
Defines functions quad.tdiag combineLists lme4_testlevel isSingular arrange.condVar augment.RE array_to_bdiag bdiag_to_array bdiag_to_mlist mlist_to_array isFlexLambda glmerLaplaceHandle nlminbwrap mmList.formula mmList.merMod mmList termnms grpfact reexpr quickSimulate mkDataTemplate mkParsTemplate mkMinimalData condVar testLevel checkFormulaData checkArgs mkMerMod hasNoScale normalizeFamilyName isNBfamily .optinfo getMsg getConv .minimalOptinfo nlformula chck1 subnms isNested subbars anyBars isAnyArgBar isBar nobars_ nobars expandDoubleVerts findbars mkRespMod mkReTrms mkBlist `%i%` replaceTerm inForm colSort factorize makeFac barnames abbrDeparse .isDiagonal.sq.matrix all0

Documented in expandDoubleVerts factorize findbars glmerLaplaceHandle isNested isSingular lme4_testlevel mkDataTemplate mkMerMod mkParsTemplate mkRespMod mkReTrms nlformula nlminbwrap nobars subbars

## From Matrix package  isDiagonal(.) :
all0 <- function(x) !anyNA(x) && all(!x)
.isDiagonal.sq.matrix <- function(M, n = dim(M)[1L])
    all0(M[rep_len(c(FALSE, rep.int(TRUE,n)), n^2)])

### Utilities for parsing and manipulating mixed-model formulas

## abbreviated parse for long strings: deparse1() pastes w/ collapse instead
abbrDeparse <- function(x, width=60) {
    r <- deparse(x, width)
    if(length(r) > 1) paste(r[1], "...") else r

##' @param bars result of findbars
barnames <- function(bars) vapply(bars, function(x) deparse1(x[[3]]), "")

makeFac <- function(x,char.only=FALSE) {
    if (!is.factor(x) && (!char.only || is.character(x))) factor(x) else x

factorize <- function(x,frloc,char.only=FALSE) {
    ## convert grouping variables to factors as necessary
    ## TODO: variables that are *not* in the data frame are
    ##  not converted -- these could still break, e.g. if someone
    ##  tries to use the : operator
    ## TODO: some sensible tests for drop.unused.levels
    ##       (not actually used, but could come in handy)
    for (i in all.vars(RHSForm(x))) {
        if (!is.null(curf <- frloc[[i]]))
            frloc[[i]] <- makeFac(curf,char.only)

colSort <- function(x) {
    termlev <- vapply(strsplit(x,":"),length,integer(1))
    iterms <- split(x,termlev)
    iterms <- sapply(iterms,sort,simplify=FALSE)
    ## make sure intercept term is first
    ilab <- "(Intercept)"
    if (ilab %in% iterms[[1]]) {
        iterms[[1]] <- c(ilab,setdiff(iterms[[1]],ilab))

## copied from glmmTMB, replace by upstream utility package?
## test formula: does it contain a particular element?
## inForm(z~.,quote(.))
## inForm(z~y,quote(.))
## inForm(z~a+b+c,quote(c))
## inForm(z~a+b+(d+e),quote(c))
## f <- ~ a + offset(x)
## f2 <- z ~ a
## inForm(f,quote(offset))
## inForm(f2,quote(offset))
## @export
## @keywords internal
inForm <- function(form,value) {
    if (any(sapply(form,identical,value))) return(TRUE)
    if (all(sapply(form,length)==1)) return(FALSE)

## was called "replaceForm" there but replaceTerm is better
## (decide on camelCase vs snake_case!)
replaceTerm <- function(term,target,repl) {
    if (identical(term,target)) return(repl)
    if (!inForm(term,target)) return(term)
    if (length(term) == 2) {

`%i%` <- function(f1, f2, fix.order = TRUE) {
    if (!is.factor(f1) || !is.factor(f2)) stop("both inputs must be factors")
    f12 <- paste(f1, f2, sep = ":")
    ## explicitly specifying levels is faster in any case ...
    u <- which(!duplicated(f12))
    if (!fix.order) return(factor(f12, levels = f12[u]))
    ## deal with order of factor levels
    levs_rank <- length(levels(f2))*as.numeric(f1[u])+as.numeric(f2[u])
    return(factor(f12, levels = (f12[u])[order(levs_rank)]))

##' @param x a language object of the form  effect | groupvar
##' @param frloc model frame
##' @param drop.unused.levels (logical)
##' @return list containing grouping factor, sparse model matrix, number of levels, names
mkBlist <- function(x,frloc, drop.unused.levels=TRUE,
                    reorder.vars=FALSE) {
    frloc <- factorize(x,frloc)
    ## try to evaluate grouping factor within model frame ...
    ff0 <- replaceTerm(x[[3]], quote(`:`), quote(`%i%`))
    ff <- try(eval(substitute(makeFac(fac),
                              list(fac = ff0)),
                   frloc), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(ff, "try-error")) {
        stop("couldn't evaluate grouping factor ",
             deparse1(x[[3]])," within model frame:",
             "error =",
             " Try adding grouping factor to data ",
             "frame explicitly if possible",call.=FALSE)
    if (all(is.na(ff)))
        stop("Invalid grouping factor specification, ",
    ## NB: *also* silently drops <NA> levels - and mkReTrms() and hence
    ##     predict.merMod() have relied on that property  :
    if (drop.unused.levels) ff <- factor(ff, exclude=NA)
    nl <- length(levels(ff))
    ## this section implements eq. 6 of the JSS lmer paper
    ## model matrix based on LHS of random effect term (X_i)
    ##    x[[2]] is the LHS (terms) of the a|b formula
    has.sparse.contrasts <- function(x) {
      cc <- attr(x, "contrasts")
      !is.null(cc) && is(cc, "sparseMatrix")
    any.sparse.contrasts <- any(vapply(frloc, has.sparse.contrasts, FUN.VALUE = TRUE))
    mMatrix <- if (!any.sparse.contrasts) model.matrix else sparse.model.matrix
    mm <- mMatrix(eval(substitute( ~ foo, list(foo = x[[2]]))), frloc)
    if (reorder.vars) {
        mm <- mm[colSort(colnames(mm)),]
    ## this is J^T (see p. 9 of JSS lmer paper)
    ## construct indicator matrix for groups by observations
    ## use fac2sparse() rather than as() to allow *not* dropping
    ## unused levels where desired
    sm <- fac2sparse(ff, to = "d",
                     drop.unused.levels = drop.unused.levels)
    sm <- KhatriRao(sm, t(mm))
    dimnames(sm) <- list(
    list(ff = ff, sm = sm, nl = nl, cnms = colnames(mm))

##' From the result of \code{\link{findbars}} applied to a model formula and
##' and the evaluation frame, create the model matrix, etc. associated with
##' random-effects terms.  See the description of the returned value for a
##' detailed list.
##' @title Create Z, Lambda, Lind, etc.
##' @param bars a list of parsed random-effects terms
##' @param fr a model frame in which to evaluate these terms
##' @return a list with components
##' \item{Zt}{transpose of the sparse model matrix for the random effects}
##' \item{Lambdat}{transpose of the sparse relative covariance factor}
##' \item{Lind}{an integer vector of indices determining the mapping of the
##'     elements of the \code{theta} to the \code{"x"} slot of \code{Lambdat}}
##' \item{theta}{initial values of the covariance parameters}
##' \item{lower}{lower bounds on the covariance parameters}
##' \item{flist}{list of grouping factors used in the random-effects terms}
##' \item{cnms}{a list of column names of the random effects according to
##'     the grouping factors}
##' @importFrom Matrix sparseMatrix drop0
##' @importMethodsFrom Matrix coerce rbind
##' @family utilities
##' @export
mkReTrms <- function(bars, fr, drop.unused.levels=TRUE,
                     reorder.vars=FALSE) {
  if (!length(bars))
    stop("No random effects terms specified in formula",call.=FALSE)
  stopifnot(is.list(bars), vapply(bars, is.language, NA),
            inherits(fr, "data.frame"))
  names(bars) <- barnames(bars)
  term.names <- vapply(bars, deparse1, "")
  ## get component blocks
  blist <- lapply(bars, mkBlist, fr, drop.unused.levels,
                  reorder.vars = reorder.vars)
  nl <- vapply(blist, `[[`, 0L, "nl")   # no. of levels per term
                                        # (in lmer jss:  \ell_i)

  ## order terms stably by decreasing number of levels in the factor
  if (reorder.terms) {
      if (any(diff(nl) > 0)) {
          ord <- rev(order(nl))
          blist      <- blist     [ord]
          nl         <- nl        [ord]
          term.names <- term.names[ord]
  Ztlist <- lapply(blist, `[[`, "sm")
  Zt <- do.call(rbind, Ztlist)  ## eq. 7, JSS lmer paper
  names(Ztlist) <- term.names
  q <- nrow(Zt)

  ## Create and install Lambdat, Lind, etc.  This must be done after
  ## any potential reordering of the terms.
  cnms <- lapply(blist, `[[`, "cnms")   # list of column names of the
                                        # model matrix per term
  nc <- lengths(cnms)                   # no. of columns per term
                                        # (in lmer jss:  p_i)
  nth <- as.integer((nc * (nc+1))/2)    # no. of parameters per term
                                        # (in lmer jss:  ??)
  nb <- nc * nl                         # no. of random effects per term
                                        # (in lmer jss:  q_i)
  ## eq. 5, JSS lmer paper
  if (sum(nb) != q) {
      stop(sprintf("total number of RE (%d) not equal to nrow(Zt) (%d)",
  boff <- cumsum(c(0L, nb))             # offsets into b
  thoff <- cumsum(c(0L, nth))           # offsets into theta
  ### FIXME: should this be done with cBind and avoid the transpose
  ### operator?  In other words should Lambdat be generated directly
  ### instead of generating Lambda first then transposing?
  Lambdat <-
                      lapply(seq_along(blist), function(i)
                        mm <- matrix(seq_len(nb[i]), ncol = nc[i],
                                     byrow = TRUE)
                        dd <- diag(nc[i])
                        ltri <- lower.tri(dd, diag = TRUE)
                        ii <- row(dd)[ltri]
                        jj <- col(dd)[ltri]
                        ## unused: dd[cbind(ii, jj)] <- seq_along(ii)
                        data.frame(i = as.vector(mm[, ii]) + boff[i],
                                   j = as.vector(mm[, jj]) + boff[i],
                                   x = as.double(rep.int(seq_along(ii),
                                                         rep.int(nl[i], length(ii))) +
  thet <- numeric(sum(nth))
  ll <- list(Zt = drop0(Zt), theta = thet, Lind = as.integer(Lambdat@x),
             Gp = unname(c(0L, cumsum(nb))))
  ## lower bounds on theta elements are 0 if on diagonal, else -Inf
  ll$lower <- -Inf * (thet + 1)
  ll$lower[unique(diag(Lambdat))] <- 0
  ll$theta[] <- is.finite(ll$lower) # initial values of theta are 0 off-diagonal, 1 on
  Lambdat@x[] <- ll$theta[ll$Lind]  # initialize elements of Lambdat
  ll$Lambdat <- Lambdat
  # massage the factor list
  fl <- lapply(blist, `[[`, "ff")
  # check for repeated factors
  fnms <- names(fl)
  if (length(fnms) > length(ufn <- unique(fnms))) {
    fl <- fl[match(ufn, fnms)]
    asgn <- match(fnms, ufn)
  } else asgn <- seq_along(fl)
  names(fl) <- ufn
  ## DON'T need fl to be a data.frame ...
  ## fl <- do.call(data.frame, c(fl, check.names = FALSE))
  attr(fl, "assign") <- asgn
  ll$flist <- fl
  ll$cnms <- cnms
  ll$Ztlist <- Ztlist
  ll$nl <- nl
} ## {mkReTrms}

##' Create an lmerResp, glmResp or nlsResp instance
##' @title Create an lmerResp, glmResp or nlsResp instance
##' @param fr a model frame
##' @param REML logical scalar, value of REML for an lmerResp instance
##' @param family the optional glm family (glmResp only)
##' @param nlenv the nonlinear model evaluation environment (nlsResp only)
##' @param nlmod the nonlinear model function (nlsResp only)
##' @param ... where to look for response information if \code{fr} is missing.
##'   Can contain a model response, \code{y}, offset, \code{offset}, and weights,
##'   \code{weights}.
##' @return an lmerResp or glmResp or nlsResp instance
##' @family utilities
##' @export
mkRespMod <- function(fr, REML=NULL, family = NULL, nlenv = NULL, nlmod = NULL, ...)
    if(!missing(fr)) {
        y <- model.response(fr)
        offset <- model.offset(fr)
        weights <- model.weights(fr)
        N <- n <- nrow(fr)
        etastart_update <- model.extract(fr, "etastart")
        mustart_update <- model.extract(fr, "mustart")
    } else {
        fr <- list(...)
        y <- fr$y
        N <- n <- NROW(y)
        offset <- fr$offset
        weights <- fr$weights
        etastart_update <- fr$etastart
        mustart_update <- fr$mustart
    if(length(dim(y)) == 1L)
        y <- drop(y) ## avoid problems with 1D arrays and keep names

    if(isGLMM <- !is.null(family))
        stopifnot(inherits(family, "family"))
   ## FIXME: may need to add X, or pass it somehow, if we want to use glm.fit

    ## test for non-numeric response here to avoid later
    ## confusing error messages from deeper machinery
    if (!is.null(y)) { ## 'y' may be NULL if we're doing simulation
        if(!(is.numeric(y) ||
            ((is.binom <- isGLMM && family$family == "binomial") &&
                (is.factor(y) || is.logical(y))))) {
            if (is.binom)
                stop("response must be numeric or factor")
            else {
                if (is.logical(y))
                    y <- as.integer(y)
                else stop("response must be numeric")
            stop("NA/NaN/Inf in 'y'") # same msg as from lm.fit()

    rho <- new.env()
    rho$y <- if (is.null(y)) numeric(0) else y
    if (!is.null(REML)) rho$REML <- REML
    rho$etastart <- etastart_update
    rho$mustart <- mustart_update
    rho$start <- attr(fr,"start")
    if (!is.null(nlenv)) {
                  is.numeric(val <- eval(nlmod, nlenv)),
                  length(val) == n,
                  ## FIXME?  Restriction, not present in ole' nlme():
                  is.matrix(gr <- attr(val, "gradient")),
                  nrow(gr) == n,
                  !is.null(pnames <- colnames(gr)))
        N <- length(gr)
        rho$mu <- as.vector(val)
        rho$sqrtXwt <- as.vector(gr)
        rho$gam <- ## FIXME more efficient  mget(pnames, envir=nlenv)
                                 function(nm) get(nm, envir=nlenv))))
    rho$offset <- if (!is.null(offset)) {
        if (length(offset) == 1L) offset <- rep.int(offset, N)
        else stopifnot(length(offset) == N)
    } else rep.int(0, N)
    rho$weights <- if (!is.null(weights)) {
        stopifnot(length(weights) == n, all(weights >= 0))
    } else rep.int(1, n)

    if(isGLMM) {
        ## need weights for initializing evaluation
        rho$nobs <- n
        ## allow trivial objects, e.g. for simulation
        if (length(y)>0) eval(family$initialize, rho)
        ## ugh. this *is* necessary;
        ##  family$initialize *ignores* mustart in env, overwrites!
        ## see ll 180-182 of src/library/stats/R/glm.R
        ## https://github.com/wch/r-source/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=mukeep
        if (!is.null(mustart_update)) rho$mustart <- mustart_update
        ## family$initialize <- NULL     # remove clutter from str output
        ll <- as.list(rho)
        ans <- do.call(new, c(list(Class="glmResp", family=family),
                              ll[setdiff(names(ll), c("m", "nobs", "mustart"))]))
        if (length(y)>0)
            ans$updateMu(if (!is.null(es <- etastart_update)) es else                                       family$linkfun(rho$mustart))
    } else if (is.null(nlenv)) ## lmer
        do.call(lmerResp$new, as.list(rho))
    else ## nlmer
                       nlmod=substitute(~foo, list(foo=nlmod)),
                       pnames=pnames), as.list(rho)))

##' From the right hand side of a formula for a mixed-effects model,
##' determine the pairs of expressions that are separated by the
##' vertical bar operator.  Also expand the slash operator in grouping
##' factor expressions and expand terms with the double vertical bar operator
##' into separate, independent random effect terms.
##' @title Determine random-effects expressions from a formula
##' @seealso \code{\link{formula}}, \code{\link{model.frame}}, \code{\link{model.matrix}}.
##' @param term a mixed-model formula
##' @return pairs of expressions that were separated by vertical bars
##' @section Note: This function is called recursively on individual
##' terms in the model, which is why the argument is called \code{term} and not
##' a name like \code{form}, indicating a formula.
##' @example
##' findbars(f1 <- Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject))
##' ## => list( Days | Subject )
##' findbars(y ~ Days + (1|Subject) + (0+Days|Subject))
##' ## => list of length 2:  list ( 1 | Subject ,  0+Days|Subject)
##' findbars(~ 1 + (1|batch/cask))
##' ## => list of length 2:  list ( 1 | cask:batch ,  1 | batch)
##' identical(findbars(~ 1 + (Days || Subject)),
##'     findbars(~ 1 + (1|Subject) + (0+Days|Subject)))
##' \dontshow{
##' stopifnot(identical(findbars(f1),
##'                     list(expression(Days | Subject)[[1]])))
##' }
##' @family utilities
##' @keywords models utilities
##' @export
findbars <- function(term)
    ## Recursive function applied to individual terms
    fb <- function(term)
        if (is.name(term) || !is.language(term)) return(NULL)
        if (term[[1]] == as.name("(")) return(fb(term[[2]]))
        if (term[[1]] == as.name('|')) return(term)
        if (length(term) == 2) return(fb(term[[2]]))
        c(fb(term[[2]]), fb(term[[3]]))
    ## Expand any slashes in the grouping factors returned by fb
    expandSlash <- function(bb)
        ## Create the interaction terms for nested effects
        makeInteraction <- function(x)
            if (length(x) < 2) return(x)
            trm1 <- makeInteraction(x[[1]])
            trm11 <- if(is.list(trm1)) trm1[[1]] else trm1
            list(substitute(foo:bar, list(foo=x[[2]], bar = trm11)), trm1)
        ## Return the list of '/'-separated terms
        slashTerms <- function(x)
            if (!("/" %in% all.names(x))) return(x)
            if (x[[1]] != as.name("/"))
                stop("unparseable formula for grouping factor",call.=FALSE)
            list(slashTerms(x[[2]]), slashTerms(x[[3]]))

        if (!is.list(bb))
            unlist(lapply(bb, function(x) {
                if (length(x) > 2 && is.list(trms <- slashTerms(x[[3]])))
                    ## lapply(unlist(...)) - unlist returns a flattened list
                           function(trm) substitute(foo|bar, list(foo = x[[2]], bar = trm)))
                else x
    }## {expandSlash}

    modterm <- expandDoubleVerts(
        if(is(term, "formula")) term[[length(term)]] else term)

##' From the right hand side of a formula for a mixed-effects model,
##' expand terms with the double vertical bar operator
##' into separate, independent random effect terms.
##' @title Expand terms with \code{'||'} notation into separate \code{'|'} terms
##' @seealso \code{\link{formula}}, \code{\link{model.frame}}, \code{\link{model.matrix}}.
##' @param term a mixed-model formula
##' @return the modified term
##' @family utilities
##' @keywords models utilities
##' @export
expandDoubleVerts <- function(term)
    expandDoubleVert <- function(term) {
        frml <- formula(substitute(~x,list(x=term[[2]])))
        ## FIXME: do this without paste and deparse if possible!
        ## need term.labels not all.vars to capture interactions too:
        newtrms <- paste0("0+", attr(terms(frml), "term.labels"))
        if(attr(terms(frml), "intercept")!=0)
            newtrms <- c("1", newtrms)

                         paste(vapply(newtrms, function(trm)
                                      paste0(trm, "|", deparse(term[[3]])), ""),
                               collapse=")+("), ")"))[[2]]

    if (!is.name(term) && is.language(term)) {
        if (term[[1]] == as.name("(")) {
            term[[2]] <- expandDoubleVerts(term[[2]])
        if (term[[1]] == as.name('||'))
            return( expandDoubleVert(term) )
        ## else :
        term[[2]] <- expandDoubleVerts(term[[2]])
        if (length(term) != 2) {
            if(length(term) == 3)
                term[[3]] <- expandDoubleVerts(term[[3]])

##' Remove the random-effects terms from a mixed-effects formula,
##' thereby producing the fixed-effects formula.
##' @title Omit terms separated by vertical bars in a formula
##' @param term the right-hand side of a mixed-model formula
##' @return the fixed-effects part of the formula
##' @section Note: This function is called recursively on individual
##' terms in the model, which is why the argument is called \code{term} and not
##' a name like \code{form}, indicating a formula.
##' @examples
##' nobars(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject)) ## => Reaction ~ Days
##' @seealso \code{\link{formula}}, \code{\link{model.frame}}, \code{\link{model.matrix}}.
##' @family utilities
##' @keywords models utilities
##' @export
nobars <- function(term) {
    e <- environment(term)
    nb <- nobars_(term)  ## call recursive version
    if (is(term,"formula") && length(term)==3 && is.symbol(nb)) {
        ## called with two-sided RE-only formula:
        ##    construct response~1 formula
        nb <- reformulate("1", response=deparse(nb))
    ## called with one-sided RE-only formula, or RHS alone
    if (is.null(nb)) {
        nb <- if (is(term,"formula")) ~1 else 1
    environment(nb) <- e

nobars_ <- function(term)
    if (!anyBars(term)) return(term)
    if (isBar(term)) return(NULL)
    if (isAnyArgBar(term)) return(NULL)
    if (length(term) == 2) {
        nb <- nobars_(term[[2]])
        if(is.null(nb)) return(NULL)
        term[[2]] <- nb
    nb2 <- nobars_(term[[2]])
    nb3 <- nobars_(term[[3]])
    if (is.null(nb2)) return(nb3)
    if (is.null(nb3)) return(nb2)
    term[[2]] <- nb2
    term[[3]] <- nb3

isBar <- function(term) {
    if(is.call(term)) {
        if((term[[1]] == as.name("|")) || (term[[1]] == as.name("||"))) {

isAnyArgBar <- function(term) {
    if ((term[[1]] != as.name("~")) && (term[[1]] != as.name("("))) {
        for(i in seq_along(term)) {
            if(isBar(term[[i]])) return(TRUE)

anyBars <- function(term) {
    any(c('|','||') %in% all.names(term))

##' Substitute the '+' function for the '|' and '||' function in a mixed-model
##' formula.  This provides a formula suitable for the current
##' model.frame function.
##' @title "Sub[stitute] Bars"
##' @param term a mixed-model formula
##' @return the formula with all |  and || operators replaced by +
##' @section Note: This function is called recursively on individual
##' terms in the model, which is why the argument is called \code{term} and not
##' a name like \code{form}, indicating a formula.
##' @examples
##' subbars(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject)) ## => Reaction ~ Days + (Days + Subject)
##' @seealso \code{\link{formula}}, \code{\link{model.frame}}, \code{\link{model.matrix}}.
##' @family utilities
##' @keywords models utilities
##' @export
subbars <- function(term)
    if (is.name(term) || !is.language(term)) return(term)
    if (length(term) == 2) {
        term[[2]] <- subbars(term[[2]])
    stopifnot(length(term) >= 3)
    if (is.call(term) && term[[1]] == as.name('|'))
        term[[1]] <- as.name('+')
    if (is.call(term) && term[[1]] == as.name('||'))
        term[[1]] <- as.name('+')
    for (j in 2:length(term)) term[[j]] <- subbars(term[[j]])

##' Does every level of f1 occur in conjunction with exactly one level
##' of f2? The function is based on converting a triplet sparse matrix
##' to a compressed column-oriented form in which the nesting can be
##' quickly evaluated.
##' @title Is f1 nested within f2?
##' @param f1 factor 1
##' @param f2 factor 2
##' @return TRUE if factor 1 is nested within factor 2
##' @examples
##' with(Pastes, isNested(cask, batch))   ## => FALSE
##' with(Pastes, isNested(sample, batch))  ## => TRUE
##' @export
isNested <- function(f1, f2)
    f1 <- as.factor(f1)
    f2 <- as.factor(f2)
    stopifnot(length(f1) == length(f2))
    k <- length(levels(f1))
    sm <- as(new("ngTMatrix",
                 i = as.integer(f2) - 1L,
                 j = as.integer(f1) - 1L,
                 Dim = c(length(levels(f2)), k)),
    all(sm@p[2:(k+1L)] - sm@p[1:k] <= 1L)

subnms <- function(form, nms) {
    ## Recursive function applied to individual terms
    sbnm <- function(term)
        if (is.name(term)) {
            if (any(term == nms)) 0 else term
        } else switch(length(term),
               term, ## 1
           {   ## 2
               term[[2]] <- sbnm(term[[2]])
           {   ## 3
               term[[2]] <- sbnm(term[[2]])
               term[[3]] <- sbnm(term[[3]])

##' Check for a constant term (a literal 1) in an expression
##' In the mixed-effects part of a nonlinear model formula, a constant
##' term is not meaningful because every term must be relative to a
##' nonlinear model parameter.  This function recursively checks the
##' expressions in the formula for a a constant, calling stop() if
##' such a term is encountered.
##' @title Check for constant terms.
##' @param expr an expression
##' @return NULL.  The function is executed for its side effect.
chck1 <- function(expr) {
    if ((le <- length(expr)) == 1) {
        if (is.numeric(expr) && expr == 1)
            stop("1 is not meaningful in a nonlinear model formula")
    } else
        for (j in seq_len(le)[-1]) Recall(expr[[j]])

## ---> ../man/nlformula.Rd --- Manipulate a nonlinear model formula
##' @param mc matched call from the caller, with arguments 'formula','start',...
##' @return a list with components "respMod", "frame", "X", "reTrms"
nlformula <- function(mc) {
  start <- eval(mc$start, parent.frame(2L))
  if (is.numeric(start)) start <- list(nlpars = start)
  stopifnot(is.numeric(nlpars <- start$nlpars),
            lengths(nlpars) == 1L,
            length(pnames <- names(nlpars)) == length(nlpars),
            length(form <- as.formula(mc$formula)) == 3L,
            is(nlform <- eval(form[[2]]), "formula"),
            pnames %in% all.vars(nlmod <-
                as.call(nlform[[lnl <- length(nlform)]])))

  ## MM{FIXME}: fortune(106) even twice in here!
    nlform[[lnl]] <- parse(text= paste(setdiff(all.vars(form), pnames), collapse=' + '))[[1]]
    nlform <- eval(nlform)
    environment(nlform) <- environment(form)
    m <- match(c("data", "subset", "weights", "na.action", "offset"),
               names(mc), 0)
    mc <- mc[c(1, m)]
    mc$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
    mc[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
    mc$formula <- nlform
    fr <- eval(mc, parent.frame(2L))
    n <- nrow(fr)
    nlenv <- list2env(fr, parent=parent.frame(2L))
    lapply(pnames, function(nm) nlenv[[nm]] <- rep.int(nlpars[[nm]], n))
    respMod <- mkRespMod(fr, nlenv=nlenv, nlmod=nlmod)

    chck1(meform <- form[[3L]])
    pnameexpr <- parse(text=paste(pnames, collapse='+'))[[1]]
    nb <- nobars_(meform)  ## call ORIGINAL recursive form
    fe <- eval(substitute(~ 0 + nb + pnameexpr))
    environment(fe) <- environment(form)
    frE <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_along(nlpars), function(i) fr)) # rbind s copies of the frame
    for (nm in pnames) # convert these variables in fr to indicators
        frE[[nm]] <- as.numeric(rep(nm == pnames, each = n))
    X <- model.matrix(fe, frE)
    rownames(X) <- NULL

    reTrms <- mkReTrms(lapply(findbars(meform),
                              function(expr) {
                                  expr[[2]] <- substitute(0+foo, list(foo=expr[[2]]))
                              }), frE)
    list(respMod=respMod, frame=fr, X=X, reTrms=reTrms, pnames=pnames)
} ## {nlformula}

## Beginning to think about exposing tools to create devcomp lists.
## Could be useful when extending merMod objects.  Commenting them out
## however, because R CMD check is complaining:
## https://github.com/lme4/lme4/commit/8d71e439758999ea8f90eb4752487e189407ef33#commitcomment-8773017
## .dims <- function(pp, resp, nAGQ,
##                   reTrms, n, p, rcl,
##                   compDev = NULL) {
##     if(missing(rcl)) rcl <- class(resp)
##     if(missing(n)) n <- nrow(pp$V)
##     if(missing(p)) p <- ncol(pp$V)
##     c(N=nrow(pp$X), n=n, p=p, nmp=n-p,
##       nth=length(pp$theta), q=nrow(pp$Zt),
##       nAGQ=rho$nAGQ,
##       compDev=rho$compDev,
##       ## 'use scale' in the sense of whether dispersion parameter should
##       ##  be reported/used (*not* whether theta should be scaled by sigma)
##       useSc=(rcl != "glmResp" ||
##              !resp$family$family %in% c("poisson","binomial")),
##       reTrms=length(reTrms$cnms),
##       spFe=0L,
##       REML=if (rcl=="lmerResp") resp$REML else 0L,
##       GLMM=(rcl=="glmResp"),
##       NLMM=(rcl=="nlsResp"))
## }
## .cmp <- function(pp, resp, dims, fval,
##                  wrss, sqrLenU, pwrss,
##                  sigmaML, rcl, fac,
##                  tolPwrss = NULL,
##                  trivial.y = FALSE) {
##     if(missing(rcl)) rcl <- class(resp)
##     if(missing(fac)) fac <- as.numeric(rcl != "nlsResp")
##     if(missing(wrss)) wrss <- resp$wrss()
##     if(missing(sqrLenU)) sqrLenU <- pp$sqrL(fac)
##     if(missing(pwrss)) pwrss <- wrss + sqrLenU
##     if(missing(sigmaML)) sigmaML <- pwrss/dims['n']
##     c(ldL2=pp$ldL2(), ldRX2=pp$ldRX2(), wrss=wrss,
##       ussq=sqrLenU, pwrss=pwrss,
##       drsum=if (rcl=="glmResp" && !trivial.y) resp$resDev() else NA,
##       REML=if (rcl=="lmerResp" && resp$REML != 0L && !trivial.y)
##       opt$fval else NA,
##       ## FIXME: construct 'REML deviance' here?
##       dev=if (rcl=="lmerResp" && resp$REML != 0L || trivial.y) NA else opt$fval,
##       sigmaML=sqrt(unname(if (!dims["useSc"] || trivial.y) NA else sigmaML)),
##       sigmaREML=sqrt(unname(if (rcl!="lmerResp" || trivial.y) NA else sigmaML*(dims['n']/dims['nmp']))),
##       tolPwrss=rho$tolPwrss)
## }

.minimalOptinfo <- function()
    list(conv = list(opt = 0L,
                     lme4 = list(messages = character(0))))

getConv <- function(x) {
    if (!is.null(x[["conv"]])) {
    } else x[["convergence"]]

getMsg <- function(x) {
    if (!is.null(x[["msg"]])) {
    } else if (!is.null(x[["message"]])) {
    } else ""

.optinfo <- function(opt, lme4conv=NULL)
    list(optimizer = attr(opt, "optimizer"),
         control   = attr(opt, "control"),
         derivs    = attr(opt, "derivs"),
         conv      = list(opt = getConv(opt), lme4 = lme4conv),
         feval     = if (is.null(opt$feval)) NA else opt$feval,
         message   = getMsg(opt),
         warnings  = attr(opt, "warnings"),
         val       = opt$par)

##' Potentially needed in more than one place, be sure to keep consistency!
##' hack (NB families have weird names) from @aosmith16; then corrected
isNBfamily <- function(familyString)
    grepl("^Negative ?Binomial", familyString, ignore.case=TRUE)
normalizeFamilyName <- function(family) { # such as  object@resp$family
        family$family <- "negative.binomial"

##' Is it a family with no scale parameter
hasNoScale <- function(family)
    any(substr(family$family, 1L, 12L)
        == c("poisson", "binomial", "negative.bin", "Negative Bin"))

##--> ../man/mkMerMod.Rd ---Create a merMod object
##' @param rho the environment of the objective function
##' @param opt the value returned by the optimizer
##' @param reTrms reTrms list from the calling function
mkMerMod <- function(rho, opt, reTrms, fr, mc, lme4conv=NULL) {
    if(missing(mc)) mc <- match.call()
              is(pp <- rho$pp, "merPredD"),
              is(resp <- rho$resp, "lmResp"),
              is.list(opt), "par" %in% names(opt),
              c("conv", "fval") %in% substr(names(opt),1,4), ## "conv[ergence]", "fval[ues]"
              is.list(reTrms), c("flist", "cnms", "Gp", "lower") %in% names(reTrms),
              length(rcl <- class(resp)) == 1)
    n    <- nrow(pp$V)
    p    <- ncol(pp$V)
    isGLMM <- (rcl == "glmResp")
    dims <- c(N = nrow(pp$X), n=n, p=p, nmp = n-p, q = nrow(pp$Zt),
              nth = length(pp$theta),
              nAGQ= rho$nAGQ,
              ## 'use scale' in the sense of whether dispersion parameter should
              ##  be reported/used (*not* whether theta should be scaled by sigma)
              useSc = !(isGLMM && hasNoScale(resp$family)),
              spFe= 0L,
              REML = if (rcl=="lmerResp") resp$REML else 0L,
              GLMM= isGLMM,
              NLMM= (rcl=="nlsResp"))
    storage.mode(dims) <- "integer"
    fac     <- as.numeric(rcl != "nlsResp")
    if (trivial.y <- (length(resp$y)==0)) {
        ## trivial model
        sqrLenU <- wrss <- pwrss <- NA
    } else {
        sqrLenU <- pp$sqrL(fac)
        wrss    <- resp$wrss()
        pwrss   <- wrss + sqrLenU
    ## weights <- resp$weights
    beta    <- pp$beta(fac)
    ## rescale
    if (!is.null(sc <- attr(pp$X, "scaled:scale"))) {
        warning("auto(un)scaling not yet finished/tested")
        ## FIXME: test/handle no-intercept models
        ##   (only need to worry if we do centering as well as scaling)
        ## FIXME: adjust Hessian/vcov
        ## FIXME: where else will these changes propagate?
        ##        profiling?
        beta2 <- beta
        beta2[names(sc)] <- sc*beta2[names(sc)]
        beta <- beta2
    if (!is.null(attr(pp$X, "scaled:center"))) {
        warning("auto(un)centering not yet implemented")
    #sigmaML <- pwrss/sum(weights)
    sigmaML <- pwrss/n
    if (rcl != "lmerResp") {
        pars <- opt$par
        if (length(pars) > length(pp$theta)) beta <- pars[-(seq_along(pp$theta))]
    cmp <- c(ldL2=pp$ldL2(), ldRX2=pp$ldRX2(), wrss=wrss,
             ussq=sqrLenU, pwrss=pwrss,
             drsum=if (rcl=="glmResp" && !trivial.y) resp$resDev() else NA,
             REML=if (rcl=="lmerResp" && resp$REML != 0L && !trivial.y)
                  opt$fval else NA,
             ## FIXME: construct 'REML deviance' here?
             dev=if (rcl=="lmerResp" && resp$REML != 0L || trivial.y) NA else opt$fval,
             sigmaML=sqrt(unname(if (!dims["useSc"] || trivial.y) NA else sigmaML)),
             sigmaREML=sqrt(unname(if (rcl!="lmerResp" || trivial.y) NA else
    ## TODO:  improve this hack to get something in frame slot (maybe need weights, etc...)
    if(missing(fr)) fr <- data.frame(resp$y)
    new(switch(rcl, lmerResp = "lmerMod", glmResp = "glmerMod", nlsResp = "nlmerMod"),
        call=mc, frame=fr, flist=reTrms$flist, cnms=reTrms$cnms,
        Gp=reTrms$Gp, theta=pp$theta, beta=beta,
        u=if (trivial.y) rep(NA_real_,nrow(pp$Zt)) else pp$u(fac),
        lower=reTrms$lower, devcomp=list(cmp=cmp, dims=dims),
        pp=pp, resp=resp,
        optinfo = .optinfo(opt, lme4conv))
}## {mkMerMod}

## generic argument checking
## 'type': name of calling function ("glmer", "lmer", "nlmer")
## NB: called from  lFormula() and glFormula()
checkArgs <- function(type,...) {
    l... <- list(...)
    if (isTRUE(l...[["sparseX"]])) warning("sparseX = TRUE has no effect at present",call.=FALSE)
    ## '...' handling up front, safe-guarding against typos ("familiy") :
    if(length(l... <- list(...))) {
        if (!is.null(l...[["family"]])) {  # call glmer if family specified
            ## we will only get here if 'family' is *not* in the arg list
            warning("calling lmer with family() is deprecated: please use glmer() instead",call.=FALSE)
            type <- "glmer"
        ## Check for method argument which is no longer used
        ## (different meanings/hints depending on glmer vs lmer)
        if (!is.null(l...[["method"]])) {
            msg <- paste("Argument", sQuote("method"), "is deprecated.")
            if (type == "lmer")
                msg <- paste(msg, "Use the REML argument to specify ML or REML estimation.")
            else if (type == "glmer")
                msg <- paste(msg, "Use the nAGQ argument to specify Laplace (nAGQ=1) or adaptive",
                             "Gauss-Hermite quadrature (nAGQ>1).  PQL is no longer available.")
            l... <- l...[names(l...) != "method"]
        if(length(l...)) {
            warning("extra argument(s) ",
                    paste(sQuote(names(l...)), collapse=", "),
                    " disregarded",call.=FALSE)

## check formula and data: return an environment suitable for evaluating
##  the formula.
## (1) if data is specified, return it
## (2) otherwise, if formula has an environment, use it
## (3) otherwise [e.g. if formula was passed as a string], try to use parent.frame(2)

## if #3 is true *and* the user is doing something tricky with nested functions,
## this may fail ...

## try to diagnose missing/bad data
checkFormulaData <- function(formula, data, checkLHS=TRUE,
                             checkData=TRUE, debug=FALSE) {
    wd <- tryCatch(force(data), error = identity)
    if (bad.data <- inherits(wd,"error")) {
        bad.data.msg <- wd$message

    ## data not found (this *should* only happen with garbage input,
    ## OR when strings used as formulae -> drop1/update/etc.)
    if (bad.data || debug) {
        varex <- function(v, env) exists(v, envir=env, inherits=FALSE)
        allvars <- all.vars(as.formula(formula))
        allvarex <- function(env, vvec=allvars) all(vapply(vvec, varex, NA, env))
    if (bad.data) { ## Choose helpful error message:
        if (allvarex(environment(formula))) {
            stop("bad 'data', but variables found in environment of formula: ",
                 "try specifying 'formula' as a formula rather ",
                 "than a string in the original model",call.=FALSE)
        } else {
            stop("bad 'data': ", bad.data.msg, call. = FALSE)
    } else {
        denv <- ## The data as environment
            if (is.null(data)) {
                if (!is.null(ee <- environment(formula))) {
                    ee ## use environment of formula
            } else {
                ## e.g. no environment, e.g. because formula is a character vector
                ## parent.frame(2L) works because [g]lFormula (our calling environment)
                ## has been called within [g]lmer with env=parent.frame(1L)
                ## If you call checkFormulaData in some other bizarre way such that
                ## parent.frame(2L) is *not* OK, you deserve what you get
                ## calling checkFormulaData directly from the global
                ## environment should be OK, since trying to go up beyond the global
                ## environment keeps bringing you back to the global environment ...
        } else ## data specified
    ## FIXME: set enclosing environment of denv to environment(formula), or parent.frame(2L) ?
    if (debug) {
        cat("Debugging parent frames in checkFormulaData:\n")
        ## find global environment -- could do this with sys.nframe() ?
        glEnv <- 1L
        while (!identical(parent.frame(glEnv),.GlobalEnv)) {
            glEnv <- glEnv+1L
        ## where are vars?
        for (i in 1:glEnv) {
            OK <- allvarex(parent.frame(i))
            cat("vars exist in parent frame ", i)
            if (i == glEnv) cat(" (global)")
            cat(" ",OK, "\n")
        cat("vars exist in env of formula ", allvarex(denv), "\n")
    } ## if (debug)

    stopifnot(!checkLHS || length(as.formula(formula,env=denv)) == 3)  ## check for two-sided formula

## checkFormulaData <- function(formula,data) {
##     ee <- environment(formula)
##     if (is.null(ee)) {
##         ee <- parent.frame(2)
##     }
##     if (missing(data)) data <- ee
##     stopifnot(length(as.formula(formula,env=as.environment(data))) == 3)
##     return(data)
## }

##' Not exported; for tests (and examples) that can be slow;
##' Use   if(lme4:::testLevel() >= 1.) .....  see ../tests/README.md
testLevel <- function()
    if(nzchar(s <- Sys.getenv("LME4_TEST_LEVEL")) &&
       is.finite(s <- as.numeric(s))) s else 1

##' General conditional variance-covariance matrix
##' Experimental function for estimating the variance-covariance
##' matrix of the random effects, conditional on the observed data
##' and at the (RE)ML estimate of the fixed effects and covariance
##' parameters.  Applicable for any Lambda matrix, but slower than
##' other block-by-block methods.
##' Not exported.
##' TODO:
##' - Write up quick note on theory (e.g. Laplace approximation).
##' - Test.  Speed? Correctness?
##' - Do we need to think carefully about the differences
##'     between REML and ML, beyond just multiplying by a different
##'     sigma^2 estimate?
##' - is it better to do this term-by-term as in C++ code?
##' @param object \code{merMod} object
##' @return Sparse covariance matrix
condVar <- function(object, scaled=TRUE) {
  Lamt <- getME(object, "Lambdat")
  L <- getME(object, "L")

  ## never do it this way! fortune("SOOOO")
  #V <- solve(L, system = "A")
  #V <- chol2inv(L)
  #s2*crossprod(Lamt, V) %*% Lamt

  LL <- solve(L, Lamt, system = "A")
  ## From ?Matrix::solve, The default, '"A"', is to solve Ax = b for x
  ##   where 'A' is sparse, positive-definite matrix that was
  ##   factored to produce 'a'.

  cc <- crossprod(Lamt, LL)
  if (scaled) cc <- sigma(object)^2*cc

mkMinimalData <- function(formula) {
    vars <- all.vars(formula)
    nVars <- length(vars)
    matr <- matrix(0, 2, nVars)
    data <- as.data.frame(matr)
    setNames(data, vars)

##' Make template for mixed model parameters
mkParsTemplate <- function(formula, data){
    if(missing(data)) data <- mkMinimalData(formula)
    mfRanef <- model.frame( subbars(formula), data)
    mmFixef <- model.matrix(nobars(formula) , data)
    reTrms <- mkReTrms(findbars(formula), mfRanef)
    cnms <- reTrms$cnms
    thetaNamesList <- mapply(mkPfun(), names(cnms), cnms)
    thetaNames <- unlist(thetaNamesList)
    betaNames <- colnames(mmFixef)
    list(beta  = setNames(numeric(length( betaNames)),  betaNames),
         theta = setNames(reTrms$theta, thetaNames),
         sigma = 1)

##' Make template for mixed model data
##' Useful for simulating balanced designs and for
##' getting started on unbalanced simulations
##' @param formula formula
##' @param data data -- not necessary
##' @param nGrps number of groups per grouping factor
##' @param rfunc function for generating covariate data
##' @param ... additional parameters for rfunc
mkDataTemplate <- function(formula, data,
                           nGrps = 2, nPerGrp = 1,
                           rfunc = NULL, ...){
    if(missing(data)) data <- mkMinimalData(formula)
    grpFacNames <- unique(barnames(findbars(formula)))
    varNames <- all.vars(formula)
    covariateNames <- setdiff(varNames, grpFacNames)
    nGrpFac <- length(grpFacNames)
    nCov <- length(covariateNames)
    grpFac <- gl(nGrps, nPerGrp)
    grpDat <- expand.grid(replicate(nGrpFac, grpFac, simplify = FALSE))
    colnames(grpDat) <- grpFacNames
    nObs <- nrow(grpDat)
    if(is.null(rfunc)) rfunc <- function(n, ...) rep(0, n)
    params <- c(list(nObs), list(...))
    covDat <- as.data.frame(replicate(nCov, do.call(rfunc, params),
                                      simplify = FALSE))
    colnames(covDat) <- covariateNames
    cbind(grpDat, covDat)

##' very flexible and convenient wrt formula,
##' very unflexible wrt everything else
##' starting to get a little too sugary?
quickSimulate <- function(formula, nGrps, nPerGrp, family = gaussian) {
    pr <- mkParsTemplate(formula)
    dt <- mkDataTemplate(formula, nGrps = nGrps, nPerGrp = nPerGrp, rfunc = rnorm)
    response <- deparse(formula[[2]])
    dt[[response]] <- simulate(formula, newdata = dt, newparams = pr, family = family)[[1]]

# formula parsing sugar

##' these functions pick up where findbars leaves off, in terms of sugar
##' @param REtrm an element of the result of findbars
##' @param REtrms the result of findbars
##' @return \code{reexpr} gives a one-sided formula with the linear
##' model formula for the raw model matrix. \code{grpfact} gives an
##' expression with the name of the grouping factor associated with
##' the raw model matrix. \code{termnms} gives a character vector with
##' the names of the random effects terms.
reexpr <- function(REtrm) substitute( ~ foo, list(foo = REtrm[[2]]))
grpfact <- function(REtrm) substitute(factor(fac), list(fac = REtrm[[3]]))
termnms <- function(REtrms) vapply(REtrms, deparse1, "")

##' mmList(): list of model matrices
##' ------    called from getME() & model.matrix(*, "randomListRaw")
mmList <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("mmList")
mmList.merMod <- function(object, ...) mmList(formula(object), model.frame(object))
mmList.formula <- function(object, frame, ...) {
    bars <- findbars(object)
    mm <- setNames(lapply(bars, function(b) model.matrix(eval(reexpr(b), frame), frame)),
    grp <- lapply(lapply(bars, grpfact), eval, frame)
    nl <- vapply(grp, nlevels, 1L)
    if (any(diff(nl) > 0))
        mm[order(nl, decreasing=TRUE)]
##' examples  ---FIXME?--- put in tests // or export + 'real examples'
if(FALSE) {
    m <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
    gm <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size-incidence) ~ period + (1|herd), cbpp, binomial)
    simForm <- y ~ x + z + (x | f) + (z | g)
    ## ::: triggers R CMD check NOTE
    ## simDat <- lme4:::quickSimulate(simForm, 10, 5)
    simDat <- simDat[simDat$f != "10", ] # unbalancedish design requiring
                                        # a flip in the order of terms
    sm <- lmer(simForm, simDat)
    ## ::: triggers R CMD check NOTE
    ## lme4:::mmList.merMod(m)
    ## lme4:::mmList.merMod(gm)
    ## smmm <- lme4:::mmList.merMod(sm)

nloptwrap <- local({
    ## define default control values in environment of function ...
    defaultControl <- list(algorithm="NLOPT_LN_BOBYQA",
                           xtol_abs=1e-8, ftol_abs=1e-8, maxeval=1e5)
    function(par, fn, lower, upper, control=list(),...) {
        for (n in names(defaultControl))
            if (is.null(control[[n]])) control[[n]] <- defaultControl[[n]]
        res <- nloptr(x0=par, eval_f=fn, lb=lower, ub=upper, opts=control, ...)
        with(res, list(par   = solution,
                       fval  = objective,
                       feval = iterations,
                       ## ?nloptr: "integer value with the status of the optimization (0 is success)"
                       ## most status>0 are fine (e.g. 4 "stopped because xtol_rel was reached"
                       ## but status 5 is "ran out of evaluations"
                       conv  = if (status<0 || status==5) status else 0,
                       message = message))

nlminbwrap <- function(par, fn, lower, upper, control=list(), ...) {
    if (!is.null(control$maxfun)) {
        control$eval.max <- control$maxfun
        control$maxfun <- NULL
    res <- nlminb(start = par, fn, gradient = NULL, hessian = NULL,
                  scale = 1, lower = lower, upper = upper,
                  control = control, ...)
    list(par = res$par, fval = res$objective,
         conv = res$convergence, message = res$message)

glmerLaplaceHandle <- function(pp, resp, nAGQ, tol, maxit, verbose) {
    .Call(glmerLaplace, pp, resp, nAGQ, tol, as.integer(maxit), verbose)

isFlexLambda <- function() FALSE

#' convert a list of matrices (n, pxp blocks) to a  p x p x n  array
mlist_to_array <- function(m) {
    p <- nrow(m[[1]])
    n <- length(m)
#' @inheritParams bdiag_to_array
bdiag_to_mlist <- function(m,n) {
    if (length(n)==1 && n<nrow(m)) {
        n <- rep(n,nrow(m)%/%n)
    mm <- list()
    k <- 1
    for (i in seq_along(n)) {
        mm[[i]] <- m[k:(k+n[i]-1),k:(k+n[i]-1),drop=FALSE]
        k <- k + n[i]
##' convert a block-diagonal matrix to a pxpxn array
##' @param m a block-diagonal matrix (typically sparse)
##' @param n vector of block sizes (if length-1, will be replicated to be consistent
##' with the matrix dimensions)
##' @examples
##' mm <- Matrix::bdiag(matrix(1:4,2,2),matrix(2:5,2,2),matrix(3:6,2,2))
##' mm2 <- blkmatrix_to_matrixlist(mm,2)
##' bdiag_to_array(mm,2)
##' array_to_bdiag(bdiag_to_array(mm,2))
bdiag_to_array <- function(m,n) {
array_to_bdiag <- function(a) {
    p <- dim(a)[1]
    mlist <- split(a,slice.index(a,3))
    mlist <- lapply(mlist,matrix,nrow=p,ncol=p)

augment.RE <- function(object,rr=ranef(object)) {
    alist <- arrange.condVar(object,condVar(object))
    for (i in seq_along(rr)) {
        attr(rr[[i]],"postVar") <- alist[[i]]
    class(rr) <- "ranef.mer"

## reorganize condVar matrix into appropriate list of arrays/lists of arrays
arrange.condVar <- function(object,cv) {
    rp <- rePos$new(object)
    trms <- rp$terms      ## mapping between grouping vars and RE terms
    n <- diff(rp$offsets) ## total number of modes per term
    cv2 <- bdiag_to_mlist(cv,n)
    cv3 <- Map(bdiag_to_array,cv2,rp$ncols)
    names(cv3) <- rp$cnms
    res <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(trms)) {
        tt <- trms[[i]]
        if (length(tt)==1) {
            ## keep single-term-per-factor condVar structures
            ## as naked arrays (not list containing a single array)
            ## for back-compatibility
            res[[i]] <- cv3[[tt]]
        } else {
            ## list of arrays
            res[[i]] <- cv3[tt]
    names(res) <- names(rp$flist)

## generic machinery for setting parallel options
## uses eval() (as in family()$initialize) to avoid too much list
initialize.parallel <- expression({
    have_mc <- have_snow <- FALSE
    if (length(parallel)>1) parallel <- match.arg(parallel)
    do_parallel <- (parallel != "no" && ncpus > 1L)
    if (do_parallel) {
        if (parallel == "multicore") have_mc <- .Platform$OS.type != "windows"
        else if (parallel == "snow") have_snow <- TRUE
        if (!(have_mc || have_snow))
            do_parallel <- FALSE # (only for "windows")

isSingular <- function(x, tol = 1e-4) {
    lwr <- getME(x, "lower")
    theta <- getME(x, "theta")
    any(theta[lwr==0] < tol)

lme4_testlevel <- function() if (nzchar(s <- Sys.getenv("LME4_TEST_LEVEL"))) as.numeric(s) else 1

# stolen from car package
# the following unexported function is useful for combining results of parallel computations
combineLists <- function(..., fmatrix="list", flist="c", fvector="rbind", 
                         fdf="rbind", recurse=FALSE){
    # combine lists of the same structure elementwise
    # ...: a list of lists, or several lists, each of the same structure
    # fmatrix: name of function to apply to matrix elements
    # flist: name of function to apply to list elements
    # fvector: name of function to apply to data frame elements
    # recurse: process list element recursively
    frecurse <- function(...){
        combineLists(..., fmatrix=fmatrix, fvector=fvector, fdf=fdf, 
    if (recurse) flist="frecurse"
    list.of.lists <- list(...)
    if (length(list.of.lists) == 1){
        list.of.lists <- list.of.lists[[1]]
        list.of.lists[c("fmatrix", "flist", "fvector", "fdf")] <- 
            c(fmatrix, flist, fvector, fdf)
        return(do.call("combineLists", list.of.lists))
    if (any(!sapply(list.of.lists, is.list))) 
        stop("arguments are not all lists")
    len <- sapply(list.of.lists, length)
    if (any(len[1] != len)) stop("lists are not all of the same length")
    nms <- lapply(list.of.lists, names)
    if (any(unlist(lapply(nms, "!=", nms[[1]])))) 
        stop("lists do not all have elements of the same names")
    nms <- nms[[1]]
    result <- vector(len[1], mode="list")
    names(result) <- nms
    for(element in nms){
        element.list <- lapply(list.of.lists, "[[", element)
#        clss <- sapply(element.list, class)
        clss <- lapply(element.list, class)
#        if (any(clss[1] != clss)) stop("list elements named '", element,
        if (!all(vapply(clss, function(e) all(e == clss[[1L]]), NA)))
          stop("list elements named '", element, "' are not all of the same class")
        is.df <- is.data.frame(element.list[[1]])
        fn <- if (is.matrix(element.list[[1]])) fmatrix 
        else if (is.list(element.list[[1]]) && !is.df) flist 
        else if (is.vector(element.list[[1]])) fvector
        else if (is.df) fdf
        else stop("list elements named '", element, 
                  "' are not matrices, lists, vectors, or data frames")
        result[[element]] <- do.call(fn, element.list)

## copied from glmmTMB::check_dots
checkDots <- function (..., .ignore = NULL, .action = "stop") 
    L <- list(...)
    if (length(.ignore) > 0) {
        L <- L[!names(L) %in% .ignore]
    if (length(L) > 0) {
        FUN <- get(.action)
        FUN("unknown arguments: ", paste(names(L), collapse = ","))

## quadratic form from emulator package:
## quad.tform == x %*% M %*% t(x)
## quad.tdiag == diag(quad.tform(M, x)
## rowSums(tcrossprod(Conj(x), M) * x)
quad.tdiag <- function(M, x) {
    ## only real-valued, so drop Conj
    rowSums(tcrossprod(x, M) * x)

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