
Defines functions yscale.components.loaMap xscale.components.loaMap axis.components.loaMap MercatorXY2LatLon LatLon2MercatorXY getMapArg loaMapArg makeMapArg getRGMapArg getOSMapArg panel.OSMapPlot panel.loaBGMapPlotRaster OpenStreetMapPlot GoogleMap googleMap RgoogleMapsPlot loaMapPlot

Documented in axis.components.loaMap getMapArg getOSMapArg getRGMapArg googleMap GoogleMap LatLon2MercatorXY loaMapArg loaMapPlot makeMapArg MercatorXY2LatLon OpenStreetMapPlot panel.loaBGMapPlotRaster RgoogleMapsPlot xscale.components.loaMap yscale.components.loaMap

#loaMapPlot code 

#kr 2019/09/07 started (see note) 


#replaces googleMap.R

#started because Markus changed the default RgoogleMaps output to 
#(because Google changes their sign-up conditions...)
#openstreetmaps so plot is not strictly GoogleMap anymore... 

#also because of problems using RgoogleMaps to plot on larger scales...
#(warning in his own documentation) 
#latlon2xy not a true  transform (2019/09/07)

#re warning surpression, see


#kr 0.0.3 (2019/9/10)

loaMapPlot <- function(x, data = NULL, panel = panel.loaPlot, map = NULL, 
                      map.panel = panel.loaBGMapPlotRaster, 
                      recolor.map = FALSE, show.axes = FALSE, 
                      ..., map.source = getRGMapArg, lon.lat = FALSE){
  extra.args <- list(...)
  #default in panel.loaPlot is now grid=TRUE
  #this is too much clutter on maps...
  if(!"grid" %in% names(extra.args))
    extra.args$grid <- FALSE
  if(!"scheme" %in% names(extra.args))
    extra.args$scheme <- "map.data.scheme"
  #might rethink this 
    if(!"xlab" %in% names(extra.args))
      extra.args$xlab <- ""
    if(!"ylab" %in% names(extra.args))
      extra.args$ylab <- ""

  #formular default z ~ lat * lon | cond
  if (!lon.lat) 
    if (!"formula.type" %in% names(extra.args)) 
      extra.args$formula.type = "z~y*x|cond"
  #make map based on data range
  temp <- do.call(formulaHandler, 
                  listUpdate(extra.args, list(x=x, data=data, 
  myx <- if("xlim" %in% names(extra.args))
      extra.args$xlim else temp$x
  myy <- if("ylim" %in% names(extra.args))
      extra.args$ylim else temp$y
  if (is.null(map)) {
      temp <- list(xlim = myx, ylim = myy, 
                   recolor.map = recolor.map, aspect = NULL)
      temp <- listUpdate(temp, extra.args)
      map <- do.call(map.source, temp)
#dedicated function
#could knock out nativeraster here? 
  if(is.logical(recolor.map) && recolor.map)
    recolor.map <- c("white", "grey")
  if(!is.null(recolor.map) & !is.logical(recolor.map)){
    ra <- dim(map$myTile)
    #if single expand to col range if possible
    if(length(recolor.map) == 1)
      recolor.map <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, recolor.map)
    #make an intensity scale
    temp <- apply(col2rgb(map$myTile), 2, prod)
    temp <- level.colors(temp, pretty(temp, 200), colorRampPalette(recolor.map)(200))
    map$myTile <- as.raster(matrix(temp, ra[1], ra[2], byrow=TRUE))
    #reset cols in frame
    #map$myTile <- level.colors(temp, pretty(temp, 200), colorRampPalette(recolor.map)(200))
    #dim(map$myTile) <- ra[1:2]
  #this bit catchs maps make in RgoogleMaps 
  #rather than loa
  #if(any(!c("xlim", "ylim") %in% names(map))){
  #temp <- LatLon2XY.centered(map, c(map$BBOX$ll[1], map$BBOX$ur[1]), 
  #                               c(map$BBOX$ll[2], map$BBOX$ur[2]))
  #    map$xlim <- temp$newX
  #    map$ylim <- temp$newY
  #if (!"aspect" %in% names(map)) 
  #    map$aspect <- sqrt((diff(map$ylim)/diff(map$xlim))^2)
  ans <- do.call(loaPlot, listUpdate(list(x = x, data = data, 
                                          panel = panel), extra.args))
  #insert and setup map
  ans$aspect.ratio <- map$aspect
  ans$panel.args.common$xlim <- map$xlim
  ans$x.limits <- map$xlim
  ans$panel.args.common$ylim <- map$ylim
  ans$y.limits <- map$ylim
  #update xy elements
  #think about better handling
  #think about doing in panelPal
  #and passing coversion program so all similar
  #think about keeping lat,lon?
      ans$panel.args.common$x.elements <- "x"
      ans$panel.args.common$y.elements <- gsub("x", "y", ans$panel.args.common$x.elements)
  for (i in 1:length(ans$panel.args)) {
      for(j in 1:length(ans$panel.args.common$y.elements)){
        temp <- LatLon2MercatorXY(ans$panel.args[[i]][[ans$panel.args.common$y.elements[j]]], 
        ans$panel.args[[i]][[ans$panel.args.common$y.elements[j]]] <- 
        ans$panel.args[[i]][[ans$panel.args.common$x.elements[j]]] <- 
    panel <- ans$panel
    panel.with.map <- function(...) {
    map.axis.comps <- axis.components.loaMap(map)
    map.axis <- function(components, ...) 
      axis.default(components = map.axis.comps, ...)
    ans <- update(ans, panel = panel.with.map, aspect = map$aspect, 
                  axis = map.axis)
    ans$panel.args.common$map <- map
    #output plot

#other plots 

RgoogleMapsPlot <- function(x, data = NULL, ...){
  extra.args <- list(...)
  if(!"map.source" %in% names(extra.args))
    extra.args$map.source <- getRGMapArg
  #default to get GoogleMaps for RgoogleMaps
  #current default is http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/
  if(!"urlBase" %in% names(extra.args))
    extra.args$urlBase <- "http://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=m"
  extra.args <- listUpdate(list(x=x, data=data),
  do.call(loaMapPlot, extra.args)

googleMap <- function(...) RgoogleMapsPlot(...)

GoogleMap <- function(...) RgoogleMapsPlot(...)


OpenStreetMapPlot <- function(x, data = NULL, ...){
  extra.args <- list(...)
  if(!"map.source" %in% names(extra.args))
    extra.args$map.source <- getOSMapArg
  extra.args <- listUpdate(list(x=x, data=data),
  do.call(loaMapPlot, extra.args)



#kr v.0.0.2 (2019/09/10) (mod panel.OSMapPlotRaster)
#kr v.0.0.1 (2019/09/07) (mod panel.googleMapPlotRaster)
panel.loaBGMapPlotRaster <- function(map){
              x = grid::unit(map$xlim[1], "native"), 
              y = grid::unit(map$ylim[1], "native"),
              width = grid::unit(map$xlim[2] - map$xlim[1], "native"),
              height = grid::unit(map$ylim[2] - map$ylim[1], "native"),
              just = c("left", "bottom")


#kr v.0.0.2 (2019/09/10) (mod panel.OSMapPlot + fix)
#kr v.0.0.1 (2019/09/07) (mod panel.googleMapPlot)

panel.loaBGMapPlot <- panel.OSMapPlot <- function(map){
  #not completely tested...
  #think about this
  #    if(attr(map$myTile, "type") != "local")
  #        map <- localMapManager(map)
  ra <- dim(map$myTile)
  map.col <- map$myTile
  xlim <- range(map$xlim, na.rm=TRUE)
  ylim <- range(map$ylim, na.rm=TRUE)
  map.lat  <- rep(seq(ylim[2], ylim[1],
                      length.out = ra[1]),
                  each = ra[2])
  map.lon <- rep(seq(xlim[1], xlim[2],
                     length.out = ra[2]),
                 time = ra[1])
  width <- (xlim[2] - xlim[1]) / ra[2]
  height <- (ylim[2] - ylim[1]) / ra[1]
  #could replace panel.rect with grid::grid.panel?
  #might be faster? 
  panel.rect(x = map.lon, y = map.lat,
             width = width, height = height,
             col = map.col, border = map.col)



# kr 0.0.2 2019/09/08 (warning supression + tidies)
# kr 0.0.1 2019/09/07 (mod makeMapArg)


# kr 0.0.2 2019/09/08 (warning supression + tidies)
# kr 0.0.1 2019/09/07 (mod makeMapArg)

getOSMapArg <- function(ylim, xlim, ..., lim.borders = 0.1){
  #more tidying to do on this
  #make a map object for OSMapPlot
  extra.args <- list(...)
  map.type <- if("map.type" %in% names(extra.args))
                    extra.args$map.type else "osm"  
  #create border for plot 
  #border is function of arm length 
  #ignores relative length of arms and aspect?
  #fix in limHandler?
  temp <- limsHandler(xlim, ylim, lim.borders = lim.borders)
  xlim <- temp$xlim
  ylim <- temp$ylim
  #get map 
  #error message from openmap??
  #hiding for now; look into fixing...
  osm <- suppressWarnings(OpenStreetMap::openmap(
    c(ylim[2], xlim[1]), 
    c(ylim[1], xlim[2]),
  mytile <- matrix(osm$tiles[[1]]$colorData, 
                   byrow = TRUE)
  #make it like Markus' getMap output, so it works with existing code 
  #might not need all I am tracking 
  #might think about nativeraster rather than raster 
  #might want to document source and supplier??? 
  mymap <- list(lat.center=mean(ylim, na.rm=TRUE), 
                lon.center=mean(xlim, na.rm=TRUE),
                zoom = MaxZoom(xlim, ylim), 
                myTile = as.raster(mytile),
                BBOX = list(ll=c(lat=ylim[1], lon=xlim[1]),
                            ur=c(lat=ylim[2], lon=xlim[2])), 
                url = "OSM",
                source = "OpenStreetMap", 
                size = c(osm$tiles[[1]]$yres, 
                SCALE = 1, 
                proj = osm$tiles[[1]]$projection)


#kr v.0.0.1 (mod getOSMapArg) 

#replacing more involved earlier makeMapArg

getRGMapArg <- function(ylim, xlim, ..., lim.borders = 0.1){
  #more tidying to do on this
  #maybe rationalise with above
  #make a map object for RgoogleMapsPlot
  #create border for plot 
  #border is function of arm length 
  #ignores relative length of arms and aspect?
  #fix in limHandler?
  temp <- limsHandler(xlim, ylim, lim.borders = lim.borders)
  xlim <- temp$xlim
  ylim <- temp$ylim
  extra.args <- list(...)
  map.type <- if("map.type" %in% names(extra.args))
    extra.args$map.type else "terrain"
  #get map
  #get names of args that MapBackground can handle
  temp <- unique(c(names(formals(MapBackground)), 
  #get suitable ranges
  temp2 <- try(qbbox(lat = ylim, lon = xlim), silent = TRUE)
  if(is(temp2)[1] == "try-error")
    stop(paste("\tCould not apply supplied lat, lon combination",
               "\n\t[check call settings and data source]", sep = ""),
  #set size
  my.y <- diff(range(temp2$latR, na.rm=TRUE))
  my.x <- diff(range(temp2$lonR, na.rm=TRUE))
  #size was c(640, 640)
  my.size <- if(my.y > my.x)
    c(ceiling((my.x/my.y) * 640), 640) else 
      c(640, ceiling((my.y/my.x) * 640))
  #override some RgoogleMaps defaults
  map <- list(lon = temp2$lonR, lat = temp2$latR, destfile = "XtempX.png",
              maptype = map.type, size = my.size)
  if(my.x==0 & my.y==0){
      map$zoom <- 15
    map$size <- c(640,640)
    map$size[is.na(map$size)] <- 64
  map$size[map$size < 1] <- 64
  ##update my defaults with relevant ones in call
  map <- listUpdate(map, extra.args, use.b = temp)
  #use MapBackground and list of allowed args
  map <- try(do.call(GetMap.bbox, map), silent = TRUE)
  #can't use nativeRaster at moment 
  if("nativeRaster" %in% class(map$myTile)){
    #png native output
    #must be a better way
    ra <- dim(map$myTile)
    png::writePNG(map$myTile, "XtempX.png")
    map$myTile <- png::readPNG("XtempX.png", native = FALSE)
    if(file.exists("XtempX.png")) file.remove("XtempX.png")
    attr(map$myTile, "type") <- "rgb"
    map$myTile <- rgb(map$myTile[, , 1], map$myTile[, , 2], 
                      map$myTile[, , 3], map$myTile[, , 4])
    dim(map$myTile) <- ra[1:2]
    map$myTile <- as.raster(map$myTile)
  if(is(map)[1] == "try-error")
    stop(paste("\tCould not apply supplied lat, lon and RgoogleMap args",
               "\n\t[check call settings and data source]", sep = ""),
  temp <- LatLon2MercatorXY(
    range(c(map$BBOX[[1]][1], map$BBOX[[2]][1])),
    range(c(map$BBOX[[1]][2], map$BBOX[[2]][2]))
  map$source <- "RgoogleMaps" 
  map$size <- c(dim(map$myTile)[1], dim(map$myTile)[2]) 
  map$SCALE <- 1 
  map$aspect <- dim(map$myTile)[1]/dim(map$myTile)[2]
  map$xlim <- temp$newX
  map$ylim <- temp$newY
  #            ylim=range(c(map$BBOX[[1]][2],
  #                         map$BBOX[[2]][2]))
  #assumng for now
  map$proj = "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs"
  #stopping here for now...

#old name 
makeMapArg <- function(...) getRGMapArg(...)

#local gets

loaMapArg <- function(object = trellis.last.object()){
  #recovers map from previous loa Map plot

#old name 
getMapArg <- function(object = trellis.last.object()){
  #recovers map from previous loa Map plot


# kr 0.0.1 2019/09/07
# kr 0.0.2 2019/09/09 (NA handling)

LatLon2MercatorXY <- function(latitude, longitude, ...){
  #should be able to simplify at some stage
  #but projectMercator cannot handle NAs
  #so need to track and handle
    longitude <- c(longitude, 
                   rep(NA, length(latitude)))[1:length(latitude)]
    latitude <- c(latitude, 
                  rep(NA, length(longitude)))[1:length(longitude)]
  df <- data.frame(ref=1:length(latitude),
                  latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude)
  df <- na.omit(df)
#might need a catch here if no valid cases in d...
  #from projectMercator
  sp::coordinates(df) <- ~longitude + latitude
  sp::proj4string(df) <- 
    suppressWarnings(sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
  df1 <- 
    suppressWarnings(sp::spTransform(df, sp::CRS("+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs")))
  loc <- sp::coordinates(df1)
  newX <- rep(NA, length(latitude))
  newX[df$ref] <- loc[,1]
  newY <- rep(NA, length(latitude))
  newY[df$ref] <- loc[,2]
  list(newX = newX, newY=newY)

#might need 
# LatLon2MercatorXY.centered (not sure what this does)

# MercatorXY2LatLon

# kr v.0.0.1 2019/09/10 (mod of LatLon2MercatorXY)

MercatorXY2LatLon <- function(mx, my, ...){
  #should be able to simplify at some stage
  #but projectMercator cannot handle NAs
  #so need to track and handle
    mx <- c(mx, rep(NA, length(my)))[1:length(my)]
    my <- c(my, rep(NA, length(mx)))[1:length(mx)]
  df <- data.frame(ref=1:length(my),
                   my=my, mx=mx)
  df <- na.omit(df)
  #might need a catch here if no valid cases in d...
  #MOD from projectMercator
  sp::coordinates(df) <- ~mx + my
  sp::proj4string(df) <- 
    suppressWarnings(sp::CRS("+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs"))
  df1 <- 
    suppressWarnings(sp::spTransform(df, sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")))
  loc <- sp::coordinates(df1)
  newX <- rep(NA, length(my))
  newX[df$ref] <- loc[,1]
  newY <- rep(NA, length(my))
  newY[df$ref] <- loc[,2]
  list(newX = newX, newY=newY)


#kr 0.0.1 2019/09/09 (MOD axis.components.OSMap, etc)

axis.components.loaMap <- function(map, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, ...){
  #the dots currently go no further!
    xlim <- map$xlim
    ylim <- map$ylim   
  #get and combine
  ans <- xscale.components.loaMap(xlim, map = map)
  ans <- listUpdate(ans, yscale.components.loaMap(ylim, map = map)) 


xscale.components.loaMap <- function(lim, ..., map = map){
  ans <- xscale.components.default(c(map$BBOX$ll[2], map$BBOX$ur[2]), ...)
  ans$num.limit <- map$xlim
  #could fix this in LatLon2MercatorXY
  len <- length(ans$bottom$ticks$at)
  temp <- LatLon2MercatorXY(rep(map$BBOX$ll[1], len), 
  temp.2 <- LatLon2MercatorXY(rep(map$BBOX$ur[1], len), 
  ans$bottom$ticks$at <- temp$newX
  ans$bottom$labels$at <- temp$newX
  ans$top <- ans$bottom
  ans$top$ticks$at <- temp.2$newX
  ans$top$labels$at <- temp.2$newX


yscale.components.loaMap <- function(lim, ..., map = map){
  ans <- yscale.components.default(c(map$BBOX$ll[1], map$BBOX$ur[1]), ...)
  ans$num.limit <- map$ylim
  #could fix this in LatLon2MercatorXY
  len <- length(ans$left$ticks$at)
  temp <- LatLon2MercatorXY(ans$left$ticks$at, 
                            rep(map$BBOX$ll[2], len))
  temp.2 <- LatLon2MercatorXY(ans$left$ticks$at, 
                              rep(map$BBOX$ur[2], len))
  ans$left$ticks$at <- temp$newY
  ans$left$labels$at <- temp$newY
  ans$right <- ans$left
  ans$right$ticks$at <- temp.2$newY
  ans$right$labels$at <- temp.2$newY

Try the loa package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

loa documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 5:09 p.m.