), c("flist", "cnms", "Gp", "lower") %in% names(reTrms),
length(rcl <- class(resp)) == 1)
n <- nrow(pp$V)
p <- ncol(pp$V)
isGLMM <- (rcl == "glmResp")
dims <- c(N = nrow(pp$X), n=n, p=p, nmp = n-p, q = nrow(pp$Zt),
nth = length(pp$theta),
nAGQ= rho$nAGQ,
## 'use scale' in the sense of whether dispersion parameter should
## be reported/used (*not* whether theta should be scaled by sigma)
useSc = !(isGLMM && hasNoScale(resp$family)),
spFe= 0L,
REML = if (rcl=="lmerResp") resp$REML else 0L,
NLMM= (rcl=="nlsResp"))
storage.mode(dims) <- "integer"
fac <- as.numeric(rcl != "nlsResp")
if (trivial.y <- (length(resp$y)==0)) {
## trivial model
sqrLenU <- wrss <- pwrss <- NA
} else {
sqrLenU <- pp$sqrL(fac)
wrss <- resp$wrss()
pwrss <- wrss + sqrLenU
## weights <- resp$weights
beta <- pp$beta(fac)
## rescale
if (!is.null(sc <- attr(pp$X, "scaled:scale"))) {
warning("auto(un)scaling not yet finished/tested")
## FIXME: test/handle no-intercept models
## (only need to worry if we do centering as well as scaling)
## FIXME: adjust Hessian/vcov
## FIXME: where else will these changes propagate?
## profiling?
beta2 <- beta
beta2[names(sc)] <- sc*beta2[names(sc)]
beta <- beta2
if (!is.null(attr(pp$X, "scaled:center"))) {
warning("auto(un)centering not yet implemented")
#sigmaML <- pwrss/sum(weights)
sigmaML <- pwrss/n
if (rcl != "lmerResp") {
pars <- opt$par
if (length(pars) > length(pp$theta)) beta <- pars[-(seq_along(pp$theta))]
cmp <- c(ldL2=pp$ldL2(), ldRX2=pp$ldRX2(), wrss=wrss,
ussq=sqrLenU, pwrss=pwrss,
drsum=if (rcl=="glmResp" && !trivial.y) resp$resDev() else NA,
REML=if (rcl=="lmerResp" && resp$REML != 0L && !trivial.y)
opt$fval else NA,
## FIXME: construct 'REML deviance' here?
dev=if (rcl=="lmerResp" && resp$REML != 0L || trivial.y) NA else opt$fval,
sigmaML=sqrt(unname(if (!dims["useSc"] || trivial.y) NA else sigmaML)),
sigmaREML=sqrt(unname(if (rcl!="lmerResp" || trivial.y) NA else
## TODO: improve this hack to get something in frame slot (maybe need weights, etc...)
if(missing(fr)) fr <- data.frame(resp$y)
new(switch(rcl, lmerResp = "lmerMod", glmResp = "glmerMod", nlsResp = "nlmerMod"),
call=mc, frame=fr, flist=reTrms$flist, cnms=reTrms$cnms,
Gp=reTrms$Gp, theta=pp$theta, beta=beta,
u=if (trivial.y) rep(NA_real_,nrow(pp$Zt)) else pp$u(fac),
lower=reTrms$lower, devcomp=list(cmp=cmp, dims=dims),
pp=pp, resp=resp,
optinfo = .optinfo(opt, lme4conv))
}## {mkMerMod}
## generic argument checking
## 'type': name of calling function ("glmer", "lmer", "nlmer")
## NB: called from lFormula() and glFormula()
checkArgs <- function(type,...) {
l... <- list(...)
if (isTRUE(l...[["sparseX"]])) warning("sparseX = TRUE has no effect at present",call.=FALSE)
## '...' handling up front, safe-guarding against typos ("familiy") :
if(length(l... <- list(...))) {
if (!is.null(l...[["family"]])) { # call glmer if family specified
## we will only get here if 'family' is *not* in the arg list
warning("calling lmer with family() is deprecated: please use glmer() instead",call.=FALSE)
type <- "glmer"
## Check for method argument which is no longer used
## (different meanings/hints depending on glmer vs lmer)
if (!is.null(l...[["method"]])) {
msg <- paste("Argument", sQuote("method"), "is deprecated.")
if (type == "lmer")
msg <- paste(msg, "Use the REML argument to specify ML or REML estimation.")
else if (type == "glmer")
msg <- paste(msg, "Use the nAGQ argument to specify Laplace (nAGQ=1) or adaptive",
"Gauss-Hermite quadrature (nAGQ>1). PQL is no longer available.")
l... <- l...[names(l...) != "method"]
if(length(l...)) {
warning("extra argument(s) ",
paste(sQuote(names(l...)), collapse=", "),
" disregarded",call.=FALSE)
## check formula and data: return an environment suitable for evaluating
## the formula.
## (1) if data is specified, return it
## (2) otherwise, if formula has an environment, use it
## (3) otherwise [e.g. if formula was passed as a string], try to use parent.frame(2)
## if #3 is true *and* the user is doing something tricky with nested functions,
## this may fail ...
## try to diagnose missing/bad data
checkFormulaData <- function(formula, data, checkLHS=TRUE,
checkData=TRUE, debug=FALSE) {
wd <- tryCatch(force(data), error = identity)
if ( <- inherits(wd,"error")) { <- wd$message
## data not found (this *should* only happen with garbage input,
## OR when strings used as formulae -> drop1/update/etc.)
if ( || debug) {
varex <- function(v, env) exists(v, envir=env, inherits=FALSE)
allvars <- all.vars(as.formula(formula))
allvarex <- function(env, vvec=allvars) all(vapply(vvec, varex, NA, env))
if ( { ## Choose helpful error message:
if (allvarex(environment(formula))) {
stop("bad 'data', but variables found in environment of formula: ",
"try specifying 'formula' as a formula rather ",
"than a string in the original model",call.=FALSE)
} else {
stop("bad 'data': ",, call. = FALSE)
} else {
denv <- ## The data as environment
if (is.null(data)) {
if (!is.null(ee <- environment(formula))) {
ee ## use environment of formula
} else {
## e.g. no environment, e.g. because formula is a character vector
## parent.frame(2L) works because [g]lFormula (our calling environment)
## has been called within [g]lmer with env=parent.frame(1L)
## If you call checkFormulaData in some other bizarre way such that
## parent.frame(2L) is *not* OK, you deserve what you get
## calling checkFormulaData directly from the global
## environment should be OK, since trying to go up beyond the global
## environment keeps bringing you back to the global environment ...
} else ## data specified
## FIXME: set enclosing environment of denv to environment(formula), or parent.frame(2L) ?
if (debug) {
cat("Debugging parent frames in checkFormulaData:\n")
## find global environment -- could do this with sys.nframe() ?
glEnv <- 1L
while (!identical(parent.frame(glEnv),.GlobalEnv)) {
glEnv <- glEnv+1L
## where are vars?
for (i in 1:glEnv) {
OK <- allvarex(parent.frame(i))
cat("vars exist in parent frame ", i)
if (i == glEnv) cat(" (global)")
cat(" ",OK, "\n")
cat("vars exist in env of formula ", allvarex(denv), "\n")
} ## if (debug)
stopifnot(!checkLHS || length(as.formula(formula,env=denv)) == 3) ## check for two-sided formula
## checkFormulaData <- function(formula,data) {
## ee <- environment(formula)
## if (is.null(ee)) {
## ee <- parent.frame(2)
## }
## if (missing(data)) data <- ee
## stopifnot(length(as.formula(formula,env=as.environment(data))) == 3)
## return(data)
## }
##' Not exported; for tests (and examples) that can be slow;
##' Use if(lme4:::testLevel() >= 1.) ..... see ../tests/
testLevel <- function()
if(nzchar(s <- Sys.getenv("LME4_TEST_LEVEL")) &&
is.finite(s <- as.numeric(s))) s else 1
##' General conditional variance-covariance matrix
##' Experimental function for estimating the variance-covariance
##' matrix of the random effects, conditional on the observed data
##' and at the (RE)ML estimate of the fixed effects and covariance
##' parameters. Applicable for any Lambda matrix, but slower than
##' other block-by-block methods.
##' Not exported.
##' TODO:
##' - Write up quick note on theory (e.g. Laplace approximation).
##' - Test. Speed? Correctness?
##' - Do we need to think carefully about the differences
##' between REML and ML, beyond just multiplying by a different
##' sigma^2 estimate?
##' - is it better to do this term-by-term as in C++ code?
##' @param object \code{merMod} object
##' @return Sparse covariance matrix
condVar <- function(object, scaled=TRUE) {
Lamt <- getME(object, "Lambdat")
L <- getME(object, "L")
## never do it this way! fortune("SOOOO")
#V <- solve(L, system = "A")
#V <- chol2inv(L)
#s2*crossprod(Lamt, V) %*% Lamt
LL <- solve(L, Lamt, system = "A")
## From ?Matrix::solve, The default, '"A"', is to solve Ax = b for x
## where 'A' is sparse, positive-definite matrix that was
## factored to produce 'a'.
cc <- crossprod(Lamt, LL)
if (scaled) cc <- sigma(object)^2*cc
mkMinimalData <- function(formula) {
vars <- all.vars(formula)
nVars <- length(vars)
matr <- matrix(0, 2, nVars)
data <-
setNames(data, vars)
##' Make template for mixed model parameters
mkParsTemplate <- function(formula, data){
if(missing(data)) data <- mkMinimalData(formula)
mfRanef <- model.frame( subbars(formula), data)
mmFixef <- model.matrix(nobars(formula) , data)
reTrms <- mkReTrms(findbars(formula), mfRanef)
cnms <- reTrms$cnms
thetaNamesList <- mapply(mkPfun(), names(cnms), cnms)
thetaNames <- unlist(thetaNamesList)
betaNames <- colnames(mmFixef)
list(beta = setNames(numeric(length( betaNames)), betaNames),
theta = setNames(reTrms$theta, thetaNames),
sigma = 1)
##' Make template for mixed model data
##' Useful for simulating balanced designs and for
##' getting started on unbalanced simulations
##' @param formula formula
##' @param data data -- not necessary
##' @param nGrps number of groups per grouping factor
##' @param rfunc function for generating covariate data
##' @param ... additional parameters for rfunc
mkDataTemplate <- function(formula, data,
nGrps = 2, nPerGrp = 1,
rfunc = NULL, ...){
if(missing(data)) data <- mkMinimalData(formula)
grpFacNames <- unique(barnames(findbars(formula)))
varNames <- all.vars(formula)
covariateNames <- setdiff(varNames, grpFacNames)
nGrpFac <- length(grpFacNames)
nCov <- length(covariateNames)
grpFac <- gl(nGrps, nPerGrp)
grpDat <- expand.grid(replicate(nGrpFac, grpFac, simplify = FALSE))
colnames(grpDat) <- grpFacNames
nObs <- nrow(grpDat)
if(is.null(rfunc)) rfunc <- function(n, ...) rep(0, n)
params <- c(list(nObs), list(...))
covDat <-,, params),
simplify = FALSE))
colnames(covDat) <- covariateNames
cbind(grpDat, covDat)
##' very flexible and convenient wrt formula,
##' very unflexible wrt everything else
##' starting to get a little too sugary?
quickSimulate <- function(formula, nGrps, nPerGrp, family = gaussian) {
pr <- mkParsTemplate(formula)
dt <- mkDataTemplate(formula, nGrps = nGrps, nPerGrp = nPerGrp, rfunc = rnorm)
response <- deparse(formula[[2]])
dt[[response]] <- simulate(formula, newdata = dt, newparams = pr, family = family)[[1]]
# formula parsing sugar
##' these functions pick up where findbars leaves off, in terms of sugar
##' @param REtrm an element of the result of findbars
##' @param REtrms the result of findbars
##' @return \code{reexpr} gives a one-sided formula with the linear
##' model formula for the raw model matrix. \code{grpfact} gives an
##' expression with the name of the grouping factor associated with
##' the raw model matrix. \code{termnms} gives a character vector with
##' the names of the random effects terms.
reexpr <- function(REtrm) substitute( ~ foo, list(foo = REtrm[[2]]))
grpfact <- function(REtrm) substitute(factor(fac), list(fac = REtrm[[3]]))
termnms <- function(REtrms) vapply(REtrms, deparse1, "")
##' mmList(): list of model matrices
##' ------ called from getME() & model.matrix(*, "randomListRaw")
mmList <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("mmList")
mmList.merMod <- function(object, ...) mmList(formula(object), model.frame(object))
mmList.formula <- function(object, frame, ...) {
bars <- findbars(object)
mm <- setNames(lapply(bars, function(b) model.matrix(eval(reexpr(b), frame), frame)),
grp <- lapply(lapply(bars, grpfact), eval, frame)
nl <- vapply(grp, nlevels, 1L)
if (any(diff(nl) > 0))
mm[order(nl, decreasing=TRUE)]
##' examples ---FIXME?--- put in tests // or export + 'real examples'
if(FALSE) {
m <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
gm <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size-incidence) ~ period + (1|herd), cbpp, binomial)
simForm <- y ~ x + z + (x | f) + (z | g)
## ::: triggers R CMD check NOTE
## simDat <- lme4:::quickSimulate(simForm, 10, 5)
simDat <- simDat[simDat$f != "10", ] # unbalancedish design requiring
# a flip in the order of terms
sm <- lmer(simForm, simDat)
## ::: triggers R CMD check NOTE
## lme4:::mmList.merMod(m)
## lme4:::mmList.merMod(gm)
## smmm <- lme4:::mmList.merMod(sm)
nloptwrap <- local({
## define default control values in environment of function ...
defaultControl <- list(algorithm="NLOPT_LN_BOBYQA",
xtol_abs=1e-8, ftol_abs=1e-8, maxeval=1e5)
function(par, fn, lower, upper, control=list(),...) {
for (n in names(defaultControl))
if (is.null(control[[n]])) control[[n]] <- defaultControl[[n]]
res <- nloptr(x0=par, eval_f=fn, lb=lower, ub=upper, opts=control, ...)
with(res, list(par = solution,
fval = objective,
feval = iterations,
## ?nloptr: "integer value with the status of the optimization (0 is success)"
## most status>0 are fine (e.g. 4 "stopped because xtol_rel was reached"
## but status 5 is "ran out of evaluations"
conv = if (status<0 || status==5) status else 0,
message = message))
nlminbwrap <- function(par, fn, lower, upper, control=list(), ...) {
if (!is.null(control$maxfun)) {
control$eval.max <- control$maxfun
control$maxfun <- NULL
res <- nlminb(start = par, fn, gradient = NULL, hessian = NULL,
scale = 1, lower = lower, upper = upper,
control = control, ...)
list(par = res$par, fval = res$objective,
conv = res$convergence, message = res$message)
glmerLaplaceHandle <- function(pp, resp, nAGQ, tol, maxit, verbose) {
.Call(glmerLaplace, pp, resp, nAGQ, tol, as.integer(maxit), verbose)
isFlexLambda <- function() FALSE
#' convert a list of matrices (n, pxp blocks) to a p x p x n array
mlist_to_array <- function(m) {
p <- nrow(m[[1]])
n <- length(m)
#' @inheritParams bdiag_to_array
bdiag_to_mlist <- function(m,n) {
if (length(n)==1 && n<nrow(m)) {
n <- rep(n,nrow(m)%/%n)
mm <- list()
k <- 1
for (i in seq_along(n)) {
mm[[i]] <- m[k:(k+n[i]-1),k:(k+n[i]-1),drop=FALSE]
k <- k + n[i]
##' convert a block-diagonal matrix to a pxpxn array
##' @param m a block-diagonal matrix (typically sparse)
##' @param n vector of block sizes (if length-1, will be replicated to be consistent
##' with the matrix dimensions)
##' @examples
##' mm <- Matrix::bdiag(matrix(1:4,2,2),matrix(2:5,2,2),matrix(3:6,2,2))
##' mm2 <- blkmatrix_to_matrixlist(mm,2)
##' bdiag_to_array(mm,2)
##' array_to_bdiag(bdiag_to_array(mm,2))
bdiag_to_array <- function(m,n) {
array_to_bdiag <- function(a) {
p <- dim(a)[1]
mlist <- split(a,slice.index(a,3))
mlist <- lapply(mlist,matrix,nrow=p,ncol=p)
augment.RE <- function(object,rr=ranef(object)) {
alist <- arrange.condVar(object,condVar(object))
for (i in seq_along(rr)) {
attr(rr[[i]],"postVar") <- alist[[i]]
class(rr) <- "ranef.mer"
## reorganize condVar matrix into appropriate list of arrays/lists of arrays
arrange.condVar <- function(object,cv) {
rp <- rePos$new(object)
trms <- rp$terms ## mapping between grouping vars and RE terms
n <- diff(rp$offsets) ## total number of modes per term
cv2 <- bdiag_to_mlist(cv,n)
cv3 <- Map(bdiag_to_array,cv2,rp$ncols)
names(cv3) <- rp$cnms
res <- list()
for (i in seq_along(trms)) {
tt <- trms[[i]]
if (length(tt)==1) {
## keep single-term-per-factor condVar structures
## as naked arrays (not list containing a single array)
## for back-compatibility
res[[i]] <- cv3[[tt]]
} else {
## list of arrays
res[[i]] <- cv3[tt]
names(res) <- names(rp$flist)
## generic machinery for setting parallel options
## uses eval() (as in family()$initialize) to avoid too much list
initialize.parallel <- expression({
have_mc <- have_snow <- FALSE
if (length(parallel)>1) parallel <- match.arg(parallel)
do_parallel <- (parallel != "no" && ncpus > 1L)
if (do_parallel) {
if (parallel == "multicore") have_mc <- .Platform$OS.type != "windows"
else if (parallel == "snow") have_snow <- TRUE
if (!(have_mc || have_snow))
do_parallel <- FALSE # (only for "windows")
isSingular <- function(x, tol = 1e-4) {
lwr <- getME(x, "lower")
theta <- getME(x, "theta")
any(theta[lwr==0] < tol)
lme4_testlevel <- function() if (nzchar(s <- Sys.getenv("LME4_TEST_LEVEL"))) as.numeric(s) else 1
# stolen from car package
# the following unexported function is useful for combining results of parallel computations
combineLists <- function(..., fmatrix="list", flist="c", fvector="rbind",
fdf="rbind", recurse=FALSE){
# combine lists of the same structure elementwise
# ...: a list of lists, or several lists, each of the same structure
# fmatrix: name of function to apply to matrix elements
# flist: name of function to apply to list elements
# fvector: name of function to apply to data frame elements
# recurse: process list element recursively
frecurse <- function(...){
combineLists(..., fmatrix=fmatrix, fvector=fvector, fdf=fdf,
if (recurse) flist="frecurse"
list.of.lists <- list(...)
if (length(list.of.lists) == 1){
list.of.lists <- list.of.lists[[1]]
list.of.lists[c("fmatrix", "flist", "fvector", "fdf")] <-
c(fmatrix, flist, fvector, fdf)
return("combineLists", list.of.lists))
if (any(!sapply(list.of.lists, is.list)))
stop("arguments are not all lists")
len <- sapply(list.of.lists, length)
if (any(len[1] != len)) stop("lists are not all of the same length")
nms <- lapply(list.of.lists, names)
if (any(unlist(lapply(nms, "!=", nms[[1]]))))
stop("lists do not all have elements of the same names")
nms <- nms[[1]]
result <- vector(len[1], mode="list")
names(result) <- nms
for(element in nms){
element.list <- lapply(list.of.lists, "[[", element)
# clss <- sapply(element.list, class)
clss <- lapply(element.list, class)
# if (any(clss[1] != clss)) stop("list elements named '", element,
if (!all(vapply(clss, function(e) all(e == clss[[1L]]), NA)))
stop("list elements named '", element, "' are not all of the same class")
is.df <-[[1]])
fn <- if (is.matrix(element.list[[1]])) fmatrix
else if (is.list(element.list[[1]]) && !is.df) flist
else if (is.vector(element.list[[1]])) fvector
else if (is.df) fdf
else stop("list elements named '", element,
"' are not matrices, lists, vectors, or data frames")
result[[element]] <-, element.list)
## copied from glmmTMB::check_dots
checkDots <- function (..., .ignore = NULL, .action = "stop")
L <- list(...)
if (length(.ignore) > 0) {
L <- L[!names(L) %in% .ignore]
if (length(L) > 0) {
FUN <- get(.action)
FUN("unknown arguments: ", paste(names(L), collapse = ","))
## quadratic form from emulator package:
## quad.tform == x %*% M %*% t(x)
## quad.tdiag == diag(quad.tform(M, x)
## rowSums(tcrossprod(Conj(x), M) * x)
quad.tdiag <- function(M, x) {
## only real-valued, so drop Conj
rowSums(tcrossprod(x, M) * x)
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